Evictions, hunger, wage theft: pandemic triple threat to workers
By G. Dunkel posted on May 11, 2021
It’s hard to put food on the table when you don’t have a home where you can put the table. The poorest workers in the United States — disproportionately people of color — rent their homes. During the current COVID pandemic, millions of them are at risk of losing their housing.
On May Day, the Laundry Workers Center protests wage theft, New York City.
Estimates on the amount of back rent currently owed range from $8.4 billion owed by 1.4 million households, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia; to $24.4 billion owed by 14.2 million households, from the U.S. Census Bureau; to $52.6 billion owed by 9.4 million households, from Moody’s Analytics.