capital Newspaper
This is intended for Ethiopian millennials.
In this brief essay, I will try to explain my view about Ethiopia, my hope, my wish, and my optimism. To some, my optimism may appear unnecessarily stretched. But remember, I am telling you this in the last week of 2020. Looking ahead, the world does not afford anything but optimism-so as Ethiopia.
Dear young Ethiopians please take five minutes to think about what your country went through. Do not go far back, think not about prehistoric time; this is about your future and your countries future, so go back only a few years with a focus on 2020. If you look and search, there they are! Lots of hope, enormous possibilities, countless opportunities. If you critically evaluate what is happening right now, there are real potentials for positive and significant changes. There is attainable prosperity right at the corner. In short, Ethiopia is at the ideal time for a positive, holistic, and structural change.