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, so how is the process controlled, uh, we all dont know what happens from painful shock in an hour, give an evacuation, which we try to carry out as quickly as possible , after all, they dont die, thats why its better lets put up with it. It would not sound rude, but not because i am an anesthesiologist. I myself am a doctor in civilian life. I have worked in surgery for many years. Therefore, as an anesthesiologist, it is difficult to work with the wounded who are anesthetized with nalbuphine, so of course we try. Was included in nalbuphin, there were firstaid kits with a caver, but i still inject drugs, uh, i take out these firstaid kits because today, aah, we do not work according to these standards, and there is no other standard for completing the firstaid kit for injectable drugs who then puts these capsules with nalbuphine in the first aid kit for the military when you say it is dangerous . I dont know, probably you, who is convenient and needs it . Hmm , i cant say. That i think it is not for i dont know who it is. It is widely available over the counter, and its the fact that many people get pain relief in the postoperative period. I just put myself in contact with it often, because guys come back after injuries and there are, of course, people who turn to me, which is very difficult. They go through a state of withdrawal, and not everyone they can survive it, you understand, and then we already face a problem. Thank you for your for your expert explanation of what should be in the firstaid kit and what should not be in general and we hope that it is possible where how are you medics, combat medics will listen to such people, and in fact, based on their advice, these combat firstaid kits will be completed, which will later save the lives of our soldiers. Thank you, tatiana the fox, lady of the forest, we will have a horse from one of the assault battalions, aidaru was with us. Well, we are moving on. And now in to our studio, we congratulate yulia kapshuchenko, the founder of the Taras Shevchenko festival, and the good day festival, which will actually take place this year in morintsyh, in the native village of Taras Hryhorovych shevchenko Taras Hryhorovych, we include the utmost respect and respect, august 26, the opening last year , i understand, it was not possible to hold it in cherkasy, we understood the reason. Well , yes. The same format as usual and it will be such a cozy format without a big music scene without a big Entertainment Program that we organized and our one moment convinced us that in general cheffest was founded in the postmaidan period during war and the chieffest must live on. Maybe in a slightly different format, but it must, because it is a very necessary event for those who are approaching victory , and in general for the ukrainianization of the population and the understanding of Taras Hryhorovych shevchenko. Were founded on the 200year anniversary , this time we will talk more about his ideas about his ideas of a free and independent ukraine and about what is said in the testament and is striking with evil blood actually what is now and it is happening. We are doing it little by little. Of course, these moments will not be so quick in relation to the impressions of evil blood, but it has been started and it seems to me that it cannot be stopped further. Shevchenko predicts that on the renewed and on the renewed land, there will be no enemy, well, actually, we hope that the zsu is this the moment will attract us if we talk about shevchenko and his figure as such , is he erer that we are relevant now erer he is . And if it was one single book or two after the bible and every ukrainian had a portrait of shevchenko and he also had to be decorated there , for example with embroidered towels only today they are starting to speak ukrainian, they are starting to forget their previous uhuh, i dont know the relationship with other cultural spaces, lets say so, and whether they or we can demand the same from them. Do you know this period when shevchenko was in towels as an icon and when he was the only kobzar book lying in the house, this is precisely the period when shevchenko seemed to protect the nation, as if it were an indicator of the indicator of the ukrainian, if you go into the house and there is a portrait of Taras Shevchenko, we went into the ukrainian house and it was a very important period that seems to be passing away and as if he is already for young people, such people are considered outdated, not cool, not fashionable , thats why the showfest appeared to somehow move away from this period, that shevchenko is cool, fashionable and modern. Everything is just a very relevant thing that just tells us about the present if we studied as we should. Well, if we read kobzar and analyzed it, well, most nations, then we probably wouldnt have such questions. Why is russia against us . Attacked why, as if it were a friend, well, if kobzar had already been in kobzar many years ago, 200 years ago , it was written that muscovites are definitely not our friends, and it is clear that then moskal was a little different, if it was a unit but at the same time at the same time uh the accents have changed a little, but the point is you remained because we were mentioned there as an enemy in the kobzar and in the postwar years, well, the war years, when it all started, during the fest of the 14th year, it came to the surface and we tried to tell the youth as much as possible about this in order to prepare for a fullscale invasion , because it was inevitable its 100 . After all well, its not what was written in the kobzar, these are in principle obvious things, unfortunately, i may have been distracted a little. My thought p flowed in some other direction. Your condition there envious muscovites only stole or fall in love with blackbrowed but not with muscovites eh these were also warnings you are trying to make shevchenko closer to the youth and here you are on a shevchenko tshirt as a cossack mamai with a kobza young shevchenko in an embroidered chevron and in such pixels military or for this time, what is she. Fest. Has it already been possible to change a little the opinion and attitude towards shevchenko that he is not only an uncle with sad eyes and a thick mustache in this hat in a fur coat and that he is relevant , interesting and suitable not only for seniors people who are singing ukrainian day somewhere and quoting shevchenkos poems. I hope that it was successful. But we also went our own way. After all, from the very beginning, we were aggressive. Our team was set on old kobzar , sad, we tried with all our might to fight all this, and we are constantly on the logo the identity is such that shevchenko is young and handsome , well, in our opinion, but then we realized that shevchenko is for everyone and that Taras Hryhorovych, who seems to be liked by older people, then he has the right to exist completely then we transformed into a family festival and well, when you saw who the visitors were, because we were aimed at young people, but you understood that shevchenko attracts the whole nation of all ukrainians to us, even a visitor was a grandmother who came to us from well, we already called it that actually, no , she came to us from kharkiv oblast, she made several transfers in smila , this is such a transport hub , she also changed some minibus. For everyone and this is a very unique personality. I remember they did some survey, which figure . Well, not us, but generally sociological, which figure unites everyone, well, if the east is the west, the south and well, there are actually not many options, it is Taras Hryhorovych shevchenko, and it really exists because everyone finds Something Special in it, and this years identity is Taras Shevchenko in the format mother, i am such a hmm, a warrior and an artist who got a kobza, he plays , he conveys the news, he sings, he inspires, but at the same time, he holds a cop with a saber in his hands and with it he can strike if he comes the enemy can defend itself and fight back precisely in this. It seems to me that ukraine is now because we are a very unique nation in the sense that we are creative , we are cool. Repulsing the enemy is all about shevchenko. Mamai is about this. We probably only have a couple of minutes left. Cherkasy region of zvenigorodskyi district, you can get there either from kyiv by minibuses or with courage, also by gold transport, also by minibuses, the best of course is with your own transport. And it will be on august 26, 27. And there will be 12 locations working there, there will be a tent city, a small music scene, uh, very small every year we also had night acoustics, so this year it wont be at night, and we also have an educational lawn , an artists lawn, since Taras Shevchenko is a childrens artist, because we make sure that our the generation grew and our fest came new the new generation is still a fest by the way, for nine years i raised one can say my own generation of cheffestists who have their own opinion about Taras Shevchenko and about ukraine in general , thats why the entrance is free west without alcohol, what s important is that you can come for 2 days and stay and we will collect free contributions in order to collect for the victory for the people of marin and for the members of the supreme committee, now they are winning our victory at zero, unfortunately, we are not doing it as a whole team, because part of the team is now fighting. A bit difficult, but together with the fact that the festival gives us a chance to meet and collect something very useful for the nazis so that we can buy and remind ukrainians once again that shevchenko is relevant and he is not that uncle somewhere from a literature textbook that you can just reread to yourself so that remember, who are muscovites, who are ukrainians, thank you for participating in our event yuliya kapshuchenko , founder of the Taras Shevchenko festival she. Fest , which will take place in morintsy where shevchenko was born, what date will it take place on august 26, 27 shevchenko is resisting thank you, dear friends, for being with us. Andriy savchuk and lesya vakulyuk worked in this studio for you today for a whole week. In a week, stay with express because we have prepared a lot of interesting things for you at espresso. 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And my dad served in air defense and shot down missiles over kiev, finally i can tell about it ah cool in july 2023 the espresso tv channel continues to lead the top of ukrainian informational tv channels greetings dear tv viewers, time to learn about the most important thing according to the measurement data, the viewers choose ukrainian ones view from espresso congratulations friends Mykola Veresen Vitaliy Portnikov good health to all thank you ukrainians for their trust espresso works for you there is a war going on and not only for the territories it is also a war for the umy russia is throwing millions of naftodors to turn ukrainians into little Russia Ukraine state of the highway analysis and analysis of information about ukraine by russian propagandists specific facts and methods by which enemy propaganda turns people into obedient zombies historical reunification plans to vote residents of the ldr lets counter the information attacks of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga laziness tuesday thursday friday the slaughter house at 17 10 on espresso tv channel with you Vitaly Portnikov and we will discuss the main events of this week Vitaly Portnikov and top experts on the most striking events of the last seven days, our guest will be the generator of satellite forces , the former National Security adviser to the president of the united states, donald trump, herbert mcmaster, current topics, pressing questions, authoritative comments and forecasts in the project information marathon with Vitaly Portnikov every sunday at 20 10 on espresso, watch this of the week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrava , the bribe of the head of the state Judicial Administration was two and a half thousand dollars, oalnyok was to keep for Mediation Services and how salnykov managed to privatize his official residence. The documents provided to us testify to his stable Financial Condition. Congratulations. You are watching judicial control. I am tetyana shustrova. The judicial system of ukraine is in a state of complete reboot. And the higher Qualifications Commission of judges were actually formed from scratch, however, the course of judicial reform , which is a key requirement on ukraines path to the eu , is influenced by other events, in particular the total exposure of corruption schemes in the judicial system, the country did not have time to recover from the largest bribe. The head of the state Judicial Administration , Oleksiy Salnikov , was caught in almost 3 Million Dollars for which the head of the Supreme Court, Vsevolod Knyazev, was arrested for extorting and receiving illegal benefits. The decision of the now liquidated District Administrative Court of kyiv, ukraine is forced to pay almost 14 million uah to the corrupt officials of judge oasco from the beginning of a fullscale war managed to make 20 decisions in favor of persons who came under the influence of the law on the purification of power, according to the publication sledstvo. Info, the illustrated officials had various demands, in particular, that they be removed from the socalled list of those exposed, the dismissal order was canceled, they were reinstated in their positions and also paid money for forced absenteeism according to the journalists calculations, the total amount of payments to the illustrated is 13 million 701,923 hryvnias , only one decision of the judge of the donetsk District Administrative Court was able to be overturned lyudmila arrestova, who has a russian passport and has spent more than 250 days in the crimea occupied by russia in four years, is trying to convict the journalists who published information about her. The slovyansk District Prosecutors Office opened criminal proceedings against the journalists of the scheme project for alleged interference in the activities of judicial bodies , wrote a statement about it judge lyudmila is arrested in the office of the prosecutor general and the high council of justice. She states that the investigation against her is a discredit to her as a judge, and the journalists themselves are actively cooperating with the aggressor country transfers the collected information to the special services of the Russian Federation and carries out illegal surveillance of her. We will remind you that earlier journalists established that the arrested woman received a passport of the Russian Federation in april 2014 on the basis of the socalled treaty on the accession of crimea to russia, and for the past four years she has also been a ukrainian judge she regularly travels to the temporarily occupied peninsula allegedly to visit her parents, and in 2018 she celebrated her daughters birthday in a sevastopol cafe. The Higher Qualification Commission of judges approved the list of 16 Public Organizations that will elect a new composition of the Public Integrity council of the body that checks judges and candidates for compliance with the criteria of integrity and professional ethics, the list includes 16 associations, including the Foundation De jure Transparency International ukraine , the chesno movement, the Human Rights Information Center and others the next step is to hold meetings of representatives of these Public Organizations at which the third composition of the National Anticorruption council and the specialized anticorruption Prosecutors Office will be elected the suspicion of the judge of the Primorsky District Court of odesa, illilonsky, he is charged with an attempt to grant an illegal benefit, other judges of the same court for passing a positive decision in an administrative case, as well as taking part of a bribe by deception. Previously, in this case, a lawyer was detained who agreed with the judge about a bribe. Searches were conducted, as a result of which the Security Forces found a bribe. It is interesting that after that lunskyi not only did not admit guilt , but also filed a complaint with the Supreme Council of justice, saying that the Law Enforcement officers are acting on he is under pressure and interferes in the activities of judges. Currently, lonsky has been notified of suspicion of corruption. Recently, the National Anticorruption bureau and the specialized Anti Corruption Prosecutors Office exposed the head of the state Judicial Administration, Oleksiy Salnikov, for inciting bribes to judges of the Supreme Court. According to investigation data, the official received from a representative of a commercial enterprise seven and a half thousand dollars, five of which were to be handed over to the judge for making a decision, two and a half thousand dollars was to be kept by the seal Mediation Services, she was informed that after the arrest of the head of the Supreme Court, Vsevolod Knyazev, salnikovs behavior changed dramatically, and he began to evade the resolution of the issue, however, he was not going to return the bribe he had received. Of the former chairman, we studied salnikovs biography in detail and saw a lot of interesting things. Oleksiy salnikov graduated from the Donetsk University of economics and law with a specialty law and received a specialty in Public Administration at the Donetsk National technical university. He was the head of the Territorial Administration of the state Judicial Administration in the mykolaiv region, and then moved to kyiv and became the deputy head of the state Judicial Administration. He headed the body last year in april. We constantly have to communicate with the committees of the Verkhovna Rada , we constantly have to convince them about our position in relation to our issues so that we heard that salnikovs appointment is connected with the patronage of the former chairman of the Supreme Court Vsevolod Knyazev , who was kidnapped in may for a recordbreaking bribe of almost 3 Million Dollars. The administration is a body that provides organizational and Financial Support for judges. It is interesting that when Vsevolod Knyazev was detained , salnikov himself emphasized that the state judiciary the administration shows zero tolerance for corruption manifestations, calling for a comprehensive investigation of the case, the state Judicial Administration of ukraine shows zero tolerance for any manifestations of corruption in courts, other bodies and institutions in the justice system, committing such actions is unacceptable and undermines trust in the authority of the judiciary and, in addition to probable successes in corruption mediation, Oleksiy Salnikov has other interests, according to resource control, the head of the state Judicial Administration was a cofounder of the religious the Public Organization of the saviortransfiguration brotherhood was headed by gavriil rybalchenko , archimandrite gavriil , a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate. What does it have in common with salnikovs organization . Court apartment of 40 m² in kyiv, this is the building of the former dormitory of the research and Production Enterprise cascade, where salnikov and his wife settled back in in 2010, meanwhile, the salary of the head of the state Judicial Administration for the last three years amounts to more than 3. 5 million hryvnias, he also declared the presence of one million hryvnias in cash about his stable Financial Condition and even when he earned much less money , this allowed him to keep savings so for him until in 181920, she kept a stable amount of savings of over a million hryvnias, the Higher Anticorruption Court ordered oleksia salnikova a preventive measure in the form of a bail of 85,000 hryvnias, prosecutors of specialized anticorruption literature, instead, they demanded a deposit of more than uah 1 million in salnykovs house, he assured that he was supporting his ex wife and therefore there is no money in case of making bail, salnykov must wear an electronic bracelet, hand in his passports, and also not communicate with witnesses in the case. For today , all this was a program for me judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. If you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions , write to me on facebook or to this email address. See you in exactly a week. Of news on the espresso tv channel in the studio , iryna koval welcomes all the viewers russia continues to strike the kherson region due to the shelling of the village of novokayri, miles from the City Community , a 61yearold man was injured, the victim was hospitalized, now he is receiving the necessary

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