EU and UN-Habitat join forces to improve the response to COVID and other crises in Mogadishu
MOGADISHU, 3 February 2021- UN-Habitat today launched a COVID-19 response project in Mogadishu funded by the European Union.
The USD 696.4 million (EUR 5.275 million) project will support preparedness, response and mitigation activities to reduce the negative impacts of COVID-19 on health, public hygiene and livelihoods.
The ‘EU response to health and socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in Mogadishu’ will be implemented with the Benadir Regional Administration (BRA)/Mogadishu Municipality, the World Health Organization, the Danish Refugee Council and Save the Children over the next 18 months.
The project will help increase local capacity in crisis response and effective crises management. Several primary public health facilities will be rehabilitated, COVID-19 centres supported and water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in informal settlements improved. Up to 10,000 households will receive temporary cash transfers.