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Well, but for today, in my opinion , eh, all the attention should be on the one who will suffer, i myself, of western ukraine, this life in agriculture, they know in their dreams that it is difficult today it is economically rivne lviv oblast frankivska but it is not the case that all the attention of both our committee and the association as well as the ministry of economy and the ministry of Agricultural Policy is focused on these victims because people all their lives for tens of years, they gave themselves to the agricultural industry, and they, ah, and they were destroyed, but in one file, its not from the mykolaiv region, he knew that he had okupankas there, a column came into the equipment and they hid to assemble it. He himself gave ours to fight in order to lead them to be destroyed but thats because in order to help ukraine so that they didnt conquer his village, they didnt conquer the mykolaiv oblast, how can this person walk on it today, that s the first thing, and how many women there are in the seas , especially in the Kherson Oblast, there are a lot of friends, thats the first thing, and the outside is necessary drag, as they say, we have no one to ask, because as we have always communicated with you and our neighbors. And all our neighbors are in the same situations. So we have to include everyone as much as possible and pay maximum attention to this region. Dmytro, of course, we must help, especially those who did antibuyers on a temporarily uncontrolled part of ukraine that was soso however, lets talk just a little about the actions of the occupiers, we understand that they are trying to strengthen their position on the International Market at the expense of stolen grain here is information from the general staff that the occupiers in particular stole aa a large batch of crops from farmers in zaporizhzhia, and in fact these are not isolated cases , there are not isolated reports of how largescale these thefts are. Mr. Dmytros idea, what volumes are we talking about . Well, during that year, International Lawyers and criminalists worked here during that year. It was officially recorded that they uncovered 2 million tons out of 2 million. Well, this is the eighth side of the numbers. Multiply even there among the statistical some price there is a huge amount of dollars. Well, this is crazy money. Well, this is a decision. Well, lets take it from behind a hundred, er, 300 per ton. Well, please tell me 600 million tons right away, because 600 Million Dollars, 600 Million Dollars are space money and well, this year they are repeating the same situation where they can carol, well, if only they had the equipment that they could start because there were many gps devices that blocked the equipment where it was not. They just took it, set it on fire, set it on fire, shot it, well, this is the method, please. Actually, all criminals will be punished, in particular , even just for the killing of peaceful ukrainians and for those who were just trying to make a profit from the grain laid out at the neighbors. Thank you, mr. Dmytro dmytro solovchuk, member of the Verkhovna Rada committee of ukraine on the issue of Agrarian Land policy joined our broadcast , we still have a little time left to sum up todays conversation, mr. Serhii, and of course we can go on forever talk about how the occupier works and what damages they have caused to our country, but we should actually do our part at this stage, ah, hmm, talking about the grain blockade , talking about the fact that now ukrainian farmers , ukrainian agrarians, they work in not just in aggressive conditions that are uncomfortable for them, and they actually survive here, they must survive not only ukrainians, the ukrainian consumer, but also help the world survive, because without ukrainian grain, the world will not survive. And if you live, it will be, then it will be famine how should we do our job and not give up our hands and heads . And we have many cases of heroic actions of our farmers and agrarians. We need to be inspired by them. On the strength of the ukrainian artillery, because there he knew that the occupiers in such cases are very many, very many of our farmers are resisting the occupiers, and now in the deoccupied territories we are getting to know more and more of these stories, that is why such we should be inspired by the heroic actions of the farmers, they are really great guys today, they are really heroes today. I am sure that we need to celebrate the farmers with some important awards in the state, because today they really hold not only the Food Security of ukraine and the world, but actually the economic front , because i think for the last season ukraine received more than 20 billion dollars from the export of oilseeds and oil alone, these are quite significant indicators that todays agrarians bring to the economy of ukraine and, in particular, to the budget of ukraine, so this is really the support of the base this should inspire all of us and farmers and everyone involved in the Agricultural Sector today. Thank you for these inspiring words. Serhiy ivashchenko, director of the ukrainian grain association, was with us. Thank you very much. The best words , the best support. Thank you. Lets talk about what russia will receive in exchange for its terror and crimes committed against peaceful ukrainians, in particular. Of course, these are the new explosions in the russian capital, moscow drones, as reported by propaganda media, explosions were heard in various areas, several nonresidential buildings in the center of the city were damaged, in particular, in one of the buildings near the ministry of defense of the Russian Federation , windows were blown out, the destruction was confirmed by the Moscow City Hall and they say that there was indeed an attack, and the wreckage of one of the drones fell next to the building of the Central Military band of the ministry of defense of russia, the roof was damaged there , the strategicness of the damaged objects was also emphasized by the investigator blinket hristos groziv, it is his in words, the houses were damaged just opposite the headquarters of the Main Intelligence Agency of russia for cybercrime and, moreover, not far from the military university and several topsecret facilities of this game , oleksiy hetman, a military observer, a participant in the russianukrainian war , a reserve major, congratulates mr. Oleksiy good day , mr. Oleksiy for starters, lets try to figure it out in general. Well, look, it seems that ukraine does not confirm or deny its involvement in the attacks. However, to what extent in general ukraine now has the opportunity to attack this way, for example, the capital of russia, and secondly, have you noticed the increase in the capabilities of our militaryindustrial complex there, or in general, the capabilities of the technical forces of defense, which allow us to attack more and more often precisely in the body of its territory, because we remember that as general zaluzhny said , we will beat the enemy on his territory. Partners about the fact that we will not use western weapons for attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation, so it is quite possible that it was our drones , so far there seems to be no official information, although the main directorate of intelligence says that this is, well, an operation that was planned specifically for the game and and this was not the most complete objects inside the Russian Federation, well, in moscow , and uh, objects where decisions are made, well, military decisions, that is, cities for decisionmaking. Therefore , these are also considered military objects, and we did not violate any International Laws when well and what was it really us when we attacked it thats why its normal and the fact that they got exactly where, well, most likely it was planned, but this can be considered we can be told that we can already use the effects in weapons of our own production , which are new highprecision and a longrange one. Of course, this is not a missile that could carry more politicians, but i have two thrones. Well, i dont think that it was the goal of someone to cause serious damage to some objects in moscow, it is similar to such intelligence to find out how much russian means against air of defense and in general, how much can they fight against our bplanes oleksiy, lets talk further, there is definitely a certain problem of the occupiers, surface drones on the kerch crossing, er, somehow, er, it was not possible to intercept them, now we see, ah, already aerial drones near the word of the peninsula, besides, also recently constantly under the crosshairs, lets say , of ukrainian Unmanned Aerial Vehicle operations. However, to what extent can drones really become the key to russian air defense, that is, we see that it is not capable. Absolutely effectively counter such threats well, you know that they cannot shoot down these drones of ours, this does not mean that they will not be able to shoot them down at all. The fact is that they are not set up yet. For such means, are our attacks alone able to do this in some future . Well, of course they are able because , well, any country, any army. For enemies in in this case we are such enemies thats why it seems that they will adjust but then what should we do how should we progress then if their antiflood defense will also improve well i just dont want mine to wear disposable glasses its true they can really adjust well look we now, uh, very in a small amount , we use the barriak, the actor, well, the barrector who got to us, remember at the beginning of the war, even there, songs were already composed, they found countermeasures to these means, now we use them we are also improving that so that, well, we are also taking certain certain steps so that they cannot cope with them, it will be the same with these wouldbe although we must understand that the two chambers are not quite attack more likely, after all , intelligence if well, and i it seems that now we have seen how incapable the air defense of the Russian Federation is to fight drones , so we want to believe that the next attack will be on two there 22 or 102, for example, where they can really cause very significant damage to it the decisionmaking center, well, a military object were the Russian Federation is not required, moscow can be a resort with strategic bombers. The main thing is that they can fly quite far away and they are highly accurate. As he said, wait in the village , for example, for National Security and defense, mr. Danilov, and there would be a number of them in us. We continue to produce them and well, let them prepare. Let the debts be felt by oleksiy. Lets talk more, in particular , the topic of the attack on the crimean crossings has already been indirectly touched on. What we saw was that , again, we could not resist eh the occupiers attack surface drones to what extent can a similar operation be carried out in the future or for the second time, for example, repeated this technique will no longer succeed due to the fact that now the occupiers will draw certain conclusions that questions immediately arise and what prevents us, for example , from sending two more surface drones there the next day, or are they there, according to what they said , they are not so expensive there that we cannot afford them . Well, of course, the surface drone is well, it is much cheaper than, for example, a Cruise Missile or other means. Well, we understand it here. Another interesting thing is that it is the russians. I think they realized that it is possible not only to the crimean cities, but also to some other military objects, right up to novorossiysk to other cities where their ships are located, because we already understand that in order to allow the First Military bridge these drones had well, where did they sail from, most likely it will affect from odesa or mykolayiv oblast where we have access to the sea, but if you look on the map it was necessary to sail around the crimean peninsula. That means that they sailed hundreds of kilometers, that is, those ships that, including missile carriers , are attacking and they moved to a distance when they cannot shoot our so this means that we can attack these ships even for even more kilometers, as well as those in the sea near, they attack with missiles well, ladychyna and mykolaiv oblast, well, the maximum is the caliber, you will win the maritime area. Therefore, it not bad news that we can fly to moscow and they cant do anything and allow us to the first world bridge. They cant do anything either, will they strengthen the security measures for themselves, well, they will strengthen but we, too, we also see whats ours how our drones work and what should be added to make them work even better well, i think that so far the russians have clear opportunities to stop our drones that are on the water and in the air. How did they fight with ours and those with our weapons . Well, we can do a lot of things that are useful for us and very not useful for this case , for sure when it is possible to regret that the moscow river on which the capital of katsap stands does not flow into the black sea or otherwise, it would be possible to bring our surface drones there and p. Oleksia, if they already spoke for them, can they be effective, for example, for the defense of the black sea territory of the black sea coast, which controls ukraine, specifically odessa and odessa ports odesa infrastructure, can these drones also help us in this . Well, these drones are unlikely to be able to work as a radio air force, that is, the material means whether they can destroy those complexes that are currently being shelled, they are shelling the ports of odesa, they are shelling residential buildings, what is this actually, the russian ships that are based now, according to military experts, they are based closer to the waters of the crimea, what about all the drones . Well, of course they can attack russian ships, those that have simple just said a few words what if drones can fly through a large number of large ones. Well, there are hundreds of kilometers, so they can also weave up to golden ships, why can they sink a ship , well, a small one, i think they can, in fact, they can damage it, but, well, it is damaged , it is damaged it must be at the home port or any other port sent there, it must be there, it must be repaired, well, for sure, it will not already be on combat duty and make launches from damage on the ship. They wont be able to either, well , the russians, but you have to understand what it concerns only reflectors of airbased missiles. That is, it is the caliber that they launch ships of another onyx that they launch from bastions, it is groundbased there. Intelligence er well, as soon as the era of intelligence, of course, intelligence , i know perfectly well the launch sites. Well, we already know from where they launch or can launch these groundbased onyx eyes, and if there was a longrange missile there, everyone should have destroyed it complexes, but in this, sorry, complex, sorry, according to the technology, the approach of drones against ships at a Long Distance and a missile attack from the antilaunchers of the honix is ​​also a short distance, and we would be able to, well, if , well, no, we cannot say, we would completely close the sky, as they say, over fedyshin but the enemys capabilities would be significantly reduced, mr. Oleksia, just about the 22 with which the russians have been attacking recently, she stated in our air force, in particular, and in the main Intelligence Office that russia is currently modernizing here are these types of missiles in order for them to be more effective against, in particular, our air defense system. Please tell me, if possible, in simple words, what this modernization consists of, because they say that x22 is already there , that now it can already be called h23 there, what does it mean, well to modernize it, well, it is impossible to modernize the rocket itself , the rocket is very old, it is filled with very toxic fuel, and they do not like the very military of the Russian Federation, because there they have to wear insulating suits, because they spent a little fuel and everything and a rocket and a person and well, all of this is poisoning at once and, er, flying cases , how can they be modernized, well, the only thing that can be done is that you can try to change something , the heads themselves, in order to and probably the circular deviation, the socalled, that is, the accuracy of borshchiv for it to increase, uh, the russians can only modernize these missiles. They dont make them, but they have a certain number of arkadys that are made there , well, you can list them, again, they dont want to spend time, but they dont have this missile rework and there is only one way to improve the homing head so that it becomes more accurate, well, this is exactly the third, here we talked about the surface basing of the caliber about the ground basing of the onyx ah, just air is enough for homing and here we can here they are if the comics and the caliber they can fly low over the water over well attacking odesa or mykolaiv and it is difficult to intercept the means of anti air defense radio action stations can see late well this is a specifics it is a good station just covered different land due to the fact that there are certain nuances, they are the socalled blind zone or dead zone where they move, but from us it is launched from a great height, and there it is, where the air is so dense and it accelerates and it has a high speed. E well, almost nothing else except during the air systems, some anti missile systems, nobody petriv well, it is unlikely that we will be able to somehow protect ourselves from them well, we can do almost nothing except the petrivs, well, with the exception of the fact that we can attack them ourselves with our flying the airfield, where are these rekotonoshi planes and destroy them even before they take off, this is exactly what our viewers imagine, if we are talking , our attention has recently been focused on odesa, because the occupiers, in particular, are just barbaric blows according to the Historical Center of the World Heritage of unesco, give us exactly what we need and how much, for example , to close odessa and close these ports where , for example, ukrainian grain is stored, which we will need in order to export then after we force him to return to the black sea agreement , well, you know, if we talk about closing it, these are, of course , antiaircraft means, because what we talked about is drones, a floating drone, and uh, these are the means that we attack, well, the attack is active defense that well, of course, for this you need well, i would like at least a complex in petriv, but it would definitely be able to help defend against ee x22 protionics against the caliber well, the anticaliber worked like that, it works more or less remotely so that the air defense can pass by the means that in there are them. Well, onyx remains, well, it is also true here, unfortunately, if they will fly, fly over the water low there, 510 m, then there are five lines. He just might not see it, because he has a lower bar, where he can see it 50 m, because it is just a complex that should be listed as a Ballistic Missile that flies there almost from outer space. Although if it is in another city, well, in short, there are opportunities to see how to intercept this missile, so lets draw a line with a sharp one. Well, we need more time, it can be. Well, definitely petriv because its just that our viewers understood so, for example, if we say yes, we know the number of petros, which, for example, our partners have, yes, which are just standing there , lets say they fall into dust. There will be a food crisis, prices will rise, please give us, for example, as oleksii hetman advises, give us how much we need , i dont know, in order to close the city, ill use its elevator with grain 3 well, just so that we understood, sadly, i wanted to name the figure, it is very sad for me to call, but at least one uhu , that is, in principle, it was possible to start from this, and then the question is the following ah well, if we understand that it is probably not a question of money here , after all, it is probably a question there some kind of policy or money. Well, then explain to him what the problem is. Well, seriously , the problem is that uh, well, first of all, he is expensive. In order for you to be there well , somehow paint some of them with gold paint artillery barrels no, i need it, it is needed for protection here, it is not possible here to ask the question, is it expensive or not expensive to defend, because when you yourself, the partners, declare that it affects everyone and the global, in particular, the south and countries that do not receive grain, but in fact, thank you mr. Oleksiy, what helped to understand this . And finally, except that aa. That is, we are talking now about the fact that air defense is necessary to protect ourselves from missiles that are already flying at us, and what we need in order to hit , for example, the body from where we are flying a and they fly missile if they are not directly on the territory of the Russian Federation, for example, but are, for example, nearby in the water area of ​​the occupied black sea water area, the truth is, literally for a minute, mr. Ignat said that we at least need a in 16 this is in a good best option and attacks literally everything first option this is of course and f16, well, i dont want to talk about it anymore, it would be sad, and yes m16, and also of course f16, if it was in 16 , then everything that can fly over us with wings without problems, unfortunately, again yes, they are positive , and in fact , we have completed or reliable. Kateryna derkach oleksiy homan thank you for your trust chevrons that bring victory closer during the war as a defender protect your future yourself as a defender join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine our kherson region has been completely destroyed by the russian occupiers power regions of ukraine unite to help and restore victims of free communities 15 regions have already supported Kherson Oblast and will rebuild 26 settlements in the region side by side we will rebuild Kherson Oblast side by side we will rebuild every affected community in our country tell me honestly what you want scream and crack the joints of the palm this is your ax on the inhale drive it behind the head on the exhale with the whole swing make air until it gets easier to learn other ways to improve your condition visit how are you. Com based on real events that took place in the most disgusting country on the globe , dubbed in singing ukrainian language in three days, the same thing happened with the last new years cancellation. Start celebrating the new year is already a bad omen for a bad boy no yes, you can me too, and god, you are a wolf , even in russian merkom ryatki new year, you will be responsible for this, i should have said uh okhrana okhrana save my suitcase now will be really full of preparations for the new year are dying lets

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