Experience a Snowy Sleigh Ride at Fantail Farm in Benzonia
A sleigh ride in Northern Michigan turns a winter’s day into an unforgettable memory.
Does a sleigh ride sound like the perfect winter activity for you? Enter our giveaway for a chance to win a private family sleigh ride at Fantail Farm!
On a calendar-perfect day this past fall, I stand next to Susan Zenker and watch as she begins to whistle in the eight horses she owns with her husband, Craig Fitzhugh. The horses—most of them, anyhow—pull the wagons and sleighs at the couple’s Fantail Farm, set on 120 hardwood-covered acres in Benzie County. When they aren’t working, the free-range horses mill in and out of a magnificent century-old barn filled with hay on land owned by Zenker’s mother, where we are this morning, several miles away from Fantail Farm. Free-ranging, Zenker tells me between whistles, is much healthier for the horses than keeping them cooped up in stalls.