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That there is more of a Mutual Understanding between the leadership of the couples and our leadership, so again, obviously, we should not exaggerate this, but nevertheless, certain changes are taking place, and therefore we must continue to work in this direction , once again our allies turned out to be precisely the local civil society, universities, think tanks, in the two leading think tanks i would say not only couples, but africa, we have established a very good, very good relationship, and by the way, next month i am already going on my third trip as a couple, where we hope it will be a ukrainian delegation of civil society, where we hope that we will be able to communicate, well no simply, lets say there in the ministry of Foreign Affairs, because we had such communication at one time , we will be able to communicate with the leadership of the african. National congress, this will be such a certain one, i consider it a turning point, because before we did not manage to do this , and we definitely need to talk with the ruling party as well, i hope that it will be possible to do it, but if we talk about zambia, the situation there is the opposite, that is, there the impulses are going, the support of ukraine is coming from the president , because the president has taken a very. And unlike couples, zambia constantly votes in the un to support the territorial integrity of ukraine. Now, if i may, i can already see how the war in the middle east made cooperation difficult. Well, we dont see it yet, but we sure will because, you know, with of my experience, even before this war. When i gave lectures in africa, and in particular in paris, and spoke about the situation in which ukraine found itself in an exceptional way, and i said that it is not seen in the world, when a neighboring country wants to destroy simply another country and denies its right to exist, and i rhetorically asked the question, have you seen anything like this in the world, and i was shouted from the audience, israel is palestine, of course i have. Said that this is a different situation, explained why it is a different situation, talked about the fact that ukraine is a state the founder of the un, the state is recognized in international borders, security guarantees, Nuclear Disarmament and so on, but now this situation will definitely be even more, we will be told even more that the west protects ukraine, why does it not protect palestine, and in this. sense, i would, well, we understand, yes, this situation, but what is absorbed with mothers milk in the countries of this global south, which is an antiwestern approach and, say, an antiamerican approach in, say, latin america, with this very its hard to fight, and they are always when you say, you say ukraine, and they say, what is ukraine, well, its because youre white, thats why they treat you better, lets look at palestine, lets look at. The western sahara, lets look at yemen and so on , and so on, why there is no such interest in the west, of course you can argue with this, but it seems to me that there are rational arguments on this topic, but it seems to me that it is precisely when we talk about such conflicts that emotions start to arise , are beginning to prevail, and so when we talk about bidens speech, as far as it is concerned was. Aa correctly built tough and clear, but we found ourselves in the same basket israel and ukraine, and if for us it is absolutely from. Clear, then on this socalled global rooster, here is such a tie, that here we are now in the same basket with israel, there it can have just that for us, create problematic moments, because the mood is antiisrael, and you know very well what you tell in your programs, by the way, i enjoyed listening to your saturday political club, even so it happened that i listened to your explanations three times, we listened here with my family, yes, first by myself, then with the family, and you know how difficult it is, it is difficult to explain who is the victim, and it is true that the arab countries did not condemn the terror of hamas, as for the ukrainian position, you know, i am here. Some said, including from our arab friends, that our position, if there was one, a suspended position, was how to say it, too much leaning towards israel, you know, i read our statement from our foreign ministry, the first statement, i would said that it is very clear, very clear, that is, terrorism is condemned first, then it is said, the second, which must continue the middle east Peace Process must continue, the third is that ukraine is committed to the principle of two, two states, and in palestine, how it will be in practice, we cannot say now, because it is obvious that the situation will become very complicated, but i would say that the position of our ministry of Foreign Affairs was, i think, generally correct, but how will our arab unions and arab partners see it, i would say, this is again a matter of subjective perception, i would not say , that the position of ukraine is onesided, moreover, after the tragedy in explosion in the hospital, and now we already know more and more evidence that the rocket came from the palestinian side, well, it didnt just reach the border with israel, but then there was another statement from our ministry of health, and it clearly says that all sides must comply the rules of warfare, avoiding catastrophes among the civilian population, so it seems to me that the position of ukraine here was considered, but again, how will it be interpreted in the global north, it seems to me that now the situation, the situation is somewhat complicated, and we, say during well, it is necessary to choose a time for future votes in the un, and it will be necessary to make additional efforts to support the International Coalition formed in the un to support the territorial integrity of ukraine, again not because the countries of the global south do not support it, but because that if their attention is switched to other problems that are closer to them, which they are, they think they understand it. From an emotional point of view, that they understand it better, in fact, as it seems to me, that they are more guided by emotions and those stereotypes that have formed, and which are very its not easy, its not easy to break down, dont you think that against the background of this last conflict in the middle east, this kind of branching continues, i would say that the states are diverging in Different Directions and there is no special tool to find between these two conditional camps , conditional, the west and not the west, understanding, well, it seems to me, you know, an ambiguous situation, i think that in fact, again, that we cannot generalize it like this, the west is not the west, that is, definitely what is happening now in middle east, it will use russia will use china in order to. The countries of the socalled global south, but it seems to me that here we can, i think that here we just need to move away from generalizations and try to show, try to prove each specific case and the specific situation, to convey, to convey arguments, yes, because obviously, the situation in the middle east is different than with russia, ukraine, and therefore we need to show and explain it, and again to the mind. That the mentality in these countries, yes, especially arab ones, is completely different than in defense, well, we understand very well, so that with its provocation, hamas actually played to disrupt the potential improvement and possibly even the establishment of diplomatic relations between saudi arabia, arabia and israel, yes, that is, this process has started, that is. Egypt is already here , and jordan, and morocco, and bahrain, and the emirates, have diplomatic allies, relations with israel, so if saudi arabia also joined it, it is obvious that it would be possible to significantly reverse the trends in the arab world and move forward. His own with the attack, hamas disrupted, yes, what is now, what can happen, and it is obvious that in this situation, even these people who in the arab world, lets say, take fairly moderate positions, or would seek to improve relations with israel, they now they cant do that, at least at the moment and at least in the rhetorical sphere, again you re showing this summit in cairo now and were with or not, whether its not showing cameras, its it its going to be sa, its the summit of the arab League Previous , the arab states, it is obvious that what was, what was in cairo, what i heard, well even moderate leaders, they resorted to a unilateral statement against the genocide of the people of palestine in the gaza sector, well, thats right, fine, but then youll remember the other one. Side, the other side as well, you know, just before i turned on your program, i was listening to farid zachariah on cnn, he was turning on yehud barak, the famous former Prime Minister of israel, and i noticed that the approach of these two people was different, yed barak still spoke about the need for a military operation in the gas sector. And expressed hope that it would be possible to eliminate hamas from the authorities, in and establish some other system of authority in the gas sector. Zakaria, he holds a different opinion, his opinion is that the actions of the terrorists are aimed at an overreaction, i dont know, even translate, too. A strong reaction of the affected party, which will contribute to the terrorists. In any case, zakaria, he says that israel should act as israel , lets say, acted before, to destroy the leaders, terrorists, and not get involved in a military operation, because it will ultimately work on terrorists, yes, that is, there are different. Views, as far as i understand, after all , the point of view that prevails in israel now, and it is the point of view not only of the right, but also of the majority of the israeli political spectrum, that such an operation should be carried out, well, again, if we talk about ukraine and the global south, it will make it difficult for us, definitely, definitely, thank you, thank you, sir, im just saying. Because we have to be realistic here, we have to keep doing our thing, were not going anywhere, we keep doing our thing, but what will be more difficult to work on, i think, we need to take into account , thank you, oleksiy garan, professor of Political Science at the kyiryan academy and scientific director of the Democratic Initiative foundation, we will literally break for a few minutes now, but dont switch, there will be interesting conversations later. Pain can become an obstacle, walking stairs, not with my knees, for knee pain, try dolgit cream. 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Lets counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project, with olga len. Tuesday, thursdayfriday at 5 10 p. M espresso tv channels. Continuing our information broadcast, we will now talk about the middle east with yakov falkov, israeli historian, doctor of sciences, teacher at telyaviv university, former analyst of the ministry of defense of israel. Good evening, mr. Yaka, good evening, good evening. Well, here we are on another day of waiting for what will be next in the war, this is the sixteenth day, in fact, as far as i understand, because we have already lost count here, you know, in the russianukrainian war, now more days, the war in the middle east, so today, by and large, is the 606th day of the war in ukraine and the sixteenth day of the war in israel. In the israeli situation, we wonder how and when the military ground operation will be organized, do you feel that preparations for it are underway, or maybe everything is not so simple, well, firstly, we feel, secondly, everything is not so simple, indeed, it means that the preparation is going on, i live relatively close to our south, south of tel aviv, and we constantly hear flying planes here, again echoes , and it reaches us from the side of the gas sector, that is, we somehow yes, there is always a feeling in the air that something is being prepared, but on the other hand, you are absolutely right, in general, we think exactly the same as you, here is the one who is not allowed to some secret conversations, that means in our, in our higher command, we are all guessing when this will all begin , because in the press there are a lot of different assumptions about why it didnt start, first they referred to the weather, then to visits and alleged pressure from our highranking american friends and partners, but then there were reports that since hezbollah is threatening, it means that we now have to urgently plan something for two. Of the front, in general, we have to reckon with the fact that to what extent, then, the actions in gaza will affect what is happening in our north, literally today there were reports that even the army may not be completely ready to operations on two fronts, there are revealed some internal flaws, which, in general, it is clear that there were, judging by what happened on the seventh, in general, there is a whole tangle of different possible reasons, obviously, in general, they are together like they coexist, obviously , everything is correct, thats it, thats why its not clear, our highranking military constantly promise, literally today they once again distributed a statement from the commander of our air force, that he met with officers there, in general, he said that we would soon start , well, were waiting, were waiting exactly like that as well as you, tell me how likely it is that the war can go on several fronts, because every day we see reports from lebanon about the talk, which is not encouraging, because the concentration of forces of the hezbollah organization on the border is, the reports themselves, possible evacuations, or they are already happening, shelling and shelling, are already happening , you know, up to 2,000 israelis, it must be emphasized that both from the south and from the north have already left their homes, some of them are concentrated in the south in eilat near the red sea, parts in the center countries, scattered in other places, but i emphasize, man, the inhabitants of israel have not been living in their homes for several weeks, this is very important, yes, and regarding your question about whether a war on several fronts is possible, well, in fact, the war is already is being conducted, however, so far without active ground operations , firstly, indeed, for the 16th day, our air force, our naval forces have been destroying targets in gaza, mainly in the north, where the main infrastructures of the Hamas Organization were located, secondly, you have absolutely correctly noted, that we have constant skirmishes in the north, which means that hizballah is being fired upon, and the representatives of hamas militants who are there under the wing of hizballah, they are firing antitank missiles guided by some other missiles in the israeli northern districts, mainly border areas, and they try to penetrate our territory, we respond with our artillery and tanks, at the same time, i want to remind you that just a few days ago, from yemen, cruise missiles were launched, up to five cruise missiles missiles and combat attack drones in the direction of israeli territory, we knew then , it was reported that they were shot down by the american navy, which is located in the red sea region, literally today there was information that the americans, in addition to this, also destroyed a radar directly on the territory of yemen , obviously the one with the help of which these launches were carried out, that is, here you go please, we already have active hostilities here in the region, and the americans are involved in them, and one more front i want to say, of course, is what is happening here in judea and samaria, in general. There is a demand from both hamas and iran to cause general indignation and an explosion, in general to open in this way another front in relations towards israel, and another front is a cyber front. Israel is constantly exposed to massive cyberattacks from both hamas and lebanon, that is, hezbollah, and iran, and now the russians have also joined these attacks. And there was the first report about a week ago that a wellknown russian network. And cyberpresnikovnet attacked targets in israel and literally half an hour before our conversation with you, a message appeared that the website of the largest Israeli Health Insurance Fund was also hacked by Russian Hackers who allegedly did it in recognition of what israel is doing in gaza, that is , in fact, this conflict is already being waged in the most different planes, but we have not yet reached the stage of a ground attack in the south of our country and a largescale ground attack in the north. Today, as far as i remember, a missile strike was launched, just in time the territory of the west bank of the jordan river, in a rare, rare phenomenon in general , this is what happened, at one of the objects that the Israel Defense forces considers a military object, as far as this creates the prerequisites for the appearance of another front, on the west coast . Well. Of course, absolutely, i agree with you, i already said that with the help, that is , sending such rockets to that area, as well as with the help of those infrastructures that are already capable of being available there today , in of two terrorist organizations, hamas and islamic jihad, er, it means that both the palestinian extremists themselves, the islamists, and their iranian patrons are constantly trying to kindle the fire of popular unrest there, in general, in this way, to open another. Front against israel, including eastern jerusalem, so yes, this is absolutely completely included in their plans, so yes, yes, yes, that is , all those fronts, all those places, about which we are just. I want to talk to you as with the historian of the holocaust, but rather with modernity, if you will, because this is still your main specialty, we need to understand what is happening now in the west, because it seems to me that this is a constant struggle with the so called rightwing antisemitism, with antisemitism, which is directly. To the heirs of antisemitism of the time of the holocaust, National Socialist , fascist antisemitism, whatever you want, but this is right wing antisemitism, the antisemitism of ultraright forces, by and large, the entire struggle against antisemitism, again connected with the holocaust, was aimed at these and these movements, and here, not suddenly, against the background of this conflict , we saw that antisemitism has three, if you will, heads now like the horynich snake, a fairy tale, another great antisemitism. Empire, the first head is national, socialist, rightwing antisemitism, which has not gone anywhere, but it is not the most active now, the second antisemitism is left wing antisemitism, antisemitism of harvard, antisemitism of prestigious Higher Education institutions, students and teachers who do not want to see the suffering of the israelites, murder of children and women, but they willingly support the thuggish actions of the Hamas Organization by what they say, you dont have to answer for it, let them kill you. You dont have to answer, roughly the same thing that these people, by the way, very often said during the holocaust dont answer, these were also people of the left, im convinced, we just didnt notice them very much, and thirdly, if they answer, then proportionally, yes, that is, it means that we will go into the gas and do exactly the same thing that we did, yes, that is absolutely correct, because you are jews and the third antisemitism is antisemitism of people from the muslim, islamic world, who took their place, so to speak, in western society, american and european, and now for. Western society, instead of western society asking these people to demonstrate some standards of humanism, they impose on their western society, where they came to escape from the cruelty of life in their own world, the standards of humanhatred, these are the three types, and what to do with it now, i dont really understand, because i think that this mixture, it can bury europe itself sooner or later, i absolutely agree with you, you know, i would add another such patron who appeared all of these three heads you listed, so behindthescenes, but in general quite obvious, the patron sits in moscow , this is what they have been doing there lately, and how they are rewriting, rewriting, rewriting history completely anew, and what they have been saying quite openly lately, calling the israelis nazis, and how they allow this here is islamist propaganda in itself on the territory, and it turned out now that, in general, the money of hamas literally there on the eve of this terrible attack on israel was transferred through some, i dont know what its called, that s right, yes, but through russia , it passed through russia to finance precisely this activity of hamas against israel, all of this together, it basically says that yes, yes, the ears are sticking out from there, and by the way, we know that it is the russians in the agreement, their the strength of their interests, their struggle with the west, has been very active in recent years they financed, sponsored, and in every way supported both extreme rightwing organizations on the territory of europe and extreme leftwing organizations. And today they are still quite frankly flirting with islamists, this is all quite understandable, yes, and what is happening in europe, yes, it is necessary to clearly recognize the west in general, because not only in europe, in the same canada, in those usa , and even in the same australia, and in all western countries at the moment, yes these countries have fallen into the trap of their liberalism and democratic principles, they are good the principles are completely normal, this is all very cool, but it turned out that this is generally such a contagion that has grown up within. Western society, it spreads there, and often this is what concerns hatred of israel, in general, of jews, they they unite themselves, these forces do not seem to unite at all, that is, the same islamists, the same rightwing extremists, the same leftwing extremists, they all hate israel at the same time, they even meet at demonstrations against israel, all together, and with it the west society, k unfortunately, it turned out not to be able to fight effectively today, but when we speak to you, literally at the moment many tens of thousands. Demonstrations, even hundreds of thousands are taking place in paris, london, and other places, and yes, absolutely it is difficult to do something today, but i want to say that these people , they have also become a powerful weapon in the hands of their sponsors, and these sponsors, again we said, some of them are in moscow,

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