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In particular in turkey, negotiations are ongoing with what to get more minesweepers in belgium and the netherlands well, this everything is conditional until the end of hostilities, these ships cannot get here in the black sea. Even what is being built in turkey , im sorry for interrupting because, well, there, for example , this one, well, i understand it has been ordered for a long time. The ship could have been ordered , it seems ready a little before the end of the 23rd year and he will not be able to get to us either, will he still be able to . No, he cant. He cant get to the black sea until the end of the war, and most likely it will be completed in turkey and then already transferred from the ukrainian juridical office. Its another matter. What can be given to us . Other types of weapons, for example, longrange missiles are the same , but these are nonnaval weapons , they are weapons, yes, more troops. There unfortunately, we dont have such a photo. Well, they dont fight linearly against each other. Ships like sailing sprouts did this. Its a complex thing, and such tasks are solved in a complex way, and the victory will be there. Victory on the black sea will be ensured. Actions on land, because the liberation of crimea means the loss of all opportunities to control the black sea, and this will determine our victory in general, to a greater extent, it will also have political and other consequences, but for this , it will be that he can opportunities at the moment in we already have some, compared to what was at the beginning of the aggression, we have longrange Missile Systems, we have the same surface drones, and now our specialists are working on at least three modifications of the submarine , which will be able to be more hidden during an attack and inconspicuous and this is very important, thats how it is, lets go to commercials now, there will be a commercial break for a few minutes, and after that we will return to our conversation , well, lets try to determine what else can cause harm, so that ukraine can cause a ref at sea , if a woman likes herself, she can all probiz femina this is your useful microflora, if it is the norm. 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Every week, the saturday Political Club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and of the world Vitaliy Portnikov host of espresso and invitation experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events, want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday Political Club every saturday nespresso Andriy Yanitskyi keeps the economy under control, yes, it is about Economic News on the espresso channel, but it is not about dry numbers and clear terms, it is about the economy , it is about the ability to analyze, forecast and profit, about what the Exchange Rates of salaries and pensions will be, and how product prices will change information about everything that affects our wallet, and informed means armed, see the draft economy news with andriy yanitsky on weekdays at 8 10 not with the press we must remember all the grief that brought lets remember russian peace so that this never happens again and you cant rebuild it like this house, you are a person who does not make gold in our country, they did, and we must forever preserve the feeling of unity , the feeling of one people, one big family, when every ukrainian wants be involved in our victory and daughters, dont give up and dont give ukraine to anyone, because it is ours and we will overcome everything we will win you who are ukrainians will protect our land because we are strong, strong as the land documentary film about the strong ukrainians about us saturday, august 19, 11 15 espresso in july 2023 espresso tv channel continues to lead the top of ukrainian informational tv channels views viewers choose only ukrainian ones view from espresso greetings friends Mykola Veresen Vitaly Portnikov autobot health to all thank you ukrainians for your trust espresso works for you hello this is freedom in the morning, the informational project of radio svoboda is guests every day, this is the shipping district of kherson, inclusion live, we are digging somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00 a. M. Vasyls Big Broadcast, winter two hours of air time 2 hours of your time two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like 2 hours to stay up to date with Economic News and new sports two hours in the company of favorite presenters presenters who have become likeable to many as well as distinguished guests of the studio events of the day in two hours big vasyls air in the winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening we return to the conversation with Andrii Ryzhenko and volodymyr zablotskyi, we talk about the capabilities of ukraine in the war at sea , but how can we act and now we mr. Volodymyr talked about what our partners can and cannot do for us. And so, mr. Andrii, but still , how could we help , at least in unblocking our ports for our partners, if well, they cannot start we need additional ships so that they can make them to that place, well, ships are taken, only small ships with a water tonnage of up to 300 t can be started, and it would be possible to consider , for example, when throwing them along the danube river or by other means of transport, for example, boats will be uniform up to 100 tons can be transported by Rail Transport or road transport. Well, if you remember about 34 years ago, it was actively discussed , even the American Government approved the sale to us of 16 mark6 boats, we have 75 tons of them, this is a very powerful boat it is multi multi, it is multifunctional, it can perform tasks such as assault operations with the participation of marines from special forces , it can carry out antimine tasks, it can perform a patrol function, and i think that it is possible for it installation of, well, at least shortrange artillery markets, and maybe there were even such conversations that you can put a missile against a ships classic, that is , such a boat can come and come. Well , it can be delivered without the bosphorus strait. Well, as for those ships that we ordered i say that i can say that it is even good that we cannot bring them into the black sea now because they will simply be destroyed, they are very large russia having such an advantage, well, lets say in terms of strike potential, it will simply concentrate the maximum effort so that, for example, the same corvette was destroyed, all the more well, lets say, now the only base point for him is this odessa, it is not the best city for this, i would eh partners who have catherine the great. They are decommissioned, they can carry missiles, control them , you need to talk to them actively, and in principle, even the presence of four of the same missile boats. It can, well, lets say, be very useful for us. In order to strike at the bases of ships, and here this missile is very fast on a moving pair of ballistic trajectory and the movement is well, the speed is 5 m 5 cm 1. 5 km per second, it is very fast, it can reach the whole nudron, i was talking about drones again f16 planes, if we have them, they carry harpoon missiles , that is, as it were, this is a variant of the neptune missile, the harpoon missile , as well as the coastal system, we need to think about the fact that after the release of this corridor, which is now being bought by the Russian Federation of azov, our system should also be on on azov the coast so that there, in principle, there are long distances and even closer there, well, lets say there you can control hmm, that means already and lets say even the taman peninsula, or summing up boats, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and well , what exactly is waiting for the whole army, that is , r16 planes and rockets with longrange missile weapons. That is, these are all components , including our war at sea, exactly the same, but vladimir. Well, look, er, if you want to recall the beginning of the war, then all this was not obvious, we already mentioned here earlier that there was an advantage er the russians over our uh, well, over our capabilities, as mr. Andriyu said, one to 12 uh, at the same time, uh, its also not a secret that in fact, most of our fleet was captured or destroyed in 2014, even at the time of the seizure of crimea uh and yet what was russias problem . Well, because in the end they were not able to land a Landing Force in odesa , nor were they able to reach the full bloc of deportees, that is, as a result, it still limits the capabilities of the Russian Federation at sea now , including from the very beginning the possibilities with landing of the Amphibious Assault was limited lets say it is possible a big factor of the first is our presence of shorebased Missile Systems of the neptune type, and the enemy knew that they were there, that is why he was approaching odessa, but did not risk landing a second time. Well, they strengthened the defense of the border, well, accordingly, then it should be remembered that the Amphibious Assault by itself could not have been landed er, the Amphibious Assault, er, it was part of the operation to capture the black sea region and cut off ukraine from the sea, first of all, it had to be a successful offensive operation of the enemy through mykolaiv to odesa, but mykolaiv was defended, including our marines, and thats why we had to forget about the landing, then the battles in donbas began, from that side you can become what was on the ships of the black sea fleet, the baltic fleet and the northern fleet, a total of 13 units it was involved, including on land. And now they do not have the potential that they had last year, besides, of these 13 ships , one was sunk in berdyansk by a point u2 missile, they were damaged and are under repair until this day novocherkassk, they received significant damage from the explosions on the pier there in berdyansk, and although they reached sevastopol on their own, they burned, had killed and wounded on board, including the commander. Well , it is very difficult to repair them, one polish e expert ee in maximilian is a fool who is ee editor inchief of difference 24 he even suggested that one of these two ships could have been damaged on october 29 during the drone attack on sevastopol, they were standing there under repair and on one of the videos it was very clearly you can see how the drone is approaching closely to the side of the project 775 ship, after this the image disappears, it allows you to miss that there was an explosion and the ship was damaged in addition to what he received in berdyansk eh so thats already three ships minus and to this should be added the olenigorsk gornyak four ships 4. 13 minus almost 30 the rest remains the rest what they need for what do they use them as eh such kind of eh military ferries for transporting cargoes of equipment eh and such other eh from taman to kerch and on mariupol, well, on mariupol so far theoretically, but from the first of the first day of the current month, a new Naval District was created there, which should ensure the defense of the azov coastline and prevent the exit, well, help the army units of the invaders to defend this corridor from the crimea to the simple but well, i think that they will not succeed yet, and here is the meaning, including the damage to the golnihorsk miner, in that we are minus one more ship and they have nine of the 13th, of which we are minus two, and these are old ships of the 60s this means two outdated thistles 11. 71 project. Well, this is how it turns out. That is, the name is less cargo , more must be imported, and it can also be blown up. Thats right. This is the situation. Well, in summary , we can say that about they dont have to dream of landing somewhere in odessa yet, but mr. Andriy, thats a question for you. I think it worries everyone, after all , the caliber that is launched from the black sea remains a problem for us, and when and when can we reach situations when these calibers will not be launched from there, what should be done for this . Well, before that, it is possible to destroy these ships or submarines when, uh, when they are located at the armament point, it is possible to do it, well , most likely, with longrange missiles or well, uh, with winged or cartridge attacks, it is a little more difficult, because now the enemy has greatly strengthened the defense of sevastopol, the naval drone there is waxy, although it is possible that there is Something Like that. The time of departure of these ships from the base point and even submarines, because the submarines leave the base point over one position, and well, our coastal complexes somehow intercept them, it is unlikely that they understand this threat, well, in principle, so far vision, if there is aviation, again, aviation will be easier if they make an underwater drone. By the way, it will be very good because, well, we know where submarines are located, and well, it is possible to react somehow, we theoretically have aviation against the black it is now its use in these areas ah well for the destruction of submarines that shoot caliber and it is, well, lets say impractical and very dangerous because in russia, again, there is dominance in the air in the ppu systems around the crimea, probably the last questions well, 8 in august, ukraine announced the establishment of corridors for the movement of civilian ships from black sea ports, black sea ports, well, earlier these routes were already proposed by ukraine to the International Maritime organization, and actually, this is primarily for those portions of ships that are located in the ports of chornomorsk, odesa pivdenny at the beginning of the war, and here the question arises, mr. Volodymyr, first of all , how can we protect traffic along this corridor . Well, i dont know how to cover this area from the air, that is, to provide us with aircraft and systems. This solved the issue of this critically important area, including our she would close the ports on the danube, which are the primary target for enemy attacks recently, and we understand that this is not just an attempt, it is an attempt to knock out a competitor in the grain market, it is an attempt to cause economic damage to us, and it is on the very end of the attempt to block ukraine and not only from the point of view of the export of ukrainian grain, metals, and so on. And imports, because we still received a lot of things by sea before the war. And the possibility of transporting from them, well, the black one is meant from odesa , first of all, it would give us 18 billion ee dollars, it seems to be dollars yes, ee per year, and thats well enough, what part of our gdp and in general merchandise turnover, so this is an important task thats why this little war is important enough for us, and thank you for being able to talk about it. Thank you andrii vyrozhenko, this is the captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine and volodymyr zablotskyi, a naval expert of defense express, also a retired captain of the first rank, thank you guests well and watch more more on the espresso tv channel there will be a lot more interesting things, there are discounts on citramon pills free 10 in pharmacies podorozhnyk bam and save money so that ukrainians dont think about so that they dont talk in the first place anyway war war and our victory only on espresso from monday from on monday completely different spheres of human activity Sports Health politics the return of crimea military analytics nine presenters journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most Current Events through the prism of war in authors projects on espresso hello, this is freedom in the morning, the informational project of radio svoboda, guests are here every day, this is the shipbuilding district of kherson, inclusion live, we dig out bachmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00 , see this week in the Judicial Program , control with tatyana shustrova, the Disciplinary Service of the vrp under the control of the judicial mafia , changes to the law, what a normal competition are launching and what corruption risks does the draft law on disciplinary inspectors who were able to exonerate themselves thursday, august 17 at 5 45 p. M. Judicial control program with tatyana shustrovoy on the espresso tv channel. We must remember all the grief that the russian peace brought us, remember that this will never happen again and you cannot rebuild it like this house. And we must forever preserve the feeling of unity, the feeling of one people, one big family when every ukrainian wants to be involved in our victory and daughters, dont give up and dont give ukraine to anyone because it is ours and we will overcome everything we will win you who are ukrainians will protect our land because we are strong, strong as the land documentary film about the strong of ukrainians about us saturday, august 19, 11 15 espresso in july 2023 espresso tv channel continues to lead the top of ukrainian informational tv channels greetings dear tv viewers, its time to learn about the most important thing according to measurement data, viewers choose the ukrainian view from espresso, congratulations friends Mykola Veresen Vitaly Portnikov avtobobrov health thank you to all ukrainians for their trust. Espresso is working for you. Vasyl zimas Big Broadcast. My name is vasyl zima. Two hours of air time. Two hours of your time. We will talk about the most important thing. Two hours to to find out about the war joins our broadcast serhiy izgoretska military summaries of the day and what is the world like . What in the world will yury fizer tell for two hours to be aware of Economic News, oleksandr morshchyntsi protested he tells us about the economy during the war and new sports yevhen pastukhov is ready to talk about sports two hours in the company of my favorite presenters about culture during the war , i am ready to speak. Ready to tell, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, we will have Volodymyr Hryshko today, if all goes well, events of the day in two hours, a Big Broadcast of vasyl zimi, a project for intelligent and caring people in the evening, most of all, and it will be all about ukraine and if we didnt want it, even we wouldnt be there and you that the contribution has not been resolved, anyway, our partners will definitely raise the issue, although in the sense of the food aspect, yes, it will be for ukraine, let it be a shame , and which is actually profiting from this war, oil and so on, but it will be exposed and well, lets say yes, every country is global. And we are doing well, but without us, no one will talk about us anymore, even if not in our country, that is, i correctly understood that, taking into account indias explanation that this years summit will raise Economic Issues there, the situation in the black sea is now mostly military plane considering that we showed the citizens that this game they proposed can be played by two people when they started the blockade and we started launching surface drones and they were very scared of this, the issue of the grain corridor will be one way or another in india to sound off, but i think that olympic politicians know that war is a continuation of the economy, in fact, its all about the economy, and thats why you know. Well, its silly to say that now we wont talk about the war, which directly affects many countries. I think that this is mykolas position looking at me p olezhe thank you for joining us at this time oleg forest political scientist in marathon the only news was with us already rested in the carpathians in the childrens Recreation Center red bukovel the camp program is aimed at all age groups over 1,300 children from kherson oblast, mykolaiv oblast, cherkasy oblast, dnipropetrovsk oblast, zaporizhzhia, donetsk oblast, chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, as well as from lviv oblast, khmelnytskyi oblast, ternopil oblast, recovered during six shifts of the camp for children from large foster families who were forced to move to these regions due to the russian invasion and loss of housing, organized a Summer Vacation with the sponsorship of foreign partners for national the Olena Zelenska Foundation Joins the projects, money follows the person according to this principle, says the Prime Minister of ukraine, denys shmagal, the government is forming a new the philosophy of social support of ukrainians for more than six months, the head of exchange emphasized from the state budget, citizens have already received more than 265 billion hryvnias in social payments , we continue to help people, is there housing damaged due to flooding after the russians blew up the kakhovka hydroelectric station, almost 52 million hryvnias were received as compensation by the residents

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