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Before the visit of volodymyr zelenskyi, the woman previously worked as a saleswoman in a military store to collect information, she went around the territory of the district and tried to establish an approximate route for the head of state, now the traitors have chosen a preventive measure in the form of detention and face up to 12 years in prison, the informant had other goals, in particular to reveal the location of the radioelectronic warfare system and ammunition depots of the armed forces of ukraine in the ochakov region, according to the available data, the occupiers planned to use this information to prepare a new massive of an airstrike in mykolaiv oblast, sbu officers detained a russian female accomplice on a hot morning, the russians shelled the village of kucherivka in kharkiv oblast, hitting a private house, two people were killed, three more were injured, the head of the entire president , andriy yarmak, announced this, also the day before, muscovites bombed the village of podoli with a bloody aerial bomb , an elderly woman and a man died there were hospitalized with serious injuries, two more people were injured due to enemy shelling of the village of putnikove, and in kupyansk, the occupiers injured a young man, he informed the head of the Regional Military administration, oleg synogub, kherson is on fire three times during the night, the russians attacked the city center, hitting a highrise building and a private house there, fires broke out under the rubble of their own home , a 59yearold woman died, 12 more people were injured , in particular, during firefighting , two rescuers were injured and taken to the hospital with general overheating of the body. This was reported by the head of the Regional Military administration , oleksandr prokudin. In total, the enemy fired 99 shells at the muscovites in Kherson Oblast last day they continue to terrorize the zaporizhzhia region and they hit 24 settlements 69 times in the past day, the head of the region, yuriy malashko, informs, in particular , from aviation, orikhiv was shelled three times from the Russian Federation. The russians are trying to slow down the advance of our defenders in the south, particularly in the melitopol and berdyan directions , the enemy is mining positions in three layers she said deputy minister of defense hanna malyar, also the occupiers continue to concrete and strengthen the dominant heights , this hinders the Forward Movement of the ukrainian military, however, our fighters are trying to weaken the russians , malyar added, they discussed the situation on the border with belarus, the commander of the joint forces, serhiy naev, met with the commander of the Operational Command of the polish armed forces, Tomasz Piotrovsky the parties discussed the security situation in the regions of ukraine and threats due to the placement of the wagner Nuclear Power plant in belarus, as well as agreed on the directions of bilateral cooperation in particular regarding the exchange of information and experience of combat work at control points, is it worth a million 250 thousand 240 russian trophy heads collected by our defenders since the beginning of the fullscale invasion, and another 540 invaders died within a day without waiting for the nato attack on russia, and while western equipment is helping to kill the invaders on on the russian front, the Ukrainian Defense forces, in particular , seven more tanks, eight armored fighting vehicles , 12 artillery systems, four rsv, 10 vehicles and one unit of special equipment as well muscovites were left without 28 drones, 18 cruise missiles and one antiaircraft vehicle , the approximate data remind the general staff that the russians are burning powerfully this time, forest fires are stealing in yakutia, the area of ​​the fire reaches 125,000 hectares , the russian mass media inform about this, the firefighter is trying to eliminate the fire in 13 districts of the region more than a million hectares of forest can no longer be saved olzhik, a largescale fire in the american state of new mexico, a plastic Processing Plant caught fire there , the Reuters News Agency reports, they are working at the scene rescuers, according to local officials, reports of victims were not received, however, a state of emergency was declared in the region due to air pollution to others there in ivanofrankivsk presented an exhibition of paintings by the artist restorer valery durzohleb from the cycle of time, many works were created precisely after the fullscale invasion and dedicated to certain tragic events, which sessions the author laid in his canvases, my carpathian colleagues will tell you. Works, most of which were written precisely after the fullscale invasion, the author calls the exhibition a certain continuation of the project god between us, the process of creating uh, well, these works will be opened later by her yevskiy we are with the person who created these frames on these cardboards, as you can see, well, it is very difficult a difficult exhibition actually for me and for the artist for for a person who well, because this is a drama, a drama of war, first of all, some kind of and thats it theme theme the theme of our modern life and it was very difficult for me to create here are these plots of the work, among other things, dedicated to ukrainian cities that suffered at the hands of the occupiers, among them zaporizhzhia , mariupol, bakhmut solodar and others. Well, this is such a fragment, its just some kind of movie, its not a sketch, but it was simply written like that, in one evening, there are works that i wrote there, um, for a long time , thinking about it, there is a drama, um, of many, but now you can also see shelling, that is, here topic from dnipro and zaporizhzhia and mykolaiv and uh, there is even a drama, uh, turkish history, that is, this saved girl exhibition is special because it was created during the war, all these works were created in the days when something happened events, the death of soldiers, rocket attacks, various such events, so it is also special for me, because every time valera created a work many times, well, very often, he came and shared it. Today, i created it at night. I drew it because there were such events ago she is like mine for me, friends and brush masters came to congratulate the artist on his anniversary, to whom the artist personally told the story of the creation of many canvases from prykarpattia ivan haruk volodymyr voloshchuk tv channel espresso and we continue the urgent collection for the front our defenders from the 27th separate rifle battalion really need a car they are fighting in the eastern direction, where fierce battles are taking place, our goal is 400,000 hryvnias, together with you we have already closed many volunteer meetings and the defenders are grateful for our contribution to the fight against the occupiers. We ask that you actively to donate this time too, because without you we will not be able to cope. Every hryvnia is important, remember that only together we can bring our victory over the enemy closer to this moment. I will have all the updated information at 12 00, then we will meet with you. Read on our website espresso. Tv a brief summary of the main things on our telegram channel news espresso. Tv the most interesting information and videos on our Youtube Channel espresso. Tv my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy sachuk further veteri espresso friends back to the air and we continue our marathon andriy saichuk and lesya vakulyuk in this studio we work for you in this hour we will talk about what kind of winter is waiting for us what the russians have prepared for us this winter we will also talk about the family mother uh will she become more ukrainian after as it was already attached to a trident, but they did not remove the soviet stars, and people saw them there on the sword, but only different ones. Well, its simple, if there were stars on the soviet monument, but they are not soviet stars, they are not necessarily soviet. Well, for example, the United States has 50 stars on flags, they also have five rays. But does this mean that there are soviet stars, but the monument was in soviet times, but the stars are american, it is clear that the stars are probably not american, but, well, that is, you are not a fact here. These are some kind of asterisks, sumy, this is a kind of youth, it is some kind of symbol. Well, lets find out what to say, it is part of a pentagram. And it is a satanic symbol, well, you can say the same for that little star. Well, it reminds me a lot of what i remember from my soviet childhood. After all, we are on the soviet star it is similar and not like an asterisk or an american star, but there will be volodymyr yetorov yatrovych in us, we will talk about it, and will you help . What, for example, are there obelisks where monuments to soldiers, er, liberators , they are painted during the Second World War in pixel, do they become ukrainian monuments, monuments to ukrainian soldiers, and we will talk about that too, and we will also talk. What did the advisor, the head of the president s office , Mykhailo Podolyak mean when he said that after the end of the war, ukraine would compete with poland well, in general, about ukraines relations with poland, why why did he say that . Its such a good moment. By the way, were also asking this, but not to him, because he doesnt join us, although theres even a telegramkalu trukha gives an interview, but espresso, were not going to talk about it with the polish politician yaroslav chekhov well, but now we will talk about our loved ones, luckily eh, but now we will actually talk about what kind of winter awaits us, what about the prices of oil and fuel , eh, and we will talk about it with Gennady Ryabtsev p gennady, congratulations, congratulations ill see you there. Im looking at photos from germany there 30 cm fell in the south of germany, and it was not snow, but hail, but they collected and collected that hail with snow removal equipment, they brought it so well in slovenia, there was no need for the kakhovka hespedi and the moskal, where it is needed , the kakhovka heskla must also be flooded there. I understand that the weather and nature have their own scenarios, in addition to the fact that russia has some scenarios, and we already have summer, and i am already reading among users who are interesting, who wanted to buy generators, for example, now they say that there are no generators. What happened and they say that people have already started sweeping generators in preparation for the winter, do we really need to stock up for the winter with all this remanent and what awaits us that winter, well, it is useful. If you will be autonomous and will not depend on anyone for the supply of electrical thermal energy, this is very good. And it does not depend on whether the military condition or any other condition . Of course , it is much more difficult to provide for multiapartment buildings, especially if the house is large, one generator is not enough for the whole, however, if it is a rural area, why not use it . Well, i i didnt see that there was no offer of electric generators of various types at all. Well, at least i was. A week ago. Look , there were still enough offers. I think that this is exactly the type of technology that is really on time and needed. Buy it before the heating season, i wont say that it will be worse there than the previous one. Because in our country, all the experts, especially in politics , like to add the prefix na to various epithets, and it turns out that this season will be the most difficult for us, you know, i i dont think he is will be the most difficult because the most difficult are the times when war is compared to any peacetime, so there are problems, and the reflection of these problems is that there is no electricity in some settlements , especially those located along the front line, and it is very difficult to manage. Damage due to constant shelling , but if we talk about the next heating season. And if you have the opportunity to ensure energy selfsufficiency, do it and it will be a guarantee that you will not depend on anyone, in particular, on energy monopolists, and this is not only in this disgraceful season, but in general, and secondly, you should reduce the load on the Unified Energy System , in which it is very important now to create a capacity reserve in case the Russian Federation again resorts to attacks on the Energy Infrastructure after the start of the mm of the heating season and what about our Energy Infrastructure, how far did it manage to update itself after those russian attacks during this time , the heating season has not yet started well, it does not update itself, therefore well, everything depends on do the operators of ukrenergo have the appropriate resources, in particular, it stated that more than 85 of damaged objects have been restored, and this is a very good indicator. The same statements are approximately the same. The same estimates are also from Large Companies from oblenergo from dtek, yes, all of them the operators i named say that the starting conditions in this season are much worse than in the previous one, but in addition to the worse starting conditions, there are also better conditions, namely better conditions for the protection of Critical Infrastructure objects, because comparing air Defense Forces and, for example , beginning of the last heating season season and the current one, it is hardly possible to try, they have become stronger , and secondly, it is already clear what to do when what, that is, all the protocols, all the algorithms of actions in the relevant situations are already available. Manual mode and well, i, er, well, i am filled with pride for er, those professionals who work in control rooms, and this is generally what they do, er, needs to be recognized with a star of the hero of ukraine, and here i return to of your previous discussion, but what is being done now, what needs to be done, well, it is definitely true, that is how it is, you cannot now blame someone from the Energy Industry to show that they are delaying something, that they are not being financed, that they are delaying repairs there, as far as i know, that what is being done, i. E. There are no subjective delays, there are certainly objective delays with the delivery of the ordered equipment, eh, but its such that what needs to be paid attention to, so when we feel all this and can we increase by a few hryvnias well, im wrong it seems that the price tags have grown more, i understand, and will we be able to refuel our cars, or will we put them in and wipe the dust off them . With discounted shares again for fuel for which i am paid in full. That is, we do not forget that in addition to the return of vat to the level of 20 , the level of excise duty has also returned if, for example, compared with in the last week of june, this will mean an increase in prices somewhere at the level of eight and ten hryvnias, 8 is more for diesel, 10 hryvnias is more for rubber, plus you really noticed, well, everyone noticed the rise in the price of Petroleum Products in europe due to the increase in oil prices there from the level somewhere 75 83,804 per barrel, this guarantees that the growth will be at the level of eight and ten hryvnias compared to the last week of june, that is, before the change in the level of taxation, but still the fuel is fuel of sufficient quality, although not high but for a sufficient reason, i do not think that anyone will have a shortage of these resources, the main thing is not to raise the prices for transport and Passenger Transportation very much because, unfortunately , there is not enough control either in the market of Petroleum Products or in the market of automobile transportation, although it is not as if state control should only be strengthened, the expert was with us on energy issues, lets move on in a few minutes, lets talk about the familymother and about relations ukraine poland stay with us there are discounts on drops and capsules urolesan 15 in pharmacies podorozhnyk bam and thrift Taras Shevchenko resists his words on the chevrons of the defenders of his ideas in the hearts of millions of free people his lines in battle songs at the front and in the rear to fight back win the formula of our victory august 2627 shevchenko is waiting for you in Navy Uniforms for the chefest festival in support of the Armed Forces Ukraine shevchenko resists and tychyny august 2627 moryntsy cherkasy region alcohol free event free entry why am i here i have sensitive teeth they eat ice cream pain cold air pain sweet pain the dentist advised lacalut sensiti what effectively reduces tooth sensitivity if i i knew lakalut sensi, you wouldnt have had to come here before. Lakalut sensiti is a reliable protection against pain. Turn it on. Its good when all you want is a click and now you control the game. Look at the tv show. What should we do . Google, turn on hundreds of channels in thousands of movies and sports aquadermis. Cares, moisturizes, protects and cares for your skin at any age , aquadermis supports and protects your skin if a woman likes herself she can do everything probiz femina this is your beneficial microflora if it is normal immediately visible skin, hair and less and less just fire what is here probiz femina anu run grab the microbiome events the most important events events that are happening right now and affect our lives of course the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand antin borkovskyi and invitation experts soberly assess the events analyze them by modeling our the near future that saturdays at 1 00 p. M. With a repeat at 10 00 p. M. Studio event with anton borkovskii najspresso about so that ukrainians dont think about so that they dont talk about first place anyway war war war and our victory only on espresso from monday to monday completely different spheres of human activity Sports Health politics the return of crimea military analytics nine presenters journalists experts opinion leaders in real time about the most relevant events through the prism of war in authors projects on espresso the war continues and not only for territory, this is also a war for umy russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn ukrainians into a state of beauty facts and methods by which hostile propaganda turns people into obedient zombies m attacks of the russians in the project of the chronicle of the information war with olga leni tuesday thursday friday at 17 10 on the espresso tv channel hello this is freedom morning information project radio freedom guests are here every day this is the ship district kherson is included live, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bahmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9 00, friends andriy saichuk lesya vakulyuk, we work for you in this studio and now we will talk about the family of the mother who is being tried turn the mother into the motherland, they have already attached a trident to her, and in addition to the trident, it turned out that the old soviet coat of arms was removed, and in addition to the coat of arms , it turned out that the mothers family also has soviet stars, will the trident help the mothers family become the motherland, or should we leave this monument to us further . Discussions are going on despite the fact that they are already changing mushrooms. We will talk about this and not only with volodymyr vyatrovych, peoples deputy of ukraine. We welcome you, mr. Volodymyr, to our meter. Good day. In fact, people are like that, it seems that proukrainians are divided into two camps. Some say that the motherland family should be left and it should be interpreted in a new way as the motherland and this trident adorns it, and others say that no matter what kind of trident you touch the people, well, mother, she still remains with the soviet mothers family. Yu a and this is a soviet symbol, and not only the soviet coat of arms must be taken away from her, but it must be taken away from her so that she does not rise above kiev. Especially since you were the first alert ukrainians to see the soviet stars on her sword, we also argued with andrii because he says that the stars there are not only the soviet ones, but there are also american ones. What is your opinion, well, first of all, i want to see that they are trying to rename it not to the motherland, but to ukraine, that is , lets go. Lets go even a little further. Well, my opinion is that this sculpture is monumental what decorations remain in the soviet instant sculpture , that is why i was very skeptical from the very beginning about the idea of ​​decorating it with a trident and thus ukrainianizing it, if there are any problems with the installation, if, er, someone thinks that it is some kind of example of the soviet monumental i dont know art. So its hard for me to say, its obvious that it was easier to just leave the shield without the soviet mushroom, because i usually support the dismantling of the soviet shield and that should have been done a few years ago, its good that what is being done now, but i am wary of all the ideas of ukrainization of this absolutely soviet of the monument especially since i see that nazar can become some kind of contender that why do we have to work without effort to create something new to create a museum of the war for independence lets just rename the former to the great patriotic war and we already have magically opened museums of the war of independence. Lets just rename physical education, lets repaint some soviet monuments, lets call them ukrainian , well, it doesnt work like that. I think that this is a completely false, even very harmful approach , well, the head of the influential publication of the ukrainian its true, volodymyr dubenyanskyi recently wrote an article like this again in the first column, which is called precisely about the fact that. From stephen kings novels about e, so to speak, this culture of canceling the entire soviet past, which well, for the author, it seems that they are exaggerating or not acceptable. Thats it, and i m thinking to myself now that the problem is that for many ukrainians, because from my bubble, conditionally speaking in social networks, it seems to me that the majority of people who are, in general , well, patriots of ukraine and so on. But for them, this woman, as we say, but she is not a woman, is actually a symbol of what they remember from childhood, and

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