Sees, well, a person who thinks, he says, something is wrong here , and starts looking for something, and where he is looking, he climbs into social networks, well, yes, and it will happen in any case, and bubbletization, echo chambers will happen in in any case, because it is the development of modern social that we spend huge funds from the state budget, when these funds are needed for the war, when, for example, the ministry where you once worked may be. A shortened ministry of culture and information policy, which is an Important Ministry . Well, i dont know about the details now regarding how things will be reduced, i want to say that now in general television has, it seems to me, a set of aggregate coverage and, well, regular viewers three to four times less than social networks, then in fact we say, as you know, 10 years ago we said about the press that it is a noninfluencing factor, in fact. Television, including state television, is a noninfluencing factor. It is necessary to look at what is happening with subscribers on youtube at this television now, and this is already a serious and influential factor. And the money that is spent from the state budget to create this news, as i have already said, in fact the state still spends four times less than we would have spent in one way or another if four Different Holdings had done it. I i think that in some moment the telethon will cease to exist, but as i have already said, now it is ceasing to exist, but the preservation of a single informational message, well, only informational messages, means that censorship must be imposed on each channel, there is no legal basis for this, the legislation must be changed. Ms. Tetyana, it is important that we talked, in particular with the vicespeaker of the knesset, recently he. He himself comes from ukraine, understands the ukrainian language very well and even speaks it, and we talked about exactly what they have, although these censors do exist in all major newsrooms, but they work only within the limits of information about the situation in the army at the front, that is, they are only an exceptional military censorship, and then he says that it works extremely poorly, and they joke all the time that hamas knows. All the dispositions of this israeli army from the latest evening news and so on and the like, but what the censors definitely do not rush into, it concerns politics, that is, politics politics, yes, unfortunately, on us, unfortunately, censorship of the general only this marathon, it concerns politicians, this is political censorship, and it is necessary to talk about it frankly, and when stefanchuk tells us that there should be one. Parliament, does he even listen carefully to himself from the outside . I agree with you that this is indeed true, in israel censorship of domestic political issues really does not apply. My friend just arrived from israel, where he took part in various forums, gave interviews and so on. So, in israel, he was presented as a star, which means that ukraine should explain to us how we should work with the media, because ukraine does this effectively, because. We are considered terrorists and that we kill unfortunate children in gas all over the world, but ukraine is also loved by the international community, and therefore it is necessary to do the same as in ukraine, and even when it is already private talked to these representatives of the government, who are engaged in information policy, they said that yes, we really have censors who sit in every assembly, they censor exclusively military content, that which concerns the war, that which concerns the army. But otherwise, he says, we have such a bedlam, we just have people beating us there others, well, for good measure, and all this does not add stability, i do not know, honestly, i will not say. To you that i know what is right, i am simply passing on to you the words of people who had , well, a relationship with this or that, and have their own opinion on what is right, maybe no one even knows, maybe we have to find this ourselves way, i think it is correct, it is correlated in our ukrainian language with the word truth, i think it is somehow necessary from here, if you dont know what to say, tell the truth, there is such a good thing. One big pole, i think we could him always use it, ms. Tatiana, thank you very much for this conversation, deputy minister, deputy minister, deputy minister of informality, deputy minister of information policy, advisor to the minister of defense in 1415 years. Thank you, lets take a short break and continue, then we will talk about farmers in the European Union, what is happening to them . There are 15 discounts on spazmal tablets in pharmacies plantain bam until savings. Laughter, physical activity, sneezing. Even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. Feminost uro helped me. Thanks to the natural components of feminost uro, it helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. Feminonost uro urination under control. Ask at pharmacies. Some kind of heartchilling investigation. The new chapter of the hbo series is already on me. A true detective. Find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides. Exclusive to meego subscription. There are discounts on amixin ic tablets 10 in psarynyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. There are discounts on lyzak 10 in the pharmacies of plantain ban and oschad. What what to do to avoid getting sick . Vitamin c, d3, zinc. 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Events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. Antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. Every saturday at 13 10 with a repeat at 22 00. Studio zahid with Anton Borkovsky at espresso. Vasyl zimas big broadcast. Two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. Two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. Two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. Two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as honored guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zimas big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. The premium sponsor of the National Team represents. United by football, together with. Well, and we continue our broadcast, we have one more topic for you, in this our morning block today, we will talk a little about agrarian affairs, about blocking at the border, Denys Marchuk from by us, the deputy chairman and not only about the farmers protests that engulfed europe, what is happening, why the farmers went crazy, Denys Marchuk, the deputy chairman of the allukrainian Agrarian Council, is already with us, mr. Denys, we congratulate you. I congratulate you, mr. Denys, i would start with this, wellknown ukrainian economist volodymyr dobrovskyi asked market specialists a very simple task on facebook. And he asked a very simple question, but, as is very often the case with such simple questions, it turned out to be quite difficult to give an answer to them, it is very simple, he asks, so we have news, news from biza, from the league of bis about , that the ministry of Agricultural Policy declares that the profitability of cereals in the 24th year will be ten times lower than during the period of fullscale invasion in the 20th, and. In in the 23rd year, it was unprofitable to grow grain in ukraine in general, is this correct at the moment . So it is, so it is, well , now we go further, and now the question of the expert, what is it called, we have such a little that where and when, in the 24th year they will be profitable , yes, therefore, the question of the expert, now volodymyr dobrovskyi wonders how it is possible that, on the one hand, the cultivation of agricultural crops is unprofitable, and at the same time poles are protesting against the import of cheap ukrainian grain, because they allegedly have cost is even higher. A simple question so we have unprofitable grain, we take it to the poles and sell it, and the poles protest. We dont bring anything to the poles, grain. Group has not sold anything for 10 months since april 23rd, everything that goes to the grain group goes in transit, and actually, that is why the positions of some protest actions organized by the agrarian communities of poland about the fact that allegedly ukrainian products are settling on the polish market are surprising. Moreover, there are official statements from the Relevant Ministry of agrarian policy and Rural Development of poland that they also claim that ukrainian grain is in transit, and actually what from. With prices, this is a general world trend, which is associated with a decrease in prices, partially returns not to the prewar period, but to the period of fullscale invasion, the 22nd part of the 23rd year, the prices went up very much , but now they are actually moving to the prewar time period, and therefore the farmers of germany, the farmers of poland, and romania, and they receive the price that is universal, and in no way the ukrainian price position affects on what is being formed in the world stock exchanges, moreover, if you look at the markets that operate today in the European Union, including the grain group, russia has greatly increased its presence there, and these are actually the shelves that polish Agricultural Products could claim, but for some reason no one does not ask the question of what to do with products from russia, which exported to the eurozone during the 23rd year about 12 million tons of grain, and here the question seems to be, we are blocking those directions, and as for the cost price, we must understand that the polish farmer its a small farmer, it 10, 20, 30 ha, and accordingly, for you to sow , to grow the cost of it is quite expensive, because what is it like to purchase seeds for large farms or fuel and fertilizer materials, and all this accordingly increases the cost of production, as well as prices fall, of course it causes them concern, because once. With the fall in prices, there is this grindstone policy, which you mentioned, why european farmers leave, because the cost of production has increased, and subsidies , they say, will decrease for the next 10 years, and the cost price has increased, but them the requirements for cultivation are increasing, in particular with regard to the use of mineral fertilizers , pesticides, seeds, and the cost price has increased, and they are told that a significant part of the land will not be used for crops, that is, it must stand fallow, all this causes waves of indignation , which we see from this direction of confrontations in the form of pickets, road closures and everything else, and in general, this drop in grain prices, which occurred in the whole world by 30 , somewhere and on average they fell like this, and what is it connected with at all , everyone said that there is a demand for grain and everyone is in short supply of ukrainian soil and suddenly the price of grain in the whole world drops by a third, well. To understand that ukraine is not the only importer of world grain, but there are Major Players such as the United States of america, brazil, argentina , russia, this should also be noted , because its potential for wheat alone last year was about 46 million wheat, that is, it is a large volume, accordingly, the offer that appears on foreign markets, it leads to such a situation, and brazil in general is a country that collects two crops, and accordingly we see periods of certain periods about. During the year, when the supply on the market is much greater than the demand that exists today. Mr. Denysl , to clarify, you say that the majority, the absolute majority of ukrainian grain that passes through the territory of poland. Goes as transit, it is so, if we say wheat, corn, rapeseed, sunflower seeds, these are the products grains that do not remain on the territory of poland. On the other hand, there are a lot of reports that just because of firms that act as intermediaries, the same grain with a small transport, there with a logistical margin, it happens that it is returned, for example, already from lithuania or some other country, well, this is also an accusation. Lithuania, but for example, the same poland exports more grain groups to lithuania than, for example , ukraine, which imports to lithuania, so we need evidence here, because if we look at their exits from blocking the ukrainianpolish border, then we also see the same slogans , but there is no concrete evidence of the presence of ukrainian grain, the same political situation on the polishlithuanian border, and actually there the Prime Minister of poland, donald tust, is leaving now to meet with his colleagues and discuss this issue. Actually , lithuanian farmers say that they are more worried about the import of russian grain, what i told you is true, but how does this happen, russian grain, because officially very little russian grain is imported, there are some, well, just funny numbers, some there in kilograms, no, no, look, this, if you are talking about poland, if you are talking about the European Union as a whole, it is counted in millions of tons, and this there is a truth, because it is imported in the same way for a long time. It was also imported through latvia, which recently banned its presence on its territory, but will allow transit through lithuania, through greece, belarus to the territory of the European Union through poland, and then to go or stay in poland, that is, in fact, the European Union did not introduce any restrictions on trade with food products, including grains, therefore there are no restrictions or bans on the presence of russian products on the european market. One of of the claims of the Product Group itself, one of the claims of polish farmers was that ukrainian grain does not meet european standards, which all farmers in the European Union must adhere to, russian grain, it meets standards, why, why do they continue to import it, when there is such in the world russias war against ukraine and when the world, the civilized world seems to support ukraine, stands on the side of good . Well, first of all. That ukrainian grain meets all standards, if it did not, no one would buy it, and at the time of implementation transit, it passes phytosanitary, sanitary control, and there are no major complaints about the quality that ukraine transports and sells directly on european markets or world markets, as for russian grain, well, that should be asked of those controlling bodies that control russian grain , i have no information on the protein content of protein or cells. Whether it is contaminated or not, the russian grain that is imported into europe, but we must understand that europe is in this way, it partly insures itself against the risks of food inflation by buying and diversifying the markets from where it buys, for example, the italians, who use a large amount of grain to make pasta, they need a specific hard grade, they have 23 this year was not the season for durum wheat varieties, they. Really bought from russia, spain, which bought a lot from ukraine, but which also bought a lot from russia, food from the grain group. It is good, if we talk about what is now there is no problem with the fact that ukraine has some kind of excessive export of our grain to poland or rapeseed, rapeseed and other oilseed crops there, so there is, by the way, information from the polish side. This is their, as it is called, chamber, the control chamber, and they provide such figures that in the 22nd year, for example, the import of ukrainian grain increased by 17 compared to the 21st prewar year. And even in 23, it didnt matter, it was 670 times higher than the prewar volumes of ukrainian grain imports, that is, in their opinion, ukraine still abused the new customs regime, and you want to, well, look, the 22nd year is a fact, indeed, an opportunity has just opened up without washing, without quotas, without being able to sell through the black sea, because the sea opened in august of the 22nd year, and without duties they started working with in june tentatively, but before that , freight carriers. Used land routes, of course, when you have a closed sea, your season is over on the 21st, and you have a record harvest, because we collected 110 million tons of various types of Agricultural Products then, and of course. When the borders were opened, they began to implement another issue is that the polish side blames ukraine, but for some reason will not in any way publish those polish companies, polish traders who imported and bought this grain, and who abused this position of ukraine, including by buying cheaper, selling more expensively on the territory of poland, and already the new cabinet of ministers, which said that all Trading Companies will be made public, and those responsible will bear the decision, for some reason this is not happening, it will be stopped from april 23rd. And de facto, i say, we do not implement the grain group on the territory in poland, the fact that they had depositions in the 22nd year, well, there are cases, there are criminal investigations, there are certain voivodships directly there, the Prosecutors Office worked on it, but now actually a year and a half has already passed, and i think there is no point in returning to it , we have to talk about how we should establish relations today, ukraine offered to license certain types of products, which, according to the poles, should not have been sold by ukraine on. Its territory, and in principle, working groups from the ukraine, poland, ukrainepoland, european commission, in order to determine the list of these goods. Well, i will also ask , last year was, as they say, a record in the entire history in terms of yield for cereals, there was not the amount harvested, but the amount harvested from one hectare, it was the bottom, yield from one hectare. Because unexpectedly, despite the fact that there was no additional financing and many farmers there could not buy quality seeds and stock up on mineral fertilizers, but the weather really helped ukraine to collect such a decent good result, despite on the fact that about 7 million hectares of Ukrainian Land were not included in the complex, well, included, because part of it is occupied and part is mined, mr. Denys, thank you, thank you. The deputy head of the allukrainian Agrarian Council was in touch with us, dear friends, we talked about what is happening with the grain market, what is happening with farmers in europe, what is happening with ukrainian and not only ukrainian, but also russian grain, we are getting closer little by little to finish, i want to say that we are collecting for the 81st separate air mobile brigade, we are collecting drones for fpv, and you and i collected 72,000 this morning. 8,000 was not enough for us to have 2,000 hryvnias for each hour, maybe in the few minutes we have, we will make it, now you can see the qr codes on your screens , maybe we will still have time to see who we are collecting for, lets see and listen, we are fighters of the Airborne Assault troops of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, we are making a request to you, we are in the luhansk direction, we need fp drones in connection with. That borog began to carry out very active military operations. Infantry, artillery, and heavy Armored Vehicles are advancing. We will be very grateful for your concern and understanding. We need as many fp drones as possible. Glory to ukraine. Glory to heroes. We collect for such guys. Lets join together, we have a little bit left to collect 800, hryvnias, 166 thousand, something separates us from this, this collection is moving quite quickly, we hope that in a few days we will close it and announce these cherished pleasant words stop gathering and drones will end up in the luhansk direction with our soldiers. Expensive friends, thank you for being with us, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow at 7 10, and eterespresso. Wow, so stay , tired of heavy and bulky saws , then the strong saw from unpack tv is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden , and these. 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