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, they are pumping information the space is talking about the fact that and here the weapons are very bad nato weapons as Serhii Shoigu says at the conference or at this big salon called the army 2023 in moscow well, in skabeeva and solovyov , they also simply talk about the topic of nato lets look at a fragment of solovyovs program, what they are saying about nato, what they are saying about nato, what nato weapons are, crossbreeding, sergey says where exactly did he say strong operation and preparation of launch strong peretsyny, i think it can be taught in our plans. Domike that they are now in nato and the block above will save them and why did they decide so in practice, no one has yet checked , of course, they did not decide that the notebook will save them, they dont have a system up to their heads, they dont have everything that they have it was given to ukraine , it was not enough , they are now a united army, and they will gather themselves. She is the best exporter of two products weapons and fear, thats what they know. Thats what they are good at. Thats how they can instill fear and try to convince the europeans there that its better for you to stay out of the war with russia. Now they are trying to convince the head of the village that the weapons that are in nato are not very cool and they also burn, they say , considering that russia constantly uses this technique of intimidation of the whole world, they are intimidating the whole world, they are intimidating europe, according to your e hmm, will the time come when the europeans and the whole world will finally stop being afraid of russia with their Nuclear Button and these constant threats of nuclear and conventional threats, because i understand that this is exactly what is holding the world back in order to hasten the end russia well, you see, we are sergey became very radical in relation to russia after february 24, 2022, although russia attacked us in 2014, yes, we sometimes demand such a radical position from the world, but we must remember the obvious things that, unfortunately, even today in ukraine there are voices, and by the way, it is not only at the level of such a household or kitchen, but also at the level of the political environment, which are not entirely proukrainian, and their rhetoric can be heard by the defense of the Russian Church of the moscow section , rather than many other things. Therefore, i still believe that we must first demand from myself for example, today our military shot down as many as two k52 russian invincible, as they say, helicopters in one day, and one of the ukrainians rightly considered that if there were no westerners there, equipping especially highprecision equipment, then these helicopters would not have taken off, but we would have even if there were no engines from motor sich there , these helicopters definitely did not take off, so we must remember the two sides of the coin and must actually prove ourselves in in his eyes. Then it will be effective and will have a significant result for the further opposite case, simply telling that someone is accused, someone did not give us something or did not help in time, or that is what happened, i think this is a discussion to nowhere, another event these days, the minister of defense of china is visiting belarus and russia did shanfu meet today with lukashenka in minsk , lets hear what the minister of defense of china said in the belarusian capital iskrindiya. года вы совращение вызы Student National university was here and in the event of your wind vysoksochchim with him. Lav of our catastrophes or nayduskyh ugrebenie eto stranego military cooperation well, alaverda from lukashenka , the minister of defense of china so put the force they always consider that in our policy we are based on a strong economy, powerful diplomacy, and i am very grateful to you for your support in the militarytechnical series. In the same way, in this regard, we rely on our friends, and above all, the Russian Federation and china, mr. Volodymyr, what the representative said of china and these peacekeeping ee lavras hung up on Oleksandr Lukashenka that this means that both russia and belarus are still actively supported by china, particularly chinas minister of defense, and they feel their impunity because behind them great china, is it so recently comrade gerasim came to the front line to inspect his red army eh and it didnt give him anything then there were another defeat eh russians another retreat er chvk russia and a proxy and such a shortsighted er belarus it is interesting to watch how the evasive lukashenko looks at the minister of defense of china, he does not even look at putin like that, it is flattering, it is also very symbolic, very symbolic, but it also seems to me that china already realized that he lost at least maybe he didnt lose the chance but he lost the moment, suddenly the chinese feel horrified that the majority of his army, which is based on soviet technology, is not capable of defeating the west, that all those ephemeral things she told about millions of people they can send a million chinese and but this will not break the course of the battle and will not give the effect that could be expected about the taiwanese, they dont even dream anymore, they are now more anxiously watching what is happening to their economy and so covertly supply the components are necessary for russian weapons and directly or through iran to russia, thats it. Their mission is definitely set for today. This is a war. Well, everything can change at any moment, but it seems to me that china is no longer a threat, it is a problem that needs to be solved, that is why washington devotes a lot but nevertheless, this is not a threat to ukraine and we cannot expect that china will be a real player in this war in our war with the russians. Well, maybe china will turn into a place where it will hide Oleksandr Lukashenko after his defeat in the war because he is an accomplice and coaggressor of russias war against ukraine, mr. Volodymyr, i thank you for participating in the program it was volodymyr omelyan, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel and also on our youtube platforms and on facebook for those who are currently watching us on youtube , let me remind you that we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether ukraine can cede territory for the sake of membership in nato. Please write an option in the comments, please do not forget to like this video so that it can be promoted in the youtube trends. Further , we are in touch. I wish you good health, mr. Sergeant, today president zelenskyi by decree put into effect the decision of the National Security council to dismiss all Regional Military commissions, instead of them they will appoint combat officers who will undergo a Service Check security of ukraine, according to you, there are 25 people or how many more than 20 who will be dismissed from their positions and other people will take their places , but up to 6,000 people work in the system of Territorial Assembly centers , will the system change, the corrupt system is obvious and maybe it not all are corrupt, but lets say a system that allows many ukrainians to avoid the ee army. Will it affect this system . Should there be any other decisions of the National Defense Security Council not only to blow off the heads of those who sit at the top aa from the first clarification it today, president zelenskyi signed the decision of the National Security and Defense Council regarding the recommendation by the commandersinchief of the armed forces of ukraine to replace and dismiss the heads of the tcc and ssp, that is, the actual responsibility is now transferred to the industrious as well as to the hungry commanders, because the tcc isps better known as military committees are located in orders of the zone of responsibility of the Ground Forces that are subordinated to mr. Syrskyi subordinated to pluzhnoi, this is a clarification that does not change anything. Time and by some percentage, unfortunately, i think that this time will be small. And how is this percentage of changes, because the fish usually rots from the head , but the military commanders are rotten because the 90s and they are rotten not everywhere, whatever you call them, they call them military commanders tcc and sp they are rotten through and through. Of course there are normal people there, normal people are everywhere eh, but eh, hmm , this is a system that has been used for decades, a system that is actually built on quantitative indicators on the number and not on the quality of the people it recruits to the army system it is not capable of adequate recruiting. That is, the system is not capable of adequately motivating and calling on the army of people who are still hesitant , who can be worked with, who can be promoted and pushed, this system is capable of itself, this system is only in numbers, and numbers are not only the number of conscripts, but also numbers that can be obtained for the fact that a conscript does not go to the army, we all know it, well, we all, well, we all encountered this nabu directly or through friends and relatives , it is no secret for anyone, as i think, unfortunately, it is no secret for anyone that corrupt e e systems especially since the system, which has been in place for many, many years and is very stable, cannot be fixed and will not become saints only because the head of the regional municipal tcc was replaced there. Well, it does not work, unfortunately, unfortunately, it does not work, the system needs to be changed, sir yury among the clems, whom zelensky called together with the military commissars. He said that there is a big problem with the military medical commissions of the vc, with these vcs, all the people who were wounded in the war are currently passing through the commission of this vc, and it is clear that its obvious that you know how these vlks work. I dont know if you went through the lk here in ukraine , which means you were treated abroad or did you pass this military medical board . Im going now, right now. Im waiting for the conclusion. The situation there has improved, but there are still very long queues and, to be honest, the naked eye can see where and in what places this system can be improved, but it is actually so much about the vlk as such. Rather, it is about the medical system of ukraine, which faced a collapse after the beginning of the great war after the start of the scale plan, because the number of wounded was huge, huge, and the system simply choked , well, simply, everything is the same with such a not such a number. It simply was not calculated, no one ever thought about it, and now, well, conventionally, the traumatologist is what he was studying to be a surgeon who has quite a lot of such movements, he makes rounds from the very morning, then starts surgery, operates on people, after that he sits there for three or four hours and there is a huge queue under his door, and he with this queue it works for those who came to the vk and he has to examine everyone and with his own er hands to kill er solutions into the computer, well, i can now er, i will say strange things, but when he was treated in the usa, a surgeon who spent years studying to be a surgeon e. E. He deals in particular with surgery and work with patients, and the paperwork, for example, is done for him by an assistant surgeon, makes decisions, i voice his assistant, an assistant who has learned so many years from whom, accordingly, spends more time doing these papers , which is banal in our conditions, e. E. Would relieve queues for doctors i dont know well, it seems to me that the percentage is 3040 for sure, its a banal story in fact, but its a story about a system and this system remains the same in such details, although there are improvements, and again, improvements have come to us after several loud scandals, what else do yuriy encounter because the wounded veterans of the russianukrainian war face each other, that is , what are the current problems of those who fought and cannot fight now, it is clear that after the war there will be a lot of people who will need adaptation in society the work of payment eh again vlk and again all all these structures now what do you and your fellows face the most eh face lets say so aand you can divide if very briefly you can divide all things into lets say so material and metaphysical metaphysical its its probably strange that now the most important thing will sound because the most important thing for people who are fighting for one and a half years or much longer is to understand their future after the army, and the better this understanding is, the better you understand what you will do when you leave the army if you come back, the better the fighter will be motivated, this is very simple, the logic is simpler than now, there is nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, she is having problems now, because she cannot show the profile of the ministry of Veterans Affairs to all the personnel who are currently fighting a picture of the future, that is, she cannot to say what you will have. This is this. This is that we will help you with all this. People the fighters ask themselves very reasonable and very simple questions in our country , the economy is broken, and our budget does not converge. There is no, unfortunately, and the profile ministry cannot provide them if it is from a metaphysical and from everything else. We are faced with the fact that the benefits that were granted in relation to the full scale need to be revised because they are now unrealistic. Well, it is impossible to give a million fighters on two hectares. Sorry. Purely mathematically simple, well, it is impossible, just as our cities are absolutely not ready for the influx of people, injured people with prostheses, people in wheelchairs, who unfortunately, there will be a lot after this war, and we must prepare for the fact that the external accounting of our cities must change so that people in the battles for our country, they lost an arm, a leg, several limbs, or semiparalyzed, so that they feel comfortable because they damn well deserve it. This is also not done , despite the fact that, okay, maybe there is no money in budget maybe its better than this, all this money that can be spent there to buy moms, its fair, but its not in most cities, and in most of them i didnt even hear about the fact that theres work to be done for the postwar period so that theres communication like okay, people, now were all money we spend no cobblestones on the army, nothing like that, but we promise that as soon as the war is over, we will make our cities inclusive and people in castles with prostheses will feel comfortable here, this kind of communication. Unfortunately, i also did not hear mr. Yuriy in the last few weeks, social networks and experts have been circulating the topic of a possible change of the minister of defense of ukraine. In fact, these conversations about the change of Oleksiy Reznikov have been going on for a long time. As the peoples deputy of ukraine writes from the voice of yaroslav yurchyshyn, we know that it is simple that there are vacancies and the positions among the candidates are called kyryla budanova and Iryna Vereshchuk and darya kalynyuk and Maria Berlinska danu jarova what do you think times are now changing the minister of defense and if so, who should be the figure who can replace Oleksiy Reznikov and become a real figure, because the minister of defense of a warring country is still a figure, of course , a figure, lets say that er, of course , among those whom you have listed are many people who have enough competence and then will be able to learn. Lets say because the minister of defense of the driving country is absolutely correct. Uh constantly there are still a few that are unacceptable in my opinion, and the main question with each replacement is whether it will be better or worse, because everything flows from this, yes. If we replace mr. Reznikov with someone who will be much worse then of course there wont be any questions about improving the work of the ministry, there will only be questions about the fact that it was better before, unfortunately, i believe that in addition to these candidates, i do not think so, i just know that in addition to these candidates, there are also other candidates on the table several as it often happens among deputies of their own ministers of defense, well, very often during the replacement of a minister, someone fulfills his duties after resignation or even becomes a new minister among the deputies , and our main question now is not so much the person of the minister, because the role of the individual in history is usually large, but you are the system itself and what problems do we have with this system , and the worst thing is that right now it is in the same social networks where rumors of such a plan are usually investigated, and they investigate so much what system changes we need not only about what can be done to reduce corruption and procurement, not only what reforms in this direction do we still need and what nato standards have we not met, but he begins to investigate the question of whether it is not better to be a woman minister than a man minister. I think that this well, first of all, it shows the somewhat childish approach of our society, and secondly, that it distracts from the main question, what can we do to make our ministry of defense even more effective . Who would you like to see as the next minister of defense . Now we are not we are also resigning Oleksiy Reznikov, but in the event that he resigns or is transferred to diplomatic work , name 23 people you would like to see as a minister. I am absolutely sure that daily yarova will do well. I am absolutely sure that berlinska will also do well. I am sure that he is in his place now and he has to stay in uri, the junior sergeant allowed himself such freedom in relation to the lieutenant general, that is why there are candidates there are candidates both media and nonmedia, you said about the problems that exist in to the military department about what is necessary. Well, looking at it comprehensively, we witnessed how apples and eggs were purchased. According to the inflated prices for the army, we see that in spite of everything , in spite of the fact that there have been changes, and the changes took place first of all in the part that the minister of defense does not have to it must be a military man, we have a civilian minister of defense, and yet, in short, what changes are missing or, as one political hero said, what reforms are you lacking , it seems to me that now there are not enough systemic changes in this institution, that is, again the fight against corruption actually has almost nothing to do with the fight against corrupt officials, the fight against corruption is about changing the procurement system, its about reducing the possibility to buy something at inflated prices, its about constant comparisons , its about publicity, for example, i insist on because maybe not now, maybe after the war, but it is necessary to declare now that all procurements of the ministry of defense must be published in the same way as the pentagon does. Yes, of course, some articles can be classified, but at the prices. I dont know. For some projectiles or there for apples, there is nothing secret in fact and the pentagon regularly publishes a huge market in the world, which is larger than ours, showing for what money and in what quantity it was purchased, and i never once heard that the enemies took advantage of this, on the contrary , it is used by civil society, which is so in a way, he actually trusts the pentagon in the United States of america more. I dont see any reason not to do that in ukraine. There should always be competition , because everything that is a monopoly is always permeated with corruption, and not only in ukraine. But this is the world, and we have to look as deeply as possible at the ministry of defense and ask ourselves where can we add competition . Compare and see who overestimated the prices or simply bought it more expensively. Who bought it cheaper. Maybe there are still some options that lack system work because, including because the system that was built there was also from the soviet union. Even during the war, and again, the question is not about the individual , even holy people can come there, after which it is 5 years, with a fairly high probability, they will turn into not very holy people, the system simply devours people, and this is a feature of any system which has been imprisoned for years and years by spraying corruption. Thank you, mr. Yuriy, for the conversation. It was yuriy gudymenko, junior sergeant of the armed forces of ukraine, commander of the sapper unit , former leader of dem axes, friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel and also on on our platforms on youtube and on facebook for those who are currently watching us on youtube we are conducting a survey we are asking you today whether ukraine can cede territory for membership at this moment and 77 say no way yes 10 here are the results of the survey friends, lets put the dots in todays program, in the next program i will have Roman Bezsmertnyi , wait, i wish you all good health , take care of yourself and your loved ones. Goodbye , ukraine, olga palamaryuk works in the studio. And today we are talking about ukrainian prisoners of war, in what conditions are they being held . And what is ukraine doing to return its people home . Bbc correspondents conducted an investigation for many weeks , collected testimonies of soldiers who returned from russian captivity, interviewed more than ten former prisoners who were returned during the exchange of prisoners, told about the physical and psychological violence on the part of russian officers and supervisors of the Detention Center in the city of taganrog, why violence against prisoners is not a rare phenomenon, on the contrary, it is already a regular practice and how to protect those who

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