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Opportunity to do it, now are more difficult times. And our manor during the war also became a shelter , i cant remember it without tears, because we were a center where refugees and displaced persons came, and we had a lot of them at that time, and there were hostilities in several of our villages , we heard the explosions, but the parents still brought their. Their children, so that they would not hear these explosions, would not hear the planes that were constantly flying here, get acquainted with with the animals that live with us, some master classes were held, some food was prepared, which we could already make there, you know, when the war started, and in the company where i work, it is an international company, all employees were taken abroad, and we also succumbed to this panic, i have a small child, we sat down and drove, and at some point i realized, i just woke up and realized that if i dont start embroidering, it happened like this, i just cant be there, i i dont know what it is connected with, he is our cat, and so am i then i went to poland, found fabric, found threads, and only i felt that it was beginning to cover all this sadness, pain, i started. To embroider and that is what saved me there, you understand, because they say it for nothing, without culture, there is no nation, and at that moment i completely reconsidered the importance of the grandmothers hut project, because then we stopped being only about grandmothers and grandfathers, then we began to be precisely about ukrainian culture, ethnography and traditions, and our children need to know that such oven the varpati forum presents a unique book event, a literary and artistic meeting word in war, exclusive conversations with military writers and volunteers. Book discussion, author presentations, special childrens program, performances by bards. October 14 and 15 in ivanofrankivsk, the square in front of the drama theater. Word in war on viya kakarpattia in ivanofrankivsk. Talented, relevant. Truthfully, with the support of the Ukrainian Institute of books under the protection of our military, there are discounts on nazoferon 15 in podorozhny bam pharmacies and savings every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. The most anticipated event of the year, what is actually from. On the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield, how does the International Community evaluate our successes, and what is moscow lying about, from the flow of news coming from everywhere, we single out the most important, the world is closely monitoring whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders backs . News, summaries of the week this is a review of only important events, events of weighty, reliable, its an analyst. Factchecking, expert commentary, about this and more in todays edition, about the important things in plain language, available to all viewers. Greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. News, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21 00 on espresso. The war continues, and not only for the territory. It is also a war for minds. Russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. Ukraine will become analysis and analysis of information about ukraine russia. Propagandists, specific facts and methods by which the enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies. Residents of the ldnr plan to vote for the historic reunion. Lets counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. Tuesday, thursdayfriday at 17 10 on espresso tv channel. Every week, the saturday Political Club helps to understand the process. Happening in ukraine and the world. Vitaly portnikov, host of espresso and invited experts, based on facts, give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. Do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, see saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. Greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. We have already come to the snake itself. The following shots may shock you. Live news from the scene. Kamikaze drone attacks. Political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. There is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. Freedom life is frank and impartial. You draw your own conclusions. During the expedition in the kyiv and zhytomyr regions, we heard the question of whether the house is for sale more and more often the answer is that after february 24, everything was bought up by the people of kyiv, but there are also those who thought about their mazanka even earlier, back in the days of kovid. Our mission was that we know that there is a large fund of mazanka in ukraine, but no one knows how to make a modern, relevant home from a mazanka, because going to museums, seeing how people once lived is one thing, but imagining yourself in this house, it is completely different, and our task was to build a modern home for a modern person. Mazanka is probably the most famous traditional ukrainian house, there are the most such apartments was in the territory of the ukrainian steppe and foreststeppe, where there are few forests, and therefore wood for construction, but a lot of clay. Mykola and his friend jan, who before that had neither experience of life in the village nor skills in building mud huts, got excited about the idea of ​​creating something new on the basis of the old one, that is, we left the spot of this house original, it is 70 km, it was like that. We simply replaced the materials that were damaged, at a time when people were not living here, we replaced these materials and traditionally restored it to the way it was, changing only internal planning, and not a little. The approach to work was also authentically modern. The house was restored thanks to toloka, which was attended by young people from kyiv. It was covid, especially there you couldnt go anywhere. And there were four of us living here, we didnt have enough friends. And we organized the first toloka for friends. Just to see each other, to show them what we do, because they were interested, their friends are somewhere else. We went to some village, in general, there were such metropolitan kiyanchiki went to live in the village and we spent three tolokas and the last one was already on 75 or 100 people were there, it was already such a big festival with a program, there was music, there were stories about crafts , there was practice, people molded clay and threw it, that is, if there was toloka before, it is such a labor story, when people work seriously there for two days straight and they only have lunch and dinner there, then our working part spent only a few hours a day there, Everything Else we did here on excursions, we showed them here about the ravine, what the ravine is, where we live, we went to the river with them, there they ordered a boat to the islands, restoration the mazanka did not require colossal investments, because. They worked as laborers, and the Building Materials are clay, sand, straw and a wooden frame. The principle of local construction is that the materials are under the feet. Here is the tunnel where we mined the restoration clay for all the buildings we built here. And here is the house, that is, there are 3 meters. The house was also built from this tunnel. There is clay for clay in many regions of ukraine, it is even in transcarpathia, although there is not much of it there, it is with stones, it is more difficult to extract it. But here you have to look, there is where mountains, these are the carpathians and the carpathian mountains, it is very wet there, and mazanka it may not be very appropriate there, because it is a biomaterial, this clay can flow under, under the pressure of moisture, faster , for mazanka you can use wood as a frame. So, it can be different, there is light, medium, you can add more trees, there is such a technology as raw wood, that is, if there is no wood at all, then you can make such bricks from clay, and make a house for yourself, if it were brick from clay, the mixture for plastering is three ingredients, the first is clay, sand and straw, sand, it is not doro. I buy it, it is available in every region there, it can be brought inexpensively, straw as well , you dont need a lot of it, and it is sold in season, you can buy a bale of straw of this size for uah 2530, that is, all the materials are local, so they they are inexpensive, they planned to make the mazanka completely ecological, so inside it is also made of clay, you dont need flower wallpaper, linoleum and plastic, it is clay with straw, as you can see, this clay is not covered with anything, that is, before people covered it with lime, it was white the wall, oh my saw such a result, and how pleasant it is to touch the clay, it does not smear, as it seemed to us before, er, we decided to leave it as it is, and thats all, scumbags, its very easy to do, you dont need any wood to cover, just the clay goes right to the tree, it seemed to us, such an aesthetic step, all the wood that you see, it is original, that is, it is an open structure, it is called a bastard, it is on what the ceiling of the house is supported on, here it is, was painted with paint, several layers, with lime, we cleaned it all, opened it, and now you can see how the house was built and what wood was used, the secret of this mazanka is that here they skillfully combined tradition with modernity, used everything that the original material can give and modernized the interior according to those requirements and tastes that a modern person has today. Many architects take history as a basis, take as a basis there, colors, materiality, texture, well, these are the tools that you use all the time, there everything is new it is the wellforgotten old, and taygap, there is a 100yearold wooden house, you add modernity, and it has been there for 2030 years, we have been observing, somewhere more, somewhere less, but we are nobodys business, we are not surprised by this, and architects use it. Its a cool tool to have such a decent basis for your architectural decision, that you take some region as a basis, show how you implement it in modern methodology, and get a cool result. This element, it supports our ceiling, because it has become heavier, and in these pillars, you see, there are such slots, groove on both sides. Into these grooves from above, craftsmen inserted wood and a wall came out, and then they lowered the boards down, down, down, that is, without nails, without any glue, without any connections, they simply inserted from above, on this wall that came out of the boards, they already stuffed wood chips, such, even took branches, nailed them to this wall from the street, from the middle of the house and already threw clay on this wood chip, and the wood chip strengthened the wall and did not allow the clay to slide while it was wet, this is an original typical tworoom rough , that is, it is warm in this room and in this room due to the fact that it is so big and rough. This restored mazenka has everything for a comfortable life. Heat from the stove, water from the well, gas and electricity laid. Why the house should be expensive, i dont know, it wasnt expensive before, my grandfather. On the field with a team of four men, he built four houses during the season, the house was built during the summer, during the summer, somewhere around the fall it had already dried out and it was possible to live there, almost everyone could build it in a short time, i i know people who have been building their own houses for 30 years, why yes, well, everyone already wants to live in their own house, modern mazankas should appear so that people. See them more often, and they were a little delayed, that mazanka is not only pirogova, its not only my grandmother, wherever, when you come there, you wouldnt want to live in this house, because its not sloppy, there, here, the mazanka can look very cool, very very appropriate for modern life, it is ecological, it is pleasant, it arose because we live in this. In nature and it is here appropriate, here it is inappropriate, some metal er, cube, of course, or some kind of glass will be a skyscraper, that is, it corresponds to this place , a mazanka, people who grew up, for example, in a mazanka, and who built themselves, this mazanka, it becomes for them native, and this is primarily such a cultural. Weapon in our time, because if you love something, you dont want to part with it, you dont want to exchange it for something, for something else, with the beginning of a fullscale war, the desire the number of ukrainians having their own house somewhere in the village has increased, and that is why nowadays a lot of families are leaving big cities and moving away from infrastructural facilities and closer to nature, well, in our country, this whole situation has led to changes, and very cool changes, i mean. Er, the society of large cities relocated and completely filled that part of ukraine, when they, where they had never been, that is, this is migration that was forced, it leads to what changes er, well , positive, against the background of all this negativity, which in we are sharpened, of course, to what i am leading, that the filling of the village, the Ukrainian Village, it will also happen, young families will use it, they are already living, many came to live with their grandmothers and grandfathers, they felt this thrill, nature, comfort, distance from city noise, and it seems to me that this idea with the filling of Ukrainian Villages, this there will be another wave of life, that is, i am also thinking now, why not buy some small plot of land from the white river, and why there, i will not be there , of course, to consult in the agora, but why not buy it there after there 10 15 dollars and just get high, have such a hideout space, and many people are thinking about it, because many people are using it now, many. It simply saved lives, and we, well, respect what will save our lives, that is, we all understand that there is another format of life , life, except there city cycle or city vibe. Those who moved to the village say that life in nature cures burnout and teaches to look at everything more simply, to accept imperfections, inequalities around and in oneself. I remember how it was in the 90s. If the wall is not level and you could apply a rule there and the dollars would crawl through this gap, then he had then, if you are ashamed of it, here it is on the contrary, the uneven the wall, the more exciting it is, and for some masters, its just shock, stress and lack of perception, a person is also not equal, you know what kind of camel they asked, and why do you have my back is so crooked, thats how it is. And what is straight about me , that is, we dont see anything straight around us, in fact, we invented it, doing straight is just a concept, its not mandatory, its not even natural , in some regions young people migrate back to peaceful villages, but in the north, east and the south of the country, a large part of the towns and villages simply stand destroyed, during the fullscale war, russia destroyed tens of thousands of ordinary ukrainian houses in ukraine, in which ukrainians simply lived, slept, ate and ran the economy, and today housing reconstruction is a new largescale challenge for ukrainians architects we are currently working on our, well, the extreme direction of the rakrain project , which is the very preservation of the design code of the Ukrainian Village, and this is the only project in which we do not apply any creative idea, we basically just. Analyze destroyed villages now nanika, this will destroy the profile, authenticity, of these cool onestory ukrainian huts, we came to take pictures of about 30 villages there. They measured the size of the windows there, and it should remain as it is, the general principle will be, the profile of the Ukrainian Village will remain, we have modern materials, because we are no longer building there from scratch, we are not building with lime or wooden windows are made of sticks and twigs, we build there from bricks, foam blocks, concrete and Everything Else, but we adapt them to the geometry that was, that is, if you build, width, height, size of the windows, windows relative to the facades there, the location, well, the placement of the veranda, the dimensions of the veranda, the height there will be inclined, we leave it, you can reflect it with modern materials, but the profile will remain, you will drive around the village and the organic nature of this architecture will remain, because they are very economical there, they are balanced, they are made to live there, there are no extra rooms there, there are no xnumber of meters there, which you never need there, there are no guest rooms there for a child who was not born there. Or for guests who never they come, well, they are just rooms for living, you sleep, eat, live, work, everything, and they are very small, 60 m, there are 50 m, 40 m, and they are awesome, the war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians, victories and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, about everything. Serhii rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about it. People who have information and shape public opinion. People defending ukraine and creating the future right now are the main and interesting thing in the verdict by Serhii Rudenko program. From monday to friday at 20 00, repeat at 12 10 p. M. Join the community with a ukrainian view of the world. Become a sponsor. Espressos youtube channel, which includes access to exclusive content, personal thanks, pinned comments, special icons, and the ability to communicate personally with the espresso team. Click sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian perspective. If on the policy and in the dnipro region. Were sculpted mainly from clay, then wood was preferred in the north, and wood was not only used for building, but for houses they created special decorations, wooden lace. Oh, this it is a unique thing, it is not just to build a house, it is not just to put a brick to a brick somewhere, paint it, make it white, here in every element of this carving there is its own interpretation, and it is connected with a persons life, a talisman, first of all, a talisman that help these manors to stand for more than one century, we are now standing near a house that is beautiful not only on kotsebynskyi streets of the entire city of chernihiv, we are now on stusa street16, it is known that the house was built, rather, at the end of the 19th century, but the exact date unfortunately unknown now we find we look near the house of vasyl spanovsky, this is a unique building for chernihiv, because it is often called a house with two addresses, now its modern address is kyivska 14b, but eh, its old address nemyrovyvych danchenko 15 meant a whole street, that is, it was a street nemyrovychka is built up with such beautiful wooden houses, but in the 80s of the last century, a decision was made to demolish these houses, because it was necessary to build huge panel highrise buildings for the proletariat and settle them, and such houses are very of the bourgeois type were for the soviet union, and they were demolished, only this building remained, in 1989 it was given a protective status, it is an architectural monument, and thanks to this, it was preserved. It is not known for sure who is the owner of this house, but still, local historians came to the opinion that this house belonged to mykhailo oleksandrovich malyavko, he is such a cossack of the cossack family from the noble 17th century, and after all, according to the records that have been preserved, it is recorded that he was the owner of this house, it is known that the house was built for the sake of franz josef sikorsky, he was a doctor. When he got old, he began to receive patients in this building, that is, in his own home, and he was divided , as it sounds, in those days into a reception room, an operating room, it seems, and the actual living space was separate, and currently in three families live in it. Wooden lace is the popular name for such a decorative wooden decoration of houses. Previously, such patterns were used to decorate housing in the territory of severshchyna and northern slobozhanshchyna. The more lavishly the house was decorated, the more the owners paid the carpenter, which means you. They were richer, the amazing examples that have survived to this day are slowly collapsing. In the 19th century, any house had several entrances, you and i were on the main entrance, that is, it is for guests and for the owners, there were also such understandings as the black entrance, here you see, the economic entrance, in other words, and you see how it was destroyed there was also a blast wave destroyed the door here before. There was a front entrance to the house also a nice wooden door with a nice porch but that was all destroyed when the soviet union came, the former owners, of course, the bourgeois could no longer live here, the house was divided between several families, in 2000 the house was transferred to a religious organization, they subordinated to us, they followed it a little, but because it is religious. It is not commercial, it has no profits, it cannot keep it in proper condition and appearance, because, moreover, there is no proper heating in the house, that is, to live, to stay, well, now it is quite difficult in this house, and it was accepted the decision to sell it, sell it due to the fact that it is an architectural monument , the local government was engaged in it, it was sold at an auction, the monument was privately owned. The property was purchased by a Legal Organization that initially planned to restore the building, but then froze the project. And now it stands empty, the house, it is not heated, in it, everything is very dilapidated inside, now it needs a lot of attention, both volunteers and local authorities, we as volunteers in general, well, we gladly accepted, took on its restoration , because we are very sorry to look at him, he is such a runt of the old man chernigov, that is, this is the disappearing chernigov, he was like that, and this is what the souvok made him look like. However, there are also old houses in chernihiv that still managed to be saved. This was done by the participants of the unique volunteer project, wooden lace of chernihiv. And we are a volunteer team that works, lets say, on these volunteer teams. Initiatives, and today we are working with you on vasylenko street, we are working on, this is our eighth project today, a building that we have already physically restored. It all started with the fact that one caring web designer named stanislav ivashchenko, who is currently defending the country on the front line, set himself the goal of preserving chernihiv wooden lace and gathered likeminded people around him. Together , they began by photographing and filming the Architectural Heritage of their city. Collected the stories of the houses and put it all on the site, which eventually turned into an online museum. At the same time, they began to look for resources and sponsors for the restoration. There is such a wooden architecture here, which is not found practically anywhere in ukraine, it is only chernihiv, the north of sumy oblast, that is, this is a region that is used a tree, and it is clear that from the 19th century practically people started not only. To build

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