EUFOR Commander Alexander Platzer visits Service for Foreigners' Affairs
They discussed the current situation regarding the increased influx of migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina
H. J. I. / Fena
EUFOR Commander Alexander Platzer visits Service for Foreigners' Affairs
EUFOR Assistant Commander, Brigadier Herbert Haller, Law Enforcement Liaison Officer Aleš Perko, Deputy Director of the Service for Foreigners' Affairs Mirsad Buzar, and Chief of Staff Branislav Mojević also attended the meeting
Foto: Fena
Director of the Service for Foreigners' Affairs Slobodan Ujić received EUFOR Commander in B&H Major General Alexander Platzer in an inaugural visit.
EUFOR Assistant Commander, Brigadier Herbert Haller, Law Enforcement Liaison Officer Aleš Perko, Deputy Director of the Service for Foreigners' Affairs Mirsad Buzar, and Chief of Staff Branislav Mojević also attended the meeting.