Associated Press
Newly erected border wall separating Mexico, left, and the U.S., cuts through the Sonoran Desert just west of the San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge on Wednesday.
Sunday, December 20, 2020 1:00 am
Environmental damage created by wall
Many hoping it can be reversed if building halted
ANITA SNOW | Associated Press
GUADALUPE CANYON, Ariz. – Work crews ignite dynamite blasts in the remote and rugged southeast corner of Arizona, forever reshaping the landscape as they pulverize mountaintops in a rush to build more of President Donald Trump's border wall before his term ends next month.
Each blast in Guadalupe Canyon releases puffs of dust as workers level land to make way for 30-foot-tall steel columns near the New Mexico line. Heavy machines crawl over roads gouged into rocky slopes while one tap-tap-taps open holes for posts on U.S. Bureau of Land Management property.