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Also something that affects virtually all the circles with whom i communicate on levels of heads of Central Banks of the financial authorities of countries not only in europe , the United States of america , asia. The central bank and the ukrainian banks that demonstrated during the entire war, these 50022 days of fullscale war, absolutely fantastic, some banks function under any conditions, there were not only highprofile bankruptcies, there was not even a single day of suspension of the functioning of the Banking System, even in conditions of a complete blockade, my appointment to the position actually coincided with the repeated attacks on the energy infrastructure, the first cases of blackouts, and then we, together with the banks, created a powerbanking network that was supposed to provide work under any conditions, there is no light, there is no communication, but the Banking System had to function now, this measure covers more than 40 of all branches, when you tell this to our colleagues from Banking Institutions, they look at you with surprise and curiosity, and you know. If before , the central bank usually made a request to receive the socalled technical assistance, when they come to us and teach us how to do it correctly, now we have opened the direction of providing technical assistance, now those practices that were implemented in the central bank by the Banking Institutions in ukraine during this fullscale invasion, we replicate and give the opportunity to introduce them to learn from us from representatives of other ee Banking Institutions, the Banking System entered the war in a very good condition, it is true, the Banking System went through a difficult stage of reform , it was sufficiently organized, it went through stress testing, she was ready to take on these shocks, of course it would be better if there were none, but due to the fact that the Banking System underwent this evolution, she received a significant margin of safety which allowed the uninterrupted activity of ensuring the functioning of all Information Systems for Customer Service at any point to persist during a critical period. And there was an incredible migration flow from ukraine , which the world had not known since the second world war, so these are all challenges that the National Bank and Banking Institutions had to overcome in one way or another institutions after some dynamics of military operations in accordance with the number of Ukraine International aid allowed to feel the ground under their feet, we understand that even despite the war in the banking the system already has enough reasons to participate not only in maintaining uninterrupted functioning , but in being a bridge between business and its needs, private capital, which ukraine needs for recovery, because of this , the National Bank is currently carrying out an important exercise of assessing the stability of banks, in fact, we are making a deep diagnosis of all the largest banks of ukraine in order to understand what is needed for them to become even more sustainable and effective and, accordingly, to be maximally devoted to the task of Economic Development and recovery, this exercise will allow us to move into the next phase of the war according to our forecasts and we recently approved the macro forecast of the active phase of military operations, this is a key factor by the way the factor will last at least the first half of the 24th year if it ends with our victory rather great but we must be ready for any scenario but this does not mean that we should delay in order to ensure the most effective for the reconstruction of the economy, the support of entrepreneurship, the functioning of the Banking System, because of this, this is another mandate of the nbu, which we must ensure and cover it all it seems necessary the discount rate is reduced inflation is decreasing banks are working stably how do you estimate the average temperature in the ward so is our economy and when will it be able to recover to the level at which it was on february 23, 22, before estimating the average temperature in the ward i e i want to say that we need to know what to avoid this feeling of burning euphoria , the challenges remain uncertain, we recently approved the new size of the discount rate , as i said, the macro forecast for 20232024 and the 25th year in this wet forecast several factors that, in our opinion, create critical risks for its implementation. Well, in particular, i have already mentioned the activity and duration of the military campaign of the war. How long is the ukrainian budget today . The deficit of the ukrainian budget is 26 of the Gross Domestic Product. Due to the International Aid received by ukraine last year, we received more than 32 billion dollars this year, we expect 42 billion dollars next year, we we count on at least 37 billion dollars, this is the amount needed to finance the social need to cover the internal deficit , because the economic crisis is actually so otherwise, there remains a situation with uncertainty, which we often talk about. It can be very vividly illustrated using the example of the grain corridor, our april macro forecast predicted that the grain corridor will function under certain restrictions, it so happened that the enemy decided to demobilize this agreement with the grain corridor blocked, it will cost ukraine in the first half of the year at least two billions of dollars because of this , even in spite of this, but despite this, we see a steady disinfecting trend, we see that many of the Exchange Rates decreased in the fall. Last year, the difference between the official Exchange Rate and the cash Exchange Rate was 20 . Now the difference between the official Exchange Rate and the cash Exchange Rate of peters interest actually does not exist, the multiplicity of Exchange Rates to date has disappeared, we see that the market already has a socalled pure offer of noncash currency from individuals, that is, people sell more than they buy, this is good news because it returns even despite the fullscale invasion, confidence in the national currency, but the war continues, uncertainty remains, the kakhovskaya dam is a blocked corridor, a serious challenge, a challenge for us, migration. We planned in our macro forecast that the migration flow would be positive. That this does not happen and people still prefer themselves. And i think that they have to spend the winter abroad, these are serious challenges because of this, despite the positives that fuel our capacity for sustainability, we seeing this, i would still like us not to give in to euphoria and not to give in to pessimism. But at the same time, too much emphoria will not benefit us. We must be very pragmatic and sober in our actions, so i think that we if we talk about the average temperature in the hospital, we improved our Economic Growth forecasts from two percent to almost three percent this year and improved them next year to 3. 5 percent. In 2025 , we see the possibility of growth to seven. This is a conservative forecast, well, in particular, it did not take into account that we will be able to possibly restore the work of the grain corridor is excellent. We will add it. He does not take into account that people will start returning to ukraine sooner, if this happens, consumer demand will increase and economic processes will be lively. Economic processes will also be faster. He does not take into account the Marshall Plan , we are talking about significant funds directed to reconstruction. Conservatives in order to remain exclusively in a very pragmatic sober framework, but we can already see that there are grounds for talking about Economic Growth if we compare ukraine and the situation in ukraine with what countries that survived the war, a brutal war , japan, germany, croatia, our observations say that it will take at least 910 years to restore the Gross Domestic Product to the prewar level, but we see that with the support that the president of the government of the National Bank manages to consolidate in the country around ukraine, that level of trust and perception of the need to help us and be close to us makes it possible to say that by consolidating all this, ensuring governance at a level no worse than now, developing Structural Reforms, and this, by the way, is another very important factor, because ukraine, despite the war , despite what is working in order to compensate for all the consequences of the war, takes on historical obligations, we signed an agreement on candidacy for peace, signed an expanded Financing Program with the International Monetary fund, its not just about money, its about Structural Reforms this is about changes that will affect everyone, without exception, in the areas of political, social, economic, regulatory, law enforcement, anticorruption policy, this is all happening today. If these processes can be combined, i think that the process of Economic Growth and recovery can be faster than it was historically in those countries that have gone through brutal wars in which case, what will happen in the relatively distant future. And if closer to our present , Exchange Rate liberalization will return , when and under what conditions the National Bank abandon the fixed Exchange Rate and we will return to the floating one, as it was before a fullscale war , this is exactly what we think, according to the National Bank , will allow the ukrainian economy to be more adaptable, a flexible Exchange Rate is an incomprehensible thing for the general public, but very important for economic stability, infectious targeting this is all that we managed to do before the war and all that what we really had to be proud of and this is what we gradually need to create certain prerequisites to return to the economic rules of the game granddaughters from the course gives the opportunity for ukrainian entrepreneurs to breathe administrative restrictions on the movement of capital are removed not all depending on how they will positively influence the ukrainian economy what added value will these or other administrative relaxations bring so that the ukrainian economy improves its ability to resist the development of a flexible course currently, this is one of the elements of normality, because with the war, the ukrainian economy, due to anticrisis measures, became very trapped in administrative restrictions. Played a very positive role, at some point it was possible to catch the crisis and prevent it from developing, then gradually it should actually be released depending on how the preconditions are created and the National Bank by the way, it approved the strategy of currency liberalization and easing of currency restrictions , this strategy is our joint document which we developed in consultation with the International Monetary fund, its purpose is to give ukrainian business more oxygen, more confidence , more adaptability, it is also true that this strategy does not have a calendar schedule implementation there is no such thing as before september 1. We will do something , then in october we will take the next step. To be very cautious to a certain extent, but as practical as possible in our liberalization steps , simply violates the new loans that ukraine receives from june 20, 2023, to date, are outside the limits of the relevant administrative restrictions, they can be serviced without problems external loans from nonresidents, this means that new money that will come to ukraine they are outside the currency restrictions, the ukrainian economy receives a resource. In yazan , multiple restrictions on Exchange Rates are maintained as a prerequisite 36. 6 points on the street in the exchanger are 42, one of the prerequisites for moving to currency liberalization is to equalize to make the ukrainian hryvnia more attractive in order for it to be seen as a tool for both savings and doing business, and what we currently see, as i already said, the net supply of the currency today exceeds the net demand , ukrainians sell more currencies than buy hryvnia deposits the volume and specific weight of time deposits are increasing, these are all prerequisites that will allow the National Bank to gradually abolish those administrative restrictions on the movement of capital that cause inconvenience to citizens and for ukrainian business, an important point about which it is worth mentioning is the total amount of gold and Foreign Exchange reserves, and here is good news , its ukrainian gold and Foreign Exchange reserves reached a record level during the entire period of independence of ukraine, more than 39 billion, so they were formed to a greater extent at the expense of International Financial assistance, but this gives us the opportunity to think about the next steps in the direction of currency liberalization and the return of the ukrainian economy and the mode of Business Operation to normal, usual conditions, even though the war continues and that what are we talking about in principle, about the fact that currency liberalization is possible, this is also a good sign, thank you very much for giving us time today, it was the chairman of the National Bank of ukraine, Andriy Pishnyi well , the marathon continues strengthen the borders of ukraine for drones, join the gathering of Border Guards we decided to write this story after quite by accident i came across this very nice conversation on the air of one of the russian channels , it is difficult to rent an apartment now where i lived in donetsk and buy even in such areas that are under fire there prices incomprehensible how have you probably already understood the moment that posylin excitedly announces to the propagandists about the Real Estate Market in hordes, saying that the demand for apartments is not only in donetsk, but also in depressed workingclass cities such as shakhtarsk and torez . Both for purchase and for rent, uh, and in makeevka, including in such cities that uh, well, lets say, they werent on the front lines, that is , they buy just in case. All they do is drive up the prices, and listening to all this is, to put it mildly , ridiculous because exactly on the same channels and in these in the studios, they have been raping the ears of the audience for years, saying that ukraine has bombed donbas for 8 years, the war has been going on for 8 years, russian people have been killed almost every day, the krana nazis shelled the cities of donbas, it turns out that they bombed so much that the russians are now coming here to live. Bakhmuti, where there were really terrible bombings, there is no boom in real estate , there is no youth, there is a shortage of housing everywhere, it is precisely in such stories that propagandists and collaborators expose not only their lies and myths, but also in general, the whole supposedly rich and successful russian world, because look at how it is. If you believe the actual spread, even despite the hostilities and the lack of water for years, donbas looks more attractive to russians than their own regions. Well, guys, seven guys who are not advanced, the salary is good , it allows the opportunity to buy immu, that is, they will meet their own personal conditions , and there is nothing surprising in this, because if you look at how yakutia, for example, lives in the donbas of 2013 compared to this in the far Eastern Region this is just monaco and there is no exaggeration of any war here, but the region looks as if the nato bombing really ended last night. As if it was bombed by a projectile, and as if carpet bombardment. As it was , almost the entire Housing Stock of yakutia is barracks, and this is despite the fact that it is precisely on this land that they are mined gold, gas, oil and diamonds, but all profits are systematically taken by moscow, returning what little there really is, this is not moscow, here they gave the east a distinguishing ability of all regions, all regions do not like that all the money goes to moscow yes, youre from the province no. But as a result , taking into account space prices, the inhabitants of yakutia do not really live and survive, and you will see the conditions of their life now. This stove and my mother are everywhere. Why do we live like this . Why do we . Even a tenyearold child will understand you. Even a tenyearold child will understand you. You are supposed to be a disabled person. Ask me, bitch, i cant explain to a child, that is, its clear. Why is it that none of the yakuts are afraid of living in a horde without water, because in the occupied territories of ukraine it is provided at least once every three days, but in yakutia itself , tap water is an unreal luxury. The issue of hygiene of a citizen of the state in the 21st century is solved with the help of a basin or wet napkins, of course the husband wipes me there every day. Shock, how come they were always told about poor ukraine on tv, and the damned khokhli have sewers everywhere in yakutia , except that the local elite have all the toilet facilities for other already greatspirited yakuts questions are solved by hand with the help of a bucket in a city where the inhabitants of a strict and spiritual country pour the waste of life into the street without thinking, the residents of the house pour directly into the nearby standing puddle, as the owners of the house believe, fecal water from it goes directly under the house and in the fall and in the winter, when in the distant in the east, severe frosts occur , this way of life does not cause unnecessary inconvenience to the aborigine, but everything changes during the short summer, when the waste products of hundreds of thousands of people begin to thaw and entire cities literally swim in the feces and urine of a coward completely drowning his own from the void every soul every administrative building municipal establishment is flowing out of a dream flooding the streets with brownred ice that you are really busy trying to pump out at least from your yards whole stinking lakes and it goes on and on выtекаеt в прохожую прохожую зловноной жейй вода сейчас, here they pumped mud, it ran away, they are standing there, there is such a thing that there is no question of a normal life, but the most problematic for the locals is not even this the fact is that the feces that have melted in streams flow into the rivers, what kind of Drinking Water is this, by the way, waste is dumped there, and Industrial Enterprises of the suites of the stream of millionaires crackle right next to the fence of this year , the fence that goes to the village. The population has a large cancer disease, which makes the use of such water dangerous , especially if you take into account the condition of the hospitals of this far Eastern Region in the village near yakutsk, they close the hospital with a hospital for the residents of the village kangalatsii in yakutia are outraged that village clinics and hospitals will close the buildings in which ani was located in an emergency , but for missiles to bomb ukraine every day. There is no money to get to it, the inhabitants of the hinterland are banal, there is no lack of normal logistics , another important problem, yes, the corner, yes, high temperatures, yes, frost, well, its unlikely that the road and asphalt should be such a scrap port and what is everything we are a product that would be understandable if the country had no money, and what is the state of roads in neputsky due to improper drainage , the only way to get to yakutsk from the regions is most often aviation. To leave the village, even to the capital of the yakutsk region, of aviators there, in the opposite direction of the city, vyshe srednee zadzhnoy platy, i. E. , he got sick, took a loan, flew to some kind of consultation , it helped, it didnt help, but the money later you will have to practice here, a quite logical question arises. What prevents the officials from sending doctors to the regions . After all, you have to somehow treat the russians in the hinterland. And the answer on the surface is that you cannot do pr on the residents of russia. As a result , doctors from yakutsk travel 10,000 km to arrange ostentatious procedures for the residents of ordlo, a team of doctors from yakutia say that the population of the dnr needs help, doctors from several hospitals have agreed to go to support people who are now in a difficult situation and their own are dying at the same time bundles without elementary medical care, that is, putin and company cynically sacrifice the lives of yakuts for the sake of showing off somewhere , and it is not only about medicine. Yakutia took patronage over them from the regions of donbas, they frankly did not know how to laugh or cry, then the damn thing took patronage. These are the rich. Well, the people are not needed , and the authorities do not Pay Attention to us, like yes the urgency of the emergency situation tens if not hundreds of halfabandoned settlements settlements where are the last residents fleeing because of the unbearable Living Conditions . They will transform their ego or Something Else is not good, he says, maybe for a start it is worth taking patronage over them, but there are no fools. There is no need to eat curtains, flowers are definitely living in the apocalypse and there is no need to think that such a situation is due to bad firemen and the good putin simply does not know how to show the poor, which is nothing but an element of state policy, because when in the regions as a workforce , shift workers are preferred to serve 3 000 of the population , and up to 30,000 local people come to the guard in order to survive and feed their families, there is nothing left but to go to the army, some of them are used as cannon fodder by constant mortar fire of the enemy in more than two thousand shells were fired at us during the day, we did not have the opportunity to take cover , we were there without the support of aviation , artillery, not having normal

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