Call Friday:
2:56 a.m., woman stopped breathing after suspected overdose, Glenn Highway; United Ambulance, Cambridge FD and police.
Calls Thursday:
6:06 p.m., man threatened to kill female and dog, Raven Road. Man arrested.
3:42 p.m., electrical fire inside a residence, Goddard Craft Lane; Cambridge FD.
3:31 p.m., logging accident, Claysville Road; Cassell Station EMS/FD.
1:19 p.m., unresponsive inmate in the county jail, Southgate Parkway; United, Cambridge FD and deputies.
7:29 a.m., female patient assaulting staff, Liberty School Road; United and deputies.
5:46 a.m., van over an embankment, Leatherwood Road; United and Quaker City FD.
Calls Thursday:
9:11 p.m., juvenile boy and adult female assaulted by a man who entered their home through a window, Woodlawn Avenue. Suspect arrested.