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Of trade law on the part of poland, there are still things that weigh much more, and i think that some representatives of our government should b, well, at the very least, before making loud statements about that court, about other such things, consult, in particular, with the ministry of foreign affairs, including ukrainian and polish experts. They believe that the conflict is temporary, it escalated against the background of the polish Election Campaign campaign, in less than a month the poles will elect the parliament, the ruling party of law and justice of ruslaw kaczynski traditionally counts on the support of voters and rural areas, in particular farmers, so now the export of ukrainian grain has become a tool of electoral technology. On mine in my opinion, this is a temporary problem, after the elections that will be held on october 15, relations between the two countries will improve, now we have such a. Situation that the parties are competing with each other, trying to demonstrate, first of all, how they care about the interests of farmers, one of their main voters but against the background of the dispute over the import of grain from poland , other threatening statements began to be heard. In particular, warsaw began to signal that it would stop sending weapons to kyiv, Prime Minister morawiecki made a corresponding statement, although later it was explanation, words taken out of context. The statement of the head of the polish government concerned only the new one. The weapons that warsaw is buying now, we are also modernizing our army, our army, even armaments, what we had, we have already handed over to ukraine, believe me, we can provide everything to ukraine, but in return we must quickly receive, modern, modern, modern weapons , but it does not happen like that, when you order f16 today, for example, yes, or f3, it will not come to you in a week, in two, it will come in several years. They also talked about the probability reduction of Financial Assistance to ukrainian refugees. Thus, according to the government spokesman, Material Support for ukrainians, namely the granting of work permits, free access to schools, medical care and benefits for the family, will not be extended next year, and experts warn that poland itself will be the first to suffer from such steps , which receives money from the European Commission for ukrainian refugees, plus poland received millions of cheap hands. Strength that can easily be lost now. What is the danger for poland, in particular, from such statements . There is already a trend, it has started already several months ago, ukrainian refugees and immigrants from poland are going to germany, and this, by the way, creates problems for the polish economy. Therefore, i think that the poles also need to cool down here. It got to the point that andrzej duda, a great friend of ukraine, the president of poland, did not find time. At a meeting with the ukrainian leader in new york, instead, official kyiv emphasizes that our position is clear and understandable. The European Commission allowed us to trade grain, that is, from a legal point of view , the truth is ours. Moreover, at the bank offered various compromises in warsaw and expect that after the Election Races are over, the tension will subside. We are grateful to the polish people, grateful that we have such relations, we had agreements. There is a difficult time, time. War, in poland, election time, we all agreed that there is a date when the restrictions will end. On his way from an overseas tour, Volodymyr Zelensky made a short stop in poland to reward two polish volunteers, journalist bianka zeleevska, who helped provide humanitarian aid to ukrainians and transport injured children to polish hospitals and paramedic damian dudu. I am grateful to you that there are such polish friends in ukraine, and yours. Personalities, i want to thank the polish people, absolutely all people who from the first days opened their families, opened their homes, opened themselves. And helped, that the politicians should put up with and help ukraine in the future , first of all with weapons, ordinary residents of poland also say, people understand that in the event of russias victory, the war will come to their homes. Neighbors should always be helped, and especially now, because war is a terrible thing, and now ukraine is fighting not only for itself, but also for us. Due to the elections , the atmosphere is a bit tense in our country, but despite everything, ukraine must be supported, and the entire European Union must do this. The degree of conflict is gradually decreasing, according to the latest information from the Ukrainian Ministry of agriculture , kyiv and warsaw have agreed to find a solution for the export of ukrainian Agricultural Products that takes into account the interests of both countries, transit corridors have also been determined, and the ban on the sale of grain from ukraine to poland will not be lifted. Natalia zhukovska, fakty actv, single news. Ukraine prepared the second budget during the fullscale invasion. Like that year, we will live mainly at the expense of international aid, because the projected profits of our country are half as much as what we can spend. At the same time, ukraine will direct the earned money only to defense. There, the government plans to transfer taxes on the incomes of military personnel, which currently end up in local funds. More than 500 billion will be spent on weapons, in particular on drones. Its not too much, but military experts are convinced that it is necessary to start with something. For the first time, the budget took into account the needs of the veterans assistant institute. All the money for victory and life after it, however, there are also comments on the estimate, which were analyzed by our journalists. The budget does not have a big name, but at the same time it is supposed to provide for our army and start the Domestic Production of weapons. In the conditions of a largescale war, the government submits estimates for the second time, the Prime Minister emphasizes that every hryvnia from taxes will go to defense. War is expensive and it costs trillions of hryvnias. Therefore, this one is in the purchase. Hundreds are coming billions, the highlights of our production are drones. In general, the budget is very scarce, we plan to spend more than 3 trillion, but we can earn half as much, so ukraine already traditionally counts on the help of international partners. The government wants to ask for 42 billion dollars from them, through grants or soft loans. This money will go to pensions and salaries of state employees. Ukraine will mostly earn its own defense. A record 1,700 are planned for it. 584 billion hryvnias, of which 1. 72 million hryvnias for salaries of military personnel, more than 500 billion hryvnias for weapons, the military welcomes such innovations, but the Parliamentary Committee on National Security and defense states that at the current scale of the war, this is not enough, so ukraine will continue to count on the help of partners in the supply of weapons and equipment, and will use its own money for the salaries of defenders, and also for the production and development of drones, own missiles, the missile program, it is going and it is, lets say, very expensive, it is one of the most expensive programs, if we are talking about conventional ammunition, yes, you need a lot of them, and this is a large amount, and rockets, even to develop them, a large amount of funds are needed , these are the funds that will be raised directly from our money, almost 14. 5 billion will be directed to support veterans, this includes housing and rehabilitation, for the first time the budget included money for the veterans assistant institute for 15,000 people, another 2 billion was planned for the first time for humanitarian demining, deputy Prime Minister Yulia Sveredenko says the state will not clear everything on its own, so it will pay extra to private companies that will pass tenders and be able to help farmers demining fields. Where there is a private sector, a market for Demining Services must develop. Of course, the aggressor country has to pay for everything. To date, we anticipate. These funds are in our state budget in order to help and partially compensate farmers for demining , social payments will not stop, the minimum wage must also increase, from january 1 it is uah 7,100, from july 1 uah 800, the average pension must increase to uah 6,000, at the same time about the development of parks or squares, new roads, stkady and cobblestones the budget, central or local, will have to be forgotten, this is the budget. It is as close as possible to the military one, i would say so, much more than in the 23rd year, most of the articles related to reconstruction have been removed, the road fund is directed to the state budget, and of course, this is the maximum support for all expenditures of the Defense Security forces sector. The road fund, which built and repaired highways next year, will be empty, that is, almost 100 billion of it will be directed to the general pocket, and will also not function. The state fund of the regional development, this year uah 2 billion was allocated for it. Experts urge not to go to extremes and not to stop programs such as restoration, until they have seen in the project. Money for the restoration of houses damaged by russian missiles. At some point, it seems that you just did what everyone was waiting for, that is, the series, you argued that we are building roads, so we will not build roads, so that those programs that are already working today do not stop, there is a restoration of the same, that is, to adopt there is recovery, do not predict funds for it, but so far there are none , well, this is quite a big question, the chairman of the Budget Committee says that the ministry of reconstruction will look for donors for this program, as well. They can direct money from confiscated russian property, if it can be sold. In case of serious destruction of Critical Infrastructure, they have insurance. In the reserve fund of the state budget , about 45 billion uah are provided for unforeseen expenses, that is, if some object of Critical Infrastructure is destroyed or damaged as a result of the shelling of the russian federation, the cabinet of ministers is always ready to allocate. Funds for quick repairs and quick recovery. Now local officials will not be able to move the cobblestones and reconstruct the stadiums, a part of their income will be taken from them, namely the tax on the income of individuals who paid the military from their salaries. Until now, more than half of this money went to places, which is more than 90 billion per year. As of october 1, they want to take them to the central budget and redirect them to the production of ukrainian weapons and drones. Communities are ready to give a certain part, but from caveats lviv, for example, will lose almost uah 2 billion, which is 17 of the budget, which was already allocated to help the defenders. Today, our guys are on the front lines, and for you to understand, 30,000 people from shlivi are on the front lines, first of all, they need better weapons. If you can join in any way and buy that weapon. For our military, we are ready to give a part of the pdf, because the city does not have the right to buy weapons. For frontline cities , it is even more difficult to give pdf budget if vat is taken away from us, we will not receive approximately 22 . Its not a lot of money, but i really want them to be returned to us, subsidized. In general, they may have a budget deficit. Over five hundred communities, the opposition calls it an attack on decentralization and offers a compromise option. Lets not break decentralization , lets leave this distribution to the local councils , lets just tell them specifically where they should spend based on the militarys appeals exclusively, and not where they themselves decided, and we have 30 let that total amount remain, so that we do not forget that we have a civilian population, that we have territorial defense. Deputies ask to more carefully draw up the articles of income , which may be extremely modest than planned, and expenses and report on the current budget, then it will be possible to more effectively calculate how much money ukraine will need for the 24th year. There is still time for this work, at least until october 15. Olga chayko, hrystyna gavrish, myroslava sokolovska and veronika boyko. Facts, actv, only news. During the war. It is important to support and buy domestic, especially for fighters at the front. Capital enterprise kyivgum manufactures and completes first aid kits for the military. Since the beginning of the war in the 14th year, they have been the official suppliers of tactical firstaid kits ordered by the ministry of defense. The kit contains almost everything of Domestic Production, a tourniquet, tourniquet , hemostatic, and most importantly everything is of high quality and certified, which is most important in the conditions of hostilities, because it saves lives Natalya Kulyk says. This is the largest ukrainian enterprise of rubber products, more than 4,000 items are made here, a lot exported, and since the beginning of the war in the 14th year , components and components of firstaid kits for the military, the only ones in ukraine, have been manufactured here, 85 of the filling of this firstaid kit is domestically produced. Ukrainian conclusion, ukrainian nasopharyngeal air, ukrainian hemostatic, ukrainian tourniquet, ukrainian omega tourniquet. Half of this is done directly. Here at the company, this is a nasopharyngeal airway, in tactical medicine it is used to restore the respiratory tract, it just seems that it is an ordinary rubber tube, but it is made in more than 10 stages, it should not injure, save. It is prepared for the fighter individually, as a product according to size, he can adjust it himself, and if necessary , it will be installed from below for him to restore breathing, and this is when rubber is being prepared for spinal cords, this is what the finished product for stopping bleeding looks like, the company says , such rubber harnesses are made by only two manufacturers in the world, they and one american one, the rubber should be elastic, but stretch. Just enough to not to harm the injured, schematic, graphic image, this is a design patented by us, it is optimally selected , i. E. When an oval turns into a circle , a rectangle into a square, respectively, this ensures optimal pressure of application, it is also a means of tactical medicine, that is, the involvement of tactical medics is not necessarily , otherwise it makes no sense, we can come up with something, they will not show themselves in any way in field conditions, that is why we involved a military clinical hospital of specialists, we conducted tests on soldiers. From the beginning during the war of the 14th year, over 7,000 firstaid kits were assembled here, even then they cooperated with other ukrainian manufacturers. In such a firstaid kit , domestic sich tourniquets, the highestquality ukrainian ones recommended by taxidermists, are on a par with american kkets. Fighters at the front know that a good tourniquet saves a life and a bad death. And over the past year and a half , many chinese counterfeits have been imported into ukraine, which and they dont stop the bleeding, and the same with all taktmed products, you dont need to buy a lot of products in china, you can buy them here in ukraine, from ukrainian manufacturers at a Competitive Price with china, but for some reason it is much easier for people, due to the fact that they have certain channels, to bring from there, than to buy here a highquality, domestic, certified, domestic hemostatic in the firstaid kit, a special bandage impregnated with medicine, it is for stopping. Gray bleeding. If there is a place where there is bleeding and there is no place to put a tourniquet, it is the thigh, the femoral artery, or this, if the tourniquet should be there for two hours on the person, if it is not possible to remove it and deliver the person in two hours, then you can tampon it genostatic, he can be injured for up to a day, their enterprise in kyiv region survived the occupation, but immediately after the liberation in april they resumed work, although there was no electricity and there were interruptions with suppliers, the soldiers urgently needed firstaid kits. Last year , the state bought about 50,000 firstaid kits, it was the purchase of the ministry of defense, this year no order came from the state, but foreign funds are paying. Currently, as you know, we are executing a large contract for a German Government organization. The German Government in the enterprise kyivguma ordered a total of 4,000 firstaid kits and financed them, and our manufacturers are already handing them over to the armed forces. This large order is almost completed. They can make 60,000 firstaid kits per month, and if necessary, even more, they are waiting for the authorities to Pay Attention to them. These are consumables, used, need new ones, used, need new ones. It is especially important to buy domestic goods during the war says deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Development dmytro kiselevskyi. The country has a deficit budget and every hryvnia must be spent efficiently. Therefore, an official of any level should think twice before buying imported goods and support them. Producer or domestic, when the state buys a ukrainian product, up to 40 of the money from the value of this product is returned to the state in the form of taxes, if the state buys an imported product, then 100 of the money from this product remains abroad, thats actually all the math, he gave jobs to turkish or chinese workers, he provided turkish or chinese pensions with pensions and, accordingly, he deprived the ukrainian tax state. Currently, there is a law on localization in ukraine, that is, the involvement of a ukrainian manufacturer, but as far as Mechanical Engineering is concerned, kiselevskyi says, it makes sense to extend it to other industries. Natarya kulykgen cuckoo, faaktyctv, single news. Last week, for the first time in six months, russia again attacked the facilities of our energy system. Last year they started Energy Terror from october. They attacked en masse, sometimes with 100 rockets per day, and forced us to live according to blackout schedules. It is possible that a similar one awaits us this winter. Situation, that is why ukrainian cities are increasingly active are preparing for winter and thinking about the Energy Independence of important facilities, hospitals, waterworks, and boiler houses, such as kremenchuk, in poltava oblast , solar stations were installed at a local hospital so that in the event of sudden power outages, they would Work Together with a generator. Although kremenchuk suffers from russian rockets from time to time, during the fullscale invasion, kremenchuk sheltered more than 30,000 forced migrants, who came here as whole families. Ivan and tatyana saved their children and relatives from shelling. This last night, when we spent the night in the entrance near elevator, the most safe city, as it seemed to us at that time, and every arrival, i think it will be the last arrival, their native severodonetsk, the russians brutally destroyed from the first days. This is what our city looks like and my husband and i grew up there, we have lived there since childhood, we know every street and every path. And in principle it is very painful, this is the hospital where i have worked for 23 years. In terrible condition, it was destroyed, the couple was looking for a place where they could live more peacefully after all the horror they had seen, ivan, a surgeon by profession, found a job in a local hospital, everything that destroyed by the war, trying to build here. Lyubov mykolaivna, sit down, oh, and put your feet here. But last fall, the russians began shelling Energy Facilities across the country, hospitals also suffered. In this medaklad without electricity, the heat also disappeared, the generator was not enough. Lack of light, it is impossible to work in full, it can lead to some mistakes that can lead to a tragedy, they survived a difficult winter here and decided to prepare for the next one, so that in case of emergency they have electricity, a solar power plant is installed on the roof of the hospital, it, together with the generator, will power the facility in case of sudden power outages. Solar panels, they can provide even a not quite sunny day, cloudy, everything that is necessary. Not equipment, these are intensive care units, ventilators, they will work. The station was financed by foreign benefactors, it cost more than uah 7,000. The city repaired the roof of the hospital at its own expense. The Public Organization ecoclub helped to find investors. A solar power plant has been installed here to help this hospital it is easier to pass the next difficult disgraceful season. People who are inside, with whom i spoke today and asked, what do you have there in the hospital, i say it is a solar station that produces electricity here, this is what you have an electrical device on now, you charge your phone to call your relatives , we are producing right now on the roof of this hospital, according to estimates, the station will save about uah 230,000 per year, this money will be reinvested in other energyefficient projects, the city council says, because the city continues emigrants go, it is important that people stay here. Malada is already working on developing programs and attracting both its own funds and funds from international funds, investors, grant funds, so that we can be energy independent, the hospital has already started receiving the first energy from the sun, the station is operationally powered, where surgeon ivan also works. When there is light, when there are conditions, the doctor works calmly, without looking back at the fact that the generator needs to be turned on, that flashlight needs to be fixed. Or help in the dark at all give. Since december of last year, thanks to the ecoclub, solar stations have been installed in hospitals in five different cities, eight more stations will be installed by the end of this year, and in total, the organization has received more than 380 requests from communities to install solar panels, so they are actively looking for funds and new partners abroad. Nataliya kulyk, maksym musiyan, fakty ictv, the only news. The question of the ban in ukraine, of religious organizations, the centers of which are located in russia. Does not yet have sufficient support among peoples deputies, the speaker of the Parliament Said in an interview with radio liberty. Ruslan stepanchuk believes that there are not yet 226 votes in the hall under the dome to pass such an important law. If you simply put it to a vote and fail, it is irresponsible and will be in the hands of russia. According to the speaker, there is no unity not only in the servant of the people, but also in the opposition factions of the council. On the other hand, the opposition representatives assure that they are ready to vote unanimously with a monomajority on the issue of banning religious. Such the law will help to quickly bring order to the issues of the transition of Church Communities to the Orthodox Church of ukraine, as well as speed up the resolution of the issue with the laurels, first of all , the kyivpechersk and pochaiv. Well, the facts continue to monitor the situation in the Main National shrine of all orthodox ukraine. Kyivpechersk. In addition to the return of the property to state ownership, which the representatives of the ukrainian Orthodox Church of the moscow patriarchate have prevented in every possible way, interesting processes are also taking place in the mens monastery itself. However, what was managed to be done in six months, and what is the Current Situation in the lavra and how many monks are ready to join the ocu, the acting vicar of the monastery avraamiy, told in an exclusive interview with facts and vasyl safenik. The Russian Occupation of ukraine lasted for centuries, and for a long time the ideology of the russian world prevailed in the kyivpechersk lavra, and in the last six months it began to be gradually eradicated. Transformations began even in such a conservative environment as a male monastery. March 29 by executor duties of the abbot of the lavra from the Orthodox Church of ukraine, stavimandrite avraamiy lotysh. Before that, he was also a hieromonk. Dear fathers and brothers, i urge you to leave. In the lavra as part of the local Orthodox Church of ukraine under the omophorion of his beatitude metropolitan epiphanius. Now the new vicar of the lavra conducts Divine Services in the upper lavra, and he also calls other monks. Transfer to the ocu and remain in the orthodox sanctuary. Many of you are now under great pressure, they are trying to intimidate you with falsehoods about locality church and about the future. Instead, supporters of moscow responded in their own way. Abrahams cell was robbed, and property was destroyed. Nevertheless , in six months , cardinal changes took place in the kyivpochersk lavra. Services in ukrainian are now heard not only in the upper part. I would say that. Even the lower one prays in ukrainian. The acting vicar of the main orthodox monastery of ukraine calmly and confidently talks about what he managed to do in six months to cleanse the shrine of the russian spirit. Lavra will no longer be the center of the russian world, as it was before, and will truly become a shrine of ukrainian orthodoxy and the ukrainian people. In the Current Situation, the most important thing is that despite all the accusations and manipulations coming from moscow. Patriarchate, as well as russian propagandists, everyone understood that there was, is and will be a mens monastery in the lavra, let there be 3,4, 7, 10 monks, yes, but these monks will be proukrainian, these are monks who will not be named russian peace, and to pray for ukraine, currently, no more than 60 monks remain on the territory of the lower lavra, part of them on the instructions of the moscow patriarchate, waiting for things to be completed, the others intend to stay in the shrine, understanding them, i know that there is no trust between them, each other, everyone is afraid to say something, express their opinion, position. At the same time , the leadership of the moscow patriarchate retains a great deal of influence. We watched for six months how they tried to pass themselves off as martyrs, although no one kills them, no one tortures them, no one. Forces them to renounce christ, but all this is played out, the main demand for monks to stop serving the russian Orthodox Church, whose Patriarch Kirill blesses the killing of ukrainians, renounces the moscow patriarchate, thats all, and nothing more and nothing less, but as we can see, they are holding on to the last, avraamiov believes that everything can be changed by the final Court Decision on eviction from the lavra supporters of the ukrainian Orthodox Church. The moment of truth will come when in uh, they will have to either leave the monastery or make the right choice in who they stay with, whether with the moscow patriarchate or the ukrainian church, so far, except for the monks who live in cells, in three hotel buildings, there are four dozen believers of the ukrainian Orthodox Church of the moscow patriarchate, even despite the decision of the Economic Court of kyiv, they did not leave the territory of the lower lavra , the Law Enforcement officers received their personal data, and i hope that the Law Enforcement officers will already determine the next steps for these persons , due to the fact that people refuse to leave these premises, the lower territory of the lavra remains closed, access to all the shrines of the lower territory of the lavra is still limited. When and the reserve and the monastery will be fully operational, avraamiy intends to organize a syrotininets lavra for the children of the Fallen Soldiers and defenders of ukraine. Our church, in particular the lavra, is with the ukrainian people, as well as with those children who are left behind by this parental care and attention, so i think that the lord, through the prayers of our monks, will help make this dream of mine come true. Vasyl sefyanyuk, yevhen zuzulya, ictv facts, single news. Well, we believe in god, and even more so in the armed forces, we support them and bring victory closer, glory to ukraine. I am a russian warship, i offer to lay down weapons and a zasa, a warship, in ukraine, and the slavs. Fate will smile, our witches will perish like beauty in the sun,

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