FAN INFORMATION For Nebraska’s Spring Game!
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Jon Johnston
The Nebraska Athletic Department has released information for fans about the upcoming spring game. The entire release has been cut and pasted below... because I’m not going to re-write it. I am merely being a messenger, getting the word out to as many HUSKER FANS as possible in order to reduce confusion about what’s going on this weekend.
Some key items:
32,500 tickets have been sold. Let’s get our asses in gear here. Get out and enjoy yourselves with other Husker fans.
If you’re one of those “they’re going to have to prove it” people, and plan to be negative and crabby, then stay the fuck at home. This is a celebration of fun and togetherness for Big Red Believers, dammit. If you want to be a fun-killing jackass, please just remove yourself from everyone’s presence.