Yes, I will cut down on how many bottles I buy. 61%, 63 votes
63 votes
No, it's only a nickel. 24%, 25 votes
25 votes
I'm going to start recycling, that's for sure. 9%, 9 votes
9 votes
Not sure. 6%, 6 votes
6 votes
Total Votes: 103
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Yes, I will cut down on how many bottles I buy. 61%, 63 votes
63 votes 61%
No, it's only a nickel. 24%, 25 votes
25 votes 24%
I'm going to start recycling, that's for sure. 9%, 9 votes
9 votes 9%
Not sure. 6%, 6 votes
6 votes 6%
Total Votes: 103
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