This Good Governance Africa webinar was hosted by the
Mail & Guardian. It featured as speakers Honourable Tendai Biti, Former Finance Minister during Zimbabwe’s coalition government 2009-2013; Mark Heywood, Human Rights and Social Justice Activist; Farai Maguwu, Founder of the Centre for Natural Resource Governance; Professor Francis Gudyanga, Founding Fellow and past President of the Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences; and Sikhululekile Mashingaidze, Lead Researcher, Human Security & Climate Change Programme, GGA. It was facilitated by Chris Maroleng, Executive Director, GGA.
Financial probity remains one of Zimbabwe’s biggest challenges. Maverick Citizen’s Report on Cartel Power Dynamics in Zimbabwe exposes the intricate details of the roots, networks and cost of illicit financial flows (IFFs), including their role in entrenching their patrons’ hold on power; eroding democratisation; undermining service delivery; and creating an uncompetitive business climate. A recently released report by Africa Risk Consulting notes with concern that Zimbabwe is “… becoming a regional hub for laundering illicit wealth that is fuelling violent conflict”.