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Establishment Republicans prevail in most Colorado primary races, including El Paso County :
Establishment Republicans prevail in most Colorado primary races, including El Paso County
The red line dividing Republican candidates who believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen from former President Donald Trump and those who insist Joe Biden legitimately won may have influenced
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Mesa County
United States
El Paso County
Colorado Springs
Eagle County
Jefferson County
Jared Polis
Joe Roybal
Rae Ann Weber
Lauren Boebert
Jena Griswold
John Hickenlooper
Diana Degette
Alex Walker
Joe Biden
Peter Lupia
Greg Lopez
Michael Bennet
Erik Aadland
Heidi Ganahl
John Odea
Mike Odonnell
Gina Trivelli
Todd Watkins
David Torres
Joe Odea
Rose Pugliese
Don Coram
David Winney
Lindsay Moore
Doug Friednash
Dave Williams
Leon Kelly
El Paso
Holly Williams
Cami Bremer
Ron Hanks
Donald Trump
Sol Sandoval
Greg Maxwell
Doug Lamborn
Chuck Broerman
Pam Anderson
Paul Lundeen
John Foley
Adam Frisch
Michael Colombe
Tina Peters
Steve Schleiker
Robert Lewis
Us Senate
University Of Colorado
Senate In District
President Donald Trump
Colorado Secretary
Colorado Politics
Joeo Dea
Lone Tree
Air Force
Jefferson County Clerk
Recorder Pam Anderson
Mikeo Donnell
State Jena Griswold
Johno Dea
Trump Aligned Republicans
Congressional District
Recorder Chuck
Representative Armed Services Committee
Ken Buck
Democrat Diana Degette
Tony Exum
Republican State
Regina English
House District
Bridget Garner
Democrat John Foley
Paso County Commissioners Holly Williams
Paso County Assessor Steve Schleiker
L Paso County Elected Offices
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