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Russian world, if it rolled back to lviv, it is very possible that this place would work again as a prison, as a place of extermination of dissenters, who knows where i would be, where you would be, but now it is a museum, at the cost of the lives of our soldiers, at the cost of destruction, at the price paid by all of ukraine, this is a museum, and may it remain a museum forever. Join the community with a ukrainian view of the world, become a sponsor of the youtube channel, which means access to exclusive content, personal thanks, pinned comments, special icons and the possibility of personal communication with the espresso team, click sponsor and become part of the community with a ukrainian perspective. Mykola veresen, Vitaly Portnikov, and the main topics of the week. If , god forbid, a truly Tactical Nuclear weapon is used against ukraine, it will definitely change the world. Stories, issues, analysis and personalities. John herbst, the former ambassador of the United States to ukraine, is waiting for us. Good afternoon, you have questions, you will receive answers. Interesting questions, too, worth looking into, sportnikov. September every friday at 21 15 on espresso hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative Radio Liberty project. Who is visiting every day. This is the shipping district of kherson. Turn on live. We are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. We tell you the main thing on weekdays at 9 00. The war in ukraine is the main topic for ukrainians. Victories and losses, analysis and forecasts , politics and geopolitics, Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future right now, the main and interesting thing in the verdict program Serhiy Rudenko, from monday to friday at 20 00, repeat at 12 10 p. M. Greetings, greetings, together, beraber, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel. We are talking about the reintegration, deoccupation of the ukrainian crimea and its liberation from the russian invaders. There have been a lot of news outlets recently devoted to the topic of the peninsula, this applies to both the military. Realm and, of course , the civilian, purely humanitarian realm, the situation on the peninsula is not getting any easier, but the official position of ukrainian representatives, everyone who can to leave the territory of crimea, they have it to make from the review once again unsafe challenges in connection with the imminent liberation of the peninsula and the military operations connected with it. I welcome, as always, my cohost ayderem. Good morning khrystyna, how nice it is to hear you speak the crimean language coolly, coolly, without an accent, im improving, its not easy for me, but, yes, the crimean tatar language is now the focus of my attention, not every day, but the focus of my attention ayder, once again, a lot of informational reasons are now connected with crimea and probably the most massive. Of them is this the attack on sevastopol, without exaggeration, an attack on the headquarters of the black sea fleet, and this operation is called a crab trap, because on the eve of this attack , another one actually happened, which struck the protected headquarters of the occupiers, which, and this first attack actually did not leave them any possibility, as only to gather in a traditional city, in the center of sevastopol, and what actually happened there and what are the consequences, we are now gathering information, there was a lot of speculation about whether the head of the black sea fleet died sokolov, and for some reason the ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, wants to confidently tell everyone in the world that everything is fine with him, and even at the meeting with shoigu, he is present online, even. The zvizda tv channel of the ministry of defense broadcasts something from his messages, so lets listen to one of these messages now. The black sea fleet performs the tasks that the command has set before it, that is, confidently , successfully, successfully performing the tasks of surface forces, underwater forces, naval aviation, and coastal forces, you know that practically the exploits of our marines, by decree of the president of the Russian Federation, our 810th brigade of marines , now not only the ushakov and guards orders, rather not only the zhukov and guards orders, but also the ushakovo order, do not leave the screens Central Television in the history of the naval fleet of the marine unit. It is interesting that putin signed this order, or rather, the decree on awarding this order, specifically to this brigade, on august 29, well, that is, this direct speech of sokolov is absolutely not a fact that is fresh, i i would not like to go into some kind of necrophilia right now and find out whether it is alive or dead , but. You are less interested, maidar, the fact that the topic of crimea is becoming so active now, and in terms of security, also, what are the moods on the peninsula, maybe you have some additional information, well, tune in, ill say this, all normal people are delighted and ask for more , im simply conveying a request, a desire, of our people in crimea, that there be more and more such bavons, and how they dont react to it, and this story with a supposedly dead or alive commanding fleet, she is very revealing, just like demonstrative reaction of the propagandist media, well , ours. Did they understand any information on the russian tv channels that this halfdead head of the fleet mentioned, there is no information, and if so i absolutely understand, then the consequences are so weighty for them, and there is nothing strange here, they, i think that when he talks about the successes of the black sea fleet, well, of course, of course its good that there is some order of ushako, they are there someone. Got some brigade there, ill just remind you that ushakov is almost the only known, well, apart from nakhimov, to persuade there the russian admiral, because the russian fleet is a very unsuccessful project, it has not been successful since the time of peter ii, and it was further strengthened, developed, kateryna iro, etc. , but it has such a property, especially in the black sea fleet, it always here well, thats how it happens, i dont know, and whats going on now, what are their successes, well, the Surface Fleet is becoming underwater, its absolutely normal, and in command, whether alive or not, that is, i dont have any enthusiasm i see there, in their submission of information, that is, the fleet is intimidated, the crimean occupiers are intimidated, this completely as a joke and they behave differently. Completely, they are hiding now , they are trying to find out there how it happened, that they were hit during their meeting there, i dont know the insert there, what is it called, but it will continue, because our people are working there, intelligence is working, our air force is working, gur pra is working, we are all working on the liberation of crimea and i dont know, i would be packing my bags in their place, i think that is what they are doing. Its just that they dont talk about it in the interview, you said that they have a growing feeling, well, the approach of something irreversible, not to mention fear, and in such a state they very often resort to even greater pressure and repression on the civilian population, on the active, or even potentially active part of this civilian population, which we now know about possible searches, pressure. On the already imprisoned, in particular the crimean tatar activists, what about this , well, i dont have statistics, of course, there too, the pressure is really intensified now, and they are not only doing something publicly there, and they are now to be punished or arrested there a person, absolutely not you have to do it publicly, but war is war, and the pressure is crazy, in principle , you know, when i first heard this statement by mrs. Viryshchuk, the minister for occupied territories , that everyone should leave crimea, well, the first reaction was negative, honestly saying, well, how come, well, to go from crimea, yes, its for every person, from crimea, this, that, that is, people are waiting there for ukraine, and on the other hand, i thought that those who are in danger, here, well , directly, the repressive apparatus, who is threatened by the draft. It is really better to hide in the socalled russian terrorist army and this process is really ongoing and many people write and by the way help the armed forces of ukraine or families there left for poland to completely Different Countries through Different Countries, but this is the situation, but those who decided to stay are waiting for ukraine, this is what i mean of our people, of course, and not those who are occupiers or collaborators and those who remain precisely because of who remained and who gives information, our armed forces have the opportunity to hit so well and also, it will continue, that is, guarantees of their safety no one will give that is, on the one hand, the occupiers, on the one hand, it is very important that people survive physically and mentally, so the call for evacuation during hostilities seems rational, on the other hand, we understand that these people are helping and can help in the future, the Defense Forces will facilitate the deoccupation, the passage through the Crimean Peninsula and the expulsion of the russian occupiers, without this core, which already helps to carry out such operations as strikes on the headquarters of the black sea fleet, or the disposal of Russian Air Defense and entire s400 divisions, well, without the work of these people, it is difficult to imagine how our Defense Forces can remotely study the crimea, so yes, the question is, i would say, a very difficult decision, and first of all, i, for example, maybe a little. Subjectively, but i stand on the topic of the fact that it is important for our people to be preserved, and if it can be done on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula, then please take all measures for this, if it can be done only after leaving there, well, then yes, but to be honest, this institution that sounded, me i can imagine how crimean ukrainians react to this, how representatives of other nationalities in crimea react to this, but it is very difficult for me to imagine how the Crimean Tatars themselves reacted to this call, since they have a special attachment to this land. And to leave her again for any reason, for some of them, for most of them, its quite traumatic, well, i ll tell you that, and for all the viewers, old people, people. Who, well, i dont know, those who were there, spent time in exile, for ten years, they absolutely do not want to leave the peninsula, even in these conditions, and they encourage their young people there to hide somewhere or go, because really, well, listen, to become part of the terrorist army when there is such a threat, absolutely objectively, it is not the best option and surrender is possible, but it is difficult in the conditions of the front of a hot war, so this process is simple now , i know how many people, well, with children left there, but older people, they are the opposite, they want to stay and do not want to go, and for them , every such operation is a holiday, i dont know, there maybe ours on. Not really they hide a lot, well, that is, they all discuss this with each other and say that the occupier is, in principle, directly on the everyday level , well, what do you like, well, you like it, then think there, what to do next, our old people are very brave, and they are so easy to count, i know people who are in their 80s, 70s, there are more, and they are not them, you are absolutely right, you know, when the whole life, half of the life, the best years of life pass, in a foreign country, well, its very difficult, i just remember my grandparents, well, i i dont know what could have forced them to leave the crimea, they always said that we want to die there, well, thats clear, not that a person wants to die, but that to die, to die on ones own land, well, thats the attitude weve got. Crimea and therefore for us this land is absolutely sacred and by the way, some of those who left crimea also turn to the crimean tatar 48th separate combat unit, and we call on them people who can fight, of course not old people, and young people who can and should take up arms, hoshkeldnes, we ask you for this unit, which, which is just now being formed, and soon, will enter the battle in the southern direction, in the direction of our native crimea, and i think that every person who associates himself with the crimea, not necessarily the kremlin, but other people, i almost every day i see people who serve and come to the unit, they all aspire and all. Dream of the moment when they cross the chongar, well , of course, before that, they will liberate, liberate the south of ukraine, there is a lot, by the way, after that, the explosion of the kakhovsky dam, the situation there is very difficult, well, its just very difficult to advance, that is why we need such means that , well, we didnt think much about them before, well , for example, there are assault boats for which we are collecting there and people carry money to order. Because the situation there has completely changed, that is, now we are, well, after the detonation, and now the military understands why the russians did it, and we have what we have, it absolutely will not stop our desire to enter crimea, but simply it takes more time and more effort, but nothing will be simple here. For it is the motherland, it is worth everything. Thank you eder, lets take a short break now, after which we will add ours, online, to the conversation. This will be andrii rezhenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve, deputy chief of staff of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine from 2004 to the 20th year, a person who is well acquainted with the specifics of crimea, firstly, secondly, well acquainted with the specifics, unfortunately, then such, you know , coexistence is not in the same territory, the navy and the black sea fleet of the Russian Federation, but at the same time we understand that it gives us and quite specific data that we can use for our successful operations, currently related to the black sea fleet and the sea around crimea in general. Stay with us, well be back to the conversation in a few moments. Museum territory of terror. The jewish ghetto of lviv was transformed by the soviet occupiers into a prison, which led to the holag. A better example of the symbiosis of two totalitarian regimes cannot be found. The nazis created this ghetto to exterminate the citys jewish population. From this place there was only one way to the death camps. The bolsheviks used this free time to send their prisoners, their enemies of the people , to death camps, to the gulah, and today , modern ukraine is being attacked by a regime that is a pawn of both these totalitarian dictatorships, both of these. Practitioner the road to auschwitz, the road to ghul, leads to fate. Every day, every hour, every minute, we receive a large amount of information. The most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. What are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. As assessed. What successes, the international community, and what lies about moscow. From the flow of news coming from everywhere, we single out the most important ones. The world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders backs . News, summaries of the week this is an overview of only important events, important, reliable events, this is analytics, factchecking, professional comments. About this and much more in todays issue. About important things, in simple language. Available for all viewers, congratulations, in the studio of iryna koval and this is the summary of the week on the espresso tv channel. News summaries of the week, every saturday at 21 00 on espresso. Hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. Top guest. Every day, this is the shipbuilding district , kherson, live coverage, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9 00 a. M. , there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. Russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. Ukraine. Analysis and analysis of information about ukraine. Propagandists, specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies. For historical residents of the ldnr plan to vote for reunification. Lets counter the information attacks of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. Tuesday, thursdayfriday at 17 10 on espresso tv channel. Mykola veresen, Vitaly Portnikov and others. Topic of the week, if , god forbid, Tactical Nuclear weapons are used against ukraine, it will definitely change the world. Stories, issues, analysis and personalities. John herbst, the former ambassador of the United States to ukraine, is waiting for us. Good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. Do you have questions, you will get answers, also interesting questions, they are worth analyzing, sportnikov veresen, every friday at 21 15 at espresso. It. Together, beraber, a joint project of the tv channel and the atp tv channel, my name is khrystyna yatskiv. In this program, we are together with ayder muzhdabaev, and as promised, we are now adding andrii to our conversation. Captain of the first rank of the reserve, deputy chief of staff of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine from 2004 to the 20th year. Mr. Andriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. And glory to the heroes, good day. I would like to start to continue our conversation from the thesis i heard from one of the Popular Military experts, he is an aviator, this is roman svitan, and in his opinion, those. The actions that have taken place in karabakh in the past few weeks, and i would like to remind you that an agreement was actually reached, according to which the unrecognized nagornokarabakh republic ceases to exist, from january 1, 2024, september 28 , 2023, it was reached, lets say yes, such an agreement, i dont even know what to call it, but roman svitan spoke in favor of the fact that all of erdogans meetings with putin in sochi, and erdogans own support for the azerbaijani side, such historical support, can testify right now about these events, in particular, that putin could get something in return, and it could be erdogans concessions regarding crimea, i dont know and i dont suggest share, or now try to argue. With this thesis, i would still like to hear your opinion , first of all, ayder, i would like to hear from you, as a representative of the crimean tatar people, on this matter and to talk with mr. Andrii, well, i will be brief, because i really interesting, what is the opinion of our guest, in short, i will say that the example of nagornokarabakh , which was artificially created because of, well, let s say it directly, because of the war crimes of russia, in the first place. She was the main headliner of this movement of seizure azerbaijani lands, there is not only karabakh, they also captured seven districts there, well, this is this finita, it shows that even a longterm occupation is never eternal, and we are absolutely watching this, well, how about that, what is, what happens according to logic, but in relation to the agreement erdogan and putin, well, im not a supporter. Conspiracy theories, you just know, this is probably about something else, i think that any influence on any events now is the greatest, the armed forces of ukraine, through the armed forces of ukraine, stop being afraid of russia, in principle, various countries, and including azerbaijan, which before, well, let s be honest, i was afraid of that, but now its nothing, but the fate of armenia is completely different. Well, we see it and we see refugees, so what, but this also happens according to a certain logic, which we will all have to accept, because the borders, they are inviolable, and i think that this is one way or another, armenia is also becoming antirussian, well, look, they see that in principle russia surrenders anyone if it needs it, of course, i think that it is not easy such, well, it seems. That he is there in verdagan with putin, but i dont see dustrakhs such a perspective and putins advantage here, and what did he get, well, in fact, nothing, well, he humiliates, throws armenians there, all the same russia threw it today or tomorrow, and it would be better if it happened in a not the bloodiest way, yes, in principle, what she will abandon armenia, i am absolutely sure, but armenia has always been confident now, and armenia is now becoming an enemy. Russia, well, this is another achievement of putins policy, well, what can i say, well done, please, well, this is the opinion, indeed, it can be, and indeed they said that during putins meeting with erdogan in sochi, there was a wide range of questions, no only the grain agreement, but there was such information, and about the fact that they allegedly already divided the black sea, which means that it will be split in half between turkey and the Russian Federation for the zones of influence, in in general, they agreed that they would not interfere in any way there, but all this is based on rumors, opinions, and so on, and the fact that azerbaijan, as it were, gradually left the field