“SERIOUS concerns” have been raised about a large-scale development planned for the outskirts of Dunbar.
Discussions surrounding a site to the east of the town’s Asda store and garden centre have been ongoing for almost a year.
An application outlining the potential road network at the more-than-50-acre site, named DunBear Park, is with East Lothian Council, with Hallhill Developments Ltd revealing further plans during a meeting last month.
The latest proposals have been considered by Dunbar Community Council, which has written to Ken Ross, from Hallhill Developments Ltd, to outline members’ concerns.
The letter, signed by community council chairwoman Pippa Swan, reads: “Dunbar Community Council members present at the recent Hallhill Tenants’ and Residents’ Association (HTRA) meeting were interested to see the latest iteration of the design team’s thoughts on the DunBear Park development.