Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. has made a new market making agreement with Arion Banki hf. effective as of 1 May 2021 whereas the bank undertakes to act as market maker for the Company’s shares listed on Nasdaq Iceland.
The Company will continue with its market making agreement with Islandsbanki hf.
According to the agreement with Arion Banki, the bank is committed to making daily bid and ask offers for a minimum of 50,000 shares at a price which Arion Banki hf. determines in every instance, but not exceeding 3% deviation from last transaction price. The maximum bid-sell spread shall be 1.5%. If Arion Banki makes transactions within the day exceeding 400,000 shares all commitments are cancelled until the next business day. If changes to the Company‘s share price within a day exceeds 10.0%, Arion Banki can double the maximum bid-sell spread temporarily that day.