The applicants, who had all been arrested pursuant to European Arrest Warrants (EAWs) before 31 December 2020, failed in their applications for writs of habeas corpus. Their applications had been made on a single common ground: that, since 11 pm on 31 December 2020, the end of the transition period defined by the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU and Euratom, there was no longer any legal basis in international law for their surrender; and that in consequence there was no basis in domestic law for continued detention or for the maintenance of bail conditions. In dismissing their applications, the Administrative Court held, among other things, that the argument in support of the applications was misconceived: as a matter of constitutional principle, the correct starting point for the legal analysis was the Act of Parliament which governed extradition, namely the Extradition Act 2003 and the domestic law which modified it, not Framework Decision 2002/584 JHA or any other piece of EU law, nor any unincorporated international agreement.