Examiner Datebook, May 5
• The 2021 Discussion Series will present “Managing the COVID Stressors!” as a ZOOM webinar at 6:30 p.m. May 25. The presenters will be Jeanne Koller, assistant professor, School of Social Work, Monmouth University, and Dr. Gail Reilly, a board-certified family physician. Topics include the impact of COVID 19 on people’s lives; potential challenges/potential opportunities; and various approaches to improve wellness. The series is sponsored by Kathy Lo Bue, managing director, Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC. Call 732-866-6660 for Zoom webinar registration information. The series is free, non-sectarian and open to the community.
• No Stigma Network Inc. is observing National Mental Health Awareness Month by promoting a virtual walk to raise funds to support NSN’s efforts for its survivors. NSN is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to eliminate bias and stigma related to mental health. The young adult members, or survivors as they are addressed, battle mental health challenges. NSN provides free support meetings and social, educational and cultural opportunities to empower its survivors to live a healthy, happy, productive, independent and stable life. Visit nostigmanetwork.org for sign up information. Details: David Jacobs, 732-259-1445.