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There and units that we could already observe. Previously, the 11th army corps was also located there, for example , the First Tank Army was located there, and the 20th shock allarmy and other units were also located there. E in in its composition , it is the prisoners who , in order to strengthen their offensive capabilities, were withdrawn from the territory of the belarusians, that is, they were redeployed from belarus, and the Russian Troops who were there on the training grounds and underwent training. Forces and means in full for effective offensive actions with the capture of large territories and large er cities landscape well, yes, definitely because they are concentrated in the forests there, it is more of such a place, and in addition to this , the height, certain heights, play a role. Today, the russians are mostly forced to conduct offensives and in open positions, while our positions are of the closed type. The lines of defense are precisely placed. This gives us an advantage and the character is very interesting, and in the first season, during offensive actions, they immediately began to use the main striking forces, that is, how does the general lesson of offensive actions begin first intelligence on them for the development of operational intelligence. These are small groups of limited functionality that begin to act in the first line of the enemys defense, then after reconnaissance by combat, the expansion of the bridgehead and the creation of conditions for the main strike to break through the main line of defense , the russians have already begun to do well, not for as they say, not according to the methodology. They immediately started using tank regiments. And they, well , for example, in the area of ​​the village of nadiya, in general, in this location, in this sector , two tank regiments were used at the same time. They didnt use motorized rifle units in the first salon and how to reinforce those tank units , all this said that they were trying to break through our defense line as soon as possible. Thank you for getting some results faster, but we can see that in fact this is how the intensification of their actions began even at the end of june, the beginning of july, and we do not observe the results of such a global and terribly critical event. Well , then, lets go to the event in russia itself. Explosions at night, russian mass media, telegram channels wrote about a strong fire, wrote that a car repair shop was on fire in domodedovaledov, but sobyanin, the mayor of moscow, said that drones flew to moscow2 and were allegedly eliminated on approach, from those videos that are now available on the network, is it possible to do it at all conclusions about the fact that downed drones or objects exploded on the territory of airports, because we know that there are dozens of flights delayed and flights stopped for a certain time at airports near moscow. What is known about this at home, well, ill tell you so, if it was in the car service, how is it, if it is a palace because of mayback , then the question arises, why was it not shown in general . That is why it was not demonstrated in any more open sources in full, and therefore i do not rule out the fact that there really must have been some kind of this incident there was some kind of incident, lets call it what it is. Neither the russian mass media nor any other resources were able to somehow record it, so far, its the same as recently i was a mechanical optician in zagorje at the plant, and they all started talking in one voice about what there was such a one its an incident, and ukraine has nothing to do with it, there was an explosion of pyrotechnics, and it is possible, and it is possible, i dont rule it out. In almost everything that explodes against russia, it seems to me that they are just now changing their tactics and trying to blame ukraine less well, because it is already some kind of comilfo, because what if the air defense does not work at all, that is, every such explosion, every such incident if in blame it on ukraine, then it doesnt work. If pp doesnt work, then its discrediting shoigu, again, the ppp works , at least the ministry of defense of russia assures that, because they say that 11 drones were allegedly flying and trying to attack occupied sevastopol at night, and that all of them were shot down, two of of them, it has antiaircraft defenses, nine more means of Electronic Warfare , and it turns out that russia has such reliable defense at sea that allows it to shoot down 100 of uavs, or is there an element of propaganda here too , in your opinion . Well, let them have all this but we have already seen how in the moscow network there were two objects that were filmed very well and they hit the same building. So that these drones hit almost the cooks themselves. Well, this sidearm really works in contrast , well, the russians have a placebo effect. So, let them live with this placebo effect. They say that almost all parties are shot down there. Well, okay. They write about what is happening in the zaporizhzhia region almost all e m 142 heimers reactivity is lost projectiles well, this is generally an extravaganza of fantasies, but if they want to believe it and let them believe, did you mention the old shed , the heimers, the help from western partners, but the day before it became known that it was the representatives of germany who bought the old leopards in belgium in order to repair and bigger send a part to ukraine and why did they keep the intrigue in your opinion, because it was not known which country bought the tanks for jesus, and in principle, this is the step of germany, what is it really an intrigue about, i dont, well, there will always be some uh, whatever which transaction weapons inflatable it so after all, there is some kind of secret component, and even when we hear about the aid packages that we receive from our international partners, we only hear what we can hear. And you always have some position that is secret. It was germany that did it, it demonstrates that well, its been a long time since they realized that the position of some peacekeeper or some kind of tolerance is a demonstration of the fact that well, we dont hand over tanks because we dont want them to travel on the territory of russia, and thats already it is inappropriate in general ukraine does not have any claims of any kind on the territory of russia , we must, we must from our territory. Oleksandr, thank you very much for joining the broadcast , Oleksandr Kovalenko and the militarypolitical energy of the information resistance group, we were in direct contact, thank you. In zaporizhzhia, around 8 00 p. M. , the Russian Military shelled the sleeping area of ​​the city, according to the police, the attack was carried out by an x35 missile, the temple of the trading post was destroyed, residential highrise buildings were damaged , the rescue operation was completed, but the restoration work is still ongoing, the fire was in my eyes. Fire and smoke and then a fire and everything was covered by all the glass again from the other side to the house and there was even some kind of room, well, she went out to the dog, the child was from the other room , she was just here, she really just, just came out corridor that whole word bah bah bah we have god, where is this from well, exactly all of these yes thank god thats why this is all under well thats the whole thing , thank god to carry out an oar, which is already a bucket with glass. Thats all, and then i endured. I looked at what it would be silver. It was a terrible explosion there and in such a shock. We never expected that this could happen. We had such an explosion. Such an explosion that a young man froze. We know a woman. The dead what do we know, the children were there , we do nt know. Our correspondent from zaporizhzhia reports that there are still explosions going on there. Lets move on. Meanwhile, poland is strengthening its borders with belarus, according to the minister of defense mariusz blaszczak. Colleague natalka volosatska, correspondent of radio svoboda in poland, congratulations natalya, we actually talked a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about the wagnerites in belarus or the worried poles, and then you talked about the not too emotional, not such a reaction of the poles , actually, has anything changed since then or this kind of strengthening of the border with belarus currently worries ordinary poles. Congratulations, colleague , poland will increase the presence of troops on the border with belarus to 10,000. 4,000 will directly support the border guard, and 6,000 they will be in reserve about it, as you said, stated defense minister mario blaszczak today, according to him, they are doing this in order to scare off the aggressor and prevent him from attacking. Blaszczak once again emphasized that the threat from minsk and the fact that two rotorcraft that 1 crossed the airspace of poland in august this was a joint provocation of russia and belarus. I will remind that a few days ago, due to the increase in cases of illegal crossing of the border by belarus , the Border Guards asked for reinforcements, so in addition to the army, the border was also strengthened from now on, a Police Helicopter patrols this area. We deployed Additional Police forces on the belarusianpolish border in july. The minister of internal affairs and administration sent an additional 500 Police Officers there , but i cannot disclose the total number of our employees on this section of the border for security reasons. We are currently monitoring the polishbelarusian border using the falcon helicopter. This is a very important task because it is better visible from the air and we can monitor a much larger area than ground patrols, a Police Helicopter was already used on the polish belarusian border in the fall of 21, when for the first time mass migrants from belarus tried to destabilize the situation at the border, recently we have been recording an increase in attempts to illegally cross the border from belarus to poland two days ago, 115 people tried to cross the border illegally, now we we see that people in as many as 50 Different Countries are trying to get illegally from belarus to poland, which means that the belarusian regime is promoting Illegal Migrants and deliberately collecting them from all over the world for them to try to cross the border thanks to the electronic barrier, we can identify all cases on the border line almost every day our patrols suffer and so from the side of migrants they throw stones, tree roots, even firecrackers almost every day there is damage to our official cars if the provocations from belarus continue and become more aggressive poland will close all border crossings with belarus , including railway ones, said the deputy minister of internal affairs of poland, matsai vvontsik, and lithuania declares the same intention colleague thank you natalya natalka volosska correspondent of radio svoboda from poland was in direct contact with us we are going further in the United States of america they commented on a possible meeting between putin and zelensky yes the Us State Department commented on the initiative of the president of the United Arab Emirates which he proposed to organize in dubai at a Climate Conference meeting of the president s of ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in the state department, they say that only the president of ukraine can make the relevant decision matthew miller, a representative of the state department, said at the briefing and added that, among other things, the imperial ambitions of the kremlin remain before the start of a fullscale war. Zelenskyi made it clear that he is open to talks with russia on the condition that moscow respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of ukraine, so let him alone decides when he will be ready for negotiations but the obstacle for them has always been and remains the fact that putin did not give up his realistic goals and his belief that, according to him, ukraine is not real country and did not withdraw its troops beyond its borders, so i would forward any question regarding the negotiations to the Ukrainian Government. Well, foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba said that ukraine will be ready to conduct negotiations not from russia when Russian Troops leave ukrainian territory. He said this in an interview with italian journalists at the same time, according to him, negotiations with putin are impossible in general, we can negotiate with russia after the withdrawal of their troops from our lands but this goal cannot be achieved with putin with the help of a mix of war and diplomacy, our generals are engaged in the first of their two tasks to induce the russians to retreat and to convince that it is better to talk than to fight in a few minutes we will discuss all this with our expert well, until the next topic , the Ukrainian Government cannot allow people to take passports, in an interview with radio liberty, iryna avereshchuk , vicePrime Minister, minister of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories , said that, according to her, the russian document entails a check for collaboration when ukraine will return its territories, what should ukrainians do in the occupied territories when they are forced to take a russian passport , not only the deputy Prime Minister asked my colleague iryna sysak whether the ukrainian side has data , but how many children were illegally taken to the Russian Federation, there is no complete data because there are temporarily occupied territories , it is very difficult to gather information there, International Organizations are also not allowed there, and so we gather information about our children like a grain of mustard seed, i am not sure about seven hundred thousand but definitely more than the information that we have, almost 20,000. Yes, we know that. And about the numbers, how many children have already been returned . Well, somewhere around 380 or 380 three children have been returned in the scale of the number that has been announced, or 20,000, which is even more than a thousand, it is not very small. That is why we often appeal to the International Community and demand that urgent measures be taken to return, in particular , orphans, if before leaving the temporarily occupied territories, are people leaving today under the current conditions, what are the routes and routes they take they find in order to get out, they leave, for example, in the direction of sumy, yes, there is a kolotilovka pokrovka, there is a small strumochok, so there are a few opportunities and people go, not a few, but 150 people a day in a day, well, in broad daylight, cross the border yes, but this is only for entry, our borders with the Russian Federation are closed we send our citizens to leave. But of course we do not have any cooperation with the enemy and the occupier. Also, on the belarusian side of the border, there is, you may know , where domanovo mokrany is, there is also a small strumochok and people who leave temporarily of the occupied territories go through belarus and enter ukraine, this is volyn, and this is sumy, that is, the two borders of the humanitarian corridor, thats how you can call it, how do they generally function there now . Well, for example, on the sumy direction , it recently started working. Today, there is a point where you can go through filtering, eat, and so on. And if a person has a mobile phone, for example, an ambulance that will deliver the sums, and if not, then it is a free ee bus or a minibus route, yes, which will also deliver to sumy, there is also a minibus in sumy already the place is a compact settlement with 100 places where you can spend the night and in the morning at 6 47 a train leaves for kyiv and here we already meet people here they can receive onetime assistance 2. 3000 per person ablebodied 23000 a child and a person with a disability well, for example seven i of four people thats 10,000 in cash at once on the platform here at the kyiv station, and also if they stay in kyiv, there is a bus station for them or the kyiv region also has places in the communities if they go further, we also help them to do this, how many people returned in total or do you record each and every such return, it is hundreds of thousands of people, some go their own way, yes, some will go through georgia, through the crimea , they leave, yes, through third countries, some remain in poland. Who wants to leave the occupation, what should they know 1 2 3 how do they start to know that they can leave without a passport they should know that they are without a ukrainian they should know that they can leave with a russian passport they should know that they can leave with any document, for example, a childs birth certificate , a birth certificate, as well as another document on the passporting of the population. We know that the Russian Federation in the territories where it comes to is very eager to quickly make those people its citizens and actually forcibly distributes them russian documents can we now somehow conclude that people should take a passport or not if in order to leave and, uh , save yourself, you need to take a passport, you need to take it and save yourself, but i want us to understood and i will repeat my position once again on the tenth or the 20th, we as the Ukrainian Government cannot speak and allow people to take russian passports in itself, obtaining a passport is not a crime. Which will then possibly be qualified as signs of collaborative activity, but now russia is planning socalled elections for september. The problems of passporting are massive right now because they dont do it very massively. Thats why im asking you to leave. Thats why im asking you not to wait and not to surrender to the mercy of the enemy about the Russian Federations forced passporting of ukrainians in the occupied territories. Well also talk about the possibility of leaving russia for ukraine later. While we return to the topic of the comments of the state Department Regarding a possible meeting between zelensky and putin, i would like to remind you that the president of the United Arab Emirates took the initiative to organize such a meeting during the Climate Summit in november, we will not only continue to talk about all this with Oleksandr Kraev , expert of the council of foreign policy, ukrainian prisma joins our broadcast oleksandr my greetings good evening yes congratulations good evening to the president s, is it possible in principle because the ukrainian legislation stipulates that with with the current russian authorities, ukraine cannot have any negotiations at the official level, but we are talking about november 2023, and can the situation change so much in these three months that potentially the russian and ukrainian president s met at the negotiating table and how this should change. In such a case, if the russian front suddenly crumbles completely, the russian army will become incapacitated, that is, it will lose to one degree or another more than 60 of its own potential , including human potential, if we restore control over our borders 91 of the year, then yes , then you can meet in november , there are no problems. Besides, in principle, i do not see any logic, no sense in holding a meeting at the highest level than ukrainian temporary by the russian leadership because what is actually a meeting of the highest level a meeting of the highest level usually this is the finale of a very long and thorough negotiation process in which all the previous negotiating levels participate, starting with the analytical expert level and then at the level of advisers of delegations of president ial advisers and ending already with the decision of the ministers of Foreign Affairs of the minister defense and the end of all this, the very leaders who have to decide something, that is, what do we have to decide with the russians now, besides, how quickly we will break their army, that is, currently the military part should prevail in the future, when the military part receives its successes, diplomacy will start to work, actually, about what will be decided only by the ukrainian president , the United States said that such guarantees from the United States are enough, that is , what guarantees and that there will be no coercion to such a meeting is the best and the easiest, the most obvious. I would say the guarantee is the military budget for the next year, the military budget is not the one included in the budget of the pentagon, because it is a completely different thing, and the military budget for support of ukraine, which will be included in the federal american budget in accordance with the draft law on the protection of ukrainian democracy, that is, for this year, for the 23rd year, we were allocated a little more than 40 billion dollars, of which we still have 6 billion by the end of this year, but at the end of october, more precisely, in the second in the middle of october, and negotiations will begin , accordingly, voting for the us federal budget for the 24th year, we can already see the preparation for this budget, that is, the consolidation of the ukrainiantaiwanese budget under one bill, bidens proposal to increase the budget 25 billion at the expense of aid to ukraine and the rescue fund from climate threats, all this is in preparation for the fact that ukraine will really increase this support, and this is exactly how we approach the answer to your question if the financial, armed , economic support of ukraine for the next year in the federal budget will remain the same like this or will it be increased, this will be the best indicator of the fact that in fact there will not be any dishes , because what is the logic of investing in armed support of ukraine if in a month you will demand from it to compromise with the russians well, by the way, in russia, they repeatedly mention the scandal at the official level, that it is alleged that kyiv refuses to negotiate, russia is always ready for negotiations and does putin need such a meeting . What do you think . In the format of the norman four, it was at the end of the 19th year, probably then putin wanted concessions from ukraine, and when part of the donbass and crimea were occupied, now it should be obvious to putin that there will be no such concessions from ukraine, no territorial concessions. What is this meeting for the kremlin . Do you think they will grab this offer in moscow . It seems to me that the only decent option for the brainiacs now is to use this meeting, as you rightly said, once again to show the reluctance of the alleged reluctance of the ukrainian side to win, that is, the russians understand that right now it is for them to go to negotiations to make certain concessions, because the current negotiations are clearly concessions from the russian side, this means admitting ones own inability to hold the front, ones own defeat , the putin authorities cannot admit this because the very logic of authoritarian rule, especially the moscow authoritarian rule, just declares that weakness cannot be shown even at the cost of 100,100,000 russian lives , even at the cost of huge economic losses , weakness cannot be shown, and for the Russian Federation, for the russian leadership, in the first place, going to negotiations right now will show weakness, you show the same one for a reason, where were merkel, macron, zelensky , putin at that moment, the Russian Federation spoke from a position of strength at that moment, the russians they could threaten that if they are not satisfied with the results of the negotiations, they can attack, they can further intensify the conflict, then they can threaten. Now what . Well, will the russians attack, you know how often , but that is, now the russians will not speak from a position of strength, which means that these negotiations are not profitable for them. You mentioned that the best guarantee from the United States would be the military budget for the next year, and what are the political and geopolitical tasks for the United Arab Emirates , because we are unlikely to be frank about the question the sovereignty of ukraine is of primary importance for them, and to what extent, in general, the position of the countries of the global rooster can affect the position of the countries of the west, the position of the countries of the global rooster can be seriously affected, if only because it is another platform for confrontation with china. That is, we understand that most of the countries of the global rooster are either economic satellites or political satellites china and they depend one way or another on his position, they depend on his opinion, and therefore the west of poland needs to win their favor, and on the contrary , these countries still do not want to be completely dependent on china, they understand the threats that come with it, remember at least the example of djibouti or remember the example of somalia, when china literally bought out the debts of these states with entire port cities, and therefore for such countries as the United Arab Emirates , for such countries, judging arabia is a unique chance becoming needed by both poles of power is a unique chance to establish itself as a political and economic partner of both the west and the conditional east, that is, the washington of beijing, and that is why they are trying to conduct such diplomacy, becoming not only moderators, but also by those leaders who can bring greater stability, and therefore it is beneficial to them, too. By the way, it is also calm from the west, because it is at least some opportunity to establish what is called strategic stability

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