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A draft law promptly, i will simply remind you that according to the calculations that we saw, that were announced to us , the ministry of defense established the need for financing the armed forces of ukraine in the amount of 250 billion, and now we allocate 211 billion, that is, 40 billion is not enough, but at the same time it is really not enough, but no one knows what the situation will be at the end of the year, but in at the same time, we understand the importance of the fastest possible accepting. These 211 billion, because this is the money we need for november, december, so these 211 must be allocated to the armed forces of ukraine today, and additionally those funds allocated to other areas of the security and Defense Sector, then we, thats why we, our faction, we are ready to support in this form, understanding that there is this additional need, and understanding that this additional need may have to be considered. In a month or a month and a half. At the same time , i want to make several trailers for us important and which will help us, as the Verkhovna Rada, to pass such bills more quickly. This draft law is indeed clear from the title that it is a draft law on strengthening the security and Defense Sector, but as some speakers and authors of the amendments mentioned before, that is a large part. Additional expenses, and this is income, and this is more than 10 billion hryvnias, which do not go to the security and Defense Sector, and indeed there are necessary expenses there, we also support there, probably except for bep, except for the secretariat of the cabinet of ministers, but most of them are really necessary , and i just have a suggestion to the cabinet of ministers and to the ministry of finance, we are often told, colleagues, you have submitted amendments here, you are delaying the adoption of this draft law, by the way, i submitted 80 amendments, i do not insist on any of them, because i took a constructive position, but i understand other colleagues , so i have a proposal, the next time we submit, lets submit two separate draft laws, one on the security and Defense Sector, and the other on everything else, and consider them separately, and then we can pass the draft on the security and Defense Sector very quickly, this is a constructive proposal, in general, our faction will support this bill. Because we understand that the money needs to be allocated already, thank you, thank you, volodymyr volodymyrovych, i understand that we will not put the rest of your amendments, thank you, constructively, amendment 261, batenko, do not insist, 260, and this is all irony we are shooting, 266, 267, 268, 260. Data 270 razumkov, please, thank you, ruslan oleksiyovych, roksan andriivna, our, our question returns, what with 200,243 million hryvnias for the ministry of finance, where, where do these you are sending the money, i am asking the question for the third time, well, it will not work to refuse, well, with all due respect, just tell me where it is going, for what needs, where the ministry of finance is still sitting in our country and fighting for the independence of the state, on which front, in transcarpathia katli, they are sitting in the ivanofrankivsk enclave, no, no, i know, i can ask in a different way, where were the first two months, ask a question like this, maybe , well, they will answer you, i dont know, thats why we eat them 225. Millions are paid out, thats right, so i would like to understand everything anyway, where does this money go, you are the responsible person, you are the head of the committee , you voted for it on the middle of the day from us, you cannot give an answer to this, or lets demolish this position, we will pay it, or rather we will pledge the money for the treasuries, or tell me please , what are you sending this money to, there is a minister of finance, if im not mistaken, i cant see , serhii mykhailovych is just there, or not, in the hall, there is, i think he will be able to tell, if you dont have enough information. Thank you, thank you, the following amendments 271sha, 272, 273, 274, 275. Dmytro oleksandrovich, please, you can be taken into intelligence, you wont give anything away, yes , you know, as in the old joke, i wont say anything, because i dont know, i just dont know where they were in the first two months. They pointed to the microphone, after i finish, ruslan oleksiyovych, her eyes show that she knows and wants to say something, well frankly, but i would still like to understand, 223 million, for what needs, well, we can play for a long time movchenko, im going to ask this question, its like were not on an exam, im sure you know, if not you know, then it would be possible to find out during this period of time and give an answer. Where did you spend a quarter, almost a quarter of a billion money, where did it go, where will it go, for what needs , maybe there are good things there, so let s figure it out, maybe its like with treasuries, people need to be paid extra for their risky work, rexlan andriivna, you tell me, ruslan oleksiiovych, what you want to say, he just didnt know about it, thank you, solana andriivna, please, well, first of all , i do, i really liked your wording, where does this money go, while nowhere, all the money in a single treasury account . I will answer you uah 51. 6 million is directed to the state Treasury Service, uah 185. 4 million to the state Audit Service, both of these programs to their territorial offices. Namely, for salaries with increasing coefficients in territorial offices, in frontline regions , you will now ask how many such people are in the Audit Service who work in frontline regions, i tell you right away, i do not know yet, but i think that more a couple of hours and well find out, great, someday this was a film magazine, i want to know everything, lets move on, dear colleagues. 276 amendment 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, we have now told about them, i apologize, we have already answered this , the next one, and the 281st railway, 82 railway with a flap with a cheval, 284 next, dmytro oleksandrovich vasha, 284, 285, 286, 287. This is block five, dmytro oleksandrovich, please. Thank you, ruslan oleksiyovych, you mentioned the magazine i want to know everything, i think it is not bad, but our meeting and what is happening now reminds me of another film magazine, yeralash, because the answer, each of your heroes, probably, unfortunately, they are not my heroes, but we have what we have, respect, you, you accepted on the committee, you voted for it, the allocation of money, you have, you are a professional person, i hope , allocated the money, and now you say, we dont know to whom, we dont know how much, we dont know how it will go, in a few hours we will find out, well then let s remove this law, we will find out not only about this position, but about others, and after to vote for this, well, it will be logical, right, or not . Thank you. The following amendments 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, dmytro oleksandrovich, please, oleksivych, and there are 26 peoples deputies in the hall, its just that i will make amendments to the vote there soon, but there are no colleagues, there are problems there according to the regulations. And what are there according to the regulations. And to make a decision if less than 226 is not possible and the decision of the Constitutional Court is the decision of the Constitutional Court is aleksandrovych, lets still stick to the regulations according to the amendments. Even you yourself always support the constitutional constitution, this body is important, i definitely cannot argue with you, please Dmytro Oleksandrovych, please give us a closer look at how many people are in the hall. Ruslan oleksivy, i can ask as a peoples deputy, well, i dont know , list them, so lets make a signal , well, lets say its still the presiding officers right to ask , isnt it your right to report on the amendments, please dmytro oleksandrovich, well, we have finished, yes, this question, lets move on, okay, 294, 95, 296, 297, 298, 299, this is a railway with a roe deer and a kid, 300 the same, 301, 302, dmytro oleksandrovich, its yours. 302, 303, 304, 305, yes 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, if i im not mistaken, please, svettan oleksiyovych, wait a minute, one minute, the corrections have fallen out, from 302 to 306 , dmytro oleksandrovich, there you are, 302 306, and roxelana andriivna, one more question, we single out the secretariat of the cabinet of ministers, in this regard, who do we we allocate, also for the treasury, to whom, please give an answer, the chairman of the committee wants to answer, i see, if he wants, can i object, but you ask me if i want to, i will ask the same, if you want, please , no, you can limit yourself to what the committee rejected, nono, see. These are people who work in to the secretariat of the cabinet of ministers, you, we, as peoples deputies, when we voted on the 2023 budget, when i remind you, i was not yet the head of the committee, for some reason they set aside a much smaller amount for the work of the secretariat of the cabinet of ministers, if we do not pay them, they will go home , and i think that then the cabinet of ministers will not be able to make. Any decisions, by the way, taking this opportunity, i would, maybe, i would ask you, dmytro oleksandrovich, after our conversation today, you could already propose my candidacy for the post of prime minister, because i am responsible to you today for all existing state bodies, dear colleagues, i see, we will now go to various votes. Dear colleagues, lets go further, demchenko, serhiy, please, 307, if, dear colleagues, please , quietly, peoples deputy demchenko, 307 dash 312, i understand correctly, you, some number of minutes, lets, while 307, first, lets go one at a time, 307, please , uh, dear mr. Chairman, dear colleagues, i understand that surely someone has important things to do, more important than the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada, but now the issue is certainly quite important, the issue is in the conditions of the war, we are still considering the state budget for the military, and when we currently do not have even 100 deputies in the hall, and we understand, and the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada also understands, that none of the questions will be voted positively, in my opinion , this is already a shame and a shame for the entire Verkhovna Rada, i still propose that for today. The day to announce a recess for the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada to use his duty provided for in article 27 of the regulation, which provides dear colleagues, the obligation to organize consideration of issues in accordance with the regulations is provided by the regulations. Demchenkos amendment 307, it was rejected by the committee, i ask the peoples deputies to vote. For 304 no decision was taken, in accordance with the 27th regulation, i call on the peoples deputies to take their seats and continue the consideration of this issue, lets move on, next 308, please amend, give me three minutes and six amendments, give me three minutes and six editing thank you, colleagues, unfortunately, this is the second shame when the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada is not listens to the address of the peoples deputy, ruslan oleksiyovych, you are wrong, regarding. Corrections, i will say that it applies to the citizens of ukraine, like most of the norms that you and i are voting on here, those citizens of ukraine whom we have been pointing out every day since the beginning of the war that they have a duty to defend our country, they have a duty connection, but we have to understand that when our state, you and i, do not fulfill our duties towards these citizens, it is not a misunderstanding, but why should these citizens fulfill their duty then, about what . In question, since the beginning of the war, the government adopted the relevant resolution regarding payments to the military, other senior and rankandfile members of other bodies, corresponding to 30,000 hryvnias, initially, starting from february 22, employees of the Court Security service are among those who should receive these additional payments , they had this right, but the state did not recognize its obligation as of today. Failure to recognize this obligation forced these citizens to go to court. They received positive decisions in court. But again, the cabinet of ministers said no, let it the Supreme Court will confirm these decisions. To date, the Supreme Court has already confirmed, there is an exemplary case , the prague decision on an exemplary case, that there is no other choice in the state than to fulfill its duty, its guarantees, fulfill the norms of the law and pay the appropriate funds to the relevant citizens. But what do we have today, again silence, silence with hope, for what, i dont understand, just hope that the state will cease to exist in us and this duty will be written off in this way, or something . It should be a shame, i say once again, the country has to fulfill his duty and his guarantees to the citizens, if we demand before him, in them, that they protect our country and fulfill their duty. These edits are about that. About these funds, so that the country will voluntarily pay these funds and thus confirm that it is capable, that it is responsible to its citizens, thank you, please put all the amendments to the vote, thank you, 308 amendment of peoples deputy demchenko, it was rejected by the committee, please vote. For 41 decisions not made by factions , show the 309th amendment of the peoples depchenko rejected by the committee, please vote for 39 decision not adopted 310 amendment of peoples deputy demchenko, please reject it by the committee. 300, 41, yes, no decision, let me finish the vote on demchenkos amendments. Demchenkos amendment 311, it was rejected by the committee, please vote. For 45, the decision has not been made and 312 peoples deputy ademchenko, it was rejected by the committee, please vote. For 312 decision not accepted, yes, sorry, 47, the decision was not adopted, it was a 312 amendment, please, from the procedure artur volodymyrovych, dear ruslan oleksiyovych, the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine is currently in session, and according to my information, Committee Meetings are taking place right now, are Committee Meetings going to take place, you and i know together that according to the regulations of the Verkhovna Rada, this is prohibited, so i ask you to the deputies returned to the hall, now just put it, as they say, on the floor and dont violate the regulations , thank you, artur volodymyrovych, look, i heard this information, i dont know how reliable it is, you know that during the meeting , may i conclude, i know that during the meeting of the Verkhovna Rada it is possible to hold committees only by order of the Verkhovna Rada, the Verkhovna Rada did not vote on such an order today, therefore, i ask the apparatus to inform the chairmen of the committees who have now decided to convene their committees during the session of the Verkhovna Rada about that they violate the regulations of the Verkhovna Rada of ukraine and that those who did it should immediately return to their workplaces. Thank you, lets go further, lets go further, and then you, you smart peoples deputies, please. Lets go further 313, 314, 315, 316, 317 amendment, razumkov, please, dmytro oleksandrovich, thank you, ruslan oleksiiovych, and, reksana andriivna, yes, serhii, yes, march, yes, of course, yes, mylich. I think that you can ask him, they receive additional funding, to the ministry , where they will go, it is not a secret, the reply for him to answer, well, we can allow as an exception, i understand that not not the minister of finance should be responsible, but nevertheless, it was, look, it is not according to the regulations, but if there are no objections, i po i think that colleagues will not, i will grateful, if we hear an answer, minister of finance, can the minister answer , i will give him the floor, yes, please, dmytro oleksandrovich, i can be heard, thank you for the question, turn on the minister, i can hear you, thank you, very, very much thank you for the question, with with all due respect to the deputies, i want to say that the expenses for the chief manager of the ministry of finance are indeed increasing, ruslanna andriivna has been trying to explain why for several hours, i am fully ready to support every word ruslana andriivna said, because really, in the first place in turn, we are talking about the state Audit Service of uah 185 million, the state Treasury Service of uah 51 million, these funds will be directed to the payment of additional coefficients to the employees of these bodies. Thank you. Thank you, dear colleagues, lets move on. Next, 318 amendment, mykysha. Please, er, ms. Roksola, i would like to point out that regarding the implementation of lawmaking activities, let s be honest and fair, no salaries of peoples deputies will be removed. So, well, from which, where will they come from, except for colleagues who, unfortunately, are no longer with us. This and everything, that is, it will be carried out, removed from precisely the lawmaking activity, and the amendment is a completely different matter, i understand when we redirect funds to the armed forces and to our army and to the fight against corruption, but i do not understand at all when we remove the anticorruption we withdraw money from the court, and the argument is that it is the judges who have extremely large fortunes, well, the judges may not have small salaries, but lets not forget about the apparatus and about other employees who receive generally meager funds and the vaks Higher Anticorruption Court in this is not exclusion, and we are still taking it away, this amendment is precisely to add 5 million to them precisely to their activities, and not to the salaries of the judges of the Higher Anticorruption Court, so that the court works normally and imprisons corrupt people to play, thank you, please vote, yes, i bet on vote 318 mikishis amendment, it was rejected by the committee, please vote. For 48, the next 319th amendment was not adopted. Mykysh, please, thank you very much, ruslan oleksiyovych, it is very similar to the previous amendment, but in this case, there was no such line to add at all to the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutors Office more funds, i repeat, again, in addition to what we add to our army, our armed forces, the forces of the security and Defense Sector, i believe that , first of all, we should add to those units that monitor lowquality, ineffective use funds, and first of all those funds that can be stolen and lost, and therefore it will be absolutely logical to add more funds for the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutors Office and the entire anticorruption vertical, this amendment is aimed at increasing precisely this. At the expense of others there to be taken to the cabinet from others, in order for sap to work normally and for them to have normal funds for their activities, so i also ask you to support and put this amendment to the vote. Please, ruslana andriivna. Dmytro serhiyovych, the average monthly salary of the sap prosecutor is uah 14,500. Do you really think that any of those ukrainians who are watching us today sympathize. To the special anticorruption prosecutors office, that we did not add money to them, dear colleagues, the 319th amendment, authored by mykysha, by the committee rejected, please vote. For 37, no decision was made. Next amendment 320th, 321st, 322nd, 323rd, 324th, amendment, razumkov, Dmytro Oleksandrovych , please. Dear colleagues, you know, thank you, mykhailovych, roxan andriivna, but we figured out where 100 is, 51 51, and 200 is allocated, how many, correct, 272, where else did they divide, well, i understand that it is not divided yet, you will divide even after you vote for this law, but where, where are the others, where are the 100 . 701 to 171 million, i think that we will reach the end of the meeting and a logical conclusion, lets understand where they went, maybe mykhailovych will be able to answer this question as well, if colleagues will not object. Serhiy mykhaylovich, the floor is yours, dmytro oleksandrovich, with all love and respect. I am answering a very important question, if you can, please put these numbers together so that i dont have to repeat them again later, look, this amount, which increase consists of the following state Audit Service 185 million 406, 500, plus for the state Treasury Service 51. 67500 plus, ministry of finance 377,200 plus. Thank you. Thank you. We completed the group of cheerful mathematicians. Lets go further. Dear colleagues, amendment 325 fedina sofiya romanivna. No, yes, eh, freeze. Please, iryna. Yes, thank you. 325th amendment, we ask, moment. Yes, everything, we ask, supplement. Changes to the Budget Program 11080, training of personnel of Higher Education institutions with specific conditions of study and increase the general fund consumption expenditures for this program by 1910 hryvnias, dear colleagues, amendment 325 authorship of fedinny frieze rejected by the committee, please vote. For 33, no decision was made. The next one amendment 326 bondar, and velichkovich , please, volichkovich, dear colleagues, we are talking about the fact that the budget of the 24th year is a security and defense budget. If were talking about this edit 326, were talking about that. About the need to train highquality officers for Law Enforcement agencies, because this is our security, this is what we really need right now, so i have a request and appeal to all my colleagues to support this amendment so that we can additionally finance this, this amendment and allocate additional funds, i would like to remind you that just recently, a law was signed, according to which cadets received more money than before. Therefore, this amendment is precisely the closing of the hole that will be in higher institutions, a special form of education, thank you, yes, the 326th amendment, rejected by the committee , i put it to a vote, i ask you to vote, this is bonders and velichkovichs authorship, 326th amendment, i ask you to vote. No decision was made for 31. Next amendment 200, 327. Ariev or heras ariev, please. Dear colleagues, if we are talking about the military budget. Lets really make the expenses that are needed for defense, but lets not hide inside the Salary Increase for officials

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