BKU (Lok Shakti) spokesperson Shailesh Kumar Giri said the letter has been handed over to the Noida administration, whose officials have assured that it would be forwarded to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).
"I have received the letter from the farmers' union which has been written in blood. The letter will be sent to the Prime Minister's Officer through our district magistrate, as per procedures," Noida City Magistrate Uma Shankar told PTI.
Around 200 protestors gathered at the Dalit Prerna Sthal on Wednesday with more 60 to 70 more members of the BKU (Lok Shakti) from Khurja in Bulandshahr joining their counterparts from Noida, Greater Noida, Aligarh, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Firozabad, etc.