Of armed clashes, shooting clashes, battles, and, unfortunately, what, well, we have to understand very well, that every shelling, every clash, every firefight, every attempt to storm the enemy, this is actually an event that we should talk about and talk about heroism, thousands and thousands of daily, daily heroism, thousands and thousands of ukrainian soldiers, fighters, grenade launchers, machine gunners, what are these daily provocations. Provocations by various units of the enemy, and landing units, and infantry units , and assault units, and units of mercenaries, there some units, mercenaries of the enemy, are repulsed, that is, unfortunately, er, dozens, i repeat, fear of clashes happens every day and even in these minutes, in these hours , the Defense Forces, our brothers, including units of our brigade are under constant fire contact from the enemy, and in particular our. Artillery units of our brigade work every day, every hour on the first, first priority, the most important priority is the counterbattery fight, because artillery always protects the infantry, our heroes, infantrymen. Mr. Volodymyr, we would like to ask you in general about the offensive capabilities of the enemy, we understand that they were given a task time, ravine, yes, i do not know, what is the degree of fortifications in this direction, but in any case. We understand that the enemy may try to develop their activities from the flanks, maybe they still have some ideas, so what is happening in that area now . It is difficult for me to confidently say, assert , talk about fortifications, because they , again, are special units, there are special services, i hope they are, and i hope the command is doing Everything Possible and necessary to strengthen the fortifications , their do . Competently and we are fine we understand that any trench, any shelter, is what protects each, protects ukrainian soldiers, and the life of each ukrainian soldier, this is the highest, greatest value, and the deeper they are dug, the less effective enemy artillery, enemy shelling is , which we also perfectly understand that the enemy has much more ammunition than ours, and they can actually afford a bomb. Both the zero positions and the near and far rears of your artillery, i. E. Actually just cover them with shells, and in these conditions, fortification, fortifications, dugouts, bunkers, some kind of cover and shelter, this is what saves lives and minimizes the capabilities of enemy artillery, enemy firepower, that is, i hope that Everything Possible is done in this direction to build fortifications, in relation to. The direction, then we must understand that the enemy sets many goals for himself, in fact , we must not forget kupyansk, and from krymina in the direction of liman, and from bilogorivka in the direction of siversk, and hot battles are taking place from solidar in the direction of vesely vyamki, generally a solidarity direction, from a part of the bakhmut front a follower direction, and we must understand that bohdanivka, ivaniv. This is a direction at the time of yar, we must talk about the fact that the enemy is trying to recapture lost positions under pincers, under cordyumivka, including and the enemys tactics are to try to advance in many places at the same time, both in small groups, with cover groups, with a group of reserves, with an evacuation group, with fortification groups, yes, the enemy also tries to advance with the use of light armored vehicles, sometimes even uses. Large such assaults with several tanks, it happens several times a day, under the cover of a large amount of artillery, which they use not only in the pon. Positions, and the enemy also uses a large amount of artillery in the rear, unfortunately, the enemy uses both strike drones, and in the rear and in zero positions, lets say this, and fpv drones, and lancets, and lancets paired with halls, and unfortunately , they use highprecision soviet shells in krasnopol, which are illuminated by a laser, they, unfortunately, have enough of this, these ammunition, they unfortunately use we also have to understand that the enemy continues to actively improve the skills of highprecision shooting of their artillery, as the Defense Force of ukraine does in principle, ukrainian artillery with western models, when they have, when they adjust and make adjustments to each shot, the enemy is also trying to do this and its fine understands that fortifications, trenches, they do not provide an opportunity to effectively use shelling tactics there, they still try. To use artillery in such a way as to hit directly into the trenches, directly on dugouts, fortifications, and in the complex we must understand that against the eyes of the enemy in the sky we must fight with rebs, various rebs to jam, make the enemy blind, against enemy strike bpels we must actively and win in the direction of radio electronic warfare, radio electronic aids to the enemy couldnt use their strike weapons from. From enemy artillery, we have to understand that our eyes in the sky have to be much more effective, our counterbattery radars have to work more effectively, and we have to target faster, we we have to work more precisely, and in these conditions , believe me, we are doing our best, the initiative remains with the Defense Forces of ukraine, i say this boldly, since every repulsed attack of the enemy, despite his calculation, despite. Attempts despite his accumulation , enemy attacks remain unsuccessful and repulsed, that is, the enemy suffers losses in large numbers in all his tens of hundreds of attempts to advance in the entire great bakhmut eastern direction. Mr. Volodymyr, we understand that we are now on the defensive, yes, but we are trying to be on active defense, about that the commander of the Ground Forces also spoke, but i would like to ask you, actually, how do you assess now . What losses the enemy is suffering, whether it is really possible to significantly exhaust him now, lets say so, and in fact, that all his potential and personnel were also weakened to a certain level so that they could not advance as actively as they are now do well , first of all, i would like to say that i am not sure that the enemy is actively advancing now, in most cases the battles are fought at a distance in. Even hundreds of tens of meters, there are such positions, sections of the front, and populated areas, this is, firstly, secondly, the enemy suffers losses with hundreds of killed and wounded, several hundreds, it all depends on the section of the section, about which we have to say, only in our direction, where the fourth brigade of the National Guard performs tasks, a line of several orks every day, we destroy with the efforts of various units, the efforts. And guys, heroes, infantrymen, and machine gunners, and grenade launchers, and mortars, and gunners, and fp pilots, strike drones, that is, everyone works as one coordinated mechanism, and we destroy the enemy every day, it is visible, it is noticeable, this, these are the results, and all movements, all attempts to accumulate the enemy, they do not remain unnoticed, that is, we work effectively and effectively destroy the enemy, that is why the losses of the enemy definitely much bigger, and we. We have to improve, for this we need even more ammunition, even more eyes in the sky, even more means, weapons, any weapon that will be used effectively from a rifle, from an assault rifle, to High Precision projectiles, rockets, any weapon these are weapons that destroy orcs quite effectively, and believe me, under these conditions, we must do Everything Possible to get the orcs out faster. And to bring our victory closer to us. Finally, mr. Volodymyr, we would like to briefly ask you about the situation with artillery ammunition, is it somehow improving, or is it, so to speak, kept at the old, not too comforting level . I can say that the enemy, unfortunately, remains an advantage in ammunition, they can afford to actually bomb the close rear, well, by ammunition, i mean artillery, mortars, and various calibers. I. E. They are trying to conduct aimed fire, as well as actually harassing fire with a large amount of ammunition and rocket systems of salvo fire, and. Kaza, but in any case, we must understand that we, as artillery units, must calculate and be ready have plan a, plan b, plan c, plan b. After all, the first, most important priority is counterbattery struggle. And already depending on which one, in what quantity ammunition we have, we can already destroy the enemy and prioritize the targets. There will be enough ammunition only when all the enemies are destroyed and the ammunition will lie idle. In reserve somewhere in the warehouse, then there is enough ammunition, everything else, as long as there is an enemy and as long as there is a need to shoot at him, this is not enough ammunition. Thank you, mr. Volodymyr. Volodymyr nazarenko, artillery officer of the fourth brigade of the National Guard of ukraine, rubizh was on our airwaves, and we remind you once again that you need to help to our armed forces, you can hear for yourself how heroic our boys and girls are, who are currently holding the front, it is very difficult for them, but we understand that with our help. It will be at least a little easier if we help them with what they necessary. Now they need buggies to evacuate the wounded, to transport combat kits, they also need car and trench workers, all this is needed for the 12th separate special forces unit, which daily destroys the enemy in the eastern direction, so lets do our best, to help them as much as possible. Uah 480 00 must be collected. We hope that with joint efforts we will close this collection with you. Well, now we will go on a short break, after which we will continue to inform you about all the most important things, so stay with espresso. 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The russian occupiers are pulling up reserves in the direction of novopavlovsk. In particular , it is about the tank regiment. Dmytro lykhovii, spokesman for the United Press Center of the Defense Forces of the tavria region, stated this on the air of telemarfon. I am quoting now, the spokesman of the United Press Center. Since the beginning of todays day, monday, the enemy began to carry out actions more actively than usual in the direction of settlements of novomykhaivka. It. The novopavlov direction, as well as on the socalled vrymiv ridge, this is the village of urozhayne and staromayorske, this is another ridge on which the territories were deoccupied during the ukrainian offensive operation in the summer of last year, there the enemy pulled up some reserves, in particular on the novopavlov direction, joined now to the enemy has a new tank regiment, and the enemy wants to advance and increase pressure on the villages of novomykhaivka, georgiivka in the krasnogohorivka region, well , in the meantime, we will talk about the situation in. To kharkiv oblast, which suffers almost daily from russian attacks, oleg abramychev, deputy of the kharkiv city council, is already in touch with us, congratulations, mr. Oleg, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we would like to ask you about , what is happening in kharkiv, directly, in the Kharkiv Region , in recent days, has the enemy intensified its efforts after all, because we know about there are three hits by shaheds, in particular in. Drones are used, and actually there is also an arrival in kharkiv on civil infrastructure, in general, as you describe, where now the enemy is trying to strike, and what kind of weapons is he using, well, since december, the enemy has completely changed his strategy, if before they were targeting the infrastructure, now everything is flying over the civilian population, civilian houses, so it is not clear, well i think that this is, again, as i have said more than once, that this is a tactic of terrorism, just to strengthen some kind of terrorist influence, so that people live in fear, so that people try to call on the authorities, well , some peace negotiations, but i i think that this will not happen and our people understand everything, especially in kharkiv oblast, who the enemy is, but they really arrived today. Shaheda in the tobitsky district and just in ordinary houses, also what i want to say, well, in principle, there was calm for certain days, although the enemy, as i understand it, will be hitting the city more and more often. Mr. Olezh, well, according to kupyansk, yes, the direction of the kupyansky node and the activity of the enemy there, which news is now coming from this hot line of the front, and where. Stable, well , stable is bad, it is clear that the enemy is always there is trying to storm, the enemy is constantly using cabs , the enemy is constantly trying to make some kind of attack, all this is happening, well, as always, its a fluke, also, if we talk specifically about the region, the veliky borluk region is suffering a lot, there was even a meeting there recently of the head of the military administration from that reason will evacuate people from there, because constant shelling, and thats easy, this region is really suffering, the situation in kazach lopan is also difficult, drones are constantly flying there, which completely control the movement of civilians, the military, as soon as something similar to the military appears for them, they start shelling the cossacks, mr. Oleg, how many settlements are in sufficient supply now . Hot zones, where there are active flights and how many children, if you know, live there, and actually, what criteria will be used when those who must be evacuated will be selected . Well , i dont have the exact numbers, the number of settlements and the number of children, but i can say that it is tens of kilometers, because as i say, this is both the degrachev community and chuguyiv community, proluk community. That kupena community, well, this is a huge population, so lets talk about some, well, exactly, where the villages are affected and where they are not, because we understand that every day the enemy chooses where to shoot and where to aim their rockets or shaheds, the criteria, as i understand it, will mostly be agespecific to take the children, well, i think it is absolutely necessary there to be 16 years old. And i would evacuate there along the entire line, where we have tension, well, where there is a border with those terrorists, we must to remove children from there. Ole mr. Yes , we agree with you, well , we would like you to simply describe the situation regarding the intensification of the enemys actions in the Kharkiv Region, that is, there is a feeling that they have increased the number , are increasing the number of attacks and some of their activity, or is it plus or minus at the same level . It stays at the same level, i will explain why, because they were accumulating their troops, in the month of december they were accumulating, but i understand that too. They lost in the avdiiv direction, what they lose in the south they have no way out, how to transfer these troops from the Belgorod Region to the south or to the ovniyiv direction in order to somehow go further, well, because they are now in the euphoria of the fact that they are advancing, they are trying to go further, but as we know, we are still numerically outnumbering them significantly more, so thats why. They are much less in our direction right now, but the number is still large, so they are doing everything so that we fail somewhere, but there is no such thing as a punch or a direct strong attack. Mr. Oleg, i would also like to ask you about your mood kharkiv residents, what is happening in the city now, how is life going now, because we understand that there are constant worries, constant flights, are there now among kharkiv residents . Those who still cant stand it psychologically and try to leave the city, or how people adapted to life in such conditions, maybe you have something to say about this . You know, unfortunately, people are used to all this, the city lives its life, the city lives in a day completely clogged streets, central, people are trying to work something, people are trying earn. Some money, uh, its clear that in the evening yes, everyone tries to hide somewhere, because everyone understands that at any moment a rocket can fly, it flies 50 seconds from terrorists, but life goes on, people know everything about it , such that i dont see panic, i guess , i think that there are some psychological problems in a certain number of the population, but exactly. I dont know such cases personally, well , excuse me, i just talk more with the military and volunteers here, thats why the mood here is a little different, but i can see from the people across the street that everyone is walking, everyone is doing something they are trying to create such a panic there, i dont see it, and by the way, you mentioned that people try to hide in the evening, that is , the trend is such that during the day, the russians behave more or less calmly there , and already closer to the evening to night they start activation did i understand you correctly, well yes, i was trying to say that you know, not what is hiding there, but just trying to get home as soon as it gets dark, because the enemy is mostly there at 1011 in the evening and at night, i say , as soon as it gets darker, people try just to get home, because i think that they are more protected at home, if everyone is there all the time. Basements, this is precisely what leads to the fact that being psychological with. Mr. Olezh , and finally, i would like to ask, taking into account your communication with the military and volunteers, how they assess the pace of construction of fortifications in the Kharkiv Region, and in our country, in principle, since february 25, 2022, they began to build certifications, they are built constantly. It is being built further, well, again, according to the words of the military, everything is in order with us in principle, the only thing that is missing is such concrete filling structures exactly underground , this is not enough, but the direction, thank you, oleg abramychev, deputy of the kharkiv city council, was on our airwaves, and unfortunately, we have some problems with communication e. We understand that it is possible there there are interruptions in Kharkiv Region, in particular. In the meantime, we suggest you watch the story of our colleagues about how ukrainian communities are looking for answers to the challenges faced by women during the war. And actually, you will learn more about this in our material. 28 territorial communities from 14 oblasts of ukraine joined to the project women peace, security, responses to the challenges of war, which finan. Supported by the british government. The initiative from last year is implemented thanks to the partnership of six of the strongest womens public organizations with the office of the government commissioner for issues. Gender policy, when we talk about this policy and the approach of womens security, we are talking about different social groups of the population, it is necessary to identify their needs and take into account then the formation and implementation of state policy, only then can state policy to be effective, we talk about it at the government level, but the mechanisms and tools are laid down in such projects. Today, more than ever, the issue of Citizens Security unites the east and the west, the south and the north of ukraine. The experience of the project has shown that our state is in dire need of solving common problems, which audits of territory security help to cope with. In all 28 communities, the audits were, i would say, very successful, very effective, and they also helped not only to identify problems that exist in the context of security for. Women in the communities, not only women, to things, and men, and all Community Residents, but it is very important that they helped Community Residents to understand these dangers, to see what is wrong, and how to correct the situation. As part of the project, the valkivska Territorial Community of kharkiv oblast managed to purchase and install Video Surveillance cameras on streets with more traffic, which reduces the risk of road accidents. It was thanks to security audits that the community determined which places in the region carry the greatest risks and threats. They decided to write in the project that the safe space is on the street kharkivsya is the most important thing, because there are even fatal outcomes on this street, and it is very important for the police to understand how and which vehicles move along this street. Both drivers and pedestrians understand when Video Surveillance is in progress, and they stop. Traffic rules, vehicle speed and rules for pedestrians as well, they dont run across the road wherever they want, but follow the rules. A security audit is the first step to improving life, as demonstrated by the zhytomyr city Territorial Community. Within the framework of the project near the local park was cleared of cluttered areas that could be a place of attack on women or children. Also, the local cultural. Sports center was able to install ecoflo and solarpowered lanterns so that children could exercise normally even during blackouts. We were all engaged in Security Issues even before becoming a deputy, but now we have received very clear such instructions, information has already been collected, and it seems to me that it is extremely important to track global grants, which are related to ecology, which are related to security, because this is a development not one anymore. Generation to european countries, and we have a lot to learn. In addition, we also monitored the Safety Measures of all 29 municipal and targeted programs in our community. And in order to find out, in general, what our situation is with the inclusion of security measures in the programs that are financed, to find out what are the gaps. And maybe they are somewhere, well, work on avoiding them. Lviv oblast also actively resolves Security Issues. In the bibrsk Territorial Community, after security audits , the condition of the territories near the institutions was improved education and hospitals. A protective structure was set up for the students of the local support lyceum. In public institutions, inclusive restrooms were installed, ramps were made, and escalators were purchased. In this way, the community tries to take care of people with inclusive needs, we have access to all medical institutions, this is really a norm, a requirement of the National Health service, ensuring inclusiveness, now we have moved to educational institutions, and actually for this lyceum we bought a staircase for the money local budget, security audits Ukrainian Public Health foundation began to implement in our country even before the fullscale war, but the russian invasion took its toll. A security audit is a tool that first of all allows the community, and later the funds they have, to direct the coverage of Priority Issues related to security, that is, in fact the community, we have such requests from communities, they want to conduct audits , in order to understand, indeed, this road, or this lighting, or this or that traffic junction, what needs to be done, but within this framework

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