Michael Lovan's latest is a game with VERY high stakes.
By Meredith Borders · @xymarla · May 5, 2021, 3:00 PM CDT
Mikelen Walker in MURDER BURY WIN
We have a brand new clip to debut from writer/director/producer Michael Lovan's new horror comedy
Murder Bury Win, and I feel like it offers viewers an EXCELLENT sense of what, exactly, this film is playing at. First, some words from Lovan to set the scene:
"This scene is amongst my favorite in
Murder Bury Win," Lovan tells us, "Wherein the characters all come together to play the titular board game. One of the most magical things any game can do is foster imagination amongst its players. But when the objective of the game is to harm, murder, and dispose of a body, what does that say about its players, and what kind of creativity is elicited?"