Story. Poland itself took place, but in exactly the same way, when the poles joined the eu, it terribly disturbed farmers, first of all in france, they were afraid of a big competitor, and there were a lot of just such serious obstacles on the path of accession and a whole series of compromises that both the eu and poland had to make, but as a result integration took place, i think that we have a completely similar path ahead of us. Thank you, mr. Yevgeny, for the conversation, this is yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russianukrainian war, former platoon commander of the aidar battalion. Friends, we are working live on telekanaluso , as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether ukraine needs nuclear weapons, yes, no, your option, please write in the comments , we ask about it for a reason, because russia constantly uses. Nuclear weapons as a trump card in conversations with the whole world and constantly blackmails nuclear weapons, so it is purely hypothetical, if ukraine had nuclear weapons, would it be good for ukraine and ukrainians, and do you support the idea that ukraine should have nuclear weapons, vote, at the end of this program we will sum up the results of this vote, well, then we have a call oleg katko, military expert, editorinchief of defense. Sir oleg, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on our air. Hello, thank you for the invitation. Mr. Olezh, the first batches of abrams tanks have already arrived in ukraine, lets listen to what the president of ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said. The First American abrams tanks are already in ukraine, we are preparing them to strengthen our countermeasures. And this will be a substantial increase. We are working to get all the other weapons we need so much. This also applies to the f16, the training of pilots and infrastructure is ongoing. This also applies to longrange weapons. At first it is about a batch of 31 tanks, today there was information that the white house and the pentagon are considering the possibility of sending up to three dozen m1 abrams tanks to ukraine. At one time, the commanderinchief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, said that in order to return the borders to ukraine, as of february 23 , 2022, he needed 300 tanks, of which 30 are currently on the battlefield, first abrams tanks and another 30, well, 60 abrams tanks. How does it change and does it change the situation in russianukrainian the front . The fact is that, indeed, when they said that they would probably sell, they needed 300 tanks, then they were 300 tanks in exactly the conditions that existed then, that is , after the talks regarding the transfer of western tanks began, and the beginning there we were talking about, ill just remind you that the western countries, the European Coalition of leopards, must assemble a tank brigade, i. E. Approximately 90 vehicles, so this was not done, two battalions were assembled. And, lets put it this way, according to the signs of what was announced later, thats it the number of leopards of the second, that is, about 90 units, may be released only after delayed deliveries of cars that are restored from storage, that is, it turned out to be a rather long process. And thus, in the conditions when, the us can transfer the same number of tanks. The allrussian coalition was able to transfer the leopards to the others, so it is quite a powerful force, at the same time it must be understood that, as budanov, the head of gurmov, said, he noted that their use will not be in the form of some armored fist, which, as in the cinema there will be something there to break through, the modern battlefield dictates completely different requirements for the use of Armored Vehicles, when the advance of an Armored Group is noticed in advance, when the saturation of antitank means, fpv, drones is simply astronomical, all this determines, well, completely different tactics for the use of Armored Vehicles, and it. Will be absolutely different, of course, from what, for example, the coalition demonstrated there during the desert storm operation, because then at first it was necessary to bomb the enemys positions for 40 days, and then, yes, it is possible to make such armored breakthroughs, well, by the way across the desert for four days, well, will we have, lets say, situations when , as budanov says, there will be very wellplanned operations and only there will be these tanks, or with the arrival of a larger number of tanks and american and german leopards, which will allow to have the greatest advantage in some area, because today piskov spoke about the fact that the situation at the front now is such that, in principle, there is no such weapon that allows neither one side nor the other to have an advantage, that is, somewhere there is this balance, which now, at the front, do you feel or do you see, based on the number of weapons and armaments on the other side and on our side, that we are, well, somewhere in parity . I do not consider parity, ukraine lags behind as much as possible, in terms of the number of weapons, the number of manpower , the resource, the resource of the defenseindustrial complex, the ability to introduce everything else, we have to be realistic, and the fact that now, from some so called Ukrainian Military , you and i are talking now, in conditions when the enemy has orders of magnitude more aircraft and equipment, personnel, absolute insensitivity to losses, this is exclusively due to everything , so yes, when it comes to the search for some silver bullet, because it so happened that, well, calls, well, it so happened whether in the information space, whether they were constantly looking for some there , weapons samples, there will be a demand tomorrow, yes, there will be aproms the day after tomorrow, there will be, i dont know, what is there, there is a death star already at noon, it doesnt work like that, the supply complex always works, and the quantitative and complex warehouse, that is when we talk about what is transmitted abrams, we are talking about them, they will not work like a storm in the desert, because there will not be 3,000 planes in ukraine, which will , well, in the first two days there, they will gain absolute superiority in the air, and then they will start bombing them to the state of stones that age, when the old b52 bombers simply used the old b52 bombers to mix whole tank divisions with sand, circle bombardment, such a situation will obviously not exist, therefore we are talking about integrated supply, because tanks do not fight by themselves, infantry do not fight by themselves, this everything works in the complex and up to the same f16 of course, it will be extremely necessary to raise issues regarding the armys attack aircraft, attack helicopters, this is also extremely important. This is a comprehensive supply. And this is exactly what the victory is all about, you already mentioned the tank coalition, or armored fist, which is being formed in ukraine, last week there was information that some of the weapons transferred from ukraine to germany are either outdated or do not work , in particular leopards 1. The head of the ministry of Foreign Affairs of the federal republic of germany, anna lena berbock, cnn tv channel, also spoke about this lets hear what she said. If you only promise and dont do and even deliver something that doesnt work, it doesnt help, we know that some of what we sent to ukraine at the beginning is not very functional and outdated. I understand that time is short in ukraine, but when we transfer something, it must work, and this is one of the reasons why germany has not yet sent a longdistance truck. Taurus missiles, because she wants to make sure of their proper functioning, here is anna lena burbok, she talks on the one hand about the tanks that were not quite airconditioned, there are up to 10 tanks that the ukrainian side refused to accept, and on the other hand says that this deters us from giving taurus, is she telling the truth in this case, because taurus, they are not unused missiles, in principle can fly very far and the only thing that destroys them there is the range of these missiles, as far as i understand, and how they will be programmed, because they have to be programmed, and the germans keep saying, well, we dont know how to pass it on to you, you have to learn it. It is necessary to program so that they do not fly into the territory of russia, so that they only fly over the territory of ukraine, where there is truth, and where there is, well exaggeration, the fact is that the representative of the government, germany, she said other things , she said that the problems with the pods were at the beginning, obviously we are talking about the situation of sau pzzx 2000, and there were indeed problems because they started to raise in order, regarding the leopards of the first, then. Firstly, this situation, it is, it appeared only recently, we are talking about the fact that the german media, one of the leading ones, they reported that ukraine refused from accepting a batch of 10 machines because they are not in appropriate condition, they were used during training, and there are also certain problems with the maintenance and repair of some machines from the first batch, which was announced in july, there are also up to 10 machines, that is, the first leopards have not even entered the battlefield yet, and so with there are problems with them, at the same time, this is a logical, expected problem with these machines , because the leopards are the first, because they are supplied, well, lets say this, from the situation when the second ones do not have leopards, and tanks have to be transferred, and this is the machine that was developed , you need to understand what we are talking about lets say, the leopard 1 is a car that was developed in postwar germany, in a bombedout postwar germany in the 50s, relying on the industry that was then in germany in the 50s and the possibility of. Your thoughts, and it was leopard first that appeared , its difficult to expect that this car will be some kind of game changer and all that, because again we are talking about a rather outdated car that has nothing to do with leopard the second at all, neither in terms of capabilities nor other than that, its a pretty great 105mm gun, a relatively relevant window control system, which is a little simplified from the leopard 2a4, the last modernization of which was carried out in a year and so at the end of the 80s, we are already talking about a ballistic calculator, and a thermal imager, and a laser rangefinder, because these are technologies, european technologies , american technologies, which were already in the late 80s, were quite actively used, but again, this is a machine that has quite significant flaws , including in the form of ukrainian reservations, and it was decommissioned when it was handed over to us, for example, those themselves abrams, the same second leopards, they. Were sold with the formation, then from the formation units where they were followed, the fact that the first leopard is a machine that was decommissioned , including, for example, the bundesfers, were sold to private companies, and the prices that were put up at that time, for which private companies bought these tanks, for example, the swiss rau bought tanks for 500 per unit, 500 per tank, this directly speaks not of cheapness, it directly speaks of its condition, with thats what these tanks are for remained directly in the warehouses of these private companies, for example, such as oip , which is belgian, it also purchased more expensive, by the way, it purchased 1517 euros for one tank, but again, this is not the cost of a combat unit, and of course , no one serviced them, and therefore now there is a problem, that is, where to get spare parts for these machines, how to restore them, and it is necessary to understand that if 100 tanks are conditionally transferred, then there should be sets of spare parts. Much more than 100 tanks relatively, well, this is the situation about this car, about the taurus, here she actually told the absolute truth, finally in berlin they obviously admitted , she said that, thats right, thats what its called, were checking that they work, well, great, because actually, why was the problem is, 600 taures were ordered , as of the summer of this year, approximately a member of the. Parliamentary Defense Committee of the bundestag reported that only 150 of them are operational, why . Because they were not serviced, because any weapon must be serviced, including carlats and rockets, and uh, well, of course, 150 rockets is taking into account the needs of the bundessphere and all that, well, its not about anything, its just how many rockets the Russian Federation, for example, could release in one day during the Autumn Winter campaign, we say about the entire total stockpile of cruise missiles into the bundessphere, as many as the Russian Federation launched , well, not in two days, well, not that amount, and of course they check the missiles that they can transfer to them, that is, the reserve of 150, it is untouched by eyewitnesses , they admitted it, and look at those rockets that remained, are checked, and this is exactly the problem, not every escalation, fears, all the rest, and of course it is not about the fact that they will somehow be additionally modernized, because ukraine is receiving there, well, demodernization, more precisely, ukraine received scalps and stormshadow. Without any modernizations, there is simply a gentleman s Agreement Regarding the fact that ukraine will not use them on the territory of the Russian Federation, the first batch of atakams missiles should arrive in ukraine this week and zelensky talked about it with biden, then through newsweek, information was leaked that this would indeed be the case, but taking into account the needs, todays needs of ukraine, how many of these missiles are needed by the armed forces of ukraine, because it seems that the first batch of them will be quite small, maybe the second too, big, if so, then, how, how can it be explained that these missiles, which we need, probably more than a hundred, or maybe several hundreds, will come to us , well, a few dozen will come there, to be honest, i simply did not meet in the information what is already being transmitted has been officially announced, maybe, well let, that is, i really believe that, on the contrary , their transfer will be roughly accompanied by a statement from the pentagon, the next one, that during the next aid was transferred. Some highprecision weapons, according to such and such a standard, according to such a standard wording, according to such a standard line , and the attack will be hidden, and they will already officially recognize when, what they are handed over, when the fragments with even numbers appear, well, the same situation , as was also the case with antiradiolocation missilesharm, which were transferred under the name of antiradiolocation means, and already, when everything became clear, that is, there were already photos, everything was already there, but then, well, the usa recognized it, well, they handed it over there. They have been and passed in this line, it seems to me that it will be the same with regard to the atakamtsi, in relation to the need, the head of gurmou budanov said very clearly again in an interview with the drive that it should not be about a hundred, a hundred will not fundamentally change anything, hundreds will change, but there is such a thing as the limit resource of these missiles, which are in the United States of america, and according to a declassified pentagon report from 2007 the number in the us was announced for that year. Given the fact that ukraine desperately needs not just atakams, but specific attacks with a missile that has a missile that has a range of 300 km and a cluster warhead, that is, a cluster warhead and 300 km at the same time. According to this report , there were about 500 of these missiles in the usa in 2007. The point is. That their production stopped in 2003 and since 2007 there have definitely been more of them, so lets say there are half a thousand missiles there , this is the maximum marginal resource at the disposal of the usa, but again after all, when we talk about any weapon, including and especially about missiles, it is necessary to understand that they have a certain period of operation, and the period of operation by attack is 10 years, after 10 years the missile goes for pouring solid fuel nogun, for maintenance , replacement of electronic. Components, i. E. , for maintenance repairs with extended service life, in the usa, they, this period, well, these works were carried out under the slep program, and quite often these missiles were converted to a unitary, glassfocused warhead part there the weight of 227 kg is objective, well, to understand what 227 kg is, here is ushtsheu 450, well , there is a certain difference in efficiency, and in this way, well, lets hope that after all. The usa carried out appropriate work, it remains almost half a thousand atakams in a cassette version with a range of up to 300 km, and they will be gradually transferred to ukraine. Zelensky, returning from washington , said that a decision was made to jointly issue weapons and Defense Systems with the americans, and this decision is historic, it was something that was absolutely fantastic, what else recently, but became a reality. Said the president of ukraine and what he is still talking about the production of weapons and air Defense Systems, which are so necessary for ukraine, lets listen to the Supreme Commander of the armed forces of ukraine. To shut down the entire territory of our state requires more systems than we currently have. It is best that we can produce pppo and other advanced types of weapons, it is indispensable to guarantee safety. Ukraine and we will produce step by step, we will build all necessary production facilities. And by the way, we see there is already a very clear interest of the world to work with us, for the sake of a new defense force, not only of ukraine, but also of our partners. Mr. Oleg, in order to guarantee security, ukraine needs weapons, and in order to guarantee the safety of the production of these weapons, it is necessary to ensure that the russians cannot hit the production structures that produce weapons, because today oleksiy danilov, in an interview told the spanish newspaper abc that the russian occupiers during one of the attacks hit the place where ukrainian missiles were manufactured, so part of the production was moved from of ukraine, what is currently happening in the defense complex, the militaryindustrial defense complex in ukraine, in what way, the state will produce weapons and move towards joint production, including with the United States of america, will it be on the territory of the states neighboring ukraine, or in what way in fact, it is necessary to understand what it is, what is the creation of a New Enterprise for the localization of the production of any equipment , for example, what, well, without fantasy, but simply to take direct examples, for example, now in romania there is an order for combat vehicles infantry, they announced that they are ready to do it, announced the budget and terms, and according to this program, roughly speaking, only for the branching of the production itself after signing the contract for two years. Eh, its actually quite fast, and in fact these terms will make it easier to apply the exercise, but these are the terms that should be understood, that from the moment of the beginning of the agreements, thats the beginning of the work and the first there, the first experience, well, the first sample , which was produced at the New Enterprise, will be released in at least two years, such realistic terms, uh, usually they are even longer, but here you just need to understand that there are two separate tasks, i. E. The first task is the weapon for victory and the second task is the weapon that will be in the armed forces of ukraine after the victory, and these are two separate programs that, in my opinion, should not be mixed, because otherwise, well, it is simply possible not to do one thing or another. In this situation, the main task of the Ukrainian Defense industry is obviously the repair and restoration of the equipment that is now being transferred to ukraine, the reduction of just such logistical moments when , for example, the leopard 2 televisions that were damaged during hostilities are going to poland for repair, well, it is quite logical that, as much as possible, Ukrainian Defense enterprises should be more actively involved in this process so that they repair them in in ukraine, and with this , a certain technological cycle was shortened, well, at least for transportation, well, and of course the acquisition of new competencies and all the rest, this process is obviously already taking place and is taking place quite successfully. The next aspect is the production of those weapons, which is the development of modernization of the existing one, and of course, in a situation where every inch of Ukrainian Land is under the crosshairs of the longrange missile weapons of the Russian Federation, then, well, this is where such aspects regarding the transfer of production begin, some moments on the territory of the partner countries, and it is very wonderful , that partner countries provide such opportunities, and the third aspect is precisely the beginning of the creation of production, for example, licensed production. Defense equipment, we know, for example, the situation regarding the desire to produce the tsv90, the swedish bmp, the bio company systems, an international giant, one of the topfive, well, at least the top10 companies in the world of defense, but again, we add a certain amount of time, which is simply necessary to begin, having already signed a firm agreement, to Start Building technological cycles and everything else, so, well, most likely, such a process will be starvation, and when it is said that ukraine will produce, american, there european, any other weapons under the conditions of localization of production, it is necessary to understand that this is for of the armed forces of ukraine already after the victory, and its great, its because its the only chance in general for ukraine its to invite to itself as much as possible and provide just ideal conditions for all the defensive giants of the world, and about by systems, and about rain metal, which has already come to the fore, now information from the Ukrainian Defense industry regarding the plans for the General Dynamics european lane system, this is also the Sixth Company, well, if bratijen is the sixth alldefense company in the world, i am sure whether we are talking about boin martin and all the others, because this process involves the involvement of western defense giants this is what happened in the world for ten years ukraine for 30 years under the slogan we will do everything ourselves there and the bmp, and the fighter, and the antiaircraft Missile System, and we will make the operationaltactical Missile System, unfortunately, well, it seems to me, experience has shown that such, of course, patriotic, but perhaps unnecessary cries that we will do it ourselves are possible, well, as a result, nothing came of it, and ukraine drove itself into such voluntary isolationism with such and such slogans, at a time when this is usually done sanctions, well for example, as in the case of the dprk or iran, when they themselves have to do it, and ukraine voluntarily followed this path, at a time when poland, turkey, and all the countries around, they cooperated and united and involved new technologies, i will expand the opportunity for defense. Precisely because of this, and now, well, shtorshadow, what is it, who produces it, mdba, it is a paneuropean concern, deshtar apartment , eurofighter, a paneuropean fighter, or airbus, well, these are panEuropean Companies that were created thanks to cooperation, mr. Oleg, today there was information that it is possible to supply and license production of ascot bmp for the armed forces of ukraine, this is spain. They are making this infantry fighting vehicle, please tell me about this project, i know that your agency wrote today about this project and about the arrangements of Ukrainian Armored vehicles and, rather, the reconnaissance of Ukrainian Armored vehicles in spain, yes, again , asscot is a machine that, well, now , just again we are talking about combining the possibilities just right, the fact is that this car is a General Dynamics car, it is an american the defense giant, again, there for the 22nd year, it is the Sixth Company in the world, 30, and we are talking about 30 billion per year, these are the numbers, that is , almost the budget of ukraine, and just one of its divisions General Dynamics European Land systems, which was created at the expense of the union of such European Companies, such as the austrian stear, here barbara, there the name is in spanish, it now supplies ukraine with leopard, by the way, others. This machine was actually developed under these European Companies it is considered to be 100 accurate, a fairly modern infantry fighting vehicle, a platform with a fairly powerful platform, the fact is that its maximum weight is 42 tons, and it is precisely from this parameter that it is the main one for any heavyduty platform, i. E. , the total weight of the machine on this base is 42. An excellent indicator, which already guarantees that it has excellent defensive protection, and we are talking , of course, about such standard things as the protection of the front halfsphere from the fire of automatic thunderbolts, relatively there weapons, which everyone, for some reason, pays attention to, then there there will be anything that the customer wants, that is, he wants any automatic gun , any antitank Missile System , the base of the machine, again, it allows us to talk about 42 tons, and this is an influence on the fact that it is possible to put at least a tank gun and will be a light tank, and this machine again, it actually also chooses International Contracts , well, for example, it was chosen by great britain, it started the competition in the eighth year, finished it in the 10th, and there was a choice between the askod and the swedish cv90 , they chose ascot, they he, they have already put it into production, it is called ajax over there in great britain, and for understanding, the same ascot is now also the platform for the us m10 booker light tank, which is the latest, that is, this is the latest example of Armored Vehicles in the usa, and it is also based cscia, that is, it is possible when we talk about such comparisons, well, in my opinion, it is always necessary to understand that there is an extremely proven way to determine which technique is better, better, for example, the Czech Republic and slovakia, when they chose, they made an open competition, conducted comparisons tests and after that have already made their own. Thank you, mr. Oleg, this was oleg katkov, the editorinchief of defense express, a military expert. Friends, we are live on the channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, if you are currently watching us on youtube or facebook, please like this video, on youtube we are completing our survey, we asked you about , ukraine needs nuclear weapons, 74 of those who voted said yes, 22 said no. These were the thoughts of this day, this is it there was a verdict, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye, congratulations, ukraine is on the air, jaffe is working in the studio in london, today in the program we will talk about how ukraine is building its drone empire. Stork, akazhan, vampire and beaver, ukraine has increased many times. Production of own drones, but what problems do manufacturers face when looking for the perfect Ukrainian Drone . So, Ukrainian Drones are not only at the front. In recent months, Ukrainian Drones have been increasingly attacking russian cities. The government does not directly take over responsible for the majority of attacks on russia and does not. Hide which unmanned complexes

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