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Premium sponsor of the National Team represents united by football, together stronger, good evening, we are from ukraine, now we will have a great conversation and an important conversation with oleksandr morchyvko, money during the war is a very important topic, congratulations, please, congratulations to vasyl, thank you to the audience , what look which broadcast will be interesting , you will find out what is happening with the hryvnia, is the dollar growing , what is the situation on the ukrainianpolish border, have poland listened to the demands of local farmers, i will tell you all about it in detail in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column i am starting an issue about money during the war, from current information. The polish authorities have agreed with their farmers on. Subsidies for a ton of grain, and here it is important, the temporary closure of the border with ukraine from april 1 for transit, a number of agricultural products, well, we are mainly talking here. About grain, corn, in particular wheat, corn, flour, rape and sunflower. Well , the farmers action continues until 8 00 p. M. , and just before that time, polish farmers block the medica shehyny checkpoint, they dont let even cars through, ordinary ukrainians, ordinary people, who are now trying to cross, have become hostages of the farmers. The border and they also stopped passenger buses, i dont know if they are being let through now or not, but in any case it is a big problem, well, who has traveled there, that point understands where it can be far away, and there even the toilet it is near this checkpoint, further there , if it is not standing somewhere in the field yet, these people are left alone, in a word, it is a complicated complicated story, you see, the month continues, march, but there are already certain calculations that by the end of march, here is our state will not receive 6. 5 due to the blocking, because of these, in fact, political, not so much economic, as political actions of polish farmers there, our budget will not receive the money, accordingly less money can be spent on defense, and it is also interesting here, this is danylo gitmantsev, there is the chairman of the Tax Committee council, announced this figure, it is already underfunded, well, underpayment of the single social contribution of 8. 5 billion for pensions, this is a lot of money in fact, let it be 6. 5 . But it is interesting that some heads of local communities in poland are not far from the border, they are now forbidding farmers to carry out any activities there, because the passage of fire trucks, ambulances, Something Else is blocked, well , that is, someone has common sense and an understanding of that people should be allowed to live normally, to work in general, plus some imports of Food Products and so on are blocked there, well but you see these isolated cases, unfortunately , such common sense, well, today they also talked about it in the European Commission, well , but it seems to me that these are still. Conversations, because the action continues, there is a blockade, and here are these calls to be democratic, to be some kind of Something Else, so far concrete results, in particular for ukrainian farmers who take grain to European Countries in transit, well, this is a problem, by the way, yesterday i was reading our mutual friend kirill sezon, he is currently at the front as a military serviceman , he is a political scientist, and he he told a great story that, well, in the future , to change this situation, you just need to start in. More active own production, not only to drive grain abroad, there is the production of pasta there, what what, well, that is, and jobs, now during the war, probably it is not easy to do, we all understand, vasily has an interesting Government Program to support processing enterprises, it is grants from european partners, it is money for business development, for technology, for equipment, so it is added value as well, it is jobs in to ukraine, vasyl, you are right, you need to think about something in this situation, well, you see, what to wait and hope for. That we will continue to live as a raw material country, well, we are waiting and waiting for the first tranche, the European Commission allocated the first 4. 5 billion euros from the Ukrainian Fund for a total amount of 50 billion. This was announced today by the representative of the European Union in matters of foreign policy, josep borel. These funds will direct 4. 5 billion euros to the restoration, reconstruction and modernization of our state. We finally waited for the first one tranche as promised, he supports the ukrainian economy and, importantly, the financial system. Lets listen to the direct speech. Putin has repeatedly spoken messages aimed at the start of the third world war. We heard what he said in his former election campaign. He has imperial ambitions to advance further to the west. I am sure that he would not stop at conducting an exclusively military operation on the territory. Of ukraine, therefore, now we have no opportunity to delay the next steps, we must act to direct frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. We are working on it now. Well, it will be another, really important step, in addition to money from the fund for ukraine, to also receive interest from frozen russian, russian assets. Well, lets go further. A mobile application from the zanya service will appear this year. It will have access to a single job portal, yuliya zhovtyak, director of the state employment center, said. Everyone, regardless of the registration of their place of residence, will be able to find the necessary information about the workplace. It will make it easier communication on the labor market between job seekers and employers. All this says the official, without bureaucratic obstacles. Well, here are the russian assets. The danon group will be shared between Ramzan Kadyrovs family and the local Dairy Company vamin tatarstan. They will pay French Business owners six times less than the market value of it. Russian newspapers have already written about it, in august of that year, the enterprises of the danon group , together with the assets of the carlsberg brewing group, came under the control of the state, the aggressor, and actual control was given to yakub zakriev, 30, the 33yearold nephew of the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, well, we can see that this is not the first such example of International Companies trying to leave muscovy just getting started. The kremlin is already there deciding who will manage this property and how much to pay such a writeoff for a wellknown brand, that is, it was actually stolen, but on the other hand, there is one circumstance here that unknown drones often appear in russia, they end up in refineries there, to airfields, but he can aim at some stolen thing, well, you know here, on the one hand, this is honor and property, on the other hand, it is stolen property, and you certainly understand that the french will not own it, probably the closest ones, the main owner is unlikely to receive the full value for his conveyors of the same. Because it was wanted very much, so that thieves could not take advantage of it, and it would really be more interesting for the world if the information collected by ukrainians and International Partners worked, so, unfortunately, the cabinet of ministers decided to close the register of international sponsors of the war, which was supplemented for two years by the National Agency for prevention corruption, the ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it had received numerous appeals from representatives of the diplomatic corps of partners regarding the lack of a Regulatory Framework for the existence of this list, well , according to the information of our ministry of Foreign Affairs, well, this list has a negative, negative effect on the adoption of Global International decisions, which help us fight against muscovy, well , this information will remain, it will be transferred to other departments, it will be owned by the National Security and defense council, but. You and i, ordinary ukrainians, will not be able to look at the list of those businesses, those companies that continue to work in russia, continue to feed the army of the aggressor, for example, well, we are talking about several such brands known to us, i will name the targets of the groups, the bacardi brand, the ashen company, which continues to work in russia and feed our enemy , such a wellknown food product brand bonduel, construction brand knauf , well, now this information, which, in fact, you and i have already talked, helped not only us to know who supports muscovy, but also in the world community, to somehow build our business , the loss of reputation of this brand in the country that supports our state and does not want to deal with the economy, a representative of the economy who works in moscow, and you know, they may have such a logic, well, as if we are allocating funds to you that are paid from taxes , well, we need to earn these funds, and there is a large market in russia, well, thats it. Pays money in germany, then why shame her, that she works in russia, well, this is the logic, but then it is endless, you give here, and there they create missiles for this money, hit to us, and you give, and they will close the circle , but, well, i dont know why the government decided to hide this information from ordinary ukrainians in the future, at least, its quite difficult, well, the situation on the currency market. Is now stable, does not cause any concern, in particular from the side of the National Bank, the Exchange Rate of the hryvnia against the dollar is currently determined by the market assured the deputy chairman of the nbu serhiy nikolaychuk, he gave an interview to forbes ukraine. Let me remind you that over the past 10 days, the dollar has actually appreciated by almost a hryvnia. Now its official the rate of the National Bank as of today is 39 hryvnias 13 kopecks for an american. Lets listen to what nikolaychuk said. In our opinion, the situation on the Foreign Exchange market remains sufficiently controlled, the Exchange Rate fluctuates both in one and the other direction, yes, indeed, in recent weeks we have seen more weakening of the Exchange Rate, our hryvnia instruments remain attractive taking into account the current level of inflation. Serhii nikolaychuk, deputy chairman of the nbu. Well, Sergey Nikolaychuk assures vasyl that there are no forecasts skeptics that the dollar will cross the mark there for more than 40 hryvnias. Now they are not. Real, the National Bank has enough gold and currency reserves to replenish the deficit of dollars in the market from time to time. Well, there is demand, there is supply, and these fluctuations, which have been happening for the past 10 days, are predicted, especially money from International Partners, it was already announced today, in particular in my column, that 4. 5 billion euros will come to ukraine, and they will also support the stability of our hryvnia. The only thing is, if there is a second, but it still seems to me that. Goods are getting more expensive somehow, or it seems to me, well , it seems to me that every time you go , you pay more, well, that is, stability is good, but i understand that certain processes are not very good, they are the inflationary processes that we are talking about we will talk in the next editions, but. A Big Broadcast continues, there will be more in the future, watch us, we continue, thank you oleksandr morchyvka for an interesting conversation, and now i invite serhiy rudenko, he will start work with the verdict program at 8 p. M. , and now about what will be discussed today, sergey, please have a good evening, i congratulate vasylya and i congratulate our tv viewers, at 20 00 we will start with a twohour verdict program, in the first part of our program there will be three guests, they are diplomats, exminister of Foreign Affairs volodymyr ogryzko, military expert Mykhailo Samus and former oleg rybachuk, head of the president ial office. Lets talk about how europe is commenting and what they are saying about macrons initiative to send foreign troops to ukraine. Macron is already trying to explain. That said, the world is trying to understand what the president of france meant, about what this means and in what perspective foreign troops may end up on the territory of the ukrainian state, we will talk with volodymyr ogryzko, with mykhailo samos, we will discuss the Current Situation in sumy oblast, the russians have staged a real terror there, 200 guided aerial bombs in three weeks , what is cooking in this region . The enemy of our troops, and whether the Russian Troops will open another front in the northeast of our country. Our third guest will be oleg hrybachuk, former head of yushchenkos president ial office, lets talk with him about how and in what way putin, after the socalled elections in russia, is trying to make a bet on the federal Security Service, because one of the first visits after. The center of the Election Commission announced that putin won the socalled elections or won these elections, it was a visit to the federal Security Service of ukraine, the federal Security Service of russia, forgive me, and it was very good that the sbu actually took putin under control, the fsb, this is the basis of the current putin regime and offensive. His next president ial term and the fsb, according to the version putin has to fight both external and internal enemies, and he told all russians and the whole world this. In the second part of our program, which will start at 21 15, we will have three political scientists alexeykyan, Maksym Rozumny and vitaly kulyk. Lets talk about what challenges are now facing ukraine and the world, after putin won. Another sixyear term of office and whether putin will be talked to as equals in the world and who will talk to putin as equals, and of course the internal the problem in ukraine is this parliamentary crisis, the opposition says that there is a crisis in the verkhovna rada, representatives of the servants of the people say that there is none, what do our political scientists think about it, oleg . Saokyan, maxim rozumny and vitaly kulyk. We will hear at 21 15. We start our program in 10 minutes. Vasyl zimas Big Broadcast continues. Well, actually, we ll meet you at 8 00 p. M. Vasyl, you have a word. Thank you sergey. 20th verdict, sports news now. Tomorrow , the National Football team of ukraine has to decide its fate, at least for the next few days in the match with bosnia and herzegovina. News about the state of the National Team and other sports news from yevhen p. A little more than a day before the crucial match, already on thursday, the National Football team of ukraine will play in the semifinals of the European Championship playoffs. Serhii rebrovs wards will meet the National Team of bosnia and herzegovina on the opponents field. The day before, the blue and yellow team arrived in sarajevo. Today, the team held a Training Session at the belino pole stadium in the city of zenica. Where the match will take place, the head coach of the ukrainian National Team, speaking with by journalists, did not give a clear answer whether victor tsygankov, who was recently injured, will be able to play against the bosnian. Rebrov also added that the rest of the calledup players are healthy and work well in training, so the selection of an application for the game is difficult for a specialist. The youth National Team of ukraine started the elite round of euro2025u19 selection with a victory. On wednesday, the blueyellow team was beaten. Peers from North Macedonia 2 0. Danylo krevsun and Matviy Ponomarenko scored goals. Kristian shevchenko, the son of our legend, made his debut as part of the Ukrainian Team football, and now the head of. Andrii shevchenko. After the first round, ukraine leads the group. Our team will play its next match on march 23 against latvia u19. To qualify for the euros , ukrainians must take first place in the group. Real madrid lost a goalkeeper again for a long time. As reported by the spanish media, Thibaut Courtois was injured during vershkovys training and left the field in tears. The belgian underwent surgery and will miss the rest of the season. In fact, the player didnt play all season. Because he suffered another serious injury during the summer training. Now andriy lunin is the main goalkeeper of galaactikos. The ukrainian won the competition for a place at the start from the spaniard kepa aris balaga. Lesya tsurenko had a successful start at the wta 1000 tournament in miami. The ukrainian tennis player won a strongwilled victory over polka magda linet in three sets. Having conceded in the first game 2 6 , tsurenko convincingly prevailed in the second game 6 1. In the decisive set with a score of 3 1 in favor of polka, tsurenko answered with her own series of four won games, seized the initiative and closed the meeting on serve rivals, 6 4. Lesya tsurenko will play in the second round of the tournament in miami for the third time in her career. The experience of previous attempts was negative. The next opponent of the ukrainian woman will be the belgian grete minen. Celebrations without russians and belarusians. The socalled neutral athletes are not. Afraid to participate in the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in paris. Last december, the International Olympic committee officially allowed russians and belarusians to take part in the individual competitions of the olympiad. For this, the athletes had to comply with the rules of neutrality, in particular, not to have connections with the armed forces of their countries and to speak without the state symbols of the Russian Federation or the republic of belarus. At the moment, 19 neutral athletes have olympic tickets to paris. 13 russians and seven belarusians. If such athletes win awards at the games, these medals will not count towards the olympics. We will continue, and now we will briefly discuss the new initiative, well, the new Old Initiative of the head of the vatican state and the head of the Roman Catholic church, the pope, francis the first. He urged believers to pray for the beginning peace talks pope francis once again called for an end to the war in ukraine and the middle east by starting peace talks, the vatican news reports. Never forget that war is always a defeat. The war cannot be continued. We must make every effort to hold negotiations on ending the war, the pontiff said. Well, it is obviously worth addressing those who started this war, well to some extent, but they do not want to end it. I just know, i will say, remember. He is already the pope the successor of the Apostle Peter on earth, the first head of the church, the first pastor who was appointed to lead the church of christ, and you know this story very well from the book of kamagredesha, so when peter did not want to die, he was afraid that he would be executed, he went from rome and met christ on the way , and asked the lord quovadis, or where are you going . Jesus said i am going to die for you, because you dont want to, you are afraid, and then peter,. Wept, turned around, went back to rome, and he was crucified, but he said that i am not worthy to die, as my savior as my lord he was crucified upside down. I think that it would be very good if francis the first , while still alive, met christ, who went instead to say what needs to be said, and that there are sufferings, there are those who fight for the truth, for gods truth, for human truth, for earthly truth, for justice, there are those who simply serve satan and kill, if we speak in church language. They kill children, adults, women, old people, and you can win in war, war is not always a defeat, war puts an end to evil, as we saw in the Second World War war, for example, and in many other wars, when the aggressor is punished and can no longer continue the aggression, this is victory, in war there is victory, and war is not always a defeat, you just need to speak, speak the truth and really fulfill, for sure, the mission of christ on this earth and not some political one , not some political one, on some political order, with all due respect to the Roman Catholic church, its head, and at the 20th, i will remind you, serhii rudenko, dont miss it, dont miss it, it will be interesting, and now about tomorrow will tell us what the weather will be like in ukraine natalka didenko, i say goodbye to you, take care and stay for an espresso. Synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers. I congratulate you all with the arrival of spring at last, so today spring came to us, astronomical spring, the vernal equinox this year fell on the 20th. March, and already from this day, so to speak, tomorrow, the day will gradually begin to increase, and the night will be more modest and more modest, and there will be more sun, more warmth. Well, the vernal equinox does not have a fixed date depending on the calendar there on different dates, mostly it is march 19, 20 or 21. In this year, in the 24th year, the equinox passed. According to kyiv time, well, the changes are changing , i apologize, the seasons are coming, in the Southern Hemisphere astronomical autumn is coming, and here we are, hooray, astronomical spring and daylight, from this moment it begins to increase, as i already said, and the night decreases, what is it called yes, well, unofficially, so to speak, at the solstice, from this time a real such violent renewal in nature begins, buds, the first greens appear. Leaves, the birds are already starting to return en masse from the southern regions and even the first thunderstorms are happening, and traditionally on this day once, well maybe even now someone, i certainly know such people, baked buns or cookies in the shape of lark birds, and girls on the day of the spring equinox sang freckles, its time for us to learn some new freckles, well , i authoritatively declare, oh spring has come, oh beauty has come. Lets go further and look at the behavior of the earths Magnetic Field. Tomorrow , here is a forecast chart for your attention, with which it can be seen that the activation of the earths Magnetic Field is expected, that is, magnetic storms, not so powerful, but nevertheless, please, taking into account such unstable weather, listen more carefully to your wellbeing. And finally, the Weather Forecast for march 21, the first day of spring. So, tomorrow in. In the western part of ukraine, the weather is expected to be 510 warm, in transcarpathia up to 12, it will be dry and even sunny at times, in the north of ukraine somewhere 6 10, 6 11 also without precipitation , precipitation in the eastern part of ukraine unlikely, 6 9, in the central part of ukraine there may even be rain at night with sleet 4 10. In the southern part. Above zero is expected tomorrow, so of course the precipitation that is expected in the southern part of ukraine will be in the form of rain, well , tomorrow it will be a little warmer in kyiv, the maximum air temperature will reach 810 degrees of heat, precipitation is unlikely, and i am pleased to say that the coming days, the end of the week, especially the weekend will be very warm in ukraine 10, 16 10 17. No precipitation is expected, only on sunday in the western regions in ukraine, a slight decrease in air temperature is expected again, but in most regions of ukraine, the weather will be generally favorable on the weekend, wonderful, warm and sunny. Good evening, we are from ukraine. Glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. For the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. Awakening of europe. Macron explained his statement about sending ground troops, what the world is ready for to prevent defeat of ukraine . Russian terror on sumy. 200 guided aerial bombs in three weeks, what is the enemy preparing for our troops in the northern direction . Bet on repression putin called on the fsb to fight more actively against external and internal enemies, is the dictator losing confidence in his own army . We will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, diplomat and former minister of Foreign Affairs of ukraine volodymyr ogrysk. Expert Mykhailo Samus and oleg rybachuk, former head of the president ial administration. However, before as a way to start our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how fighters of the 47th separate mechanized brigade repelled another attack by russian invaders. To destroy the enemy, ukrainian defenders skilfully used drones. Lets see

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