Environmental clearance to Kirthai HEP
Environmental clearance to Kirthai HEP
Since even minute aspects of the environmental issues, evaluation of any adverse impact, concerns of the stake holders, suggestions of the locals etc in relation to setting up of mega projects like the one in Paddar Kishtwar – 1320 MW 2nd stage Kirthai Hydel Project, are to be taken care of by the Appraisal Committee Panel of the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests. When the proposal for environmental clearance was sent to the Ministry, propagation of the fishes was feared to get vastly disturbed due to some changes in the river course while appraising the proposal in the year 2018. Certain points were raised which were to be clarified in order to get the environmental clearance. In other words, clearance per-se was deferred. It is heartening to note that in one of the recent meetings convened by the Committee where replies to the points raised were examined, environment clearance has now been issued subject to observance of certain guidelines by the project proponent – the Jammu and Kashmir Power Development Corporation. It is evident that the Environment Management Plan needs to be strictly adhered to, in addition to paying of compensation for the land acquired which usually gets delayed. Necessary control measures as also providing jobs to the families affected by the project are all to be looked into. The most important aspect of the environmental clearance is a review every five years by an independent agency to assess any adverse impact on the environment on account of the project under reference which means regular monitoring of such impact, if any, by the project proponents. Since development and environment concerns must get equal parity, in no case should environment concerns made subservient to development