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Million hryvnias. Why did the mayor of sumy burn down and why corruption scandals flare up one after another in ukraine. What is needed for a radical breakthrough, what weapons and when will help the ukrainians defeat the russians . We will talk about this and other things today during our program with our guests, this is a veteran of the russianukrainian war. Eugene the wild and British Army Colonel in reserve glen grant. However, before starting our conversation, i suggest you see how this night is Ukrainian Defense forces shot down russian drones over ukrainian territory. Dimons off to the mountain, anu anu, come on, come on, friends, for those who are watching us live on youtube right now, please like this video and also take part in our poll, today we ask you the following do you support the idea of ​​strengthening the powers of the president of ukraine, yes, no, or your option, please write in the comments under this video, and we should be in touch with a veteran of the russian ukrainian war, a former platoon commander aidar battalion, yevhen dykiy. Mr. Yevgeny, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. Good evening, glory to ukraine. Glory to heroes. So, mr. Evgeny. For the past few days, the main topic of all world media is the support of the United States of america to ukraine, today it became known that biden together with his allies assured that the support of ukraine will continue, the president of the United States of america held a telephone conversation today with representatives of allies in nato and the big sim and coordinated the support of ukraine and of course that was all is related to the events in the congress of the United States of america, which adopted a temporary budget for the next 45 days, but it does not provide for additional aid to ukraine. How do you now perceive all these events surrounding american aid to ukraine and to what extent the decision of the us congress can affect the allies in the antiputin coalition on our allies, well, here it is enough to look at bloombergs latest material on this matter, and our european allies are very frightened by the possibility of a collapse of american aid, uh, well, actually, all this time, actually, our allies were divided into several different groups, the socalled, i think that one of the discoveries that the ukrainians made in the course of this great war is in particular. Many others, but in particular one of these discoveries is that that the socalled collective event does not actually exist, that the only subjective, collective event is the product of exclusively russian propaganda, that is the only place where it lives, in the real world the event is a conglomerate of very different countries, and since all these countries are democratic, then it is also a very conglomerate different political and economic forces, so if we simplify the picture so much, then in fact, there was a time when the radical wing of our allies, this is Great Britain in western europe, and this is part of the countries of central and eastern europe, primarily poland, the baltic countries and the czech republic, here somewhere to the same position, the scandinavian countries and finland, and our main ally, the United States , was much more moderate and cautious than the countries you listed before, and there was the rest of europe, which, on the contrary, followed the states, and these in particular are such powerful countries like france and germany, first of all, even germany in general, it is practically a german establishment. Did not even hide that we will make any decisions only after similar decisions are made in the white house. The story with the leopards was very vivid, when biden actually had to promise us abrams, which at that time, well, in reality, no one planned to give us, but we had to publicly promise them, solely in order to press scholzens leopard. This was a very revealing story, that is, significant part of europe still follows the states, and not ahead, after all, the example of britain, and even more so, lets say, new eu members, poles, baltics, well, for many, it is not enough, and in this situation, it is a signal that our main an ally that provides more finances than all our other allies combined, and an ally that provides more weapons than all the rest of our allies combined, that in this alliance. There are questions about whether we should continue to be supported and if so, still, to what extent, when, how, that, very much many, lets say, lamented, puzzled, and for those who are actually against helping us, it gives them hope, here are the events in the us congress, they have now madly inspired the kremlin and madly inspired all the agents of the kremlin in europe, i can imagine how just well, maybe even danced with treason. For example, orban, well, in reality the catastrophe has not yet happened, eh , so far it is only about the fact that in the temporary compromise budget, which will be in effect for the next 45 days, we will not be taken into account, per se , this is not a disaster at all, since the fortyday budget is known precisely the crisis budget, this is a very compromise budget, which was adopted in order for you to gain time to work on the main, real annual budget, so that at this time there is simply no collapse of the state machine of the United States, not only aid to ukraine is cut, there in general, any debatable issue is cut off, and only the strict necessary minimum is left, about which no one can object, and by and large , the very fact of adopting this budget is faster. Victory rather than defeat because, the radical wing of the republicans, these are the socalled magicians of the republicans, and if simply trumpists, then the trumpists were precisely in favor of the budget not being adopted at all, they were precisely in favor of the socalled shutdown, that is, simply from 1 october paralyzed all the work of the state institutions of the United States, they are currently taking an absolutely destructive position, they want to collapse the system, the state system of the United States has been crying for 200 years, but the radical wing of the republicans is currently is at war with this, not with us, the radical wing of the republicans is at war with the entire political system of their country in general, and the fact that , at the cost of a very painful compromise for us, the white house managed to gather votes so that it would not become a shutdown after all, all still continued to work. This very system, hated by the trumpists, is in general a victory from which we will also benefit in the end, but the fact that our issue was included in the list of those where there is no consensus, which had to be carried out for these 45 days , its a very bad signal, its a very unpleasant signal, its not means that tomorrow we will be cut off from oxygen, so russia may not roll their lips, but by the way, they wont roll. In fact, their entire russian strategy is now based on the expectation of the Second Coming of trump, but this means that they still understand that probably in the main budget of the states, but not in the temporary transitional one, in the one that will be at the end of the year, there after all, help will save us, well, my forecast in this case is exactly this, there are two extremes, one is the overlap of the valve, which is what the crane operators would like, the second the extreme is the opposite. A sharp, decisive increase in aid to us , in order to still guarantee us victory within the 24th year, is what the American Military itself is proposing, well, i think that both of these options are unfortunately not are doing well, and i consider the most likely option to maintain support at approximately the level of this year for another 24 years, but then no one really guarantees us anything, and in fact, i would say that we have a year in which we will definitely receive , well , almost certainly, will receive help from the west, and accordingly not only from the states, as soon as the states pass their basic budget, so too. Some with relief and some with difficulty, depending on the position, European Countries will sigh and integrate into this general system, and in this way we have a mouthful of reserve in order to firstly, to reach the maximum of the actual news , and secondly, to prepare for the option that from the 25th year the aid will stop or be minimized, but at one time we lost 8 years from the 14th to the 22nd, at one time from the month at the end of the 23rd th, beginning, excuse me, at the end of the 21st, the beginning of the 22nd, when we were already directly warned that there would be a big war tomorrow, we blew it all, then maybe it taught us and healed us, and now we will understand in time that we have a year to prepare for the possible Second Coming of the temple. Mr. Yevgeny, joseph biden said that under no circumstances should the United States allow america s support for ukraine to be interrupted. Lets hear what else joseph biden said. We cannot under any circumstances allow americas support for ukraine to be interrupted. Too many lives at stake, too many children, too many people. I expect the speaker and the majority of republicans in congress to follow through on their commitment to provide the support needed to help ukraine defend itself against russian aggression and brutality. We remember that we have the strongest economy in the world , so lets build on that, build on what weve already done, senator, im sorry, can you comment, yes, weve just seen an example of just a failure of communication. We just saw a bright one an example of how you cant communicate this war, and actually, to a certain extent, i just now got an explanation for myself to a certain extent, why it was so difficult to get help for us, in the congress, because, excuse me, what grandfather biden appeals to, he appeals to the lives of our people and children, and to spit on the average american, on our women, children and so on, he appeals to some abstract humanism to the fact that we are defending ourselves from russian aggression and spit on the farmer john e stehas, who voted for trump. Yes, its not to spit on some intellectual from silicon valley. Well, but they are not the majority in the United States, so not a word is said about how this war affects the world order itself. Not a word is said about the breakdown of the world order. Hits direct american interests, military, economic, political, that is, he presents this war as our cause, in which the good, humane america must, for moral reasons, help, instead of making harsh irrational arguments about what will happen if we lose , moreover, not from the point of view of humanism, but from the point of view of the direct interests of the United States, yes, this kind of failed communication is not. The root of the problem, but partially explains why the problem has become so acute. But strangely enough, a republican senator, lynsey graham, said that if we stop funding and supporting ukraine, it will be worse than what happened to us in afghanistan, because if we stop, i quote graham , to provide aid to ukraine, it will be 10 times worse than in afghanistan. Thats it taiwan, termination of financing of ukraine. The verdict for taiwan and says graham in such a situation, china will feel like the owner of part of the world, and accordingly, the americans, if they are not fighting in ukraine, they will be fighting in the pacific ocean, and obviously there is a cause and effect relationship here there is, isnt it . Well, i think some radika some Marjorie Taylor green wont be mentioned tonight. Actually, i wanted to say the american windbreaker, but no, its more complicated, but yes, yes, yes, actually, i think that she would i just answered, and what are you from . They didnt accept senator graham that we will fight for taiwan, but we are generally only interested in affairs, we are inside, and there is nothing to get into afghanistan, ukraine, or taiwan, but in fact senator litsigram is one of the dinosaurs, this is one of the representatives of those republicans whom we knew, loved, respected, relatively speaking, these are the republicans about whom we judged, for example, the kingdom of heaven by the late mccain. These are the republicans who actually at one time were by no means, by the way, not democrats, viz the republicans at one time led a crusade against the evil empire of the soviet union and won this campaign, it was those reagan republicans, the problem is that they, they have now lost within their own party, their candidate, let s say, their candidate in president ial candidates, former Vice President , has 1 support within the Republican Party , while trump has over 80, he is on the fifth, the same, in fact, as he is a trumpist, oh my god, how is he, governor florida, and desan desantes, the same trumpist, only young and smart and intelligent, and sorry, he can move both of them now, sorry for the words viva kramasva. Who is an even bigger trump than trump, who is such an extra trumpist in general, unfortunately, people like linzi graham are heard less and less, they are currently in the minority within their own Republican Party, about how much america should support us, how it should to be supported and how much it costs the americans themselves, said geoffrey sonnenfeld, a professor of management. Yale university attorney, he commented to reuters, exactly this percentage, how much of the Defense Budget the americans allocate to help ukraine, listen, it was ridiculous, as if it were a political football that has absolutely no relation to the real state of affairs, it is not even 5 of the us Defense Budget, not even 1 of the federal budget, we spend more money on asking people to slow down on the roads than on this entire funding package for ukraine, its just ridiculous, its a very small amount for the usa, but, but not for ukraine, mr. Yevgeny, supporters of the ukrainian state and aid to the ukrainian state, they say that there is somewhere 3. 5 of the Defense Budget of the United States of america. Goes to help ukraine, if it works, and by the way, where are they, excuse me for interrupting, but where did they calculate this 3. 5 , to be honest, i didnt count, i get half a penny, i think its less , i counted 1 , but they say 3. Ka to one, thats the point, that is , about nothing at all, the very fact that americans talk about what it is, its a small amount, and in their understanding its not money at all if an american were to face the russian army, they would lose a lot and spend a lot more, why, why this concept that the war that ukraine is waging against russia, it is more exhausting, more for russia and much more economical for the americans themselves than the war, the united of the United States of america against russia, so yes, what is the question, why is this concept not spread by supporters of the ukrainian state in the United States of america, because, well, this is the most important thing, because it is spread by supporters of the ukrainian state, you yourself they just turned on one of these supporters, well, he is a lawyer, he is not a politician, the problem is that these arguments are more or less designed for even a little bit of thinking people, but excuse me, an argument is much easier for a nonthinking bully, and why do we at all although we have to spend a penny here and there on someone elses war. In addition, one must not forget that part of the americans, actually the trumpists, simply frankly sympathize with putin and his regime. In fact, the same trump at one time did not show his sympathy for putin, later started to come, but so badly, look at how elon musk is behaving now, actually, thats all, heres trump, elon musk, putin, thats it. People of the same type, this is the same psychotype, and the american putins terribly regret that this is their system, the system of which at the moment they are just the defender, of which they are the very person. The Biden Administration and the democrats, so here are all the trumps and masks madly regret that this american system, here with a bunch of levers, counterleverages there is a caveat, it does not give them a chance to become american putins, they they just openly sympathize with him and envy him. Mr. Yevgeny, against the background of what is happening in the congress of Joseph Bidens statements, information has appeared that the United States of america is seriously concerned about corruption in ukraine, but receives from harsh statements, plans appear, demands from washington, to Ukrainian Government officials and the ukrainian president , that it is necessary to fight corruption more, and they say that in the 45 days of this temporary period, the period when the temporary budget is in effect, that everything must be done in order for ukraine to not have such highprofile corruption scandals in the country, because corruption is the cornerstone that will later influence , including military aid and Financial Aid from the United States of america to ukraine, in your opinion , these are the demands that are now, well, in particular, politicians are printing, to what extent they correspond with the fact that in the United States of america they generally think about our corruption, and how it is related to money. From the aid that comes to ukraine, although we know that there is already special representatives who will help us, control, the use of funds that come from washington, and you know, this is a very multifaceted problem, it has many different dimensions, well, lets start with what we all know that there is corruption in ukraine, its scale is really very significant, the manifestations are extremely. Commendable, but absolutely i would say even obscene, and this is one dimension, we know it very well, we ourselves suffer from it, er, more there is a second dimension that this real corruption that we have it is also very powerfully multiplied in the media , at the same time multiplied by the efforts of two different groups, which are allegedly not related to each other and not allegedly, they are not related to each other, they do not like each other, they finance. With different pockets, but two different groups, namely the russian propaganda, the state, and our ukrainian, precisely paid fulltime anticorruptions, the same ones that actually have no profession, except to fight corruption for grants, so here are two groups in parallel and regardless of the real ukrainian level of corruption, which is already off the charts, but they in the media have multiplied it many times over. Hyperbolized, and that is why we have an absolutely real problem, a reputational one, but in our country it is precisely associated with corruption in the west, in particular in the states, and this, and it hits us, the fact is that it does not matter what are real there objective assessments of the comparison of our corruption with corruption in various other countries, and what is important is not so much what is real, although again realistically we saw 17 eggs and it is just like the tip of the iceberg, we all saw it perfectly, that is, the iceberg is , but it is not so important how real this iceberg is, but what they think about it , and if we take our eggs of 17 as a basis, then in the west they actually think of eggs of 170, but it is real and hyperbolized, yes, this is really a problem if those in the west think strategically. They clearly separate, as in the old joke, separate flies, separate meatballs, that in any case, we must not let putin win, we must let us defeat russia, and then, with that ukraine that won, negotiate about what boys and girls if you want our investment in recovery, sorry, but our money will not go under such conditions, where it will be brazenly stolen here. Or we will build some kind of factory with this money, and tomorrow it will be squeezed through some pereschepyshchen court of yours, yours, yours, sorry, or guarantee us transparent conditions and judicial protection of property, or we simply do not come to you, live as you want without our money but again, further with that ukraine, which has already won the war, it is quite possible to ask the question, what stop, guys, you we gathered here in the eu, and yes, of course you are interesting to us in the eu, but not with the level of corruption you have. This is a normal question. But the connection of military aid with corruption is not that it is not a normal statement of the question, it is in general, turning it upside down, which is actually the main evil, but which is a lesser evil. Our corruption is, of course, evil and we ourselves suffer from this evil, but excuse me, when the orcs come, when the russian empire comes, then corruption of such a scale comes, compared to which ours is, in general, well, simple a childs babbling, but in parallel with this corruption comes external military aggression, internal totalitarianism and so on , then excuse me, maybe after all, lets not divide. The fight against absolute evil and the fight against also evil, but incomparably smaller, this is a normal, healthy logic, by which many are still guided, but those who are actually on the side of this evil, namely the russian empire, it is very convenient for them to use our corruption, and even better to use the myth of our corruption in the western media, i will remind you once again, these are two Different Things things, our real corruption and a very inflated myth about it, so use this myth to formally justify the fact that in fact they are trying to help putin and torpedo aid to ukraine in the war, and eh, it is quite logical that the trumpists, who the fact is simply on putins side, the trumpists of course adopted this corruption argument and use it right and left, and therefore the Biden Administration must cover it with something, they must show that whatever is happening in ukraine with corruption, there with their taxes, but the taxes of american taxpayers are definitely protected, that they are not stolen, and for this purpose this particular one, well, excuse me for such a slang term, but the one who is watching, who will now observe how the american tax is distributed here aid, where does it go, and by the way formally, here they are also right, it is their taxpayers money , their taxpayers have the right to know what is being done with their money, just as you and i have the right to ask, where are you and i going . Taxes, thats why, thats why here , there are really very, very many plans, and real corruption is a myth about it, b the connection between corruption and aid in the war, which exists, this connection is created artificially, but its already becoming a problem, well and actually the real interests of the states to protect the funds of their taxpayers for the time being, and then , in the future, the investments of their companies in ukraine. Well, lets hope, mr. Yevgeny , that penny prinsker, who will be in charge, who is in charge, is the special representative of the president of the United States of america in ukraine, who is keeping a close eye on what takes place in ukraine, well, by the way , her ancestors were born in the kyiv region, in the village of pritzke, and pritzker is exactly her last name. Even from the ancestors who were born precisely in ukraine, lets hope that everything will be okay and with help, with control with help. Mr. Yevhen, thank you for the inclusion, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russianukrainian war. Friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking about so, do you support the idea of ​​strengthening the powers of the president of ukraine, yes , no, why are we asking about this, because the members of the president ial team, in particular, the first vicespeaker of the ukrainian parliament, Oleksandr Kornienko , spoke about the fact that we are now testing the possibility that in ukraine to be a strong president ial republic, he spoke about this at one of the round tables, so it is very important for us to understand how you feel about it now, whether you support the idea of ​​strengthening the powers of the president of ukraine, vote on youtube, at the end of the program we lets sum up this vote, well , next, then we have a colonel of the british army in the glen Grand Reserve on the line. Mr. Colonel, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. Mr. Colonel, the daily telegram, citing a highranking military official, writes that britain has run out of weapons it can send to ukraine. According to the unnamed official, kyiv needs antiaircraft defenses and Artillery Ammunition in the next phase of the supply war, which britain cant provide now, we gave everything we could afford, this official told reporters, could britain run out of weapons it can send to ukraine, is it to be believed.

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