Witnesses in social Networks Published a video of the fire that broke out in the area of ​​the base invaders several ambulances rushed there. In addition, the Ukrainian Military destroyed one enemy ammunition. A Primary School teacher in kharkiv oblast leaked information about ukrainian patriots to the enemy. According to the regional prosecutors office, a resident of the village of lukyantsi worked for the enemy during the occupation. According to her. The Russian Military exposed and took a deputy of the village council, a member of the antiterrorist operation and the father of a Police Officer to the torture chamber. People were beaten, subjected to psychological pressure and kept without food and water for a long time. After the deoccupation of the village, the suspect fled to kharkiv and lived in a rented apartment. The police exposed her, the court sent her to custody. And to the situation in the regions, under mass shelling of the occupy. Kharkiv region. As a result of the attacks, four local people were injured said oleg senigubov, the head of the region. In the village of metrofanivka, kupyan district, an enemy drone dropped explosives near two people. A man and a woman were hospitalized with injuries in the village of osynove. The russians dropped a guided aerial bomb. A local resident was injured. The crossing was also destroyed. A woman was injured in vovchansk. There, the occupiers shot from a drone. In total, the enemy covered 15 towns and villages of the region with fire. Two people were injured due to enemy attacks in the kherson region. During the day , the occupiers shelled almost two dozen settlements in the region the head of the region Oleksandr Prokudin informed. Russian shells damaged a highrise building and more than three dozen private houses, an educational institution, farm buildings and cars. Utility equipment was also hit. Russian terrorists killed a resident a 71yearold man was killed and a 68yearold woman was injured as a result of an enemy rocket attack on yuliivka in the zaporizhzhia region , the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. The enemy shelled the region 200 times per day, 11 towns and villages were hit, 27 reports were received about the destruction of infrastructure and residential buildings. Russians at night. Launched four missiles over ukraine, air Defense Forces destroyed all air targets, the air force command reported. The drones were destroyed in the sky over the kharkiv and dnipropetrovsk regions. The enemy too attacked with s300 missiles that flew from the occupied Donetsk Region and the Belgorod Region. Drone attack on russia, drones may have hit a Strategic Military object of the occupiers. At night, the russian. Air defense allegedly intercepted one uav over the Belgorod Region and three more over the nizhnyhorod region. At least thats what the countrys mine Defense Agency agresorka claims. On the other hand , at least two powerful explosions were reported in local Public Places in the city of dzerzhinsk, nizhnygorod region. It is assumed that the drones hit the sverdlov plant, one of the largest producers of ammunition and explosives in russia. In addition, on the day, according to opposition publications in the Belgorod Region. Drones damaged the russian panzers1 antiaircraft system and wounded two occupants. Awaiting destruction just 130 km from the border with ukraine. Journalists of the scheme project determined the location of the russian spygun a50 aircraft with the help of pictures. It is based at the airport in taganrog. Previously , the board was not recorded on satellite images. I would like to remind you that recently we armed. The forces of ukraine managed to shoot down two such planes in the sky over the sea of ​​azov. Ukrainian pilots as part of f6 training. 16 are already practicing strikes against ground and air targets, air force Spokesman Yuriy Ignat said. He emphasized that these skills are very necessary for our pilots, because because of the war, they are forced not only to fly, but also to control the airspace and confront the enemy. At the same time, according to the spokesperson, the infrastructure for f16 fighters is being adapted in ukraine. Ground personnel are also being trained and are currently learning how to operate aircraft like theirs program and how to strike with precision weapons. On the world day of compliments, our defenders pleased ukrainians with nine more pieces destroyed by the russian invaders. And more than 44,000 eliminated enemies since the beginning of the fullscale invasion became the most pleasant statistic for the ears. Shattered russian bombers in a day cheer up better than any words. And broken. Enemy tanks, 30 bmps, 36 artists and more than fifty units of enemy cars and special vehicles serve as an additional compliment, the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. And operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine 83 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. It was the hottest in the novopavlivskyi direction in Donetsk Region, where the enemy attacked in the area of ​​krasnohorivka and georgiivka. Pobedy and novomykhaivka. Tried to break through our defense 30 times. And in the avdiiv direction, our soldiers repelled 25 enemy attacks in the area of ​​berdechi, orlivka, tonenko, pervomaisky and nevelsky settlements. Another 12 on lymansky and two on bakhmutsky directions ukrainian soldiers continue to inflict losses on the occupiers. Our aircraft struck 10 areas where enemy personnel were concentrated. And rocket launchers and gunners struck. Three areas for the concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment, three rocket salvo systems, two artillery facilities, two control points, one Ammunition Depot and one means of radioelectronic warfare of the occupiers. Some heavy equipment can also be knocked down, but in principle it is espresso tv channel calls to join the collection of fpv drones for of a separate platoon of Unmanned Aerial Systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. These courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. Thanks to semidrones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. So we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. With your help, we have already collected more than 870 thousand uah. Remember, each of your donations is important. Therefore, join, all details, see you. On the screen. Lviv regional territorial and Electoral Commission finally got to work. She approved two more deputies of the regional council. We are talking about oryslava khomyk from European Solidarity and yuri buchka from servant of the people. The representative of the proruling party was approved the first time, but khomyk could not be voted for as many as three meetings. Lviv oblast for more than two years. The tec sabotaged its work, but as of today , there are no suspended mandates in the Lviv Regional Council, only in the future, if there are appropriate grounds for the deprivation or loss of the mandate of these or other deputies, perhaps the Lviv Regional Council regional tec will have to meet again. Such work of the commission, which was shown today, and such a turnout of commission members, it should not be an exception and some kind of miracle, it should be. Such a good tradition and, in principle , the usual work of the commission, which should look like this. There is no evidence that ukrainian grain is being returned from lithuania to poland, the lithuanian minister of agriculture said. Therefore , he considers the fears of the farmers of the neighboring country unfounded. Let me remind you, this is exactly what the poles are arguing for their protests on the border with ukraine. Also, for according to the official, the polish protesters did not even file any complaints. Which would testify that ukrainian grain according to documents becomes lithuanian. American military officer Jack Teixeira pleaded guilty to leaking secret pentagon data, including the supply of weapons to ukraine. He made a deal with the investigation. The hearing of the case will take place next monday in the boston court, writes the reuters agency. Earlier, the 22yearold defendant denied that he leaked classified information. Let me remind you, given. Military posted on social networks for several months stuff from computers, airbases, cavecodes to impress your friends. A russian from hong kong pleaded guilty to smuggling american microchips to russia, the American Media reported. The case of 51yearold Maksym Marchenko is being considered by a court in new york. The suspect was apprehended by fbi agents in fiji. According to the investigation, marchenko supplied russia with american microdisplays that can be used in scopes, night vision devices, thermal imagers, and other military items. Financing for purchase and delivery. Received from moscow, the man can receive 20 years in prison for Money Laundering and 10 years for smuggling. We will summarize the morning at 12 oclock, read more on our website espresso. Tv, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, then my colleagues, Oksana Vysochanska and roman chaika, will continue the analysis with the analysis, do not switch, stay with the espresso team. Good afternoon, we can now confidently say to everyone who joins eterespresso, its a pity that you were not with us from the very beginning, because we are collecting, collecting funds and thank you that to donate, because this is for our guys in the luhansk direction, you have already collected 60,000 for this morning in the account for our defenders, you need, let me remind you. 800,000, and there is a total of 269,500 uah in the account, of which 60,000 is this morning , please join, here are all the details, here you see the image of this combat fpv drone that needs to be bought, 50 of these need to be bought and handed over to our defenders, we, the fighters of the Airborne Forces of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, are asking you. We are in the luhansk direction, we need efevi drones, due to the fact that borog has begun to carry out very active combat operations, infantry, artillery, as well as heavy Armored Vehicles are advancing, we will be very grateful for your concern and understanding, we need as many fp drones as possible. Glory to ukraine glory to the heroes while you donate, we will give you the opportunity to hear the opinions of a diplomat and an internationalist, and in addition, a former executive director of the chinese trade association. Ruslan osypenko is in touch with us. Mr. Ruslan, good afternoon. Greetings, friends. You know, osinhua writes that tomorrow is a concert the tour begins, big, chinese. That is, the special representative of china will go along such a route ukraine, poland, france, germany, well , he will also go to russia, whether it will be a probe or some other mission, they will study the situation so that everyone can report to grandfather whether something specific is already being carried on the contrary . No, i think it will be dead. In the chamber, as they say, it will be a study, collection, collection of information, even look at the route along which the doctor, this special representative, will travel, it is ukraine, poland, germany, france and european structures, will meet, that is, these are the key players, lets say, ukraine and poland, of course, ukraine is fighting, poland is the rear, the physical base, the territory, france, germany, the locomotives of europe, which largely determine the politics of modern europe. After america entered the discussion there and the europeans took the initiative, it is very important for him to understand how far europe is ready to go in its actions and in its intentions, because the statements coming from europe, they have become even more decisive than than the United States afforded there that well for the first time, i heard there at the summit from macron about the victory, that the victory over russia is. Will ensure security and stability in europe, well, and others, such as were not discussed there, or the use of money not for the reconstruction, well, the assets of these frozen russians no no for the restoration of ukraine, for weapons, let s give weapons in order to ensure the stability of ukraine, that is, the discussion went completely differently, the use of troops, the same Ground Troops in ukraine, european ones, and it is definitely necessary to understand in which direction will be evolve. The implementation of this strategy, so the representative of the country is leaving, plus the geopolitical configuration that has developed before that , accordingly, moscow seems to demonstrate that it has gone on the offensive, and this is for it. A window of opportunity, when the United States entered the discussion, there is a certain erosion there is euroatlantic solidarity, they believe that military aid and Financial Aid to ukraine will be weakened, and that this is just a window of opportunity to force ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table and start, start negotiations, and that is why we heard the initiative is precisely from that of recep erdogan, and precisely the special representative of china is going with. To have a temperature, lets say so, that is, now the configuration is that he wants to hear and where, and, that is, what situation he hopes to see rihui, accordingly and the whole china through his eyes in europe, in ukraine, what is the mood of the setting, what is china interested in now . China is interested in the restoration of world trade, i dont know exactly what kind, what purpose. He is pursuing during this visit, but if you look globally, what is not good for china, china is not satisfied with the fragmentation of this global trade, china built, built its political influence on economic forces when it could, when it worked as a production shop and could supply its goods to the most liquid markets, both in the United States and in europe, and when the world was divided and became bipolar, well, you can produce anything, but. You cant sell into liquid markets, you can sell into other illiquid markets, but you wont make as much money as you planned, so you wont realize your strategic goals, there, for example, until 2049 year to become the number one country economically and without war to solve political issues, to implement all your strategies that you are launching there in parallel with the american pax americas, so china is determined to stop, it really wants to stop the war, because it divided the world and. Evaluates logistics and production chains, does not give china the opportunity to recover even after covid, because you can see the cumulative effect on the economy of these events, there are restrictions of selfrestraint due to covid, and then the war in ukraine, and china cannot recover in any way the growth of its economy, plus internal problems there began in the economic markets, there is real estate, the stock market and many other things, and this is a problem. For china, he wants to stop the war, here the logic is clear in economic and trade, but here the logic is unclear, geopolitical and security, i am talking about a very sharp and nervous reaction to the military exercises that china is preparing, was going to conduct, and the rhetoric on the federal channels immediately changed russia, from the big chinese brother. They came to this thesis what are we doing, they are capture our domestic market, this is one thesis that is being worked out by russian propaganda, well, and the second is that it was also heard for the first time that we too must somehow wave our nuclear baton not only in the direction of the anglosaxons and the collective west, but in the direction of china, these are two theses were heard , and therefore the question is for you. Actually, how does beijing look at all this, i. E. , what are these exercises for, are they also considering the military scenario, the return of their historical territories, or a longrange and soft insertion force, as they are now basically on in the far east and act from the point of view of such a diffuse penetration and control of certain territories, where the russians are booming, and the chinese are already in business. Are engaged in and will soon enter the local authorities, i think that they are working out all the scenarios, well, the first scenario that is being worked out now is the dependence on the complete dependence of russia with all its markets there, from the automobile to to all other markets, because russia even you didnt produce nails, there are bearings, nails, railway pairs for wagons, i didnt do anything, i bought everything in china, there are nameplates reglued, and in this way it fell into complete. Economic, and therefore political, dependence on china, therefore the first scenario assumes the complete dependence of russia with all its territories, even with those that it once absorbed chinese territories there, the other scenario this is a scenario program, at least, lets say, the return of its territories when russia is weakened, the return of its territories, which russia took from china under two treaties in the 19th century, when china was weakened, and more than one of the scenarios is not excluded, because both that. Will be to be implemented in the interests of china, its just that the scenario is the maximum, and the scenario is the minimum, so training is working out the minimum scenario, weakening russia and returning the territories previously seized from. China, so china will tell you that it has a strategic friendship, but practice all scenarios in their personal national interests. As for the United States, they also have their own national interests, and this did not prevent them from helping ukraine so much before. Now there is a sort of plan b of 4 billion, but in general they say, first of all, we are solving our financial problems, they have already managed to avoid a shakedown. And by march this issue was closed, when, when will this time come, when they will no longer have reasons, pretexts, in fact, to refuse to further consider the ukrainian issue and, accordingly, when will they be able to vote . Well, look, ill say that theyre going to delay this voting time as much as possible because its extremely powerful leverage on the democrats, that is, in order to. Demonstrate the weakness of the democrats, to defeat the democrats, and therefore they do not want to lose this weight, under the slogans to first solve their interests, this is such a strategy, they will, whether it is possible to solve all internal problems in order to move on to external problems, to the vote of support for ukraine, well, it is impossible to decide, there are a lot of problems there, there is a budget deficit, and the ceiling, the ceiling of that budget deficit, every year there are discussions, and migration policy, and unemployment, a lot of things, and these. You can overlap until the end of the president ial elections, that is why the strategy is chosen understood for me by the republicans in the United States, they will delay this issue as much as possible and try to see how the configuration is formed, if at all not in their favor , a situation similar to that will develop, because their european allies are appealing, look at the appeal of the 23rd parliaments there to speaker johnson, its being pushed. The political pressure of the allies on the United States of america, well , not not on the United States of america, but directly on trump and on johnson, not even the republicans, but this part of the republicans maga, make America Great again, they are under a lot of pressure, and everyone understands who is delaying these historic decisions, but if there is no such political pressure in the future, then they will cover themselves with their internal slogans, the need to solve internal problems there, and then will be considered, means sending. Tens of billions of dollars to support some other allies, this is the chosen tactic of this part of the republicans. Plan b, when can it be launched . I guess there will be no plan b, because look, plan b, if it is launched, the democrats will find some funds or some opportunities to help ukraine, then they will remove this political pressure on the republicans. They will say, you see, you have found a lever , a tool of help. In ukraine , lets get some Financial Aid, military aid, at least shells there, why send us tens of billions, then the political pressure from the democrats on the republicans will be lifted, you understand, lets say it here, stick uh, it has two ends, and thats why i dont think whatever the democrats want, in the last resort they will use this moment, they will look for some leverage to. Provide us with this help and thereby, well, reveal their cards, lets say, what they had, what what was hidden in them and what they could have used earlier to help ukraine. Mr. Ruslan, is this possible, we have two minutes , a twominute blitz, two questions for one minute each, here is the first, so that people understand, they see on the news, first the court there fines trump, then the court examines events with a government attack and with a riot. Yes, and on the other hand, looking at how he wins primaries after primaries in state after state, is there any option that the Judicial Branch of government will stop trump as a president ial candidate, or not . My opinion is that there is no, there is a demand in American Society for trump to come and destroy these systemic elites who change among themselves, come to power and do nothing for the deep american people, so trump is moving to victory, according to me. Financial times the economist, others. The leaders are already considering the option of simulating the situation of how we will live under us president trump. If trump returns to office and continues the rhetoric that he conducted during the election campaign, will the nato bloc still exist if suddenly trump decides to withdraw the United States from nato . I think the nato bloc will exist because congress has already prohibited it from withdrawing american troops, and this is the key point, this is the glue that holds the euroatlantic together. The alliance and the presence of american interests in europe, without nato, the states will lose europe, will lose europe, they will lose the world, so nato will remain, but the question is. What will be the interaction, will the interaction be based on trusting relationships, or on relationships, as trump likes, to dictate the will there, if you dont pay, i will be there for you, incite and direct russia, this is important, relations and trust between allies are important, plus the whole world is watching, including the countries of the global south, how relations are built within this democratic alliance, which is led by the United States of america, and whether america dictates conditions to its. Partners , is she on does it build them in Partnership Relations on equal terms . Mr. Ruslan, thank you for reminding our viewers about this fulf stop that they made, because nothing stops trump from saying such things during his concert tour during the elections, and the law is the law. Thank you, mr. Ruslan, for the clarification, ruslan osypenko, diplomat, internationalist, about china and not only, right . Now we are going for a short break, then we will come back and talk. About what concerns internally displaced persons in ukraine, because certain changes are being implemented in our country from today, and this is necessary known to many, wait. Usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags, not for my sick back, from back pain, try dolgit cream. Longlasting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves mobility. Joints with dolgit cream, whatever you want, ill pick it up, dolgit the only yellow cream for joint and back pain, average price 82 hryvnias. For muscle spasms , dolgit antispasmodic tablets, dolgit antispasmodic tablets to relax muscles and calves. 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Of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with Economic News and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zimas big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. The premium sponsor of the National Team represents stronger People United by football, dear community, we will continue as soon as the qr code and card number appear, we will continue to donate euros for our boys in the luhansk direction, in the meantime we will. Here they are appeared, so thank you for visiting us

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