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The benefactors decided to set up another department on the basis of the same institution. This is how it was in the beginning, then it was like this, and this is how it is today, this department is like the first one world standard with wide barrierfree corridors, bright inclusive wards, a separate post for medical personnel, and it was filled in an instant. One of the patients is morpih rostislav. Now he walks briskly on crutches, although he could not walk for a long time. He defended mariupol, where he was seriously wounded. Injury to the spinal cord, and er, a punctured lung, plus, they took out a couple of shrapnel from my stomach, and i just lay there, i couldnt walk or stand up, and the people who arrived couldnt evacuate him with a helicopter, so i had to leave until i was ordered to leave. Rostislav and above fifty lying soldiers were taken captive by their comrades, and only when the soldier was exchanged did real rehabilitation begin in various institutions, and now in the center. There are good rehabilitators here, a good hall, you just have to stop feeling sorry for yourself, and forget about the word, i cant, i dont want to, an indomitable person, this is the impression of the founder of the center, who came to talk with the fighters, 100 , this guy will work, he will be there win, will be a champion, he will rebuild for a new ukraine, professional doctors, professional rehabilitation, innovative the equipment really helps to adapt quickly , there are enough simulators and simulators to cover all 50 fighters, that s how many heroes at the same time, now after the expansion they are undergoing rehabilitation, and the doctors are happy that the patients are already playing sports. Our current golf team, our representatives, our patients who lie down play during the day. There is no need for kustins, and even in our country, a strongman without a lower limb has already participated in a competition to prepare for the world record for pulling trucks. Strongman vyacheslav is already well acquainted with the facts, lost his leg in luhansk region, thanks to rehabilitation and constant training, he has already won six competitions. Arnoldsik is currently preparing for the competition, which will take place in a week in madrid. We now have a team of eight military veterans, all with amputees, at my level or higher, we plan to set a world record, pulling four trucks with a total weight of 35 tons. Each of the heroes here is inspiring, david the scout, his task clear the gray area, pave the way for of the main combat forces, during such a task he lost his leg, it was in the zaporozhye direction, but he successfully completed the task. Our victory is unequivocal, because if we didnt have a hard time there, but the results are there, as you hear on the news and the zaporizhia direction is advancing, lets say, especially the work that was carried out earlier, it is now showing its results. And almost the entire family of oleksiy is in the war. He, the father, unfortunately, his cousin died, and the younger one dreams of becoming a journalist. The facts promised to take him for practice for now, he was introduced to the entire ictv online team, and later we are waiting for guests with my brother. I was just watching ictv when i left on 24. 02 to fight, i ran from the laptop to the tv and watched the news. Since the end of may , 128 fighters have already undergone rehabilitation in the capitals recovery center, now, thanks to the new department, there will be even more of them. In total , 600 defenders will be able to recover here per year. The network of Innovation Centers is growing, there are already institutions of this level in dnipro, lviv, odesa, and vinnytsia. 10 centers are planned to open by the end of the year. And this one the number will be able to cover 12,000 soldiers per year, but next year the network is planned to be doubled , in general, the specialists of the National Recovery network have already provided assistance to more than 3,000 soldiers this year, the understanding has come that this war, unfortunately, is for a long time, and unfortunately, patients for these Rehabilitation Centers there will be more and more, our heroes and heroines will need rehabilitation more and more, and i and my wife olena, we personally feel this responsibility, very much and we understand that we must continue, we will have planes there everything it will be, most importantly, these people will win for us, the defenders are open and grateful for the care, although we have to thank. He got to his feet, i will get to his feet, we will perform some function in the future, everyone is trying to do something to win, but you are at the forefront, and you risk your life, give your health, and the whole society, the whole state, we only we try something to thank you and help you. Oksana mykhaylova and yevhen zozulya, ictv facts. The only news. Chevrons approaching victory. You are a qualified specialist. Motivated, ambitious, principled, want to help restore power in the deoccupied territories, join the restoration reserve, fill out the questionnaire on the website of the National Civil service agency, get involved in restoration. Russia is interested in igniting a war in the middle east, because it is a new source of pain and suffering, Volodymyr Zelenskyi said in his evening address, the president noted, this is a much bigger threat than the world is currently accepting. Meanwhile, the world wars of the past were fought out of local aggressions. For the full version of the appeal, see below. I wish you health, dear ukrainians, ukrainian women. Today was a very busy day, various meetings, among them, especially important ones, the hundred of the new international situation, held a meeting with the heads of our intelligence, gur and foreign intelligence, with our diplomats, about the situation in and around israel, and about the general situation in the middle east, it is of fundamental importance for us, not only for ukraine, but for all of europe. According to the available information , it is very clear that russia is interested in igniting a war in the middle east in order to create a new source of pain and suffering has weakened world unity, added circles and contradictions, and thereby helped russia to destroy freedom in europe. We see how russian propagandists are angry , we see how iranian friends of moscow quite frankly put their shoulders to those who attacked israel, and all this is much bigger threat than the world currently perceives. The world wars of the past broke out precisely from local aggressions. We know how to counter this threat and are preparing appropriate steps, and most importantly to protect. The need for maximum world unity, today i addressed the participants of the nato parliamentary assembly, above all about unity, about the fact that every state in the world now has to choose how it will protect international law, protect, and not stand aside, when terror tries to take over, and when another region of the world may break before our eyes, i grateful to all the leaders and states who are now fully aware of the danger and working together to contain the situation, to deter the apparent sponsors of terror from wider intervention. Had a meeting today with the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, coordinating positions for the coming weeks, also held a meeting with deputy Prime Minister fedorov, minister of education and science lisov and the ministrys team. Work issues. One more thing he replaced the commander of the Territorial Defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine, replacing ihor tansyura. Anatoliya bargelevicha was appointed as the commander. The main task the development of Territorial Defense forces should not stop. I thank everyone who cares about ukraine and fights for our country. We are preparing a new reinforcement for our soldiers. Thanks to everyone in the world who has the courage to call a spade a spade and defend life and rulebased order. Glory to ukraine. About the restoration of the destroyed, new houses. A wider road and bicycle paths in borodyanka near kyiv are being discussed in the government, the government has promised to allocate money and restore it better than it was, because they hope that the people who were forced to leave with the war will return to the village. Europe already has a similar experience of reconstruction, because during the Second World War, cities were also destroyed by bombings, such as leipzig in germany. However, inna horinenko found out that there is still a wasteland on the site of many destroyed buildings in the middle of the city, and reconstruction has been going on for 70 years, and it is not over yet. In february 22nd. The main route of the offensive of Russian Troops on kyiv lay through borodyanka. After the liberation of borodyanka , it became known about hundreds of People Killed and tortured, and the destruction of the village was recognized as the most extensive in the kyiv region. After the Russian Aerial bombardment on march 22, almost all highrise buildings in borodyanka were damaged or destroyed. According to the reconstruction plan settlements, such emergency ones will be demolished to build anew, and together with them, the entire Central Street will be rebuilt in a different way. In the house of culture. The chairman of the meeting Oleksandr Sakharuk shows and tells how the village will be restored. We did not have such meetings at all, there were none at all, these are already corrected drawings from the reconstruction project, the first ones were six months ago, and the community complains about them. They just showed us a couple of pictures, like, like, like, yes, the houses were similar, we were told, your house will be like this, and what will be around the house, that is the second question, and when it will be, and when it will be, it will be visualized, although we do not see our house yet, before the occupation, my husband and i lived in a house, the ruins of which were already dismantled, to build a new one volunteered the investor. He set the conditions so that the first floors were simply cafes and pharmacies there, then he would manage his money, and the house of the village head himself, in which i lived for 40 years before the war, had already been demolished, the concept, we understand the place of his location, wart reconstruction government program, targeted money highlights the cabinet of ministers, they promise the quality of changes in the village, because they want to rebuild it better than it was, the number one issue is reconstruction, already a large number of people are experiencing modules in their relatives, 6000 population, have not yet returned abroad, as well as providing housing, they returned people to leipzig, which is in eastern germany, after the fall of the berlin wall , people fled socialism en masse to the western countries, and leipzig was then famous for the stasi torture chambers, a communal hell that was maintained by strong socialist landlords, and a dirty environment. 30 years ago, the city was very dirty, because there were coal mines around, my friends from abroad, when they came, asked, oh, heidi, what does it smell like . I said please, i dont know, but i had to admit, we had very difficult conditions. In the 90s, leipzig lost the strength of its population, there were many empty buildings, Development Stopped when the owners money and state money were attracted at the same time. Renovation housing in leipzig has been going on for more than two decades, now leipzig is the wealthiest city in saxony and the most dynamically growing in the whole country, it took years to change, everything about the city are decided at the Municipal Council after long debates in the communes. We developed a strategic document, presented it to the local council for discussion, and this is characteristic of a democratic community, because people were involved, and not someone from above decided something, and we have nothing to do here. And this is step by step, we cannot achieve everything we want in one single moment. Frau heiderose is responsible for leipzigs international activities, and is proud that she, too, has contributed to the changes since the 90s together with the community. From the tower of the city hall, he shows these changes, rejoices in the greenery zones in the middle of the city next to modern buildings. This is where a large part of the city used to be, of course, it was all destroyed after the bombings in the Second World War. The entire city center was in ruins. Bombs were dropped in the historic tenement by allied aircraft attacking the nazis, leipsic remained a ruin for many years after the end of the war. People just dismantled the rubble for years, mostly women, because the men were soldiers who either died, or they were in the camps, or they were on trial for war crimes. Under socialism, housing was built in leipzig for workers, whether to restore the destroyed, then there was no doubt at all. Rebuilding as it was, rebuilding this historical architecture, it would also mean trying to erase the war from memory, that is, from this urban space. This area in the Historic Center of leipzig after the Second World War remains empty. The City Government has a project for reconstruction here, business is ready to invest money, but the community is in no hurry, debates are ongoing, people are sure that what will be built next to the gothic cathedrals should be the same forever. No matter how they pour money, no matter how the economy grows, it is still very difficult to return that amount of real estate, the most important thing is for whom, for whom , in leipzig they know, in 20 years they calculate that there will be as many People Living here. As before the Second World War, because in 20 in the 19th century, due to the nazis, and then the socialists, the number of people more than halved, where it will be possible to ride a bicycle in borodyanka after reconstruction, says ms. Olena on the posters. The bicycle path and the central one will just be expanded, this is very cool, of course, housing, well , bicycle paths too, why not, but for now to the new road and trees borodyans will first dismantle the rubble, the Village Council promises to start dismantling the ruins in a few days. Across from shevchenko, inna horinenko, dmytro kobzar, vikna stb, marathon one news. They escaped from the occupation, settled in an abandoned house on a farm, 100 km away and made a designer renovation in mazanka, their videos about life from scratch are gaining millions of views. A young family with a child , having lost everything, is now proving to tens of thousands of subscribers that even under such conditions, ukrainians are a nation that creates, not. Destroys, visiting our Maria Malevska visited the family, i say, wow, i left the house, i have never had such a thing in my life, i didnt even think about living there or anything like that, and then something came to me, i think, god, well we need to make a video, a new house, wow, these are the first shots that natalie took, as soon as they escaped from the occupation, look what a gorgeous veranda here, just unreal, unreal, this is how their new life began, having neither construction nor Design Skills experience, eugene and natalie made repairs and designed furniture from what they found here is a bed from an old door. Their circuses , a suburb of kharkiv from the russian side, are one of the most battered villages in the kharkiv region. It was occupied in the early hours, already at 9 in the morning they were standing right here in the center. Tanks, natalie recalls, there was horror here, from the very beginning in the morning, somewhere from 5 in the morning there were already planes, there were, there were explosions, and we found ourselves right on the front line, in the Summer Kitchen a direct hit, water light, heating and communications in the early hours, after sitting like that for a week, they managed to break out, they drove, they remember, no matter where, there are such clay there were walls, but be careful, here there are not. Very doors, i keep hitting my head here, finding this hundredyearold mazanka 100 km from zircon, they were so happy with the light, water and the old group that Everything Else seemed like trifles, so that you they didnt do it, it was all in mice, everything was like that here, well, it was very dirty , here the ceiling had fallen in, here, in these one and a half years , they managed to put in water, sewerage, connect it, they made a cozy kitchen out of one room, this goats used to iron the wood, and we were already working on it the cornice, the curtain of a second, these are ice cream sticks, these are also ice cream sticks , the second room has its own separate space for little rihanna and the same big bed for her parents, which was born in the early days from the old door, this clay is like that too, i painted it. They ask me that this is wallpaper, not wallpaper, no, its, well, its cost is somewhere around 100 hryvnias, probably, probably, when the war started, there was an impression that you can try something that you, never in ordinary life wouldnt try, thats why we decided to try it, so advertiser yevhen and art manager natali became the owner of one and a half dozen goats, here they are running for milking, i wanted so much. To live, well, how, i am alive, i am fine, i even have light and heating here, i was unreal happy, i wanted something to do everything, to create something, their blog about life in evacuation on a distant farm, about lust for life and creating comfort with their own hands from nothing, began to gain millions of views, subscribers began to send decorative items from all over. Komot was here, he is a local in this room, what are you what did they do with him . It is 15 km to the nearest town, seven to the store, 100 to their home, their church has been deoccupied for over a year, but to return there closer to the border with a child, now the family is not ready, maybe everything is even under these conditions, it is still possible to continue to live, continue to live life and continue to create, because ukrainians are a nation that creates, not destroys, but here. There is such a crooked wall. Mariya malevska , oleksandr brynza, stbs window program, united news. Ukraine is already called a country veterans every day by proxy. Bnu war was unleashed by the russians, dozens of ukrainians were seriously injured, boys and girls, soldiers and civilians lost limbs. Our doctors, in their turn, do Everything Possible to make life easier for them, and one prosthesis is enough for this, and then, when it comes to , for example, socialization, job search, what kind of life can await steel men after the war. Lyubov kukla about this important topic. This is a story about those who faithfully defended our future. We immediately entered the battle and thats enough long it continues. A story about people who almost lost their lives and are still fighting, personally. You think, well, thats it, you dont know how to continue living. And also about how they, steel heroes, live in the modern world . We need to have a campaign on how we meet the military on every television. But everything is in order, huh. While about life is divided into before and after. Anton ivantsiv worked as a sales manager, a loving husband, father of two young daughters. This is how anton was completely happy and healthy before, but the war changed everything forever. 24 in february, it wasnt like i had to make a decision, it had already been made. The man is from cherkasy, where he began his service. Then, at one fine moment , they received an order to advance to the city of bakhmet. Then recalls anton, and real hell began. C. 0. The man served as a machine gunner and drone operator, and it was there in bakhmut, one of the hottest spots in the country , that he received those fatal injuries. But then this 120th mine already flew to me. He remembers that he was saved by his brothers and lost both hands. And the left leg, i understand that you need to adapt further and work on yourself, due to a very difficult case, a high amputation of limbs, the prostheses that anton needs cost a lot, 4 m 2000 hryvnias, but the man does not lose optimism, sunshine, show it to the vases, this is a temporary protest, although he understands that the real challenges just ahead, because lets turn to history, to the consequences of the second. World war, a little more than 4,000 disabled people were recorded in total. About the life of soviet frontline soldiers with disabilities, there are few testimonies and almost no photographs left. All the consequences of total cleaning information field by the nkvd. These veterans, these disabled people, they spoiled the image of a beautiful, socialist, bright, then the saviors of the country were literally hunted by the police. A decision was made at one moment, at the same time, literally there in a few days, to clear this entire space, to collect these people, and to forcefully send them to closedtype boarding schools. Only with time will the world learn what stalins honor really looked like, and that the legends and the happy life of frontline soldiers with disabilities are complete lies. And whatever, they have changed. Amputation is not a sentence. Although protest will never replace a lost limb, the situation is by no means hopeless. Modern prostheses are moving to the point where they need to be replaced, precisely those functions that were lost, which a person lost during the amputation. In ukraine , registration is free, but this process has its own challenges and problems. Example. Each soldier receives, in the case of a high amputation of the hip, he can receive 850,000 uah for a bionic prosthesis, the cost of which is from 10,300, 850,300, that is, we still need to find 550 000, so we cannot do without the help of volunteers, because the number of victims who need prostheses is already in the thousands, and every day there are more and more. And as we go on, how can people who already have prostheses find work . I see a large number of activities from employers, from conferences, training courses for magicians, what to do, how to do, so the civilized world has really changed, amputees abroad, someone works as a model, someone works as an instructor, someone has their own business, and in ukraine still about this has its nuances. We have big cities and we have small, and accordingly the relations and Corporate Culture there are different. What is the way out . A more appropriate situation would be when employers are forced. Spat for the fact that they employ, for example, the military, and while we are waiting for changes in the legislation, someone is already building their happy future with their own hands, in our experience there are a large number of successful cases when patients returned and returned to normal life, for example, andriy sirenko, earlier a boxing coach, he just lived for himself, enjoyed life, and after february 24, his life did not even come from the decision to go or not go, the decision was already to go. Andriy went to the capital defense, defended the kyiv region from the russian occupiers. The wound, which almost became fatal, was received at the stadium. Somehow it hit me in the leg, i immediately understood that something very serious, they say, i was already being pumped, my heart was already being pumped, because it had already stopped. Andriy was saved, but his leg had to be amputated, but this did not become an obstacle for normal people. Life , everyone asked me, how are you, how are you feeling, and i went outside and saw a horizontal bar, well, sheshva, thats all green here, stood on the horizontal bar, climbed up and thats it he got fit, thats why he just got a prosthesis, he started learning, step by step, he started driving a car by himself, he goes to the store by himself, andriy says, he didnt break down thanks to the support of his relatives. This is very important when a person who is injured treats the same as someone like yourself. Anton ivantsiv aspires to do the same, while he is waiting for prostheses, he has mastered an electric wheelchair. Well, i call it a rover or a tesla. He jokes a lot and convinces, amputation is not a sentence, rather challenges. With which it is necessary to fight and develop further. After all, it is ours for a reason we call ukrainian heroes. By men of steel lyubov kukla yevhenii zadoya and viktor zelenkov Program Window of stb, marathon only news. And thats all we wanted to tell you. Lets stay in line, get closer to victory, take care of our loved ones and see you soon. Chevrons approaching victory. We are, in any way, afraid, we cry, we laugh through tears, we shudder at the news, here and abroad, in the trenches and in the rear, but we grit our teeth and move on, because we have something that does not go out, our secret power, the source of which is within ourselves, every day, every second. February 24, life has stopped, what to do, how to live on, no one needs me, acting is not needed , the way out was found unexpectedly, my neighbor knitted a sweater and gave it to me, and when my friend went to the front and beat the armed forces, i gave it to him and said , wear it, let it warm you, then i received a letter, my friend, it is necessary for everyone, i tried to buy it myself, these hands, which do not know anything, took not a masterpiece, but a very warm thing, as well as in life, if it is very difficult for you, look for exit, if you want to learn how to help yourself and others, go to the how site are you. Com, i am a Russian Military ship, i offer to lay down weapons, a ship. You ukrainians and the glory of us taking the most of the fate will smile, our witches will perish. All Cross Country in the sun

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