Reach hardtoreach places, for example, when there was deoccupation of the kharkiv district, it was very appropriate, and then kherson , the deoccupation of kherson across the rivers through brody. We can see your site on the screen right now, it says free help, yes, and interesting numbers. Well talk about them a little later, because the cost of evacuating one person, as it turns out, everything can be calculated. That is, you started to create a Public Organization with your it entrepreneurial approach. And decided that everything should be digitized, everything should be calculated, everything should be written down, because when we realized that for powerful assistance we should involve the International Community, we almost exclusively work with International Donors who require kpis from us indicators of numbers from the digit of each unit, where does the grant go, that is, if ukrainians usually, well, in my boyish mind, uh, donations are made for emotions, uh, at some point , so spontaneously, very often, uh, western donors think more rationally. This is for them not such an emotional story. They think how best to make a donation , where it will be more effective, where it will help the best people in them, the requirements are very high, this is due to reporting by the international ars and other things that we, in turn, report in front of their donors. That is, it is such a closed circle, that is, every donation must be reported every time, ordinary citizens of European Union countries, and these are also Charitable Funds that help you. Yes, we work with International Funds , for example , from the new liberaco country. Usa such as vikensa flight ee there are simply people who will donate large sums of money to charities, e. G. Somewhere around 90 of our turnover is all about money and only 10 10 are ukrainian donations from our ee citizens well, if you point out about your volume. Can you name it, monthly by year, so far it is difficult to calculate how much money passes through your organization on average per month. Well, this is such a painful question for many who donate , the question always arises. How many of these pennies from my hryvnia will be spent directly simply salaries of employees of the fund, administrative services, because if you donate 100 uah and 90 uah goes to the salaries of employees of the fund, and only 10 goes to help directly. It seems like this. Well, such a donation makes no sense. Proportion well then, ok, we calculated that the evacuation of a person from the deoccupied territory costs up to 35 dollars to date, initially in the first months of the full scale invasion. It was a cost of more than 100 dollars because we bought cars. Today, we have spent more than 1. 7 Million Dollars in the ukrainian Ukrainian Community to evacuate people for the entire time of establishment, the fund has been in existence for one and six months, since we have been in existence since february. We started active activities, we exist a little earlier since 2021, and founded a Public Organization, but active activities came precisely from february and e thus, almost 2 Million Dollars have already been spent on humanitarian aid and all means have been placed to establish an ee hub in dnipro, which repairs our car. This is how we manage to employ the vpu and place it in a hostel. This is how it is. Well, this is how it happens with regard to maintenance costs , about 70 of the money we spend every month on operational activities with ourselves is the cost of fuel for the drivers payment for the repair of cars for uh, well, if for the current things, for the humanitarian aid that we bring from the evacuation zone in order to provide it, or for the example of kherson, which happened after the kakhov dam, we had to buy eight motor boats er, one, for example, cost half a million hryvnias because, well, there is an acute deficit. And 30 is used for what 70 goes to the operating room, i. E. For what expenses are the rent of office premises, it is warehouses , humanitarian aid. Currently, we have a hub in the dnipro, in kherson they opened a Central Office our Operational Call Center is located in kyiv. That is, it is rent and payment of employee wages. I read on your website , uh, here are the figures that the evacuation of one person from occupied territories and areas of intense hostilities is approximately 35 dollars. You counted from the occupied 224, that is, already well, several times more. And the cost of the return of a child stolen from russia to ukraine is from 3,000 and more expensive, as such the math worked out, why are there so many differences, from 35 to 3,000. Because to get to the deoccupied territory we we can if we went directly with our transport and because of the risks due to the shelling we got to the same bakhmut or around bakhmut a person was taken out and brought back e. This is an accumulative statistic, i. E. For the entire time we compare this indicator, a person as you said in the beginning because there was no car all the time, but now it has leveled off, we are already monitoring it , it can sometimes grow, sometimes like the kokhov dam, or sometimes fall when we are already working there more systematically in a regular mode, but from the occupied territories, you understand after missile attack on vasilivka in the zaporizhzhia region, the only link that united the occupation before the occupation, well, it stopped. We lost people there, and after that we can take people out only through the territory of the russian federation. And if they really want to come to ukraine today, many have already understood that in europe there, well, lets say that everything is simple, and thats why they want to come to ukraine, thats why we transport them through the sumy region or through belarus over there volyn regarding the economy, which directly affects the people themselves who need to be saved, this is the economic factor that just stops many from evacuating , they say and what are we going to do there , we have a poor garden, there is nowhere to live, there is no money, and where are we, what are we going to do there . We understand that we cannot provide for people there, it is like a chasm, this evacuation is a better way out, and that is why the International Community helps us so powerfully, but all this evacuation rests on the lack of places for resettlement. This is a big problem. We have already exhausted all possible resources, funds, we will work with many funds, the state, the states, here are the measures of integration, they are from the memorandum and even because of such connections and opportunities for shelter, they are already full, for example, your support fund in lviv oblast has 190 places, it is completely filled and people, these modular towns, they are not they are solved like this, i know that there are at least two such large ones in lviv, and one of them is the largest this is also our partner, the houses are completely full, there is not enough funding to build such, again the problem is that that mobile homes are a temporary solution, we need to think about Capital Construction and resettlement, social housing is what i now set for myself as a priority for the organization. That is, this will be a new direction of your activity. It will work, but for now im turning to the audience, maybe people who own properties that are empty are watching us. Well, you can contact the Public Organization help people and offer your help and offer your housing for some time, and uh, the displaced people will be placed there, we have three minutes left , but i still have uh, uh, two important questions. How do you find the funds . Collective dams, i was amazed because a lot of ukrainians responded to our erequest on instagram for help. To the donors, it was something amazing and we are still spending this money in order, for example, to build pumping stations with water filtration, to restore someones house who cant leave, some grandmother or grandfather or mother with many people, thats why all these funds, well, what came in are used in this way this is a great support, and in fact, the inertia of western donors does not help here, because they will already be there until the processes come, two weeks or months may pass there , that is, it is good for western donors that they rationally approach the process of giving donations on the one hand, but they solve for a very long time and the last issue that concerns state bodies, you mentioned that you have a change of reintegration memorandum. So you also purchased cars. As far as i understand , they were brought here by foreigners. What are the difficulties . Maybe at customs, maybe with the ministry of defense regarding the transfer of such military vehicles, if you are engaged in this, it is possible with admission to the liberated territories of volunteers, what were the complaints . Well , volunteers and journalists, that it is possible to go everywhere, where cooperation can be improved volunteers and the state, this is a very good question, in fact, the state has opened up quite a bit since the global invasion for volunteers, it has begun to actively cooperate, we see this support from the president of ukraine, who says that we thank the volunteers, we already have enough access passes that allow us to come at night so that we save our e accordingly , the route, if time were more efficient, we now understand that when we bring something by car, we can conduct it and deliver it as humanitarian aid without customs clearance, this is very a big advantage of our minibus is that it can be 40 cheaper. Well, its easy to talk about the positives. And whats difficult, where do we still need to work , and what are the other difficulties . About the provision of land for the vpu before the construction of the vpu, they have not yet done so, but we are already winning here, rather, the local ee officials are known to the local authorities of local selfgovernment, the question of providing land for the construction of social housing for people with disabilities. And these must necessarily be western regions that are remote and safe, that is, not necessarily from the most convenient. We are considering even the poltava region. Western ukraine maybe even kyiv, because it is now considered that the kyiv region is protected from the point of view of air defense. But i agree with this, some people think that kyiv, the capital, is today the most dangerous the most dangerous place in ukraine thanks to the air defense, i wish you success. Thank you for telling about this internal kitchen, how everything works inside the organization, money from Public Organizations is not often talked about. It was oleksiy voronin, the founder and head of the Public Organization help people. This is a Public Organization that mainly deals with the evacuation of people from dangerous territories, from occupied territories and even children deported from russia, and is ready to tell how it is done and how much evacuation costs 35 according to the latest data hmm, this is the economy of social activities. Well, im andrii yanitskyi, the host of this program. See you tomorrow morning at 8 10. Lets talk about the economy again. On another topic , we will win together. There are discounts on sedafiton and sedafiton forte 10 in pharmacies. Pink french pills for hemorrhoids just fill with water phlebudia 600 vstvo but i am an adult and i recommend reo to children we will save ourselves with water reo water for special medical purposes every week saturday Political Club helps to understand the processes what is happening in ukraine and the world Vitaliy Portnikov espresso host Andriy Yanitskyi keeps the economy under control yes we are talking about Economic News on the espresso channel but it is not about dry numbers and clear terms it is about the economy accessible about the ability to analyze forecast and get profit about what the Exchange Rates will be salaries and pensions and how product prices will change, information about everything that affects our wallet, and informed means armed, watch the economy news project with andrii yanitsky on weekdays at 8 10 on espresso hello, this is freedom in the morning, the informational project of radio svoboda, top guests, every day, this is the ship district of kherson, we are on live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00 a. M. Vasyl zimas Big Broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, two hours of airtime , two hours of your time, we will talk about most importantly, two hours to find out about the war , serhiy zhoretska joins our broadcast, military summaries of the day and what is the world like . What is there in the world . Radislo oleksandr morshchyntsi he tells us about the economy during the war and about new sports yevhen pastukhov is ready to talk about sports for two hours in the company of his favorite presenters about culture during the war lena is ready to talk about culture during the war or what has become strange to many maybe the weather will at least give us some optimism ms. Natalka didenko us ready to tell, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, we will have Volodymyr Hryshko today, if all goes well , the events of the day in two hours, a Big Broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people , an espresso evening, the main thing is the war in ukraine the topic for ukrainians is victory and losses, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics, Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future right now, the main and interesting thing in the program is the verdict by Serhiy Rudenko from monday to friday at 8 00 p. M. Repeat at 12 10 p. M. Congratulations on the installation of a trident on the iron woman in kyiv literally does not allow russian propagandists to calm down and you already know that it had to be done at least in order to listen to this whole expression, it has been going on for almost a week and now it has reached its peak, ukraine dismantles this symbol, it is actually leaving the best period in the development of history, peaceful, peaceful, prosperous life. What are they changing the soviet coat of arms to . tакой ээ благоприяtный с временный высприяtный tы чtо ээ ээ вносяt месtо высовского суюзом trident . The west through the zelensky regime, and then look at the symbolism and the trident, an old symbol from ancient times. Well, the swastika is the same symbol from ancient times. Well, its directly a weapon that is directed at russia. Well, at least a couple of tens of millions of victims, that is, people who died there during the revolution, during the stalinist repressions, during the holodomor, during the second world war, the kiosk, a beautiful peaceful period, is also the most peaceful symbol so what, uh, well, only a person who knows well, he is completely lying, he can say that because he was not soviet at all these are symbols, they are not peaceful, and where it is written, you know that the proletarians of all countries should unite. This is just an attempt spread their influence over the whole world and establish the same victims all over the world. The same repressions as in this soviet union, so it is very good that they have changed, well, but the russians are still trying to somehow tell what they are would go back and even come up with such a film somewhere a little bit confused girl some kind of matryoshka is being launched in the direction of kyiv oh thats right thats it its absolutely like that you know ive been able to see for so long the nesting doll that you see is flipping over in a dirty place flying somewhere im thats whats coming out something incomprehensible uh, well fantasies and they enjoy themselves with whatever they were not happy, but i want to show you how russian propaganda is generally created. On the last program, i showed you one small fragment, now i will repeat it, what one of these russian propagandists said the most disgusting russian propagandists in relation to this action , the familymother, it is being torn apart, there will be a trident symbol of the soviet union. And here are the cries proiznasylovanie russkaya женщина what do you think literally a few days have passed and what we are already hearing from scabies ukrainian trident on the monument familymother причем самое упорация ukrainians call the replacement of the coat of arms of the ussr with a trident citations of the rape of a maruskoy zhensheinoy , that is, a russian propagandist said this and now these words are attributed to ukrainians. Russian propagandists themselves come up with all this in some russianspeaking languages, and then they quote themselves and tell what the ukrainians said, its just oneonone , right now youve Seen Technology like this is being done, one russian propagandist said a few days later another russian propagandist is already telling it like how ukrainians say it , so fill in this moment here remember because this is a very typical situation for russians. The other day, its now they are very actively discussing the delivery. Maybe it hasnt happened yet as a fact. But it is possible to supply ukraine with german taurus missiles, and on this occasion, i would also say that a very, very big asterisk has risen here nazi , that member chooses this scumbag, who wanted a position below us in the rating of gdp per soul of the population. A rocket is hitting er russian cities. That is, what kind of reaction will there be in Russian Society . We are real , that is, this is all i can imagine. It is scary. They told ironically that this will never happen because this can never happen like this, eh, the authorities, this coalition of people on the project is afraid, it succeeds, eh, it goes away from this topic, but in the end, they will not go away, as with everything else. I think that two i dont think its a question of crimea, and no, no one will be against it if they attack crimea, and drones will try to land landings there. Theres something else. Not Everyone Wants them to return to ukraine, but to transfer the old well, i think its not interesting that it never bothers you to attack there, not to attack krym, you see, the rant about the attack on crimea is over, its just a routine, well, they attack by attacking, is it normal, but in general, these cries from the russians regarding this german tauru missile became that it was still at the end of may , and it must be said that then the russians managed to put pressure on the German Government and the germans decided not to give us these missiles before the counterattack, and here to understand what kind of missiles they are, well , because now this story arose just the other day, when i wrote about the fact that everything is possible after all, this delivery will be delivered by the german officials of the state government, they write that uh, in germany , they agreed on the issue of the delivery of taurus Cruise Missiles and armaments of the armed forces of ukraine, and the probable delivery of these missiles was also said to be true. Which was verbally declared to be connected precisely with the need to equip a fleet of aviation equipment that is in service with the armed forces of ukraine. Mykolaiv zaporozhye dnipropetrovsk and other settlements where the air force of the Ukrainian Air force is based will reach the objects of our deep rear, they will be quite capable here in this story. It is interesting. This map shows the radii where the rocket can reach. But it is also interesting that in may there was a very strong e so they talked a lot about this missile and i also want to remind you that in may at the end of may this year they talked about this missile, why exactly are the russians so afraid of it with the help of such a weapon strikes russia at a distance of up to 500 km, the radius of defeat on your screens is also known that these german missiles are suitable for attacking bunkers, airfields, bridges and supply routes right now, the police of germany have six hundred such missiles in good working condition , they find sokol 150 units, the germans know the number of correct ones rockets can quickly increase, and together with the british and french ones , it will turn out to be a more than impressive number, and there we are. To fly er, well, yes, it is quite certain, but the question is not only, well, it would seem that there are only 160 of these missiles. They seem to be few and they will give them also not very much, why exactly then such a cry is made because these missiles can play a role against bunkers and for the russians this is also a very scary thing , lets see why for this Cruise Missile , even a meterthick concrete wall of about 480 kg of explosives on board makes a fivemeter missile absolutely a bunker destroyer, this became possible thanks to new with a penetrating element, namely a twometer long steel dart, and for a stash, it can control not only several floors of one building, but if desired , explode on individual floors. Rather, because it does not just take the russians far away, but he can just hit very deep and then from afar, that is, not just what is on top, so he can destroy what is in the bunkers, that is some hidden weapons warehouses hidden airfields hidden factories well, whatever, in fact, this is a very powerful weapon, in fact , it would be very, very desirable to get it, and uh, of course, the russians immediately began to shout their usual about what ayayay how this is how cities will be hit literally in russian. I also wanted to ask about the towers missile. They really want to use them not to hit our military, but to hit our rear, to hit our cities, so we are asking for greater range, this is their tactic. The strategy of demoralization of russia, the creation of destructive processes , ee, with the intention of destabilizing the Civil Society , discrediting the government, aa, creating unbearable psychological conditions. Happened in pokrovsk, such a person may respond with strikes on russian cities and that for every destroyed ukrainian residential building, he can fly somewhere for a fee well, you must understand that rap is at war with ukraine because feels global impunity. The russian people do not suffer to the same extent as they inflict suffering on us, and it is this impunity that is the main factor that allows the russians to continue their aggression against ukraine. Only understanding that the russians are getting a real answer, well, such a real answer , uh, can only do this in this way. In this case, to stop this aggression and, in fact, in this plan to supply exactly this type of weapon, this would be an argument not so much for possible strikes as for deterrence, when the russians will simply understand that look, there it is flying to moscow and it can fly there, it really can fly. If there was such a threat , we had such a weapon. I think russia would behave somewhat differently. Therefore, it really could be a powerful deterrent weapon for russia, but it is also clear. How are the russians in general . All this well, for example, one of

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