Evolution of George Clooney’s Hair – From Mullet to Whiskers to Flowbee (Photos)
His latest film, Netflix’s “Midnight Sky,” shows off a very different-looking ClooneyRosemary Rossi | December 31, 2020 @ 6:50 AM
Last Updated: December 31, 2020 @ 7:30 AM
George Clooney's career has evolved from playing a hot handyman dripping with charisma to a, well, hot Oscar-winning actor and producer dripping with charisma. But his resume isn't all that's changed in those four decades – his hair has, too. Here is the long and short of it.
ABC News
As a kid growing up in Kentucky, little George Timothy Clooney sported shaggy bangs. The hair doesn't scream "George Clooney," but the eyes and grin sure do.