Hulu has given an eight-episode series order to an unscripted show about Wayne Brady and his family. The yet-to-be-titled series will follow Brady, who is still best friends with his ex-wife and business partner, Mandie Taketa. Together, they co-parent their 20-year-old daughter, Maile Brady, a student and aspiring artist, as well as running their production company. A premiere date has not been set...

Bo Goldman, Oscar-winning screenwriter on One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Melvin and Howard, died Tuesday in Helendale, California, his son-in-law, Tár director Todd Field, tells The New York Times. Goldman was 90. He also wrote The Rose, starring Bette Midler, and Scent of a Woman -- the last of which starred Al Pacino in an Oscar-winning performance -- and Meet Joe Black, starring Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins. Goldman also worked on scripts for Warren Beatty’s Dick Tracy and Wolfgang Petersen‘s The Perfect Storm...

Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae El Moussa’s HGTV docuseries The Flipping El Moussas has been renewed for a second season with an expanded 14-episode order. "The new season will find Tarek and Heather Rae taking risks in the Southern California housing market and adjusting to life with a newborn," said Loren Ruch, Head of Content, HGTV, per HGTV. "They will have more to juggle than ever before, bringing their millions of loyal fans who have followed their journey from the beginning along for the ride." Season 2 is slated to premiere in early 2024...

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Helendale ,California ,United States ,New York ,Heather Rae El Moussa ,Todd Field ,Tarek El Moussa ,Bo Goldman ,Wayne Brady ,El Moussas ,Brad Pitt ,Heather Rae ,Anthony Hopkins ,Mandie Taketa ,Loren Ruch ,Bette Midler ,Wolfgang Petersen ,Warren Beatty Dick Tracy ,Al Pacino ,Maile Brady ,New York Times ,One Flew Over ,Meet Joe Black ,Warren Beatty ,Dick Tracy ,Perfect Storm ,Flipping El Moussas ,Southern California ,Talkradio ,Louisiana ,Syl 970 ,Syl 104 9 ,Ush Linbaugh ,Sean Hannity ,Ave Graichen ,Oast To Coast ,Mark Levin ,Ichael Savage ,Bs Radio News ,Oon Griffon ,Im Komando ,Inkedupradio ,Nvisionwise ,Ben Shapiro ,Att Dunn ,Im Leggett ,Tsu ,

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