Written by Eric He
During last week’s Los Altos City Council reorganization meeting, outgoing Mayor Jan Pepper asked for a motion to approve the consent calendar.
After a few seconds of silence, Pepper said, “I will move it then.”
Ellie Van Houtte/Town Crier File Photo
Jeannie Bruins is termed out after serving eight years on the Los Altos City Council.
“And I will second,” chirped outgoing Councilwoman Jeannie Bruins, laughing.
“Our last motions, right, Jeannie?” Pepper said. “Moved by Pepper, seconded by Bruins — may we please have a roll call vote?”
With smiles on their faces, the two outgoing council members departed the dais after eight years. They were the only two council members to serve consecutive terms that started in 2012 and ended last week, after Sally Meadows and Jonathan Weinberg were sworn in at the meeting.