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The first, second, and third lines there should be moves along which you can move, you cant do without it, that is, you can try to improve, but you must first do what needs to be done, and then add to it so that it becomes better, that is it is possible to do, and when instead to do as it should be , some person comes who thinks that he knows everything and understands everything perfectly, starts telling the army what they need to do, well, this causes, you know, no longer rage, because already fierce rage. We listened, well, its the same guys , lets go, let them tell us, we know what to do with us, theres a dugout here , a machine gun nest here, snipers here and there, were all on the defensive, were fighting, and let them tell what they want, well, you cant break social relations and society like that. Information that goes to society, so that it goes sometimes just to a contradiction, by the way, in the milk of the fact that what the military know and do on the battlefield, well, there can be no big difference if a person does not understand, well, let him say in general terms, this is also not bad, this is such a strategic, political, economic rationale , well, when i can start telling you how to fight, how to build defenses, how where someone should be, how to mine or not to mine to the military, who studied for it, who passed tests when they were still there. Young men, as they say, young men, and so on, who have been doing this for 1520 years, and i want people who give advice, how do you know, oh, you want this person for mr. Mayur, yes, i understand that there are a lot of questions, im sorry, that s just, well, im talking to my brothers, well, listen, people need already at first they were angry, then they laughed, and now some big advice just causes apathy, especially irony, when people gather and start drawing some. Arrows on the map, who knows where, yes, yes, mr. Major, british intelligence, as the guardian writes, warned kyiv about the preparation of the offensive of the Russian Federation in kharkiv region, however , the unprepared defense line, the british write, delays in the supply of weapons, as well as the lack of manpower prevented it from stopping, i quote what the british publication writes it is suicide for ukraine to have its main line of defense on the border, where the russians can attack it. And guided aerial bombs, the ukrainians, due to american restrictions, do not have available weapons such as hymers salvo fire systems to strike back, the publication quoted military analyst george baros as explaining why Russian Forces were able to safely regroup on the other side of the border. Mr. Major, here is what the british write, what putin said today, that we are not going to capture kharkiv at all, that is not our goal, putin always lies, so in general, we do not take into account the fact that he he says he went and wanted to seize kharkiv in the 22nd year, they entered kharkiv and in the 24th he did not want to seize kharkiv, well, this is just a lie of the highest grade, in your opinion, what do you think the russians want to do in kharkiv oblast the socalled sanitary zone, as putin says, well if he says this about this sanitary zone, well then we can say, and we want a sanitary zone, only with. Lets also make such a sanitary zone and we will strive for this sanitary zone, what the russians want, you know we constantly listen to what they say, we try to analyze, well, let them sort it out between themselves, lavrov and putin, lavrov says that we want to create a sanitary zone, there are more than 100 km, and kharkiv falls, and sumy falls into this sanitary zone , putin says they dont want to capture kharkiv, and we are starting to analyze beres. Hes not lying, what s the difference if hes lying or not, we see what s happening, we see the preparatory actions that this group, which is located north of kharkiv, is taking, that they want to capture kharkiv . Well, of course, with such a number of people, one division is not capable of doing this, it takes a lot, it is an army, no less, but even an army cant cope, it is necessary to involve two or three armies there, then you can try, theoretically try to do it, today, i am sure that they just want to get as close as possible to kharkiv, so that they can already have it under artillery fire control, so that they can shoot with the aim from that selfpropelled weapon. There, well, everything, the guns they have, everything there is, so that not only it is possible to use ee missiles and planning bombs, which are fired at kharkov, so that it is possible, if anything, to use artillery, and what to create in this way its conditions are impossible for the civilian population to be there, so that evacuation or any other actions can begin, well, at least what other actions will be taken if there will be shelling from. From artillery, it is necessary to evacuate people, especially children forcibly evacuate, that is, it is a big problem, and what they say about the first line of defense, and that it was impossible to build it along the border, well that yes, thats right, but presented in such a context that they look a little bit unclear, this is where our partners start, the prohibitions of the United States to fire on the territory of russia, oh we see tractors, here you see people, thank you for putting such a video, these people work, you can imagine. Whether or not there is a border there is no border, he imagines that the postovorakh is 100 m or 500 m away, it is possible to do it on a tractor, if it reaches there with an rpg, with an rpg shot, well, how is that, well, here we are, this is how it should be built, the equipment should work, bulldozers, excavators, they have to dig there and so on, people dont see it with shovels, you dont push reinforced concrete there with buckets, well, how can a tractor drive, dig something at a distance of 200300 m from the enemy, again, it doesnt matter. There is a border, there is no border, what is attached to this border, the military does not consider administrative ones at all borders or political borders, for them there is the relief of the area, for them there is the enemy, there is the opposition, our positions, we are advancing, holding the defense, moving, everything that, as it is written in the military affairs, is for politicians, the border is, that is, administrative borders donetsk oblast or luhansk oblast, there were talks that putin wants to take them over, i have a simple question, can someone point a finger at where. Being on the ground, where, where the administrative border of donetsk oblast passes, no one will show, and that the military should focus on it, no, they will orient themselves where, where there are understandable heights, where lowlands, where, where it is more convenient to hold a position, from which side it is better to attack, and so on, therefore, from the conversation about what was not built near the border several hundred meters from the enemy, and there it could not to be built, even the russians, when they were building their surovikin line to accommodate our offensive actions on. In the days, well, almost a year ago, they were also building a few kilometers from the contact line from our troops, if they started building, because in 100 200 m, we would simply destroy them there and they would do nothing built, here is another question, why was it not so densely mined near the border, is this true or not, that someone tried to demine something there in general, but this needs to be dealt with, and the fact that the line should be located, well, exactly what not close and build during the war not close. The enemy, well, thats what you hear, right, this publication writes that they couldnt build, so they couldnt build at all, a border, not a border, its not possible at all, its not important to build at a short distance from the enemy, and it doesnt matter here, we have permission shoot deep into the well well, we would be given permission, we would fire at 100 km, what would it change, that a sniper sitting 100 m away would not see that someone there would not shoot a balland, well, what is it, why is it, lets somehow, well, we are already a little bit, we are already a little bit sorting everything out. In military affairs, well, such blunders, lets do something, well , lets not allow ourselves to do, mr. Major, one more topic that was quite relevant that night, well, for the russians, for sure, dozens or a hundred over a hundred drones attacked the krasnodar krai of new russia, tuabse, and in the temporarily occupied crimea , explosions rang out in sevastopol, the governor, the so called. The governor of sevastopol razvazhaev said that due to the drone attack , the work under the station in the city was suspended at the point of electricity blackout, classes were canceled in all schools, secondary education institutions and kindergartens in tuapse, it was in the krasnodar territory that they got into an oil refinery, there was a fire, and actually, the night before that, the belbek airfield in the crimea was attacked and. Where two mig31 planes and one su27 were destroyed, how does this affect capabilities and opportunities of the Russian Federation in the war with ukraine, or . Do they have these capabilities and resources much more than our capabilities . No, i think you cant ask the question like that, i think we produce drones until we have permission to shoot, well, there its the cream of the conversation, here its not permission, here its a request, lets talk a little, well, two words about it, there are international rules, the rule of custom of the tradition of war, and there is an International Criminal code, which prescribes what a war crime is. And what can not be done during the war, attack enemy objects during aggression on your country, where they were not, the country that was attacked has the right, so neither the United States, nor great britain, nor our other dear partners, they can prohibit us from what is allowed by International Law, because International Law is above domestic law , well at least civilized countries, thats why they they cant forbid us to do what we have the right to do by law, they can ask us not to do it, these. Things, they keep telling us, fence, they cant forbid us, they can ask not to do it, so thats uh, about our noclothesmen, about what we are doing with these attacks, well, we are destroying their infrastructure, we are destroying their logistics, we need to destroy theirs , especially in crimea, all the lithuanians that are not far from the front line or our border, so that they have less opportunity to attack with the most powerful antiaircraft missiles, we need to destroy their antiaircraft defenses, of course, all military enterprises connected with the armed forces, oil refineries, we have already understand that this refined oil, diesel, there is gasoline, Everything Else goes to support the russian army in the first place, so for now they do not feel a shortage of fuel, but if we continue to smoke, then i think that there will be a shortage, a shortage will begin, because well, this is. Serious things, how many factories have already been burned on thank you, thank you, mr. Major, it was oleksiy hetman, a reserve major of the National Guard of ukraine, a veteran of the russianukrainian war, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live there right now, be please subscribe to our pages, like this video so that it can be promoted in youtube trends, and take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, is the option threatened . Ministry of National Security of ukraine. Yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have a separate opinion, please write it in the comments below this video. If you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, then pick up your smartphones or phones and vote. If you believe that uocmp threatens the National Security of ukraine, 0800211381, no, 0800211382. All calls to these numbers are free. Vote at the end of the program. We will sum up the results of this vote, then we will be in touch with yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. Yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, mr. Serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, lets start our conversation, mr. Yevgeny, with the topic of the Ukrainian Orthodox church and todays event, which has been going on for quite some time in kyiv, the demolition. Glorious mafu on the site of the tenth church in kyiv. This chapel, a scandalous chapel, was built in 27, and it was illegally built by the believers of the uocp, near the foundations of the davnyortska ot tithe church, which i mentioned, in the unesco buffer zone. The state executive service of ukraine ensured the execution of the Court Decision on the dismantling of an illegal structure on the territory of the National Museum of the history of ukraine. Countries in the uoc mp called the demolition of the chapel illegal, since it allegedly took place without attaching any documents to the register of executive proceedings, as you do you perceive this story from this illegal chapel and in general with the work of the Ukrainian Orthodox church in the territory of ukraine, we ask our viewers and tv viewers for a reason whether the Ukrainian Orthodox church threatens the National Security of ukraine, it seems to me that there is also a solution to this topic, as well as this chapel in the Ukrainian Orthodox church , that is, do you need to wake up at a certain moment in the morning and hear that the uocp in our country, as a church that threatens the National Security of ukraine, has ceased to exist . We cannot do that, because it must be a decision of the Verkhovna Rada, and the Verkhovna Rada, although we have a majority in it, frankly speaking, he is afraid to make this decision, because there is. Including in the monomajority, agents of influence of the russian Orthodox Church in ukraine, i think it is more correct to call it that, there is a canadian. A lawyer, a lawyer named lawyer , which scares ukrainian deputies almost with International Courts and international sanctions, and their legal awareness turns out to be insufficient to explain what is happening. On the one hand, there is a legal norm that the church is separated from the state, on the other hand, already 10 years ago on militants were running around the ukrainian donbass. With the chevrons of the Russian Orthodox army, local protestants were shot in slavyansk, so i dont see anything dramatic in the fact that this ee was dismantled and taken away not because of this illegal construction, i dont see any problems, i know that there were, well, lets say, there different terms when it had to be done, obviously. There was a kind of operative game going on around this, because it is no secret that supporters of the russian Orthodox Church in ukraine, they work in various structures of the authorities, but i am glad that it ended, because i do not think that on the foundation of the tithe church must have such an orthodox, russianorthodox abscess, im sorry, you said about. That the Verkhovna Rada should make such a decision, but, well, if this church threatens the National Security of ukraine, can it be a decision of the National Security council, we see that the council is in no hurry to do this, well, you understand, if the decision of the National Security council, then it should be introduced by a president ial decree, given the way the law on mobilization was passed, i think that the president will be discouraged from. That to approve such a decision, thats why im skeptical about it and i think that after all, other problems await us, and after all, it should be a decision of the Verkhovna Rada, i wonder why it doesnt happen, why we, even after like gundyaev, he blessed putin with a new kingdom, all the same, no chirkchirk. From the mouths of our peoples elected officials, it is strange to me, and i do not understand it, although i would not say that i am a person who is deeply involved in church affairs, but i understand that in conditions when war and confrontation goes beyond the cities, for ideas, for everything similarly, it is simply necessary to give credit and Pay Attention to the church hostile to ukraine. Without any doubt, you have already mentioned the law on mobilization, the law that makes changes to the accounting and the mobilization system itself in ukraine, today the ministry of defense presented the mobile application reserve plus, that is, this Electronic Office for conscripts and reservists, and on may 18 this the application must be operational within 60 days. By july 16 inclusive, all conscripted men must update their credentials at the tsk, or in this application. Dmytro lazutkin, spokesman for the ministry of defense of ukraine, explained that this application will reduce the load on tsk, where there are currently long queues. Lets listen to what Dmytro Lazutkin said. We expect that this will significantly relieve the burden. Ccsp, because its convenient, its fast, and it eventually expands the range, that is, it allows you to spread these people across these institutions. Predicting the influx of people is actually, well, its very difficult because, well, for many reasons, for many reasons, but lets not forget that 60 days is quite a long time, theres no need or legislative requirements to do. This is exactly this weekend, thats right, that is, people have time, mr. Yevgeny, Dmytro Lazutkin is optimistic that within two months it will be possible to reregister all conscripted men in the tsc in a different way. Now there are whole queues to the tcc, and we can see in the kyiv districts, there are certainly enough of these queues and many men. How do you see this whole story with the mobilization now, will there be any corrections, will zelensky later interfere in this process and say listen, lets. Make changes to the legislation, because we dont have time, is this entire tsk system ready for this, because we know that the tsk are not tsnaps, but former warlords, well, with the corresponding postsoviet consequences , well, it so happened that in the period from january to may, i had to pass the military medical board and clarify my documents, that is, i will stop now, so to speak. Is registered in the oberig system, and it doesnt hurt, its absolutely realistic, its possible, and i think every conscripted man should or a woman, to do this to our conscripted women, it is our civic duty, and it is absolutely normal. Another issue is that i believe that the efforts to promote the law on mobilization have su. To agree on various things, which, accordingly, should pass in the information field. I believe that the video that was released by the ministry of defense, and where Kyrylo Tymoshenko himself admitted that it is an American Video that will be repeated in ukrainian reality, well, this is not what the country that. More than 800 days ago predicted, what is she will disappear after the first strike of russia, that is, not in the sense of cultural, i. E. Artistic qualities, in the sense that there should be dozens of different such motivational videos, they should, well , be heard from every iron, from every table lamp, from every mobile phone. Before that, i. E. To expect that we will solve everything exclusively by law, passing a law, well, in my opinion, this is a little naive, we need to work more seriously, more systematically, if you like, more modern, it is good that there will be an application, but it is not clear how specifically , well, for now it is not known how concretely and substantively it will work, there must be constant information support. Of this process, and i will also say, mobilization involves a very significant demand for justice, and the more ordinary citizens will know about the powerful of this world, or their children and relatives who are in the ranks of the armed forces, the more success mobilization will have, you are talking about justice and thats literally. The history of the last few days, this is the history of booking companies, several companies, employees of glovo, visa, fawbet, bookmaker online offices, what these stories testify to, that is, that we are not all equal, that not all of us must be mobilized or be registered, there, someone will receive this armor in some way, systems and criteria. This reservation is decided in the ministry of economy, and not according to some other criteria, that is , no one can understand these criteria until now, because there are some armored people, and there are unarmored ones, i will say this, mr. Sergey, that an imperfect reservation system is better than and a system that offers an opportunity to. Avoid the draft in dependence from how much you are, what salary you receive, because such a draft, such a principle, i think it is not effective, and it will simply create a very serious social conflict, within ukraine at the moment there are not so many different lines of division for that , to say that let us, well. Still work in this sense, that is, you know, there is another point here, i think that each of us has seen some scandalous video dedicated to the Central Committee and the work of its representatives, but very few have seen a realistic video about how they work representatives of the tsc in normal conditions, and indeed the company that started about the fact that there in. These own people who had already fought, and i personally saw a person, well, lets say, who was registering conscripts at the entrance to one of the capitals tsc, as with the burn marks on the face, i dont think that these are the consequences of some, some domestic incident, the truth is, if we have more than 800 days of war, and thats why, you know, in my opinion, in the conditions of war, everything should be presented through personal history , and then it will be more clear, and then it will have the desired effect, if such an effect there will be no communication, then it will be extremely difficult to really ensure effective mobilization, that is, you want to say that our authorities lack the understanding that the tsc and the mobilization process must be accompanied by proper information, have support, and not as it is now. I want to say that we should not build a small soviet army. Times of the sovietgerman war, and we should promote the idea that ukraine is waging a war for independence, and defend ukraine with arms in hand, this is an honor for those who are called to the ranks of the armed forces or to the ranks of the Defense Forces of ukraine, and this is a message that should be woven into dozens, perhaps hundreds of various informational messages. Through different channels of information dissemination, through different groups and on different target audiences, then we can talk about some kind of success. Well, to be honest, you say everything correctly, but to be honest, it is strange to me that people who came to power at the expense of information and Television Technologies do not understand such simple truths, no one is perfect in this world, mr. Sergey , you know, maybe. Those the people who formed the Election Campaign in 2019 are either already fighting or, on the contrary, avoided the draft and are somewhere outside of ukraine. By the way, this is an interesting story, where are the communicators who worked with Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the servant of the people party during the 2019 elections. Thank you, mr. Yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, the executive director of the institute. World politics, friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now watch us there live, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you whether the uoc mp threatens the National Security of ukraine, we have the interim results of the television survey, now we lets see, please put it on the screen, so 94 yes. 6 no, on youtube right now 95 yes, 5 no, we will have the same poll in the second part of our program, i will remind you of the phone lines you can call and vote in this survey, if you believe that there is a threat from the ukrainian National Security service of ukraine to the National Security of ukraine 0. 800 211 381, no 0800 211382, call, vote for your. To know your opinion, at the end of our entire broadcast, we will already summarize the final results of this vote, further in we have news from our partners from the bbc and after the news in 15 minutes we will have a Journalist Club larisa voloshina, tetiana vysotska, dont switch, stay with espresso. The russian offensive in the kharkiv region, the first breakthrough was stopped, say the ukrainian military, but what next and is there a threat to others regions, for example, sumy oblast, an attempt. To understand todays edition of bbc ukraine, im olga polomaryuk. The first week of the russian offensive on kharkiv oblast. During this time , the situation changed very dynamically, from extremely difficult to, as they say, stabilized. And here are these advances on the map, according to the report of the commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi, in a week Russian Troops expanded the front by almost 70 km. President Volodymyr Zelenskyi

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