Wed, May 5, 2021
Estonian President Kaljulaid and US Senator Shaheen on challenges from Moscow and the future of Nord Stream 2
Atlantic Council
Watch the full event
The Hon. Jeanne Shaheen
Staff Writer, The New Yorker
SUSAN GLASSER: I want to thank both of you and, of course, everyone who’s joined the Atlantic Council today. It’s my great honor to have a terrific panel for us today to talk about these issues. I can’t think really of two better observers of this complicated and robust US-EU relationship than the two people with us today.
We’re joined by the president of Estonia, President Kersti Kaljulaid, who joins us from Tallinn. I believe you’re just back from a trip to Poland today. And we’re really honored to have you with us. And here, I think you’re joining us from New Hampshire, but Senator Jeanne Shaheen, who is a leading Senate voice on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and keen observer, I must say, over the years of what it looks like between Russia and the United States and how Europe figures into that always-wary competition. So thank you, again, to the Atlantic Council for bringing us together.