Absolutely fantastic for the front, that is well 11 killed on. Several hundred snipers, it shows that this is a highly professional backbone of the defense, and now that the main recruits, they are very uninitiative, they are so passive, they tend to leave their positions and so on, and how many dont teach them they are all the same, well, they are not the combat guys who made up the backbone of the army in the 22nd year, so now it is necessary, accordingly , to appreciate professionals. In every profession and that snipers should be this backbone, because very often the guys just look, o snipers with machine gunners do not leave, so we stay, o snipers say that it is better to storm the high ground than to die in this landing, as was the case with the robot, because they stormed the dominant height, because if only they understood that they would die in the landing, retold, we will take you with and you will be able to storm, well, if we go anyway, we will die in the landing, and accordingly, really act so that everyone survives, and that more ordinary fighters really survive, and for this we need to strengthen these sniper groups, now everyone is asking for 375 caliber, 416 caliber, 408 , that is , longrange rifles that can shoot beyond 2 km, everyone is asking for them very much. It would be necessary for the state to pay attention, and we are now collecting a batch of such rifles again, in total, we gave 30 such rifles to the front out of all 2001, but we want right now direct our efforts to these rifles, because there are, especially in the south, where there are long distances and it is necessary to get orks from a very short distance, there are professionals who are ready to switch to. These calibers and to use them effectively, then it would be necessary for the state too woke up and provided the guys more with precisely such calibers, well, that is, in fact, if i summarize what i heard from you, first of all, the sniper groups that gained experience there before the start of the active phase are now carriers of that combat experience and actually they can be bones which ensure the effectiveness of units on the battlefield, even beyond sniper lines, the problem is that not all brigadelevel teams understand the effectiveness of snipers, and the main problems are to ensure that the experience of sniper groups is spread to the very brigade commanders so that they understand this effectiveness, and the third component is the new requirements for weapons, we must now pay more attention to the appearance in our sniper groups of rifles with with a range of 2 km plus and all this in the complex are the main elements. Here i want to say that, for example, the positive experience of the offensive corps, where they simply took sniper groups that were in the brigades, appointed that the senior sniper of the corps, there is one who is so experienced, who does not have 15 years of experience, but yes, and he is accordingly a very rational person, very well provides for the guys themselves logistically, and with our help a lot. What this one does, accordingly, led to the overall sniper business in the corps offensive to a completely different level, that is, if you have snipers who say, you know, there is no way to work now , and so on, just take them, put them in a group that would obey some highly professional cool guy who really ready to fight, even if he is not even an officer or an officer, let him accordingly, uh, all these people who in principle would be ready to fight if they were properly commanded, then. Let him use them more effectively that is, there are two tasks the first is to provide more and more all the time, especially with cool drones, sniper groups, cool rifles, and the second is to search for these hidden reserves, respectively, where there are trained snipers, but they cannot properly dispose of them, respectively, where there are , for example, there are still some remnants of good rifles on rao, they could be repaired. And to send into battle, that sometimes such cases also happen, that is, all this must be sought out and strengthened, in the same way , the professional backbone of the army must be strengthened all the time, the one that been with there since 14, since 22, all these guys to trust there machine gunners and so on, and to direct efforts to increase survivability accordingly, we are now , for example, directing efforts to increase. Survivability not only among the snipers, yes, but also among the assault groups that they cover, and so we, for example , find ways to provide them with minimachine guns, manual, er, respectively, and to make it more than that, because if they are swarmed with machine guns at sturmuri, shsheysny feathers cover, respectively, this storm group, then the losses among the attack aircraft become four, five times smaller, we need. To preserve this professional backbone of the army, otherwise there will be no one to go on an assault, because simply preparing the guys, even in the west , and saying, go, storm, they will not go, it is necessary that there should be Something Like that in a person, well, some core, it is necessary to protect all these people with a rod like gold and invest more material resources, that is , that there should be, for example, 10 times more snipers, 10 times more machine guns in 15 to 16 times more, especially in the national guard, and to reduce overall losses , then, due to the fact that we have a huge saturation of weapons and understanding, according to the fact that it is better to invest there in everything from drones to snipers, than lets say, its just people, because those people who are new come, they dont have the quality that was in those people who have already died, you cant just continue this, its necessary to save peoples lives, its necessary that our the army was as saturated with er, weapons as the german one, at least army during the Second World War , just look at how the unit had its own machine gun, its a must, and we have two machine guns, and thats already considered very good, it shouldnt be like that at all. Accordingly, if a platoon, then it is four machine guns, at least, its own mortar and the like, and when we have such saturation, then we will be able to advance accordingly effectively, look at our successes, we actually crushed the entire army in the south, but still huge efforts and it is huge blood, and it is necessary, accordingly, that these are simply huge efforts, huge resources, but guys, so that life is preserved, during the grinding of all these regular russian armies, during our offensive, during our defense. Mr. Yuriy, thank you very much for your inclusion, you said many important things , i think we will spread them on the defense express resource as well, because you really said the key things, they are extremely important, i will remind our viewers that it was Yuriy Chornomorets , a sniper and a volunteer, on facebook of chornomorets, you can find directions for which you can support ukrainian sniping to determine which samples are currently being purchased by yurii chornom and to support these initiatives, because as we can see, it is precisely at the expense of our snipers that we have a substantial advantage over the enemy and have the opportunity to destroy the enemy, minimizing losses, first of all among our personnel, and then to the other topic, which is also related to the advantage, we are talking about the active use of drones and, first of all, fpv drones , what is the situation with the training of their operators in ukraine, is there progress, what are the problems, what are the difficulties, we will talk about this now with as our next guest, Ihor Kravchenko joins us, he is a reserve Lieutenant Colonel, leading instructor of the Training Center for operators of the bppla krug. Mr. Igor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. Good day studio, good day, dear viewers, glad to see you all. Ill start with the question i asked yuriy chornomovets about training snipers. What is the situation with the training. Of fpv Drone Operators using the example of your Training Center, what is the situation in the country, are there positive dynamics, or are there any difficulties, which complicate, in particular, scaling. Training of operators, of course, if we compare the situation that was at the beginning of the war, that is, an absolute drama, there was nothing anywhere and everyone was used to whoever would find him, then today the work is basically fixed, many centers are already training operators, not only fpv drones, but also other types and classes of drones, if you know, this is according to our administrative documents, these are multirotors and aircraft drones of three types, those drones can be both multirotor and aircraft type, so we work in both directions and with this type of drone and with the aircraft type, the aircraft type is a little more complicated, but we have already mastered this type of preparation and the work is in full swing, in general, to date, we have already managed to prepare about 300 bppla operators, and when we talk about the training of operators, is there a connection with our military, that is, is there a guarantee that when. The operator is trained, he will really get into a unit where his skills will be applied, and will not become there, specifically there shooter, grenade launcher, are there any there at all, well, yes, i understand your question, there are such cases, but such cases are more isolated, as a rule, in the operator it is a valuable, so to speak, personnel and resource of the commander, which he tries to use. Cases they, i would say, they alone, and in principle, for the most part, people are engaged in their own business , what they have studied for, but how is combat experience taken into account in your training at your center, because we see that every day something changes to polycombat, there are some other conditions with they appear, how does it happen. This exchange between practitioners, well, and initial theoreticians who want to become practitioners, yes, yes, of course, we stay in touch with our graduates, the waste to us is feedback , they bring us useful information if there is something new appears, or something with the russians, the russians, by the way, too, they are progressing, they do not stop at one place, and there is a lot to be learned from this opponent, so of course there is a reciprocal relationship, and we are trying to implement everything that there is something new in our training, but still we have many advantages in this regard, which i would probably not mention now, but nevertheless, there is a connection and everything works in a progressive direction. Mr. Igor, does the diversity of drone designs complicate, in particular, the training of operators and their combat units, how does this affect the specifics of training . So, of course, it makes it more difficult, because many people already come who already have initial experience of using a uav, well, for example, they come from a multirotor to learn about the wing type, the principle of flight is completely different, here you already have to understand more about aerodynamics, speeds, and skills control, on that , even the philosophy of flight is completely different here, if you are on a multirotor you can stop the drone, then on the wings the drone does not stop, it is constantly flying somewhere and it has no. Understand where you are going you direct it, so here, as i always say to our students and cadets, that your mind flies in front of the plane, then you will be adequate and normal and an experienced pilot, so yes, of course, it complicates the training, but it is not so critical, people get experience of working with combat units, with cameras, with software, then they only select the experience they need, for example, from a multirotor to an aircraft type, and they can continue to perform combat missions again, already on other unmanned aerial vehicles. Sir igor , i would like you to elaborate on something, i understand that people who are not yet fighting can come and study at your school, they can study at their own request, and there can be operators from the armed forces who can come to your school and to acquire certain skills, these two processes are combined, do you only take the first direction of study, no, the two processes of combination, in my opinion, it is very wonderful, because people, for example, civilians come, they see the military, they join this affairs, they have an understanding and a vision, perhaps a vision of their destination in the future, when they will already be in the military, will be mobilized and will already begin to perform combat missions, so in my opinion, it is very wonderful, we gather young and experienced pilots and they communicate, exchange experience, and on in my opinion, it is very important, so we work in both directions. And the process of training operators, the educational process, this is all a financial and costly direction, the question arises whether there is support from the state for such Training Centers as yours, because, relatively speaking, at the beginning of the year, i remember, the ministry of statistics was financing there, then some peculiarities began there and this led to restrictions, how this situation looks now, you know, unfortunately, these peculiarities did not go anywhere and they are present, of course, you rightly said that it is quite expensive, and well, like hightech things, they cost a lot of money, so especially the training process, drones fight, that there is not a single drone that would not be destroyed sooner or later, because well people learn and thats normal, that a normal process, it should be like that, learning, how it happens, knowledge, skills, skills, because by the time you get to the skills, naturally you will gain a lot of cones, so you need, yes, financial infusions are definitely needed, unfortunately, now there is no, i cant say, unfortunately, that the support was so great, the support of the state is organized, that s why these are specific moments, unfortunately they happen. Well thats an important point because i can, were talking now that we have to make more drones, whats the point of making more if we dont have the capabilities of experienced operators who will use this number on the battlefield, there is probably a logical error here that must be taken into account or the ministry of defense or the ministry of defense or another structure, absolutely, absolutely, you are right, so look, in order to further improve our communication with the state, lets say, the change of defense, with the general staff, we are engaged in the certification of our center, so to say, in order to make it clear that we are carrying out the regulatory orders, which prescribe the training, what knowledge, skills, and abilities must to have a pilotoperator of unmanned aerial systems, and to receive recognition , so to speak, yes, certification of the center, and i hope that after that our communication will become much more understandable and appropriate, and we will already communicate a little more adequately in this regard. Mr. Igor, now there is such a military accounting specialty as a drone operator, it has already appeared in these military tickets, or not yet, eh, yes, it has already appeared and little by little they are getting used to it, because it is absolutely new topic, still unfortunately in the second year of the war, but there are already positive developments in this direction. Mr. Igor, thank you very much for the work you do for our armed forces, for our defense, for the work of your school, for the work of your courses. I will remind our viewers that it was Ihor Kravchenko, the leading instructor of the Training Center for operators of the kruk air defense system, Lieutenant Colonel of the reserve, and we understand that now we are at such a decisive stage of hostilities, when we must be adaptive, innovative and understand all the risks from one side of a longterm war, and on the other hand, to be able to adapt to it and overtake the enemy in those areas where we have sufficient potential, here we can talk about snipers and the increase of experienced. Instructors who use drones, which now, to things, destroy a significant amount of enemy equipment, even competing with mortars, so these nuances must be taken into account in order to increase the effectiveness of our combat operations, so these are the main conclusions that can be made from this military program, and then stay tuned espresso. 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On saturday at 11 15 at espresso. Vitaly portnikov is with you and we are talking about the main events of this week. Vitaly portnikov and top experts about the most vivid events of the last seven days. Our guest will be the Lieutenant General of the ground forces, former National Security advisor to the president Donald Trumps United States by herbert mcmaster. Current topics, pressing questions, authoritative comments and forecasts in the information marathon project with vitaly portnikov, every sunday at 20 10 on espresso. Every week , the saturday Political Club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. Vitaly portnikov, host of espresso and invited experts, based on facts, give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. Do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow . See saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. Hello, this is svoboda ranok, an information project of radio svoboda. Top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson. Turn on live. We are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. We tell the main thing. On weekdays at 9 00 a. M. , for walkin modular homes, so what went wrong . Tssn correspondent inna bodnar found out. The house of culture in muschun is one of the few. Which was restored in the village after the deoccupation of kyiv region, this is how the club was, and this is how it has become, inside it already creates coziness, there are childrens drawings, and the flags of the military brigades that defended mushun, and a piano that was donated by benefactors, all this together is not only a local club, but also a point of indomitability, this is a gift to my son, i put up a flagpole, i paid for it, seriously, yes, he is the commander of a platoon of marines, the elder muschun looks optimistically. And in particular for how they will winter this time, we will prepare , we will drag out this winter, we have stoves, we have stoves, we have firewood, we are stockpiled already, through this village the russian invaders tried to break through to kyiv, they did not succeed in crossing the mushun, but after fighting from the village almost all the ruins remained, phew, thats all that remained of the headmans house, his wife still finds it difficult to enter the native yard, the first rocket flew into the room, sina was pulled out, and we rushed into the bath, covered the granddaughter, she was three years old, and another flew rocket, where we were sitting, the entire ceiling fell, we were blocked there in that bathroom, and the man was coming from there, and he tore the door open, and pulled it out into the world, the old man and his wife now live in a room above the store, you can see him there in mine , where the bottle is prepared for the bottle, the roof there is sown, it leaks in places , we insert bowls, states the woman and barely holds back her emotions, all the same, we will wait for victory and everything will be fine, ukraine will be free, and we will drive out this evil. In the village continues the headman, almost all the inhabitants have returned, although many did not leave, i will give you, and this is a miracle, you should not go into vasyl stepanovychs yard just like that, because there is a dog here, not angry, but agile, i will give you, this the dog is new to the master, vasyl stepanovych is sad, the front one burned down together with the house. Currently, there is already a modular house in its place, but for the winter vasyl stepanovych is gathering in the summer kitchen, it was covered, insulated and a stove was installed over the summer. I have already made a Capital Investment that one day i will live in a normal house again, my husband does not believe. This is an exception, and probably no one will wait here. They say that there is reconstruction, but it is not visible, somehow. The regional authorities report that they are in trouble. With their assistance and the help of benefactors, hundreds of houses were rebuilt, and a hundred modular houses were also built. It is thin, poorly insulated. Lyubov evgennivna has already prepared a bag, where to go to pack. By the way, this winter she will go to receptions with friends again, although she says she hoped she wouldnt have to, my wings have grown, i thought that this reconstruction would begin, and suddenly we are told that there is no master plan, reconstruction , mentioned by the residents of moshtun, is a publicized experimental project with a loud slogan to rebuild better than it was. The cabinet of ministers approved it back in the spring and identified six settlements, they promised that everything would be done. Comprehensively with new planning and the complete transformation of the village, they had to implement in just two years, but the experiment on the asphalt stopped, because the village turned out to have an unapproved master plan. We have martial law, you see, and the general plans are already approved by local councils and district councils, and then, you see, the head of the Village Military administration shrugs his shoulders, we do not have the authority to approve any City Construction documentation. Including this general plan of the village of maschun. The Regional Government also throws up its hands. This requires a decision of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine. Amendment to the law. Offer from of the Regional Administration was submitted regarding the changes six months ago. Moschun, who did not allow the enemy to break through to the capital, is now a staunch bureaucrat. The residents of myshun still believe that they will sign the master plan and return them to the experiment. Tamara yakivna promises to write a poem about the transformation of the village, brags about her humor sketches before the war. Received the district grand prix, here is one of her works, about berdyansk. They were so sick at home, they asked for travel documents, but they didnt have time to go to the beryan mud, they all became so healthy, at least get married now, tamara yakivna will also spend the winter in model house and also dreams of going into his house, and again to go to the resort in berdyansk and write about it and its inhabitants. Inna bodner, andriy romanok, theasan 1. 1. Marathon, single news. There was information about a rocket attack on the crooked horn, as reported in the Regional Military administration, there is a hit on a summer cottage cooperative, a man was killed, another woman was wounded, and a letter to heaven tenyearold ivan yarmolenko wrote a letter to his military father, who died as a result of a rocket attack of the desna Educational Center and is convinced that the father will be able to get it if the correspondence is launched into the sky from the monument of mother ukraine, it was their dream to climb the statue when ivanko grows up, but there is a problem, the boy has just turned 10, the highest Observation Deck in ukraine and all of europe can only be climbed with coming of age, was this special operation successful for the son of our defender, tsn correspondent Iryna Markevich saw an incredibly touching story, tenyearold ivan and sixyearold sofia create the most important letter together, we draw papa, sofia is painting the arch. Ivan writes dad the latest news about their family. Sonia has already entered the first grade, knows how to read and write letters, he and his grandfather put together a desk for his sister and generally tries to be the boss, as his father asked. Vanya is in the fourth grade, he has learned and understood a lot, but he cannot understand where people go after death and asks about the quote in the letter. Dad where do you live im sophie, we think youre on a star, you see us, youre a nazirite, see. And sofiyka shouted to the whole street, look, rainbow, this is my dad for did everything, and he lives there, one girl says, sofiyka, its just a rainbow, she says, no, i know that this is what my dad did for me, the last children saw dad on march 6 , 2022, it was the 11th day of the war, yulia took the children to the west, and from there to italy, sasha was in the army, he went to the military office two or three times a day, everyone already knew him. Oleksandr yarmolenko was in the teroboron when he joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine in kyiv oblast, where it was occupied, as a member of the howitzer battery of the 66th brigade, which was preparing for battles in kherson oblast. The unit was being reconciled in the Training Center in densa. On may 17 , the russians launched a rocket attack on the right, only according to official data 86 people died. Sasha was pulled out from under the rubble and he had lifethreatening injuries. And there wasnt a single scratch on his watch. This watch is a gift to yulia oleksandr. He worked for more than a year after his husbands death, and the shootings recently stopped. I look, he got up and the clock showed 4 10. The shelling was also at 4 10, 4 12. Maybe this is a message for you too. And he is our Guardian Angel and protects us, me now i always tell the children that papa is somewhere

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