On February 15, Dia Mirza tied the knot with businessman-beau Vaibhav Rekhi in a private ceremony. Ever since then, gorgeous pictures of the newlyweds have been flooding our social media feed. To find out what went behind such an Instagrammable wedding, ETimes reached out to Dia's stylist Theia Tekchandaney, who besides styling her for the big day, was also one of the guests at the wedding. Here's what she had to say:
What kind of look did Dia want for her wedding?
Dia has a very classic sensibility and we were sure that we wanted to go for a classic red look for the wedding. So, we chose a beautiful Benarasi saree from Raw Mango and Sanjay (Garg) customised a beautiful odhani with chand tara motifs for the pheras.