Malnutrition affects millions of people worldwide, and its consequences can be devastating, especially for women and children. At the same time, women have a crucial role to play in the fight against malnutrition. In particular, the reporting, investigation and advocacy of women journalists can help bring attention to the issue and drive change that can improve the lives of millions of people affected by malnutrition. In early February 2023, the Permanent Executive Secretariat of the Multisectoral Food and Nutrition Security Platform in Burundi, in collaboration with the Association of Burundian Women Journalists and through a partnership with the Ministry of Communication, Information Technology and Media, brought together women journalists from throughout Burundi to learn about nutrition and food security reporting through a two-day workshop. The workshop, which took place on 9 and 10 February, aimed to equip women journalists with the basic knowledge of nutrition and food security and familiarize them with the multisectoral coordination approach. Participants were provided with the necessary skills to ensure proper media coverage of these topics when required. The workshop was supported by the health and agriculture ministries of Burundi and financed by Bwirkt Burundi, from the German region of Baden-Württemberg. After the workshop, the Association of Burundian Women Journalists collaborated with the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) team in Burundi to organize a writing contest on nutrition to mark International Women’s Day. Participants were provided with topics from the training and encouraged to write about nutrition or produce a story using the skills acquired during the workshop. The best work will receive prizes during Women’s Rights Week. This initiative is an excellent opportunity for women journalists in Burundi to enhance their reporting skills and knowledge on nutrition and food security, enabling them to raise awareness about these important topics, share valuable information with the public, and contribute to improving the nutrition and food security situation in the country.