EPA challenge seeks innovative solutions to cut indoor wildfire smoke
SEATTLE (KTVZ) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other federal, state, local and tribal partners have launched the Cleaner Indoor Air During Wildfires Challenge Competition.
The goal of the challenge is to solicit ideas for low-cost air cleaning technologies that reduce particulate air pollutants in homes during western wildfires or other high pollution episodes. If their ideas are chosen, Challenge winners will receive prizes of up to $10,000.
“As we work to address the public health threat from large and more intense wildfires in our country, particularly in our western states, we call on all innovators to provide ideas and solutions for new and low-cost technologies or approaches to reduce indoor air pollution during wildfires,” said Jennifer Orme-Zavaleta, Acting Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development and the agency’s Acting Science Advisor.