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There are only a few left, dilapidated, of course, but they are there, they are generally the greatest beauty, and maybe even the pride of our school, the roofs that touch the sky in ukrainian modernism are particularly poetic, twostory, they resemble chinese pagodas, and the decorative turrets are built as a reinterpretation of church bath, to emphasize that the school is a temple of knowledge, but, as we know, the soviet authorities did not like the temple during the soviet era, the spiers were dismantled and the entrance was completely rebuilt, there is no vestibule, there is no second floor, why do they have such a desire for a high goal, they had one single idea, the preservation of the existing order for them by ensuring a minimum for the people, and for this minimum the people had to be silent, if we start to think a lot, we will eventually come up with the idea that the government is criminal, thats all, later many School Buildings were converted into shops, clubs, sober houses, private homes and even garages. The soviet authorities destroyed a large number of works to which Opanas Slastion devoted his life. He himself died in myrhorod in 1933, during the famine. And although the soviet era has long passed, in the days of independent ukraine, schools continue to be destroyed and sold. And to understand, to be destroyed. Under the soviet authorities, this was done deliberately, but today it is simply due to ignorance, misunderstanding of the value and lack of proper protection. In my fathers homeland in the village of shmygli, the school was not preserved literally for for the last, maybe 10 years, there is also a person there, who are you, who bought it and who dismantled it, and because of this, people know everything and treat it with such disgust, with such, with such pain, everything is discussed about it. Years, activists who are trying to stop the destruction of buildings, united in the organization of the lohvytskyi zemstvo school. They write petitions, appeal to the authorities, patrons and the community. There are no identical projects, each village has its own highlight. Each school was passported, and now entered in the state register, they are protected. If this had happened 1015 years ago, the shmegliv school would have been saved. Senchan the school would also have been preserved, it would now have a cheerful color. So far, out of 53 schools, only 37 buildings have been granted protective status. The activists ambitious goal is to include slastion schools in the list of unesco World Heritage sites. During our expedition, we came across another phenomenon of folk architecture. Mill. Now for all of cherkassy. Region , there are only eight of them left, and once there were more than 10,000 windmills alone, 60 in each village, a windmill breaks a lot of stereotypes, but our grandfathers were illiterate, they were dark, how illiterate they were, to build such an engineering structure, to calculate gears, you need a lot of knowledge of various geometric, mathematical, to know wood, how in which, at which time of the year wood should be sawn, it was necessary to know how to prepare it in order for this mechanism to work. Nazar lavrinenko was born here, in the village of ivkivtsi, in cherkasy region. He was always interested in windmills, received the profession of historian and ethnographer, and later founded the ukrainian mill association. You will me to sign, write a candidate of historical sciences, the head of the ukrainian association, and not a dog. Therefore, he knows almost everything about windmills. They came to us from the west, a german. The windmill, like the house of the yaga woman, turns 360 around its axis, and the dutchman stands on the foundation, and only the tower with wings rotates, that is, the dutchman is already. The next stage of the evolution of millinery. We had much fewer dutchmen, these are more recent windmills, newer technology. One of such unique mills, also restored, located in the village of pustovity. In the center of our village, well, a little behind it, there is a dutch type windmill, which was built by local craftsmen, its owner was slavetny kuzma denisovych dryga. This windmill is. In ukraine, there are no analogues to it in our country, in this photo you can see the family of kuzma dryga, he had six sons and four daughters, his father had a mill in his family, and he, when got married, he, well, began to live in a separate house, and built his first windmill, already with his father, and then went to study in france he was 4550 years old, he was oriented like that, he already had a farm , he already had two smallscale farmers , he had grownup sons who could help him, and he had a lot of money, so he went abroad, he traveled through odesa by steamboat, he had to go to holland, because he heard that there are such windmills in holland, and he wanted to, he already had this farm, he wanted to expand it, but he did not make it to holland, he stopped in france. He was late for the steamer and met a man there who said i have one too mill, if you want, work for me and i will tell you, and he worked for him for two years as a hired hand. From there, kuzma dryga brought drawings of a new mill and stones, good millstones, without cracks, rough and porous. They were made of kamenets from a piece of rock. As a rule, they were made from several parts, connected with mortar or plaster. In ukraine. At that time, the necessary stones were not mined enough, so they were transported from europe. For two years they built here, so you understand the flat area, this is a mounded hill. There is a story that when it was poured, then in the evening they invited young people, they invited a harmonica player who played there on the accordion, or nabayan, and to this music the young people trampled the hill. People who entered the mill, they put sacks of grain here and poured them into such a compartment. Then the grain was mechanically lifted up the mountain, that is, it is an elevator. The fact that bags did not have to be carried made the process much faster, but even this did not solve the problem of long queues. Triv knew, people came and waited for several days at the mall, because such highquality flour, well, if in ukraine has more, well, i wont say that, but there is little to grind. The first and second millstones are located on the second floor, we are going up another level with you. The third millstone, the fourth and the fifth, there further on. One millstone could grind a bag of grain in 15 minutes. There are five such mechanisms. The windmill worked both day and night, that is, 20 bags per hour, almost 500 bags per day. Such efficiency was achieved thanks to the newest, at that time, dutch mechanism. And the tower automatically returned to the direction from which the wind blows. Automatically, look at the wheel, the mill is a place of power. In 1926, kuzma dryga died. The sons were disbanded and one of them was sent to the far east, to a camp. Two smaller mills were destroyed, but the larger one was saved. During the second world war, people independently guarded the mill. During all the years of the occupation, people spent the night under the melin so that it would not be plucked, because it was feeding. He is one of the people, those people who worked at the mill during the hunger strike, their families did not survive either, and we know that, he had to be protected. When grain began to be threshed using electricity, they began to forget about the mills, dismantle them, destroy them or simply throw them in the field, but here too the myronivites were lucky, the heads of the collective farm treated the mill with respect and the first restoration took place in the 80s, in 2017 at the expense of local entrepreneurs. The monument was restored a second time. Today, the mill can even run on electricity. The mill is cared for by the local community. Excursions lead here, and even now, even during the war, passing cars constantly stop here because people want to take pictures. Well, for our ukraine, which is a farming region, this is a monument to our ancestors who worked on this, on this land, here. Plasterers to this day, they work, and to this day, bread, our land is very fertile, it brings profit to people. Thanks to such people who care about their village, individual mills are still standing. So. In 2006, nazar initiated a local toloka to restore a windmill that he loved since childhood, and whose destruction he watched for many years, a year, two, three, five years will pass, and my grandfathers will be there someday, and they will not see the windmill, that is, i specifically wanted to restore this windmill for your children so that they can still see, go to him, look, otaku. We made a plaque, a reminder to the workers of the village, architectural monuments of the beginning of the 20th century, the odeltsiv mill, built in the sixth year, is protected by the state, the last line, based on the assumption that the state is us and you, so it will be protected by the state, and not by someone by the institution of suppression, no, it is protected by us and you, this is how the windmill was before the restoration, it should have simply fallen, but the community undertook to save it, every the names of entrepreneurs, peasants, pensioners and even children who helped to restore the windmill, gathered old, small, crooked, on sticks, the children came, they all came , and here it was restored, two or three, and then they set up tables, and porridge was cooked here , well, as it should be on the tholos, and then they restored its wing mechanism, and the internal mechanisms restored everything and made it fully operational, in terms of the internal. Structure, we see this pillar, which is buried in the ground, two thirds of it is in the ground and sprinkled with salt, here are two carts of salt, salt attracts moisture and oak becomes stained, it does not rot, it has been idle for 100 years, it still performs its functions, when nazar and the community restored the windmill, then, not having the appropriate knowledge, they first made a gear from acacia, but it broke as soon as the mill was started, if i to grandfather, i say grandfather, what is it made of . Tell me, yes, my father told me that it should be made, this he says from willow, this is the base, he says make the base, the bottom top, it is soft, and these teeth must be made from ash, it is hard and plastic, and it does not crack under load, crumbles, but do not crumble, and he plays in a soft willow, and then it will work for you, they did it, it works like a charm, it is an element of ukrainian culture. Culture, what is it by definition, is the totality of the achievements of humanity at a certain stage of development, but at a certain stage of development, this was the peak of our achievements, engineering, technical and so on, mills disappear very quickly, no one even has time to think about the fact that they are monuments of our culture, only in the last three years the cherkasy region lost eight such windmills, they say its not momelna in horobitsy, im calling, grandfather says. Theres yours something happened, so he says, there is a cowgirl, remember, there was a cowgirl standing around him, they understood, thats all, the children were playing, and they set it on fire, but it burned down, and here it comes that he is completely gone, we lost him, we simply lost everything, he died, thats why we are losing them, friends, and you just had a unique opportunity to go for a walk, in life you still need it, besides the fact that nazar initiated the restoration of the windmill, he is also engaged in the development of tourism and leisure in ivkovets, but his big dream to create a millinery museum here, where would you go imported windmills of various types from all over ukraine. If you drive along rural roads and talk a little with the locals, almost every community will find its own story about downshifters who exchanged the city for life in the village, and some even record their vlog about it on youtube, i myself am from the city of uman, but i was born in the crimea. I am an apartment person who has never shown interest in the land, but somewhere in my head something moved after long travels in different countries, i had the opportunity to meet interesting, Extraordinary People and when we got to know them more closely, they invited us, went to our summer house. Or to a Country House or somewhere else, and usually these were very nonstandard, atypical buildings, for example, it could be a pensioner in the turkish mountains, or lithuanians who have an old house in the pine forests, well, an elementary hut in the carpathians, where you can spend the night and warm yourself by the fire, which crackles and prompts you to some high thoughts, that is, you return to something so simple. After long travels around the world, dmytro and his wife decided to stay to live near uman, in the village of old grandmothers, in a restored manor of the beginning of the 20th century. At first it was a desire. To have my little daughter, a local boy said that i saw an old womans house for sale here, and when i saw it for the first time, i realized that it was probably exactly the option i was looking for, the house and everything in it, its like a time machine , for example, one of the interesting unusual things that can still be found in our time, this is a key like this, hop, and it is closed, then i come, feel my ear, once or twice and open it, crossing the threshold, i say hello to her, bow, because if you dont do this, youll screw up your head, this is the room that we , first of all, set out to put in order, er, a classic stove, its working, it warms us, it feeds us , on the couch its generally high, if you wake up in the morning. Its impossible to get out of it, its like youre stuck to it, and theres even a video of how we restored it, everything weve done with this house, from the beginning until today, we film for our youtube channel, which is called demon the rogue , dont hesitate to subscribe to dmitrys channel has advice for those who want to try Something Like this, although he honestly warns the audience that it is not an easy challenge and will take a lot of time, because in a mud house. Insects will live all the time, beetles will make their nests, thats what ecological housing is like, its like an old grandmother with wrinkles, which you, well, if you dont smear, you wont grease, but you wont make her young anymore, and shell always be so crooked, crooked, not ideal , but personally i just like it, in his home dmytro adheres to the ideology of a simple life, puts spiritual comfort comes first, in addition to ukrainian artifacts, he also collects souvenirs from all over the world, here we have no international, that is , africa, egypt, india, and a little bit of everything is here, this is our kind of traveling pun, and taras is here, now with us, from the modern one, only the light has been added, and that is not improved, because everything is on pillowcases, we have no water, here is our washbasin, it is such a. Also a strange construction, which is enough for a day to wash, wash the dishes and feet before going to bed. In fact, i understand that there is not much for happiness necessary, that is, i feel really happy here, and you probably even physically feel cooler than in the city , that is, you forget about various pains there, something is bothering you somewhere, thats all here, here you have to have time to do what you planned, buy. And to warm the bones on a couch. When dmytro and his wife bought the house, they did not have any information about its history or owners, but during the restoration, they managed to learn something. By the way, here is a mention of the year of construction in 1836. Now the family lives in the older half of the building. The second part home appeared much later. Traditionally , ukrainian houses were completed for future generations. The family was growing, the house was also expanding. Its hard to see, but ive already researched it, its actually the phrase that helped us find out who built this house, its the servant of god, arefa, they wrote in russian at the time, and his wife agafia, in the people, they were called garkhta and havka, hafia, 1905 year, frekhta and his wife agafia, who built this. Unfortunately, are victims of the famine, so they had three sons left, orphans, and one of them continued to live here, well that so far, what we managed to find out, here we want to preserve the traditionality, some such ukrainian uniqueness , that is, a certain central ukrainian style will not be maintained here either, but the general style of ukrainian housing will be. Observed and although this house is not was planned neither for green nor for any other tourism, dmytro and his wife receive guests at their place. The manor house in old baban is available for couchsurfing, as a free place to spend the night and Cultural Exchange with travelers from different countries. I see that with with a backpack, someone like me, where did they go to visit, well, it is interesting for them, because i know for myself that if you are traveling and do not know where you are going and what awaits you, then it is more appreciated a surprise that the locals can prepare for you out of nowhere, and no one has yet regretted it. This, by the way, is one of the important characters. A local resident, sashko, a local expert who , one might say, brought us here, he is in his own way our guide, who, by the way, also helped us a lot here and with the search for information, and physically, and sculpting, and anointing, and bleaching, and what we didnt do here, we caught the virus, faith has faith in dekasan, inhaled dekasan gets into the lungs. Where there is a virus, dekasan works, faith rejoices, dekasan is an inhalation antidote to viruses and bacteria, and dekasan is indicated for angina, dekasan is an inhalation antiseptic. I flew, flew, and the cough stopped me. Cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation. Lordegial is an inhalant for cough. Lordegial is a direct way to expel phlegm. Maridose is taken, sprayed into the nose. Already after washing, proceed to the treatment. Maridoza is, of course, the first installment. Buy on podorojnik. Com. There are discounts on the perfect deal original. 15 at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. There are discounts on samples 20 in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. There are discounts on zesk 50 on any second package in a check, in pharmacies, plantain, bam taushchad. There is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war. For minds russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. Ukraine will become analysis and analysis of information about ukraine of russian propagandists. Specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies. Residents of the ldnr plan to vote for the historic reunification. Lets counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. Tuesday, thursday, friday at 17 10 on espresso tv channel. Vitaly portnikov is with you and we are talking about the main events of this week. Vitaly portnikov and top experts about the most vivid events of the last seven days. Our guest will be general lieut of the ground forces, former National Security advisor to the president of the united states, donald trump, herbert mcmaster. Current topics, acute questions, authoritative. And forecasts in the information marathon project with vitaly portnikov, every sunday at 20 10 on espresso. Every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. The most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how is our success assessed by the international community, and what is moscow lying about. From the flow of news that is flowing. From everywhere we single out the most important ones. The world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the commanders backs. News, summaries of the week this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, factchecking, professional comments. About this and much more in todays issue. About important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. Greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the tv channel. Espresso. News, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21 00 on espresso. Hello, this is svoboda ranok, an information project of radio svoboda. Top guests every day. This is the shipping district, kherson. Turn on live. We are somewhere in the vicinity. Bakhmut, we tell you the main thing, on weekdays at 9 00. At a time when the restoration of authentic ukrainian houses is becoming a trend, sashko advises to Pay Attention to old grandmothers. This is an ideal place to find unique objects of ancient architecture that are slowly crumbling and in need of restoration. The house is also more than 120 years old, 125 to be exact, the last owner of it, a babadunya, lived two years ago, passed away into eternity and left such a memory with her, and the house was, in fact, half a meter higher, it smoothly enters the ground, enters, enters, enters, it came from the earth and it should probably go there, we will see, a traditional ukrainian house of central ukraine , on two halves, or as they say in our country, on two houses. The bastard was preserved here, at that time the most expensive part of the house, because it was difficult to find wood, and such an inscription is correct , i will read it to you, this house was built by the servant of god, Sergei Kirilyuk , in 1898, on the day of the month of may, may 3, and babadu, the last of her own, it was already a daughterinlaw, they asked her, like, cool lenin , who is this one, she says, this is my mother, for example, well, this is this, this, and this towel, the fabric is homewoven no, no. But namely the 54th year woven on the machine is when the old woman got married, she was given a dowry, another very interesting thing is a bench, and this bench is just so capital, it is made of granite pillars that are directly sewn into the hut, here is one and there you can to see the second, and in this house they gathered for dinner parties, spun kuzhil and talked, and grandmother dunya told that they had a wedding here, here people are sitting, in another house people are sitting, and they are standing on the street, waiting, they ate, others came in, sat down here, because she had many relatives, and he had many, she told how they celebrated the centenary, laughed, whats the reason to drink vodka, tomorrow the houses are pages , they got together with the women, well, it was 24 years ago, he says they sat here and remembered the house, well, the museum, its a museum, if only he had some push. This is a house from the 1930s, this is a house, it was built with brick, but time passed and the brick was covered, and the middle still remained adobe, there was such a furnace here. We have a small room where you can cook something, we are now heating the stove, everything is heated with firewood, opishnya is one of the oldest settlements in the poltava region, usually the First Association that comes to mind when the village is mentioned is pottery, but today in later those who are simply tired of the city and want an authentic ukrainian retreat also come. Oleksandr came to opishnia to visit his grandfather, saw an abandoned, abandoned house opposite and wanted to restore it. My uncle and grandfather lived nearby. When my wife and i visited that estate, we began to live there for a few years, but on the opposite side there was this house, which was really practically abandoned, but we would still like to. Try to restore it, make it and restore it. Such a process began, more like a hobby, more like an experiment, but what the result of this experiment would be, almost no one knew. The experiment was successful, one restored house turned into a small restored farm with a farm. Before the war, more than 1,000 came here every year visitors currently , there are already four unique estates on the territory of the ethnic settlement. Alexander and his wife restored each of them. With my own money, with the obligatory observance of its authenticity, some things had to be renewed, some had to be purchased , some were made, they were practically restored from scratch, by the way, this is a unique sofa, also of those models, here it can be used as a sofa and you can use it as a surplus. Usually, oleksandr shows newly arrived guests how to heat the stove, then they want to handle everything on their own. All there are modern amenities in the house, so you can be nostalgic for your childhood in the village without running to the toilet outside in the middle of the night. And this is a hut of 1960, built of zapishnyan bricks and lime mortar. In addition to ceramics, the capital also produced pottery. Also bricks, sometimes we have been doing this for 12 years, and in reality we see people who come there with, lets say , a oneyearold child, and after 12 years they come with a 12yearold there as a teenager, they come as if to themselves home, goes out

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