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Amputation is not a sentence, although a protest will never replace a lost limb, the situation is by no means hopeless. Modern prostheses go to the point that, as much as possible, they replace those lost functions that were lost during the amputation. In ukraine , registration is free, but thats about it the process has its own challenges and problems. For example, every soldier receives, in the event of a high amputation of the thigh, he can receive for a bionic prosthesis, 8500 hryvnias, the cost of which is from 1300, 850,300, that is, we still need to find 550,000, so we cannot do without the help of volunteers, because the number of victims who need a protest is already running by the thousands, and there are more and more of them every day, but moving on, how can people who already have prostheses find work . I see a lot of activity from employers, from conferences, training courses for hchars, what to do, how to do, yes, the civilized world has really changed, amputees abroad, someone works as a model, someone works as an instructor, someone has their own business, but ukraine still has its own. Nuances in this regard, we have big cities and we have small ones, and accordingly, relations and the Corporate Culture there is different. What is the way out . More appropriate would be a situation where employers were incentivized for employing, for example, the military. But while we are waiting for changes in the legislation, someone is already building their happy future with their own hands. In our experience, there are a large number of successful ones cases when the patients returned, they returned to normal life, for example, andriy sirenko, formerly a boxing coach, just lived for himself, enjoyed life, and after february 24 his life changed forever, the decision did not even come to go or not to go, the decision was already to go. Andriy went to the metropolitan teroboron, defended the kyiv region from the russian occupiers, received a wound that almost became fatal , he received under a gostomel, somehow it hit me in the leg, i immediately understood that something was very serious, they say, i was already pumped, my heart was already it was shaking, because it had already stopped, andriy was saved and his leg had to be amputated, but it did not become an obstacle to a normal life , everyone asked me how you were feeling, and i went outside and saw a horizontal bar, well, sheshva, the green is all here, stood on horizontal bar, went up and pulled it up like that. Thats why i just got a prosthesis, started learning, step by step, started to drive a car by myself, go to the store by myself, andriy says , he didnt break down thanks to the support of his relatives, its very important when a person who is injured treats the same as someone who like yourself Anton Ivantsiv aspires to do the same, while he is waiting for prostheses, he mastered an electric wheelchair. Well, i call it a rover or a tesla. Jokes and convinces, amputation is not a sentence, rather challenges that must be fought and further developed, because it is not for nothing that we call our ukrainian heroes men of steel. Lyubov, the doll, yevhenii zadoya and viktor zelenkov, stbs window program, marathon, edina news. And thats all we wanted to tell you. Lets stay in line, get closer to victory, take care of our loved ones and see you soon. Chevorony, approaching victory, and one more a year when we do not celebrate, but choose our independence, and another day when they try to deprive us of the right to be ourselves. And one more fleetingness of a terrible war that has been going on for centuries, but the whole world has already been convinced. Our independence should not be trampled, drowned, burned, or shot. And the greater our hatred, the stronger our independence, the closer our victory. We prove independence. Daily. How are you . All right . How are the children, how is the mother . I have more or less everything, well almost. Of course, fatigue, of course, insomnia, etc in no case do not feel, because the power is here, inside us, and in those who are close to us. We will definitely overcome everything. I also remember the first weeks. Its as if i was conjuring. And lived only by work. Everything that brought joy before that somehow disappeared. Then the enemy started shelling our cities and our power line. The days without light, communication and heat have come. I started going on the air and explaining to ukrainians what was happening and what would happen next. At some point i remembered my old hobby, about photography, because no matter what the crisis, we must leave time for ourselves, to be happy here and now. Do you want to learn how to help yourself and others . Go to site how are you. Com. The chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, is in touch with us now. Mr. Ruslan, good evening. Good evening, mrs. Yano. In october, the European Commission should announce its decision on whether to recommend or not to start negotiations on ukraines accession to the eu. But as of now, our country does not meet all the requirements. Fulfilled, in particular, not all laws of adoption, which are necessary for our european integration way, among them this famous law about pepi, that is, that people who held high positions in the state should always report their wealth, even after they leave these positions, and these positions, tell us what is your plan of action regarding so that everything necessary for ukraines accession to the European Union is approved, thank you very much for that. An important question, because indeed, having received the status of a candidate for the European Union last summer, ukraine took responsibility for the seven recommendations that were presented to us by the european institutions, and this year we fulfilled almost all the recommendations that were assigned to us, and the work is going on and continues more and more actively, you know that we have already received two recommendations, as fulfilled five. We have some remarks, and by the way, one remark left, which you talked about, is the socalled peps, or as they are called, politically significant persons. We adopted this draft law in the First Reading, work is currently underway on the second reading, about 110 amendments have been submitted, and i think that at the next meeting of the Verkhovna Rada this the draft law will be adopted, this is primarily due to the fact that the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine is responsible for taking a responsible attitude to our european choice, because, well, the Verkhovna Rada took a very active part both in the advocacy company when obtaining candidate status and now we are working on draft laws, and therefore i am convinced that in the near future, the Verkhovna Rada will put the completed badge, against all the recommendations that were presented to us by the European Commission, the european council, you mentioned 110 amendments to the law on peps, and i immediately. Remembered this action called the introduction of amendments, consideration of amendments to changes to the budget for 2023, which lasted 11 hours, the head of the Budget Committee stood behind the podium all this time, well, that is, the classics of the amendment the spam weve seen before the fullscale invasion, unfortunately its back, what are you preparing for , during the 24th budget, is it going to be like that again, the story of standing for hours for well, you know, to the budget for 2024, as of now, 1,620 amendments have been submitted, but i think that it absolutely the normal work of the Verkhovna Rada will be ensured, because we have shown how to fight amendment spam, you just need to carefully pronounce all those sometimes meaningless amendments where it is recommended to change the words according to to according to, or to replace the cabinet of ministers of ukraine with the government, or some such , put two zeros after the decimal point in the figures, that is, such meaningless corrections that simply take the time of parliamentarians. But we want to first explain to some peoples deputies who are dealing with this amendment case that victory is not yet in the pocket of the ukrainians, and the war continues, and we need to consolidate all our efforts so that the budget is provided for the state, for the warring state as soon as possible, and we, as the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada, as all the titans who take a very constructive position, lets make every effort so that the state. Enters the new year with a new budget, and certainly, this should first of all become the budget of our victory, because a large amount of money, the overwhelming amount of money, which is laid in this budget , they go on our victory, to the armed forces of ukraine, to the Defense Forces in general, and it is very important for us that those masters of amendment spam, who in the end voted for this draft law, and that none of their spam amendments were taken into account, they will understand that it is necessary to consolidate their forces for the future of ukraine, for the adoption of the budget, because the adoption of the budget is the most important task of the Verkhovna Rada, and even more so when it comes to martial law. When you expect the First Reading of the budget bill on next year . Well, you understand, we cannot announce when we will have meetings of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine, although some deputies also. Disregard these prohibitions adopted in the Verkhovna Rada, but i can guarantee you that at one of the nearest meetings in the Verkhovna Rada gladly, we will undertake consideration of the state budget of ukraine and will do everything to ensure that, in accordance with the constitution, the budget code, and the law on regulations, ukraine receives the state budget of ukraine for the next year on time. Newly the Prime Minister presented the concept of strengthening the stability of democracy in ukraine and announced the creation of a reform plan for 2027. As the head of the Verkhovna Rada, what measures and changes to this plan do you think should be implemented . Well, ill start with the fact that ukraine really needs a plan for the reformation of ukraine. We talk about it a lot, a lot of multifaceted reforms have already been adopted, and therefore this presented plan is an attempt to demonstrate a single consolidated list of approaches. Which must be demonstrated by all government, all branches of government, and in order for us to preserve the longawaited, trust that we gained during this war from our international partners, because, unfortunately , today the larger budget of ukraine, it is more than 60 , will consist of loans that we will receive from our partners, as they say, somewhere close. 68 kopecks in 1 hryvnia are our funds for foreign donors, and therefore it is very important for us that these donors maintain trust in ukraine and realize one simple thing, that only the transparency of all these processes, only ensuring transparency, only the assurance of irreversible changes in ukraine can guarantee that the money they have invested will not be lost, so the number one question is undoubtedly, what about all of us . There remains the fight against corruption, the fight against oligarchs, as the root cause of this corruption, this is the restructuring of some authorities, this is the expansion of anticorruption bodies and giving them greater capacity, this applies to sapa, this is the special anticorruption prosecutors office, this applies to nabu, this applies to other structural units, this is very important work, in that including and at the level of the transformation of issues of some government functions, this will also apply to the work of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine and a number of other things, of course it will apply to issues related to justice, because only justice and fairness should become the future guarantee of the transformation of reforms in ukraine , that is why we want to move away from such an already unpopular word, which, unfortunately, is reform, it has been compromised for a long time, and we want to talk about a single comprehensive plan, the formation of ukraine, which will occupy aimed at strengthening the stability of democracy in ukraine, i really hope that these first steps demonstrated by the ukrainian authorities will, they will be. Favorably received by our foreign partners and we will have the opportunity to improve this plan together in dialogue with society. I want to remind you that speaking in the Verkhovna Rada, president of ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi presented the doctrine of the future of ukraine, which defines five main directions. So , the plan is already an expanded working map, rather a draft of some of these points, but it will not be some directive that is dropped from above, and we call for a very detailed and very stepbystep justification and discussion of each point that will be proposed, because this is how the country is built, the winner, when they will be heard and to listen to the opinions of those members of society who today are working so victoriously for our common victory. Well, especially since a number of authoritative organizations, expert organizations, as a resuscitation package of reforms, received attention regarding the concept and a number of deputies were skeptical about it, obviously the intense work in this direction will continue, but i noticed that one of the first directions of work prescribed in the concept is the improvement of the electoral legislation in accordance with modern political and security conditions, i quoted what it was about here is the issue of the electoral system relevant during the war . You know, ukraine is a democratic state, and elections are the basis of any democracy. No one says that the elections will be there tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but at any time as a democratic country, we should prepare and take into account all those aspects and all those challenges that may stand in the way, well, in particular , when meeting with my colleagues, the speakers, during the meeting of the speakers of the big seven or during the meeting of the speakers of the council of europe, practically every speaker puts the question of the elections in ukraine, i say that i am not , i told them that i cannot tell you a specific. Date, but i know for sure that by that date we must solve five fundamental things first, how will our military people vote, these are people who, will most actively choose victory for ukraine, and therefore, without taking into account their vote , it will be unfair and unfair to conduct any elections. The second is how we will ensure the voting of our refugees, and today several million of them are outside ukraine, and these are also people who have the right to active and passive suffrage. The third. How will we ensure voting in the temporarily occupied territories, fourthly, how will we finance these elections, because any election is a very expensive process, and fifthly, any election is access to free media, how can we provide it for Political Parties in ukraine, and in turn not give russia the opportunity to use the information, open field of ukraine, in order to spread its narratives and its propaganda, thats how we solve these five issues, i think, only then we will be able to talk. About how, whether and when elections will be held in ukraine, this is exactly what this paragraph is about, that we must take into account security guidelines when organizing elections in a democratic country and security rules for our countries. In your opinion, is it possible in principle to solve these five issues that you voiced in the conditions of war, you know, you need to work on this, and there are many, many countries that did not hold elections during the war, there are countries that were held, and the elections during the war, well, for example, for my part, i turned to the speakers of many countries, so that they would share their experience in solving how their countries went through these issues, and we will work on these issues, and i think that we will be able to solve some of them for sure, but some of them will have to work very hard, and of course this should be done in full communication with society, because democracy first of all involves the power of the people and the fifth article of the constitution clearly ensures this, of course, thank you very much for taking the time, it was the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk. Oleksandr musienko, head of the center for military legal studies, joins our broadcast. Mr. Oleksandr, good night to you. I congratulate you. In his evening address , president Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that russia is interested in inciting war in the middle east. In your opinion, what benefits does the kremlin and the putin regime receive from. War started by hamas in israel . I think the benefits that they are pursuing are two points, the first goal that russia is pursuing is, lets say, to ignite a major conflict in the middle east, not just the hamas terrorist attack that we saw, which i think its a matter of days, weeks there, and the israeli army will suppress it and destroy the enclave. And the goals are much bigger its not just a distraction the attention of the us, but to inflame a new major conflict in the middle east, which would somehow be necessary. Somehow to involve the west in order to support israel, and this is one of the goals, and the second goal, which is simply to create crises , which are aimed at dividing the west, because it must be understood that not the entire west is consolidated, has, lets say, a unanimous position regarding israel, i mean, for example, even regarding whether the independence of palestine should be recognized or not, so that in 2014 for such a resolution of the Security Council france voted for the fact that there should be palestine together with the chinese, by the way, and here they also introduce, lets say, drive certain wedges so that there is no unity on this issue. The next moment, this is a demonstration of the weakness of the west, as thought in russia and, by the way, in china, i would also have to look globally here, that china may not be involved. not directly from the point of view of the supply of its weapons or military advisers, who were from russia there, but they also want to get certain benefits from this, and one of the benefits is that split the position of the west against the background of what to do next, for example, turkey also spoke out for the fact that the independence of palestine should be recognized, and this is nato, plus, indecision in what sense, that no active largescale actions will be taken against iran , they can use it as well, and one more point, it is now like this, is starting to come to the surface, and our military Intelligence Department talked about it, about the fact that russia can use it to discredit ukraine, which they say, ukraine could somehow in a way to supply Hamas Terrorists, some weapons were transferred by western partners, but nothing will happen here. Because first of all, even those cases that were earlier about the fact that some weapons could get from the battlefield to iran, were captured by russia, well, as a result of hostilities, our forces were engaged in active battles, somewhere they retreated, somewhere some weapons of small volumes remained, russia transferred it to iran, no one came, and then these weapons could also be transferred directly to hamas and not only, well, but they also they want to promote it, in order to shake the trust in ukraine, also against the background of the turmoil that is taking place with determining the amount of aid and so on, that is, there is such a whole complex that is being persecuted, there is a russian factor that is connected with with its goals, and the russian factor, which influenced, i think, and provided assistance directly to Hamas Terrorists, is a more global factor, it is already geopolitics, the chinese factor, which will be of interest. Against the background of these events, and even state secretary blinken in an interview for the American Media he cited as one of the first reasons that israel wanted to establish relations with saudi arabia, and i want to remind you that not so long ago china helped to establish relations between saudi arabia and iran, and this is also a signal from china that must be taken into account our interests in the region, and these are signs of a great struggle, competitive, that is going on globally between the United States. And china in particular, and china also wants to get its profits from this situation, but this is a more global level, on such a less global level, of course, russia wanted use to your advantage. In your opinion, how in this big game should ukraine not become a mere pawn on the field, and not lose due to the fact that attention switches to israel, due to the fact that russia is trying to discredit ukraine by transferring captured weapons. And then hamas, the fact is that i do not see the big risks, lets say this , that some media, experts, or politicians are talking about, that now the entire focus of the event will be concentrated exclusively on israel, and here they are talking about ukraine will be forgotten, that the focus of informational attention switched, this is normal, but it could not be otherwise in the globalized world, where the media covers events from different perspectives. Regions, this is the first point, the second, i think that now this war , it will not become larger, it will not turn into a major war in the middle east, at least, well, in the near future, and as soon as israel actually achieves the full extent of its military campaign in suppression of Hamas Terrorists, this will all decline somewhat, that is , the information wave will also decline, because i think that the intensity of hostilities will also significantly significantly decrease. Accordingly, one way or another, again, informational attention will at the same time return to ukraine. And i want to tell you. That there will not be any inevitable processes, no matter how much russia would like it, because despite everything, the problem of iran, it was there before, and in the course of russian aggression against ukraine, it is, the issue of israels security is also there, it has not gone away, now it has escalated and the next moment, the us is a big global player, they lead Politics Around the world, which does not interfere. Them to support ukraine, i think that in these somewhat such speculations and manipulations, here is this information, which again comes from the media, in particular from the wall street journal that President Biden plans to address the congress to allocate ukraine from 50 to 100 billion dollars, even the number 100 billion, 100 billion appears, it seems to me quite significant and important, and another such important purely technical point, the fact is that in those loans that israel provides to the United States states, we overlap in terms of the nomenclature and types of weapons by 1520 percent, no more, this is even the maximum indicator, israel needs missiles for air defense systems, an iron dome, we do not get them at all, but patriot, they also ask for military helicopters, reconnaissance information, means of radioelectronic warfare, intelligence, and also there is communication and so on , that is, it is not tanks, it is not artillery of a large amount of what we need, lets say, completely different sizes, but with regard to the level of assistance and that that the usa will increase, of course they will increase, well but i dont think that this will happen due to the reduction of the ukrainian budget, but you know, in the reactions of the world community, just contributors in social networks , this axis of evil, which has now formed, was clearly visible. Because in the reactions to the hamas attack on israel, yes, we saw how ukraine reacts, in kyiv yesterday there were israeli flags on citylights, at that time the russian contributors are happy about the attack, something is being compared with ukraine, of course, hamas hezbollah terrorists are happy, iran is happy, and we do not know, there is no internet in the dprk, yes, but i think the reaction would have been about the same, if they could somehow make their voices heard, and its just like that. A crystallized axis of evil that they support each other, and judging by the satellite images, the dprk is now actively supplying something to russia, yes , we saw these loaded trains at the railroad crossing, and its probably ammunition or at least some military equipment, from your point of view, how much can the russian position in ukraine be strengthened, north korean equipment, weapons, ammunition. And what kind of quality is it . Well first of all, i would like to say two words that it is very important that ukraine reacted in this way, and the official position in support of israel is extremely important, because this is how a Civilized Society should act now, and how russia reacts, well, because they are looking at themselves in the mirror , because these columns are broken by downed citizens, israelis, what we saw, they are very reminiscent of, lets say, what happened in buch and virpin, in the first days of the invasion, and therefore, Hamas Terrorists are very similar to the russian military. Regarding the dprk, for today you cant say that these are very large volumes, but there is definitely confirmation that these weapons are already going to russia, and there is currently no concrete evidence that china directly intervened, at least for now, so far it is not necessary to talk about it, but the risks that china may transfer some equipment through the northern crust. They will be stored in the same way, and this must be monitored, what will be delivered, i will tell you this, that longterm support for north korea, russia, and not enough shells and ammunition, if not there will be more active help from china, it is literally a matter of a month or three, probably , to hold on, well, literally for the winter, what they want to decide is no more, it is the potential that will be enough for north korea, and that. Not for conducting any largescale actions, but literally for supporting the war, well, at least, no more at the same level of intensity than it is today, so here, of course, these are risks for us, because it is a weapon in any case and it supplied to russia, and these are threats and challenges for us, but we do not have to speak yet about the fact that these are some volumes that can significantly change the situation on the battlefield in favor of the crows

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