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A bill on the confiscation of russian state assets and support for ukraine has already been registered in great britain. The document will undergo a second reading in a month. A similar bill is being considered in canada. In the us , a bill was also introduced, according to which the president can confiscate any russian sovereign asset. Leading american lawyers investigated us legislation and prepared a report on more than 200 pages, which proves all lawyers. Are there any opportunities to confiscate russian assets in the Biden Administration . Our report proves that the president not only has the right to do this, but also to act without the consent of congress, that is, there is no need to pass any new law on the procedure for transferring these funds. If such a decision is adopted, it may become a precedent for other countries, and as a result , russian money will begin to work faster in favor of ukraine. Ukrainian public organizations are also going to speed up this process. Organizations, they announced the launch of the make ruay campaign, are going to hold protests, conferences, meetings with western politicians, because often raising this issue at meetings, we hear from partners that it will have absolutely negative consequences for western financial systems, because the reserves third countries, will switch to other reserve currencies, after which we usually. We ask, where will they move from western currencies, 89 , including authoritarian countries, they keep their reserves in the dollar, euro, british pound, and the japanese yen, that is, they do not keep their reserves in russian rubles, a positive experience when russian assets work for the benefit of ukrainians in we already have the funds of russian banks that operated on the territory of ukraine, confiscated and replenished the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression of the Russian Federation, which is financed from this Fund Reconstruction of housing destroyed by the war. Evgeny onoprienko, nina kolomiets, elizaveta yakovleva, iryna ivanova, dmytro anopchenko, details of the inter tv channel, marathon one news. Support for ukraine was also discussed today in the United States, there in favor left the speakership for the third most influential position in the state elected mike johnson, immediately after the question arose, how he will act and whether he will block the package of aid to ukraine proposed by the white house. Our special scorer, dmytro anobchenko, found out all the details, he is now live from washington. Dima, i congratulate you, tell me how the election of a new speaker can change the situation. Congratulations, well, actually , a lot is being said about it, it is such a top topic today both for the American Press and for american politicians, i would like to get, first of all, from emotional evaluations, which i already see in the ukrainian media and in ukrainian social networks, if only because you know, experience has already shown that when an american politician is just one of the congressmen, one of several hundreds, and when he becomes the third person in the state, then the rhetoric changes and the statements change and the actions change, so there is hope, i heard them today on the congressional sidelines, that this is what we can expect from the new speaker of the house of representatives. The main question, you know, such a marker that will show a lot, is precisely the situation when the Biden Administration insists that aid to partners be considered as a package, and this package included money for israel, and money for ukraine, and money for taiwan, there are already certain statements, statements just today, when congressmen began to insist that all these issues be considered separately, well , already today, just in the senate, several senators, republicans, proposed a new bill regarding aid exclusively to israel, separately to israel, and today all st writes about it in a fresh issue, and just predicts that this option is possible, will come to mind, he is supported by in the lower house, however, lets not forget that first , the democrats have a majority in the senate, and they are unlikely to vote for this new alternative bill, unless there is a goahead from the white house, and the white house is us heard absolutely clearly, supports and will continue to support the plan that exists, its the biden plan, its a big package for everyone. As for the lower house, just today a forecast has already appeared from a rather influential person, the head of one of the main congressional committees of the committee on of foreign affairs, michael mccaul, on the sidelines, i had the opportunity to talk with him to reporters, and he just said that he predicts that in the lower house they will find a common language among republicans, that the plan proposed by the administration, which includes ukrainian money, well, ill just quote, he says there will be unity. Tying all aid in one document is a good course of action, it will bring votes, regarding the position of the administration, bileydzim has already distributed a statement signed by President Biden himself, and it becomes clear that the administration is not going to abandon the package, the president calls on the legislators , i quote here, to approve the request proposed by the white house as soon as possible, calls for immediate action, and regarding these future actions, there will be very serious negotiations between the administration and the new speaker, his staff and between congress. As for johnson himself, the situation is interesting here, well , the first step he took was to say it in a speech, as soon as he was elected, he sees support for israel and must first pass a bill in this regard, these words of his have already become a reason for many speculations, i spoke today also on the sidelines of the congress, in particular with the staffers of the congress and heard that this was an expected step and that he did not want to cause what is called fire on himself in the first speech , because he came to this position , in particular, thanks to the votes of conservative protrump republicans, however , just today, journalists on the sidelines had the opportunity to ask the new speaker questions on the fly, questions specifically about ukraine, well, please listen to what this dialogue was like, as a democracy, the whole system of government is built in such a way that there are always some levers that balance the situation, even when there are sharp steps from some politician, and in the congress, and i hear it personally, because there are a lot of proukrainian congressmen working in the congress, and congressmen for whom, you know, they are not such, well, the essential personal position is to contain russia, well , in this way, all this will affect the consideration of the new package, and the situation, and about the mood in the congress, i just wanted, yes, go ahead welcome to the frame, i wanted to meet you. Yehor cherniv just came over, peoples deputy, deputy chairman of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, good afternoon, a large parliamentary delegation is in washington these days, and of course we can just talk to you directly ether to hear about everything from the first hand, two short questions, firstly, what did you hear during your meetings, in particular congressional, maybe not only congressional, regarding aid to ukraine and regarding the prospects of this package, absolutely clearly, both in the democratic wing and in wings of the republicans it sounds like there will be aid, how it will be there, how it will be voted on, thats where there are still disagreements on this issue, and the republicans are still considering the issue of splitting the package, which was proposed by the white house, where there are four issues, there there is ukraine, there is israel, there is taiwan and there is the internal issue of the border with mexico, the strengthening of the border with mexico. Er, it is currently being considered, within the republican wing, various options for a possible vote for the package are being considered, not only ukraine, but ukraine plus something, of course, which we would like to receive, and the most votes can be obtained precisely by voting for the package, ah, for such a proposed package, the democrats absolutely insist that it be voted in this way, i remind you that for in order for the bill to be voted on in the house of representatives, 217 votes must be obtained, which means that we need, relatively speaking , all the democrats, plus 1015 republicans, having an absolute clear majority in the house of representatives and the house of senators, in that number, those who vote for and those who support ukraine, i think that this package will be passed in any form, whether it will be four questions in this package or. Plus something, but it will take some time, from what the republicans have been telling me, they are predicting that this could be resolved in the coming weeks, not months, as far as aid is concerned. Well, you know, there is a tactic, there is a strategy, the package is what is needed for now, but there are also more important questions, what are they, what is on our list, the list for help, the list of requests for help, which you voiced, your colleagues voiced, of course, number one is the continuation of aid for next year, but there are specific questions about providing us with weapons, the weapons that we dont have yet, and the expansion of the weapons assistance that we do have, but we need more of it, in particular we are talking about what we had, we have to get through this difficult winter with enough air defense systems, because we understand that, unfortunately, the terrorist state of the Russian Federation will continue to hit our infrastructure systems, gas, electricity , another, therefore, we need to increase the number of our systems , moreover, we offer our options for solving these, these systems, these, this issue, having. Systems using the United States some complexes and missiles together in a single system that will protect our our air, our sky the second, of course, is the 155 caliber shells that we need all the time on the front line, which we will use thousands of per day, and that is needed as well, and there is some fear that we may compete with israel if there is more demand. But the way out of this is from this the issue is an increase in the provision of cluster or cluster munitions, which are definitely not going to be used by israel, and in principle we also see feedback in and in and in the senate and in congress to supply the supply of such continued and even increased, so there are quite specific point issues that we are talking about and we see positive aspects, well, it is important that we see it, kyiv studio , i give you the floor, you see, news comes promptly from washington on live air, and i hope that the news is still good. Thank you, dima, and mr. Yehor, and you for the information you told us, i will remind you, it was dmytro nopchenko from washingto tagor chernev, peoples deputy, deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence and chairman of the permanent ukrainian delegations in the nato parliamentary assembly. And before the events on the battlefield, the enemy continues to suffer heavy losses near avdiivka in Donetsk Region since the beginning of its offensive on october 10 on the city and in general in the avdiivka and marin directions, russia has already lost more than 5,000 soldiers killed and wounded such data was provided by the spokesman of the Defense Forces of the tauri region oleksandr shtupun. He noted that near avdiivka , the russians are still attacking, mostly infantry. Russia also suffers losses in technology. Near avdiyivka, the ukrainian defenders managed to destroy up to 200 vehicles, bmps, tanks and armored personnel carriers in just 10 days, and despite all the efforts of the russians to break through the defenses, the armed forces of ukraine firmly holds the shield. One of the hottest spots on the front is the serbian forest in the luhansk region, our stanislav kukharchuk visited ground zero with the soldiers of the 67th brigade. Duk, his exclusive material, see further. The sun is rising over the silver forestry, so all the equipment and fighters hurry to complete the movement. It is already very difficult to hide in the forest destroyed by the russians. Together with the scouts of the 67th brigade of duk, we are heading to the positions that the enemy is constantly in. Is storming, oleksandr has been fighting here for more than six months, but he does not stop being horrified by what the occupiers have done. Yes , the forest here burns periodically, now a little, thats what i said, the rains stopped, it stopped burning a little, but basically the forest is constantly on fire, well, almost everything practically burned out. Seems to that in this forest not a single undamaged tree was left, everything was beaten and broken by fragments of shells. In order to survive in this hell , our defenders have to bury themselves in the ground as much as possible, this is the key to survival, because the enemy guns never stop here, before there were more punctual customers, so to speak, they were still working here at the time, it is not clear, maybe a gag, a couple of days ago. A sapper of the 67th brigade with the call sign monk has just returned from combat. He installed mine barriers in front of our defense line. The warrior says the russians are trying to go through the forest to one of the hottest directions, that is why there is a lot of work, the closest distance to the enemy was 40 m , an antitank, where there are different passages, also, and yes, fighting spirit, i know what we are here, that is, all of us consciously, lets say so, they are standing, the lithuanian marius also knows why he came, it seems like a foreign war to him, he is more than sure that the next for the russians after ukraine may be his native baltic countries, together with the scotsman pops, marios helps to take Wounded Ukrainian soldiers from the field battle, this work is not easy and extremely dangerous. Fragmentation, fragmentation gas, chemical, all kinds of guys came, well, we were based a little in this direction. Gas, what do you mean, throw chemicals with gas, gluttons, lungs, nausea, here it is, before the war in ukraine, both volunteer medics did not have any combat experience, and for almost two years of being in solid hell, they even learned to joke from close gaps russian shells. At 63, pops can still give a head start to many young people, jokes marios. The scotsman came to ukraine back in march of 2022, clearly realized that sooner or later this war will affect everyone. Please unite europe and america to help ukraine, because this is a world war, this is not ukraines war, this is now a world war. To to win this war, ukrainians are doing Everything Possible and impossible, just to knock out the occupiers from their native land, volunteers helped the 67th brigade of the rsv fighters to do this, the system became so devastating for the enemy that it was called the witcher. Now. The Field Artillery of the 67th brigade will practice targets under flint, here the guys are now aiming, adjusting and adjusting them drones it is for this brigade that the detail team and cherkasy volunteers announced a fundraiser for the purchase of drones, two drones, a mavic 3t, so join this fundraiser guys, to complete their tasks, these birds are absolutely necessary. It takes the guys no more than 5 minutes to set up and aim, and you cant stand in one place longer. After a quick aim, the calculation immediately fires two aiming shots. After adjusting, the rest of the projectiles are fired at the enemy. The deployment of the installation is just as fast, from drones, the russians have recorded the launch site and can go here fly in, the war continues, and the boys must save the witcher. Stanislav kukharchuk, vyacheslav romadan, volodymyr humenyuk, details intermarathon tv channel, single news. Kharkiv oblast, following Kherson Oblast and donetsk oblast , is preparing the forced evacuation of children from frontline settlements. Such, according to the head of the Regional Military administration oleg. There are dozens of sinigubov and 275 children live in them, while the evacuation of children is possible only with at least one parent or another guardian. As the military and local authorities emphasize, everything is happening clearly within the limits of the legislation, and in no way is it about forced evacuation, as the kremlin propagandists try to present it, in order to sow panic among parents and how the kremlin mouthpiece distorts any information and finds justification for its crimes, you can already write a manual, even the attack on the new post office in kharkiv, where six people died and another 14 were injured, the russian propagandists were able to twist for their own benefit, they say , they hit because there were not parcels, but a military depot, a huge portion of the lies of the kremlin clowns were debunked by danil snisar together with experts. Six of the 17 dead were injured. Such are the consequences of a missile attack on the terminal of the new post office near kharkiv, carried out by russia. Russia is a peacemaker, isnt it . How kremlin propaganda justifies its own war crimes. There is terrible news in ukraine in this regard. And where russia is spreading this lie, we will find out later. The attack on the Novaya Poshta terminal became a holiday for kremlin henchmen. The happiness of the russians knew no bounds. Against the background of the lack of success in the so called csto and the senseless missile attack, already victory, the more so the drive is iron, weapons were stored in the premises of the post office, this is according to the version of the public. In kharkiv , the post office was clearly hit, it would seem that what is the purpose of the post here, they are transporting dry goods, medicines and military equipment there. The russians somehow fantasized, perhaps their fire adjusters on the spot, conveyed information that this very terminal of the new post office contained something of interest to the Russian Military machine. Almost immediately, nova poshta released a video from internal surveillance cameras, which clearly shows that u the room is in normal working order and there is no military equipment there, but the propagandists ignored this. If something military was stored there, and there were shells, some ammunition, or some military equipment, then first of all there was a repeated detonation, a secondary detonation, it all exploded. Not only would there be a hole in the roof and blown out walls, but there would be a gap, and if there were any other materials there for the military, once again first aid kits, some spare parts, then there would be an explosion and it would be visible on the outskirts, that some military is lying around equipment. The next day, the rhetoric of the propagandists changed drastically, because the missile strike did not give real strategic results, so the kremlin media put forward a new version, the explosion took place inside the premises and russia is of no use here, the postal terminal is in short order, it may have been blown up from the middle, local residents also note, that one of the parcels could have exploded, but the russians didnt understand this theory, because the evidence appeared, so the new mail trucks are transporting bmp, its no use that its a photomontage, there is also a video where trucks are transporting equipment, and the fact that the trucks have foreign license plates and that the video was filmed outside of ukraine are unnecessary details. For the russian consumer. This is enough, since the russian consumer does not ask many questions about the actions of his, his authorities, we generally see that the consciousness of a russian is like a blackboard, on which some messages are written in the morning, and others can write them down in the afternoon or evening, maybe it is calculated even on our western friends, in order to say, look, they are ukrainians, they are closing civilian infrastructure, well, of course, on our own, to show, you see how ukrainians are, how inventive they are with a minus , a minus sign, you see how they hide behind the civilian, and we do not do that, we fight openly, that is, this is the same kind of information war. Its occupiers follow a standard algorithm, everything starts with fake messages in telegram, this is the main platform for the kremlin to spread disinformation, both for the internal audience and for us, ukrainians. Telegram is a very convenient platform for promoting any dubious, true or other news and messages i would recommend the first thing to do is to unsubscribe from all anonymous telegram channels, because no one knows, if you do not know who is behind this resource, then with a 99 probability, it is people who will manipulate you. And then the main mouthpiece of the kremlin, the socalled russian television, comes into play. Already the topic of the attack on the post Office Terminal was not missed by the propaganda, with a smile they talked about the destruction of the entire skabeev military force in the format of a hypnotic session. These pictures show what was destroyed. Look carefully, in not letters are hidden in trucks, but foreign bmps are hidden. The trucks have a characteristic logo of the new post office, that is, now vssushniki instead of grain terminals. I use postal distribution centers. What footage the propagandist talked about is a mystery, but what is quite real is the intentions of the aggressor country. 100 , so that you dont even have a doubt, the russians will continue to hit any places, any warehouses, any production enterprises. Danil sniser, yevhen kaminsky, bohdan savruts, details of the intermarathon tv channel, edyni news. As for strikes on civilians, russian propaganda. Openly and defiantly, it hides and silences its defeats at sea, meanwhile, ukrainians are getting closer to the deoccupation of crimea, several factors in favor of such a conclusion, which the president of ukraine spoke about during the crimean platform summit. This is the increase of proukrainian sentiments in crimea and the fear of the russian fleet in front of the Ukrainian Army and ukraines prospects of returning the role of the transport route to the black sea. Thanks to the successes of our defenders, the ships of the occupiers can no longer stay at all in the western part of the black sea, and the export of goods from ukrainian ports began even without the participation of russia. How do western specialists assess the progress of the armed forces and what is needed to speed it up . See further in the material of olga zhidetska. The advantage that the enemy had in the black sea is no longer there, we have completely entered all the towers, cleared them and control them, but it starts from the island of snakes and all the towers, that is, they still have something in them somewhere, well, maybe well, the advantage is in the air. And then they dont fly up to our facilities like that, because they understand that there are our people waiting for them on all these towers, this is a shot of an exclusive interview in which the commander of our Intelligence Unit with the call sign titan tells the details of the liberation of ukrainian drilling platforms in the black sea, this and a whole series of other unique operations from the ssu, the landing on the peninsula, the blowing up of military bases, the impact of the Amphibious Assault ship minsk and the submarine rostovondon, the destruction of the general staff of the black sea fleet of the Russian Federation in sevastopol, recently prove that the return of ukrainian crimea is approaching. Shlagom nearby, become khama, roaring in the crimea. The successes of the Ukrainian Armed forces in the black sea are truly impressive, experienced western military and political observers confirm that the armed forces are doing the impossible. Look at what ukraine, which has no powerful warships, did to the Russian Black Sea fleet, russia has to withdraw its ships, except those near crimea, because they are vulnerable. Ukraine is making progress and very soon we will see that the armed forces will keep the entire land corridor to crimea under their sights. It is possible that ukraine will not cut it before winter, but it will be in the zone of influence of artillery, and the russians will not be able to move freely through it. Many successes. Over the past month, the russian fleet has been pushed back all the way to the sea of ​​azov, shipping lanes have been opened again, drilling platforms have been recaptured, the armed forces of ukraine managed to hit many targets in crimea, i think that soon we will see strikes on the kerch bridge again, maybe its just a rumor, i cant say that to check, but i saw that the socalled cabinet of ministers of crimea no longer physically meets together, only through zoom, if this is true, then they are afraid. To be in one place at the same time. Meanwhile, in proportion to the strikes by the armed forces of the Russian Federation on the fleet and naval bases of the Russian Federation in crimea , Business Confidence in the restoration of shipping in the black sea has also increased. Despite the withdrawal of the aggressor country from the grain agreement and threats to attack merchant ships, ukraine was able to open an alternative sea route along the eastern coast. Since midseptember, they have already exported more than 3. 5 million tons of grain. The export of metal also began, while the grain agreement allowed the transportation of only grain, food and fertilizers in fact, it is not too much, we need to export at least 6 million tons every month in order to support the Agricultural Sector as a basic part of the ukrainian economy, but this is already a good result, and the subcost of exports has fallen, if before our successes, the cost of logistics was about 200 dollars per ton. Now it has decreased

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